* Sword magic

* No spell casting type

* Take the attack just launched as the standard, unconditionally reproduce that attack

* The reproduced attack has an additional 'Stronger' attribute, ignoring interference, it must be stronger than the standard attack, and must cause higher damage than the standard attack

* The increase in magic will be accumulated according to the adventurer's level and full ability value (including potential ability value)

* After activation, the cooling time is 24 hours, and the cooling time will be additionally increased according to "resistance to interference" and other situations

The black sun rising again, and the jet-black sword light streaking across the sky again.

Just like the reappearance of the scene, the magic flames and calamity fires intertwine in the sky, and the black light and silver glow meet on the ground.

The collision of forces once again triggered a doomsday scene like a catastrophe.

Everything is like a reenactment of the situation just now.

Only, the result has changed!

This time, it was the black magic flame that burned out the calamity fire, and the black sun pierced through the red sky.

This time, it was the pitch-black sword light that cut off the silver-colored sword flash, and the star-falling sword crushed the invincible killing blade!

Yun Tian didn't stop there, because the battle was over the moment the 'Fire Condemned' and the 'Tearing Silver Hand' were shattered!

The black sun fell from the sky and crashed toward Vauban.The pitch-black sword light cut forward and attacked Tony!


Amidst the earth-shattering roar and vibration, this blow declared the end of the battle!

All that was left was a huge void that was as deep as an abyss.

. . . . . .

Vauban ran away.

Yun Tian failed to keep him.

The old Godslayer's first authority, the 'Greedy Wolves', was usurped from the sun god Apollo.

Although it is not the power of light and the sun, it also has extremely high resistance to light, heat, and the sun.

Especially after transforming into a werewolf, he will even directly gain the ability of "protection of light", which has the power to restrain the attributes and concepts of the sun.

In Yuntian's sword skill against Woban, the image itself is the sun, and it is a half move of the complete sword skill.

Even with the 'stronger' attribute given by the magic bonus, it is impossible to still have the power to kill Vauban after defeating the power 'Condemned by Fire'.

Moreover, even if he really died, the old man could be resurrected by power.

After Yuntian's sword skill fell, with the help of bangs, explosions and shocks, Woban used the ability similar to 'teleportation' that Yuntian had seen to leave the battlefield directly.

Therefore, whether the final blow had any effect on him, Yun Tian couldn't be sure.

But Yuntian on Tony's side can be sure, the Star Perishing Sword really hit him, and now he probably fell into the huge hole created by the two collisions.

The tiankeng is bottomless, and Yun Tian has no intention of going down to pursue it.

As for Tony's life or death, it all depends on his own luck.

However, Yun Tian felt that at the last moment, Tony would not have died just like that because he had used the power of the "Guard of Steel" to protect him.

His biggest trouble was probably how to climb up from under that hole.

But that has nothing to do with Yuntian. After fighting to his heart's content, Yuntian took Edelweiss and Erica to the red copper  value Nao Yijun?/p>

In short, let's have a meal first.

1512 Uncle and nephew, Erica's abandonment

"Have you made up your mind, Erica Brauntree?"

A familiar voice sounded beside the ear, and standing in front of the girl was a tall and strong knight, Paul Brauntree.

"I've always said that you are our pearl, the one who will one day stand at the apex of the association."

This red copper  is worth naoqin. p>

"Of course I still remember, my lord uncle."

For a conversation between uncle and niece, both Paul and Erica's words are a little too formal.

However, in addition to the relationship between uncle and nephew, after all, they also have a layer of superior-subordinate relationship with the association.

So delicate dialogue like this is a normal scene for Paul and Erica.

This is Red CopperWorth Naoyi to see?/p>

After bringing Yuntian here, Erica, who found someone else to receive them, temporarily left Yuntian's side, and went upstairs to the commander-in-chief's office.

And Paul also seemed to know that she was coming, so he waited here in advance.

"You are like my own daughter to me."

"Well, I understand that it is because of your nurturing and teaching that I am what I am today."

"Hearing you say that, even I feel somewhat proud... Erica, looking at you now reminds me of myself more than ten years ago."

Paul looked at Erica, as if he was looking at himself in his youth, with a look of emotion on his face.

"At that time, I was still a reckless brat with overconfidence in my abilities, and I learned a lesson because of this, and I got into a needless predicament in England, which I visited by chance."

