If this can be achieved, it will not be Susano's turn to do it, and the gods such as Pandora, who hold the ring of usurpation, have already started planning. Why wait for the godslayer to be born slowly like now.

This is Yuntian's judgment.

However, judgment is judgment, and nothing can be considered a conclusion until we actually meet that Susanoo.

Part of the reason for choosing the Far East this time is also here.

To confirm whether Kusanagi Godou really left the stage, by the way, bring the disaster of Athena to the Far East, and test the reaction of that Susanoo.

If he really had an arrangement, he probably wouldn't sit idly by in the matter of Yuntian taking Athena to invade his territory.

Once the two of them really let go of their hands and feet and go to war, the island country in the extreme east can't stand the toss.

In addition, as the central area of ​​the story, there are many important characters in the Far East.

Yuntian has to come sooner or later, and by the way, he can also harvest a few witches with good qualifications to enrich his faith reserves.

Speaking of witches. . .

When his thoughts turned here, Yun Tian suddenly paused.

He sat up straight under the inquiring gaze of Edelweiss beside him, felt it for a while, and then his face became a little weird.

"No way..."

"What's wrong?" Edelweiss asked softly, looking at Yun Tian whose expression changed.

"..." Yun Tian opened his mouth hesitantly, but finally shook his head without saying anything.

"No, it's nothing, it should be... I'm overthinking."

The two are on the plane at this time, have left the territory of Italy, and will arrive in the extreme east in a short time.

Erica was not with her, she was left by Yuntian to take care of Liliana who was unconscious, and by the way, wait for the girl to wake up to calm her emotions, so as not to have any bad thoughts or deceive herself into thinking it was a dream.

Erica and Liliana have a good relationship, so they didn't shirk too much, and stayed in Milan obediently to do ideological work for Liliana.

. . . . . .

Not long after, the plane landed.

Yun Tian and Edelweiss walked out of the special plane with only the two of them.

Without intentionally covering up their whereabouts, the Far East Conjuration World got the information about the arrival of Yuntian and Edelweiss first, and they even knew that they were carrying the Gorgon Stone, a magical tool.

The landing place is naturally Tokyo, the capital of the Far East.

The original protagonist Kusanagi Godou's home is here, and Yuntian plans to take a look at it, and he will definitely not choose another city to land.

The airport was empty, apparently clearing away the idlers in advance to welcome the combination of Yuntian and Edelweiss, the god and king.

In the direction facing the plane door, a girl with long brown hair wearing a priestess costume, saw Yun Tian and Edelweiss walking out of the cabin door, she bowed down and bowed down.

"It is a great honor for Miko Mariya Yuri to welcome the great god and king here."

Behind her, the various witches, priests and other personnel who were responsible for welcoming her also bowed down at the same time, shouting similar words.

"I am deeply honored!" xN

1537 The Image of God!

To be honest, whether it is sincere or not, at least Jidong has put on a lot of pomp in the matter of 'welcoming'.

For a person who cares about this matter, he will feel better because he feels sincerity.

It's a pity that Yuntian and Edelweiss don't like this kind of politeness.

The two had surprisingly consistent views on this matter. Rather than a grand welcome, it is better to send someone who can get along with each other sincerely.

Therefore, the thoughts of the top executives in the Far East were in vain.

But one thing caught Yuntian's attention.

That is, he could clearly feel that the people in front of him were not as afraid of his godhood as he imagined.

On the contrary, Edelweiss glanced at them, and many people would stiffen or tremble uncontrollably.

It was a very strange reaction. There was a feeling that Yuntian was the godslayer who protected mankind, and Edelweiss was the disobedient god who symbolized disaster.

The subtle contrast made Yun Tian pay more attention.

At first he thought it was the rumors about his situation that had spread, but the fear these people had of Edelweiss made him think otherwise.

After thinking about it carefully, Yuntian vaguely remembered that a god of the Celestial Dynasty seemed to be imprisoned here in the extreme east to fight against the invading gods and beasts.

Combined with the connection between the magic world of this country and the god Susanoo, Yun Tian seemed to understand a little bit.

The extreme east of this world may be regarded as a country ruled by theocracies. For them, gods are not a complete symbol of disaster, but they can also be objects of faith that protect their safety.

And if the Godslayer loses the need to fight against the God of Disobedience, then the disaster and destruction it will bring is no less than that of the God of Disobedience.

It can even be said that because of the existence of Vauban, the killing and destruction caused by the godslayer far exceeds that of a god.

"I see."

Yun Tian glanced at Edelweiss, and gave him a look of 'you don't seem to be welcome'.

