As he spoke, Edelweiss looked up to the west of Sardinia.

The breath that was still colliding violently just now has disappeared without knowing it.

"The war of gods will not start immediately, but..."

"It won't be too long." A voice came from the door, picking up what Edelweiss had said in the middle.

"Master Yuntian!"


Erica stood up from the chair immediately, and Lukurazia also tried to get up from the bed after hesitating for a moment.

Yun Tian passed Erica to the bedside, and first looked at Edelweiss.

After seeing his lover nodding his head slightly, Yuntian observed Lukurazia who was lying on the bed and was weak.

Then, he reached out and touched the opponent's head.

Accompanied by the rise of a trace of water vapor, Lukurazia felt that her state was recovering rapidly.

The body that was severely injured due to the overdrawing of the mantra, and the price he paid for dragging his injuries to see Yuntian, whether it was physical or mental injuries, healed from severe injuries to moderate injuries at an incredible speed.

However, such a miraculous healing method did not attract Luculazia's attention, and even the fact that the god Yuntian was standing by her side could not overshadow the impact of another incident on her.

That is, Yun Tian's action of looking at Edelweiss just now.

Not only Lukurazia, but even Erica looked at Edelweiss with an expression of disbelief.

One of them is a witch who has lived for a long time, and the other is a talented young lady from a famous family. It is impossible for the two of them not to see what the simple interaction between Yun Tian and Edelweiss means.

'traitor? ! 'x2

Seeing the gazes from the two, Edelweiss, who understood the meaning, returned a gentle smile to the two.

Righteousness (Edelweiss Version).jpg

Yun Tian didn't pay attention to the small movements between them, and with the use of hydrotherapy, he felt that Lukurazia's state had stabilized, and then stopped the treatment.

He didn't cure her directly, not because Yun Tian couldn't do it, but because he didn't intend to do it.

Although Edelweiss said that the other party was temporarily credible, it cannot be ruled out that he gave up struggling because he could not see hope.

If he really wanted to treat her completely, Yuntian couldn't guarantee whether this witch who was not weak would have other thoughts.

Yun Tian, ​​who withdrew his hand, looked at Lukurazia, and asked with some interest:

"Are you going to be my witch?"

Yun Tian is now a god, and has also obtained a divine temporary skill. During the four years with Edelweiss, he has been researching and developing this skill.

To be honest, progress is slow.

The development of the skill of divinity is far more difficult than imagined. If you want to go deep, if there are no special circumstances, I am afraid that the time will be calculated in units of hundreds or even thousands of years.

Fortunately, even if you don't develop it in depth, you can still master a lot by simply using Yuntian.

Just like transforming it with the power of stars, Yun Tian developed a brand new ability after trying to combine divinity with the power of destiny.

That is the 'faith' that everyone is familiar with.

With the help of the connection of the power of fate, with the skill of divinity as the center, Yuntian can gain 'faith' from the witch who really belongs to him.

He said it was 'faith', but in fact Yuntian couldn't truly affirm that his new ability was the power of faith in his understanding.

At least in form they are very similar, and Yuntian named it 'faith'.

As long as the witch prayed to him, this power would be transmitted to Yuntian and accumulated. After personally contacting him, Yuntian felt that this power was not so mysterious.

In essence, this is the crystallization of a person's belief or desire power. The so-called piety is just how much she is willing to entrust her own will to the god Yuntian without reservation.

People's beliefs can explode with infinite power, just like Yuntian's sword intent and sword domain, they are actually an extension of belief or mind power.

The 'faith' that is the crystallization of this power cannot be called omnipotent, but at least it is not an exaggeration to say that it is omnipotent.

Yuntian didn't develop the power of faith too much, and for the time being, he could only ignite it as fuel in the simplest way.

But such a simple use was enough to surprise him.

When the power of belief is ignited when the perception is opened, the range and accuracy of perception will increase with the consumption of belief.

Including the understanding of concepts, the comprehension of swordsmanship, and even the strength that erupts in battle can be increased by igniting the power of faith.

Its effect can be called a universal wishing machine.

The only downside is that it consumes too much.

Yun Tian once tried to burn the power of faith to increase while continuing to comprehend the concept of death. In just a moment, he really regained the feeling of having Youyouzi by his side in Baiyulou.

But at that moment, almost all of his power of faith storage for nearly a year was burned out.

The great consumption is directly proportional to the astonishing effect.

Of course, this is also related to the source of Yuntian's power of faith. There are too few sources that he can use to gain power of faith, only the more than 30 witches he rescued four years ago.

There are only more than 30 people's beliefs. If it is replaced by the kind of beliefs that become gods, the gods may be on the verge of extinction.

