Wearing a white dress and a red kimono skirt, she was facing the mirror, and she was combing her long brown hair.

Natural heterochromatic hair is not very common in East Asia, so girls used to pay a little attention to their own hair color, and occasionally they were mistaken for dyed hair.

But now, these things don't matter so much.

After all, the experience four years ago made her no longer want to think about those meaningless trivial matters.

The only thing I miss in my heart is the white-haired big sister who I only met once.


Just as the girl was combing her hair while meditating, suddenly, the comb in her hand broke.

"...It's unlucky, I hope there will be no accidents."

Mariya Yuri sighed, looked at the comb in his hand, put it on the dressing table after a moment of silence, and stood up.

She plans to find someone to ask.

If it was an ordinary person, such a thing might turn around and forget it, but in the hands of a real witch like her, such a thing meant a 'sign'.

After leaving the shrine office, Yuri walked towards the front hall of the shrine.

On the way, I passed several priests, and they bowed their heads to say hello when they saw Yuri without exception.

A few years have passed, from being unaccustomed at the beginning to being used to it now, Yuri has been able to nod naturally in response to their greetings.

Of course, there is a reason for being so respectful to a girl who has just turned 16.

In this shrine, no, it should be said that in the entire current Far East, Mariya Yuri has a special status.

There may be more than one priestess in the highest position, but she is the only one who can easily summon miracles.

This Qixiong Shrine is also a shrine managed by her today.

"Yeah, the legendary Miko-sama, it's the first time we meet, can we talk a little bit?"

Suddenly, a casual and somewhat flirtatious voice stopped Mariya Yuri.

However, there was no respect in his tone when he called 'Master'.

The owner of the voice came out from the shadows, wearing leather shoes on his feet, but he stepped on the ground without making any sound.

This alone is enough to show that the man who came is not ordinary.

"It's our first meeting, who are you?" Yuri looked at the man with some vigilance.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Amakasu, and it is my honor to meet the legendary 'Miko of God'."

The man named Amakasu introduced himself and handed out his business card to Yuri.

Slightly different from his tone of voice, the man's actions were unexpectedly regular, from the distance he stood to the action of reaching out to hand over his business card without any overstepping.

Yuri took the business card, glanced at the name 'Amakasu Touma', and finally stopped at the title written under the name.

"People from the Official History Compilation Committee, what can I do for you?"

As a member of the Jujutsu community in the Far East, Yuri certainly knows about this organization that governs the Jujutsu world in the Far East.

Amakasu Touma, as the envoy of the Official History Compilation Committee, also attracted Yuri's attention.

She took a serious look at this young man in his late 20s, but to be honest, Yuri couldn't see anything special except that the suit on his body was a little out of shape.

"The organization has obtained some information, which may become the fuse of the unprecedented disaster in the Far East. It is very tricky, so I want to use the power of Yuan Miko."

"I hope you will forgive me for coming to see you without an appointment."

Listening to Amakasu's explanation, Yuri instinctively remembered the broken comb before, sighed in his heart, and tried to evade:

"I don't have the experience to cooperate with you in dealing with special incidents. The most I'm good at is housework assistants. There should be more people who are good at this kind of things among the maidens, right?"

"You're being humble." Amakasu seemed to have guessed Yuri's reaction long ago, so he continued:

"Although there are several idle mikos, there are only one who is as outstanding as you. Moreover, there are other reasons for this matter that must be yours."

Although Yuri doesn't have much contact with organizations in the magic world, as a miko, cooperating with the Official History Compilation Committee is considered one of her jobs.

Rather, it is somewhat surprising that the Official History Compilation Committee has never asked her to work in the past four years.

"Okay, what do I need to do?" Yuri gave up the evasion, and was about to take over the first job in the next four years.

But she never expected that Amakasu would throw out a word that she never wanted to hear again.

"Godslayer... The organization has received news that the seventh king who was born not long ago is heading towards the extreme east."

Although the godslayer is called a king, in fact, the name of him in the magic circle is more accurately "devil king".

The moment she heard this title, Yuri froze, and the memory of four years ago was awakened instantly.

"Looking at your reaction, you must understand why I came to you. You have seen the Marquis of Vauban before. Compared with other people, he is more suitable to entertain the new king."

"Yes... Has a new Godslayer been born?" Yuri murmured.

Unlike Erica and Liliana, Mariya Yuri did not become a high-level association or organization like them, but spent these four years as an ordinary shrine maiden.

For everything that happened on Sardinia, without any source of information, she can be said to be ignorant.

Amakasu was also aware of this, so he handed the materials he had prepared in advance to the girl.

