Invite all people and gods who dare to stand in front of him to start the long-awaited decisive battle!

"I, here, seek a defeat!"

Amidst the loud laughter, Veleslana, the undefeated god of the ancient Persian army and the god of disobedience, appeared in full state!

Bathed in the light of dawn, his divine power in the God of Light camp will receive an additional boost, and the light of dawn will allow him to reach the true peak.

In front of Veleslana, an enchantment enveloped the entire forest.

That was Mekar's power. The god king who had not fully recovered set up this barrier to stop everything after Yuntian left yesterday.

As the king of the gods in charge of the sky and the ancient supreme god of the Mediterranean region, Mekar has a very wide range of powers.

For comparison, adding the famous Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon together may reflect the scope of authority of this ancient Mesopotamian god-king.

Therefore, Mekar also holds the godhead of the sun, and the barriers he set will also be boosted at dawn.

But the scope of Mekar's control is too wide, and his core godhead is still the sky, whether it is thunder or heavy rain, it is more pure than his sun godhead.

In this regard, as the guardian of the sun, Veleslana has an extremely obvious advantage.

The young god walked forward with a smile, and the barrier set up by the god king could not stop him from passing.

The god of war possesses ten incarnation powers, and this youthful appearance is also one of them. The glorious youth incarnation symbolizing a 'hero' possesses the power of domination and protection.

The trees twisted under the effect of the enchantment, attacking him like a poisonous snake, but they all retreated in front of the words of 'retreat'.

"Hahahaha, this level can't stop me, King Mekar, let's start a new struggle!"

1463 Biting cold wind!

When Veleslana defeated the forest barrier and was heading towards the ruins of St. Buster where Mekar was.

What greeted him was an overwhelming army of locusts!

Ordinary pests can't harm a god no matter how many, but it's different if it's an apostle summoned by God with power.

Similar to the wolves under Vauban that I have seen before, the innumerable locust army is also of an unimaginable size.

The way they spread their wings and fly in the air is really disgusting and scary.

That was Mekar's apostle, a servant sent by the ancient god king.

Mekar is not only the god of storms, the god of the sea, but also the god of the sun. At the same time, he also holds the authority of the god of life, such as harvest and barrenness.

The locusts that devoured the crops and left the earth in ruins are the embodiment of his power.

Wellerslana did not continue to use the power of the 'boy' incarnation, he raised his hand, and the eighth incarnation 'goat' was activated.

A golden thunder shot out from his raised hand, instantly burning the locust army and the forest ahead to ashes.

"King Mekar, is this the only method you use to stop the Undefeated Army God?"

"Killing some lookouts makes you so proud, God of Warriors, don't worry, I have more than that prepared for you."

Mekar's voice came from the front, and he responded to Veleslana's provocation, and at the same time, the storm swept in.

Not only that, in addition to the storm that can set off the city, there are also dead warriors awakened from the underworld, raging waves like a great flood, thunder spears that symbolize the wrath of the sky, and so on.

The ancient god king swayed his divine power, fully displaying his vast and incomparable power.

It's a pity that he failed to stop Welleslana after all.

The juvenile-looking military god changed his incarnation, using different powers to meet the authority of the god king, and finally, he stepped into the ruins of St. Buster.

"Hmph, it's this irritating power of change again." Mekar's voice sounded.

As a god king, he has such a wide range of authority, but the military god Veleslana can use a single authority to explode the same variety of abilities.

This made Mekar, who suffered a loss from the power of change last time, a little unhappy.

"Hahahaha, just relying on this power of change, no matter what battlefield I will hold victory in my hands."

Weileslana smiled, looked around the ruins, and finally stopped at the entrance of the underground temple.

"Old King, I've already noticed your aura, don't you plan to come out? It seems that your divine power has not been fully recovered. This is also part of your ability. Don't say that I am invincible."

Unlike when Yuntian came last time, the entrance to the underground temple that was originally open was blocked by a huge stone.

"Even if it is you, this rock cannot be easily destroyed. This is the gate of the highest temple bestowed by the old man with his own mythology."

As the king of gods, Mekar naturally has many other various gods under him.

In its mythology, there is an experience of ordering the craftsman god of Canaan mythology to build the highest temple, and this myth is attached to the huge stone at the door in the form of a concept, and this underground temple has a conceptual highest temple level. door.

Welleslana looked at the huge rock, he didn't think that the gate of the temple could block him out.

