Putting the shawl representing everything in her past on the table next to the two, Erica bowed to Paul.

Then, without hesitation, he turned around and walked out the door.

There was no hesitation in her footsteps, and there was no hesitation in her back. The blond girl walked straight to the door without turning her head.

Paul didn't stop him either, just silently watching her walk forward step by step.

Until, the moment Erica arrived at the door.

call out--!

The sound of breaking through the air from behind made the girl subconsciously turn around to catch the thing thrown by Paul.

The soft touch in the hand, as well as the familiar red and black color scheme, made the girl froze in place instantly.

"this is...?!"

"Take it."

When Paul's voice came, Erica unconsciously looked in the direction where he was standing before.

However, Paul didn't look at her, and casually put away the red copper shawl on the table.

"I still have something to do. Master Yuntian and the new king still need you to entertain them. Let's go down."

Erica listened to Paul's words, and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar color scheme on the short shawl in her hand, and suddenly felt a little sour in her nose.

The same red and black, but not the red pattern on a black background that symbolizes the great knight, but the reverse combination.

A shawl with black stripes on a red background, planted in red copper ?/p>

That is the Chief Knight, the owner of the title of 'Red Demon'!

The title of 'Red Demon' represents the symbol of identity and honor of the red copper  species of red copper   species of happiness  provocation 锸 Kang Mu Yan Fei play  芄 wave cystic б lie   扑 ⒑ Pa  龀 嗤  cross.

This is by no means something that can be decided temporarily casually.

It must be discussed and unanimously approved by high-level officials, and can only be determined by the commander-in-chief.

And now, Paul was able to give it to Erica, and the meaning was self-evident.

Perhaps, the girl's uncle had anticipated her decision a long time ago.

After all, he was the person in the world who knew Erica Brauntree best.

. . . . . .

On the other hand, when Erica left, Yuntian and Edelweiss were swallowed up by the red copper. /p>

The battle between Yuntian, Woban, and Tony can be said to have caused a lot of losses, but because of the successive interceptions of the Temple of the Stars and Edelweiss, the aftermath did not spread too far.

The loss of several streets being razed to the ground is indeed an astronomical figure, but compared to the cost of previous Godslayer-level battles, this loss is almost negligible.

In the face of the large-scale destruction of a city and an island at every turn, there are only a few streets, and there are no casualties. The magic association of Yidali can simply cheer.

This was a result that was far from their best-case scenario.

It is precisely because of the mutual confirmation of the actual record and the real results in front of the eyes, coupled with the fact that the red copper    straight old Bian vote evenly > strong ⑸  neon worrying  private? /p>

Therefore, his attitude towards Yuntian, the disobedient god, is not so cautious. At least he can be regarded as an existence similar to a godslayer, rather than a bomb or natural disaster that explodes at any time.

Sensing the change in the surrounding atmosphere, Yun Tian also heaved a sigh of relief, and even the food tasted much better.

No one wants to look around and look at him with negative emotions like fear. Even if Yun Tian is used to being watched, it will still affect his mood to some extent.

Therefore, when Erica came back, Yun Tian was still eating happily.

"Is it done?"

Edelweiss, who was very reserved in front of outsiders, was already 'full', and when he saw Erica coming, he immediately asked her to come and sit down.

"Well, it's all settled."

Erica first ordered some food for the waiter on the machine, and then she went to sit next to Edelweiss, and chatted with her while looking at the sky while eating.

Because her status is completely her own, although Erica still maintains a certain degree of respect, her behavior is also quite casual.

This is also what Yuntian and Edelweiss requested. Both of them have no airs themselves, and they don't value the distinction between up and down except for necessity.

And to be honest, true trust in the heart is more important than superficial respect.

However, Erica's performance was a bit shocking in the eyes of others.

It's okay to sit with a godslayer, it's quite different to sit with a godslayer at dinner with a god who doesn't obey.

Seeing that Erica not only did not cause any dissatisfaction, but even communicated with the new king at will and even called her a sister, many people cast admiring glances at the girl for a while.

Unknowingly, it gave Erica a wave of prestige.

"Judging from your expression, it seems to be going well?"

Edelweiss looked at Erica, smiled lightly, pointed to his eyes, and joked:

"The circles under your eyes are red, why don't you consider covering them up?"

"Eh?" Erica's body stiffened for a moment, and then she wiped her eye sockets with her hands. With a slight fluctuation of the magic power, the red eye sockets returned to normal.

"Is this a spell?" Attracted by the girl's actions, Edelweiss immediately asked curiously.