1462 The Prologue of the Battle of the Gods!

It is said that Yuntian now has more than 30 witches, and all of them are gifted girls with extremely outstanding qualifications.

But in fact, because of the particularity of this world, people do not so much believe in the God of Disobedience, but rather reverence or even fear.

In the perception of the girls, they were rescued by Edelweiss, and later they learned that Edelweiss was forcibly taken away by Yuntian.

With such cognition and mentality, even if they understand the connection between themselves and Yuntian, there are very few people who really offer prayers for him.

Thanks to the outstanding talents of the girls, even if they have no faith, the object is not Yuntian, just routine prayer or practice can provide the power of faith beyond the serious prayer of ordinary people.

Otherwise, Yuntian probably doesn't have the power of faith that can be used to develop and use it, and even four years later, he will initially discover the existence of this power.

Among the more than 30 witches, only a few would really pray to him, and there were only three who could be called 'sincere'.

Two of them, Yuntian, knew who they were, and they also knew the purpose of their sincere prayer.

As for the extra one, although it was a little unexpected, there were more than 30 people after all, and it was not difficult to understand that there were people with different ideas and personalities.

The three of them can be said to be the main source of power of faith for Yuntian to develop this new ability in the past four years.

To be honest, Yuntian is not very interested in using the power of faith to increase the temporary increase in combat power, but the function of assisting cultivation and understanding concepts is really interesting.

He has no intention of being a god stick, nor does he intend to deliberately promote himself on a large scale like a god.

After all, Yuntian is not one of those who believe in gods, and the power of faith is not his foundation.

But if there is a chance, he doesn't mind adding some high-quality sources of power of faith.

He also felt this way about keeping Erika by his side, and it is the same for Lukurazia now.

People with excellent qualifications, outstanding talents, strong strength, and firm beliefs provide far more beliefs than countless ordinary believers.

For Yuntian who has no interest in developing 'quantity', relying on 'quality' is the only choice.

" that so?"

However, facing Yuntian's invitation, Lukurazia showed a tangled look on his face.

She has just experienced the magic of Yuntian Hydrotherapy, and she also understands why the other party has not completely cured herself. As long as she accepts it, then she obviously does not need to spend several months or even a year of recuperation to recover from her current injury.

It's just that it's not a small matter for a witch like her who is almost at the pinnacle to offer her faith.

"Become my priestess, offer your faith to me, and I will naturally give you the protection you deserve."

Yun Tian looked at Lukurazia who was still hesitant, and did not force him.

What he wanted was true faith, and what he got by relying on coercion was likely to be as insignificant and shallow as those 30 or so witches.

"My words are always valid. As long as you figure it out and pray with my name, you will get a response."

Saying that, Yun Tian turned around and walked out the door.

While passing by Erica, he paused a little, and left a word in the girl's ear.

"You too."

. . . . . .

Because of the appearance of Yuntian, it stimulated Mekar and Weileslana at the same time.

Knowing that there are new characters on the stage that originally belonged to the two of them, both Mekar and Veleslaner are trying their best to recover from their injuries.

In the original book, Mekar's injury was heavier than that of Veleslana. Even with Kusanagi Godou's interference, it was the undefeated warrior god of Persian mythology who completed the recovery first.

Now, because of Yuntian's appearance, Kusanagi Godou withdrew from the stage early, and Veleslana's recovery was not disturbed.

On the contrary, it was because of an imposing collision with Yuntian that Mekar failed to fully recover in time.

And this also determined the location of the battlefield.

. . . . . .

Yuntian, Edelweiss, and Erica rested for a day at the Witch's Hut in Luculazia.

The atmosphere is not good.

Erica and Luculazia obviously didn't dare to talk to Yuntian. Edweis, who had originally played the role of easing the atmosphere, also entered a state of preparation. The atmosphere became more and more serious, and at the same time, Erica and the two vaguely noticed something. .

On the second day, a strong momentum broke out without any disguise.

The location is exactly on the west side of Sardinia where Yuntian has been!

. . . . . .

A faint light rose in the eastern sky.

Bathed in the light, the 'strong wind' came and turned into a young boy who landed gently on the ground.

Having a deep relationship with the Godhead of Light, he chose to start a new repertoire at this dawn. Looking at the forest surrounding the ancient ruins in front of him, the young man unabashedly exuded a violent aura and fighting spirit.

The monstrous divine power swept over everything, and the energy fluctuations of the riot could be easily felt in any corner of Sardinia.

He is sending an invitation.

Invite yesterday's fearless warrior, invite the witch who dared to peek at the battle of gods, invite the new kind who took the stage without authorization, and invite the god king who has an unfinished battle with him.

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