He raised his hand to arouse the power of the avatar, but suddenly, the movement of the young god stopped.

"come yet?"

Veleslana turned his head, and God King Mekar also turned his attention from the temple.

There, two figures of a man and a woman walked through the forest and walked into the ruins.

"Are you here to intervene in the struggle between me and King Mekar? The unknown warrior god." Welleslana looked at Yuntian for the first time.

In the absence of explosive momentum, the distance may not be felt, but at such a distance face to face, the divinity looming on Yuntian's body told Weileslana his identity.

Of course, this also has something to do with Yun Tian not deliberately doing his best to restrain his breath.

Otherwise, relying on S-'s natural affinity, he can shield all the aura related to God to a state where he can't perceive it face to face.

But Yun Tian's mission this time is related to his god background, so usually he will only restrain the god's aura overflowing from the pile of blessings on his body, and will not cover up more.

This is the benefit of skills, as long as you master them proficiently, you can control the degree by yourself.

But the jade pendant on Edelweiss is different. As equipment, it will cover up all aura after wearing it, and there is no way to determine the degree according to one's own thoughts.

This also led to two meetings, and Veleslaner did not pay too much attention to Edelweiss.

After all, she is neither a god nor a godslayer, and she does not have the aura of a strong person in her body. It is really difficult for Weileslana, who has appeared in the world in order to seek defeat, to pay attention.

"Your opponent is me."

So when Edelweiss said that, Welleslana was slightly taken aback, and his eyes wandered between Yuntian and Edelweiss twice.

In the end, he still stopped his gaze on Edelweiss, and said:

"I will not refuse the challenge of any outstanding fighter. Your previous performance has already shown that you have good strength, courage, and belief are all excellent, but... if you challenge me now, I will not fight against you." show mercy."

Although Veleslana would not refuse Edelweiss' challenge, he was actually more looking forward to fighting against unknown gods like Mekar or Yuntian.

At other times, Welleslana will leave the challenge project, location, and time to the challenger to decide, because he is confident that he will not fail no matter what.

But now, if the battle with Edelweiss wasted too much time, it would not be easy for him to intervene to pick up the leak after Mekar and Yuntian had decided the winner.

What he wants is victory after a fierce battle, and what he seeks is defeat after a fierce battle, rather than picking up the loopholes of an invincible victory.

Mekar's injury was caused by himself in the previous battle, but if he fought with Yuntian, the situation would be different.

"Are you merciful..." Edelweiss smiled when he heard Welleslana's words.

To be honest, she likes the state that everyone treats her as an ordinary person after wearing the hermit jade pendant. In the past four years, Edelweiss has been really happy.

But at this moment, she understood the disadvantages of this jade pendant.

How long?

She Edelweiss even had a day when she was underestimated.

"Even I'm a little bit upset."

Platinum-gold winged swords emerged in his hands. Edelweiss still had a smile on his face, but the surrounding atmosphere changed.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew past.

It's cold and biting!

. . .

. . .

. . .


The second is later, it should be before noon

1464 God, is this the level?

"Is it really good? Don't stop them."

Near the ruins of St. Buster, Erika and Luculazia's black cat familiar were looking at the three gods who were facing each other not far away.

"" Erica didn't look at the familiar, but kept her eyes on Edelweiss and Yuntian.

Faced with this kind of disaster that might destroy the entire Sardinia, neither Erica nor Luculazia could stay in the Witch's Cabin safely and wait.

To be selfish, if the worst happens, they need to know the situation as soon as possible and prepare to escape from the island.

If possible, it is even more important to know how strong the winner of the battle of gods is, and which direction they will go in the future.


"Sister Edwards..."

"Indeed, we can't stop her. We are far behind her in terms of strength and belief." Lukurazia heard Erika's murmur, and looked through the eyes of the familiar and summoned two swords. The pure white figure.

"It's hard to imagine that there is such a strong person living in the same era as us. Even Sir Paul may be... Ah, sorry."

In the middle of speaking, Luculazia suddenly realized that the girl beside her was the eldest lady of the Brontree family, and immediately stopped her continued evaluation.

"It's okay, I understand, because I feel the same way."

Erica is Paul's niece and can be said to be one of the people who knows the legendary great knight best.

But it was precisely because of her understanding that she deeply realized the gap between her uncle and Edelweiss.

"Really, can you win?"

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