"That's right, it's just a little trick. If sister Edelweiss is interested, I'll teach you later. It's very simple."

Erica took out a small mirror from nowhere, checked her appearance carefully, and answered Edelweiss.

After confirming that there were no other questions, she put away the mirror and smiled apologetically.

"I made you laugh, the conversation with my uncle just now made me a little emotional."

"Is that Paul Brauntree, what did he say?" Edwards asked.

After all, the other party is Erica's elder, just like the moon shadow tapir tooth had a different meaning to Edweiss in the fallen world, Paul is also an inseparable relative to Erica.

If a reconciliation can be reached, instead of leaving by severing the relationship, but walking on a new path with the blessings of the elders, it will also be of great significance to Erica.

"Uncle didn't say anything, until the end he still persuaded me to give up, it seems that his early experience with the Black Prince made him a little sensitive to this aspect."

"At least he understood my decision, though."

Listening to the girl's words, Edelweiss nodded.

"It's good that it doesn't end in the worst possible way."

Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, if Yueying Tapirya didn't approve of Yuntian back then, and objected to the relationship between Edelweiss and Yuntian.

Presumably, Edelweiss would also be very sad.

In this world, loved ones are always an inseparable part of people's hearts.

"Don't talk about me, sister Edelweiss, do you have any arrangements with Master Yuntian next?"

Erica diverted the topic away from herself, and asked Edelweiss after glancing at Yun Tian.

"It's nothing important. I should stay in Milan for a while." Edweiss thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Since that's the case, how about I arrange for Lili to come and meet Master Yuntian with you?"

1514 The visiting commanders

Milan recovered quickly.

Also because of the large evacuation and emergency evacuation of God War, the situation in Milan prepared in advance is much better than that of Sardinia, which was temporarily evacuated.

In just one day, this metropolis had already recovered to a seven-eighth degree. For most ordinary people, it was just a huge earthquake and a sudden change in the weather.

After it's all over, life goes on as usual.

A day or two of delay, the accumulation and changes of work, schedule, and studies are more important to ordinary people than weather disasters.

First, there was no property loss, and second, there were no casualties. People who were forced to delay their time just complained while returning to their ordinary and busy daily life in just one day.

To say that the people who were really affected were probably only the residents of the streets on the battlefield.

With the huge tiankeng left there, obviously, it is impossible for these people to 'go home' in a short time.

But Milan uses red copper  to cure the disease, which is the source of the cough, which is fierce and urgent. Please forgive me?/p>

It is worth mentioning that the remnants of the tiankeng have added a new tourist attraction to Milan.

The appearance of a bottomless giant tiankeng in such a large and prosperous modern city directly ignited the attention of people from all walks of life.

Various experts and professors were arguing over whether it was a meteorite falling from the sky or a rock plate collapsing.

The officials are well aware of the truth of the matter, and are also happy to see that this storm of public opinion has drawn the focus, so they did not make a conclusion on the incident, but openly opened the tiankeng for everyone to visit and investigate.

After all, it doesn't really have any research value. With the post-processing of magicians, there is no need to worry about the collapse of the chain reaction.

For a while, this new "natural wonder" caused a trend, and even a series of industrial economies related to Milan's tourism industry had an unexpected development.

. . . . . .

Yun Tian and Edelweiss looked at the streets with people coming and going, and couldn't help feeling that the human beings in this world are very good at accepting disasters.

In just one day, people seem to have forgotten the previous disaster, and the city has resumed its operation.

Perhaps it is because of the mysterious existence of the disobedient gods and beasts, and even ordinary knights and magicians. In the eyes of people in this world, it is no longer a surprise that such a catastrophe suddenly happened.

Human adaptability has always been exceptional.

"That, hello."

Just as he was feeling emotional, a voice interrupted Yun Tian's thoughts.

"Black hair and black eyes, height over 180 cm, handsome appearance but more outstanding temperament, people can't look away at first glance, accompanied by a white hair who is impeccable from any angle beauty..."

"It's Lord Yuntian and Lord Edelweiss, right?"

The owner of the voice was a black-haired girl, although the comments she uttered were very soft, but it was difficult to hide them from the ears of Yun Tian and Edelweiss.

"My name is Ariana Hayama Ali Arudy. I was sent by Erica-sama to be the tour guide and driver for the two of you today. Please give me your advice."

The girl is about 160 centimeters tall, has a lovely face, and looks about 18 years old.

Her black hair was tied up by a headband, and the maid outfit on her body clearly showed her identity.

Yun Tian has no impression of this maid who appeared in the original novel, but he still vaguely remembers it.

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