"The evacuation of Sardinia and the sinkhole in Milan, you should have heard about it on the news. These events have the figure of the new king in them."

Having said that, Amakasu shrugged, and after a pause, he continued:

"But this time, the new king is not the point."

"The king is not the point?" Yuri didn't understand what Amakasu meant.

"Yes, the king is not the key, there is a name that you may be interested in, the one who will come to the Far East with the new king... the god of disobedience Orion!"


The moment she heard the name, the papers in Yuri's hand were scattered all over the place.

She looked at Amakasu, with uncontrollable shock in her eyes, and asked for proof:

"You mean, the god who didn't obey descended in the god descending ceremony four years ago?"

"That's right, the god that you and more than 30 other witches personally 'invited' down."

Amakasu knelt down to pick up the document, patted the soil on it, and handed it to Yuri again.

"So, how about you read the information first?"

1536 Purpose

Yun Tian's decision to leave for the extreme east was prompted by more than one reason.

First up is Erica's request.

Milan has just experienced World War I, and the influence of the Tiankeng incident in the world has not yet disappeared. Evacuating the people, guiding public opinion intelligence, post-war reconstruction, etc., all of which require a lot of manpower and material resources.

After all, this is her hometown, and Erica is now Yun Tian's own person.

It's fine if you don't have a choice, but now the initiative is in your hands, and the battlefield doesn't have to be in Milan.

After deciding to leave Milan and even Italy, there are many options for the destination of the next stop.

Arrange the priorities according to the degree of interest in Yuntian's heart, remove the low priority ones, and the options become three.

The Celestial Dynasty, the White Eagle Empire, and the Far East.

Tianchao and Jidong were originally one of the stops of Yuntian and Edelweiss' travel. If it wasn't for Sardinia, where they temporarily diverted, they might be somewhere in Tianchao and Jidong now.

The godslayer of the Celestial Dynasty, the martial arts king, made Yuntian very interested, and he also wanted to see the Celestial Dynasty in this world.

As for the extreme east, Edelweiss is more interested. After all, her teachers Kuroite Ryoma and Moon Shadow Tapir are both from the extreme east.

On the contrary, the priority of the White Eagle Empire was not that high at the beginning, and it was suddenly brought up after the recent series of events ended.

The reason is that Erica introduced to Yuntian and Edelweiss the situation of several existing godslayers in the world.

Among them, the Godslayer of the White Eagle Empire——John Pluto Smith's second power, the "Shooter of the Magic Bullet", usurped from the goddess Artemis.

Yes, that is Artemis, the moon goddess of hunting in Greek mythology, who has a mythological entanglement with Orion.

After getting this information, Yun Tian became very interested in the God Slayer who killed his 'old lover'.

Both Yuntian and Orion have formed an indissoluble bond with the existence named Artemis, and he has a blessing that belongs to Artemis.

Out of emotion and reason, he would go to the door to find the godslayer of the White Eagle Empire.

With the title of 'Orion', it would be wrong not to go.

Therefore, the three options, Tianchao, Baiying, and Jidong are the destinations for the next itinerary.

After making a trade-off, in the end, Yuntian decided on the extreme east.

As the hometown of the original protagonist of the story, Kusanagi Godou, the extreme east of this world is not simple, and there is at least one god behind it.

Susanoo, the god of steel who lives in seclusion in the secluded world is the god of the local mythology of the Far East.

Yun Tian also has a lot of interest in him.

It is even said that Yuntian has heard about the interpretation of the world's "conspiracy theory".

"Kusanagi Godou's becoming a Godslayer was arranged by Susanoo." "After becoming a Godslayer, he was reduced to a pawn due to the calculations of the high-level officials in the Far East."

This type of argument can be regarded as one of the mainstream interpretations of the world.

Regarding this, Yuntian temporarily responded with a dubious attitude.

Now that Edelweiss has become a godslayer and he himself has experienced a circle of godslayer process, Yun Tian can conclude that at least Kusanagi Godou's godslayer has nothing to do with it.

But if there is any push behind the scenes, Yun Tian can't bite him to death.

In all fairness, Yun Tian does not believe this statement.

The high-level people in the Far East have some unrealistic fantasies and it is still possible, but a god, there is no reason to do so.

The more he gets in touch with the so-called "god", the more Yuntian understands the position of "human" in the eyes of "god".

Perhaps it is cruel to say this, but in fact, to the gods in this world that does not rely on belief, the existence of human beings really doesn't matter.

Furthermore, the birth of the godslayer is definitely not something that gods can catalyze.

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