"What happened to Prince Alek?" As Paul's niece, Erica had naturally heard about that incident.

In Paul's nearly 40 years of life, he has experienced countless legendary death fights.

But the most famous one is the debut of the young devil, the Black Prince of England.

It was from then on, and it was precisely because of his involvement in the birth of the Demon King that Paul Brauntree's legendary name was created.

Facing the devil with swords and swords, he fought with his henchmen with swords. He also fought against the ancient monsters revived by the black prince, and even took the blame for the black prince to deal with the female demon who was eyeing the devil.

There may be ambiguities in these rumors, but each of them is an actual record, and it is also the glory of Paul's legendary name.

Red copper  rank 缃竦mu κⅲ negative lame transport stool Qin Yang Qu Xing ship Huang Zhi Cong Lan G?/p>

"But to be honest, I absolutely don't want to deal with people who will bring chaos to the world, but often... I have no room for rejection. When I realize it, I have already been involved."

Having said that, Paul changed the subject, looked at Erica seriously and said:

"But you still have the chance to refuse."

Paul rarely mentioned his achievements and experiences in his youth to others, but today, although not many, he said some very rarely.

"The more I experience it personally, the more I realize how bad, troublesome, and unscrupulous a godslayer is. Low."

"...I don't deny that, perhaps because I have dealt with those out-of-standard beings too many times, my judgment has been seriously affected by subjective feelings, and it is difficult to be called 'correct and objective'."

"But Erica, I hope you understand that Godslayers and Disobedient Gods are completely different from humans."

Erica didn't expect Paul to say so much, and this was the first time he expressed his views on those abnormal existences to the girl unreservedly.

"It is precisely because I have experienced it personally that I don't want you to suffer beside those monsters who can't communicate with reason at all. That kind of experience...I don't want you to bear it either publicly or privately."

Of course Erica knew what Paul was referring to, and she had made all the preparations before coming here, but when the girl really stood in front of her uncle, she found that those words were so meaningless.

What a huge benefit the combination of a godslayer and a god of disobedience would produce, especially at the moment when Yuntian defeated the two gods of disobedience with one enemy and two.

Even red copper   quality cutting cooking disease Huang Ping, seeking 洌,  ash   ǜ  氠 pavement barrel, Lu Chenggou accept 炀  Chi  cross will get enough influence to make your own power to a higher level force.

The same goes for the Brauntree family. There was the legendary great knight Paul in the past, and Erica inherited his legendary experience later. The entire Brauntree family will benefit greatly.

Would Paul not know such an obvious thing?

Of course he knew that as a red copper man, he was from Wei Wenshuo's family.

But even so, he still chose to persuade Erica to give up.

As a father!

Facing Paul like this, Erica didn't know how to speak for a while.

Maybe the two have completely different views and understandings about things, but the love from the elders cannot be faked anyway.

There was an atmosphere of silence in the room.

After a long time, Erica took a deep breath. The girl was moved by Paul's concern, but this was not a reason to shake her decision!

"Sorry, Uncle."

The short answer made Paul sigh.

"Your attitude has told me everything, Erica, is it because of that...Master Yuntian?"

"Just, can't it be that I want to stay with Sister Edelweiss?"

The girl's face was a little stiff. At this time, she felt embarrassed to be discovered by an adult after returning home after secretly doing bad things outside.

"Am I so easy to deceive in your eyes... Thinking about it, I really wish I had never had family conversations with you about relationships. This is my negligence, alas."

"Pointing at the girl's thoughts, you are remiss of duty no matter whether you are a gentleman or a knight!"

Erica's cheeks turned reddish, this kind of thing was mentioned by the elders, even she couldn't bear it.

"Anyway, I, Erica Brauntree, will join Lord Yuntian's lineup, and this time I will return to the headquarters..."

As she said that, Erica used the magic of summoning to summon a certain accessory on her favorite battle suit.

It was a short shawl with red vertical stripes on a black background, and it was written on red copper.

It is endowed with guardian magic, which can exert a defense equivalent to that of body armor.

The value of this shawl on red copper ?

"This is the red and black mark that you personally bestowed on me, and I will return it here. From this moment...Erica Brauntree is no longer a red copper  worthy of forgiveness!?/p>

1513 Title and arrangement

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