After successfully getting a good-looking look from his lover, Yun Tian smiled, and shifted his gaze to the tea-haired witch leading the team ahead.

"Mariya Yuri, right?"

"It's an honor for me to be remembered by God, if necessary, please just ask me."

They also experienced the incident of Edelweiss being taken away four years ago, but the attitudes of Mariya Yuri and Liliana when facing Yuntian were completely different.

The uncontrollable emotion in Liliana's heart made her try her best to be calm when facing Yuntian, but she still couldn't help reflecting it in her body and words occasionally.

Yun Tian could easily sense the girl's complicated feelings towards him.

But Yuri in front of him, Yuntian can confirm after observing carefully that she doesn't seem to have too much fear of Yuntian.

I don't know if it's because she knew about Edelweiss becoming a godslayer in advance, or because she saw something through her spiritual vision, or. . .Is there any reason why Yuntian doesn't know?

In any case, the girl's attitude really made him look sideways.

"Are you here to welcome us on behalf of the Far East?"

"Indeed, the Official History Compilation Committee heard that you are coming, and has already prepared a banquet and a villa in advance, but..."

Hearing Yuntian's question, Wanli Gu Yuli answered him respectfully, and the content of the answer did not exceed Yuntian's expectation.

However, at the end of this sentence, the girl paused, as if hesitating for something.

The next second, she made a decision, took a deep breath as if to cheer herself up, and then said again:

"However, if you are not interested in the hospitality of the Official History Compilation Committee, then... Priestess Mariya Yuri dares to ask you to move to the Shichio Shrine that I preside over."

As soon as the girl's voice fell, it was not Yuntian and Edelweiss who responded first, but the other witches and priests behind her who came together to greet her.

An uncontrollable commotion broke out, and many people raised their heads and glanced quietly at the leading girl at the front.

In the identity of Yun Tian and Edelweiss, no one dared to intervene, and no one dared to get up, and the person who raised his head lowered again in an instant.

In less than a second or two, the commotion returned to calm.

But the reactions of these people undoubtedly told Yuntian that what Yuri Wanliya said just now was not arranged by the high-level officials of the Extreme East and the Official History Compilation Committee, but her own opinion!

"Interesting, do you know me?" Yun Tian suddenly became interested, and even Edelweiss showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"As your priestess, I had visions a few times during the prayer process. It can't be regarded as understanding, but I understand your style somewhat."

Wanliya Yuri still answered Yuntian respectfully, she knew that what she did would definitely cause dissatisfaction of the Official History Compilation Committee.

But as she said, compared to those high-level people in the magic world, she understands Yuntian's style better, and knows how to match his wishes.

"I have also prepared a feast at Qixiong Shrine, and besides that, there is one more thing I would like to dedicate to you."

Yun Tian was a little surprised by the girl's performance, but to be honest, he was very unwilling to deal with the top management of those messy organizations.

Wanligu's preparations were indeed in line with his ideas.

Looking at the girl who seemed to have other thoughts, Yun Tian said to her with an interested look on his face:

"Get up and lead the way."

. . . . . .

The mighty welcome team was dismissed by Mariya Yuri.

The girl had already prepared and called a car, and drove Yun Tian and Edelweiss all the way to the park where the shrine is located.

The [-]-step stone steps look very spectacular, but after seeing the unreasonably exaggerated steps of the Baiyu Building in Gensokyo, Yun Tian has no feeling for the steps that can be counted.

Go through the torii and enter the shrine.

Yuri didn't take Yuntian and Edelweiss directly to the banquet, but walked straight to the front hall for worship.

The moment they stepped into Qixiong Shrine, Yuntian and Edelweiss looked at each other at the same time.

At the same time, they felt the extremely familiar fluctuations, which should not exist in this world.

The enchantment of the star fairy technique, and it is also a large enchantment that completely covers the entire shrine.

There is no doubt that there can only be one person who set up this enchantment.

Yun Tian and Edelweiss looked at the tea-haired girl who was leading the way ahead, and felt the large enchantment whose strength was at least a B-level start, with expressions of surprise and admiration in their eyes.

The girl didn't notice the thoughts of the two people behind her, she just walked into the front hall silently with Yun Tian and Edelweiss, all the way inward to the end of the front hall, and then pushed open the door leading to the deeper part .

The moment they walked through the door, Yun Tian and Edelweiss were stunned.

No matter how they imagined it, they never expected to see this thing in the shrine in the far east.

A huge full-body statue of a god standing in the center of the hall—the god Orion!

That's right, it is the statue of Yuntian!

1538 Faith at Shichio Shrine

Statues in the Greek period have a very obvious feature, that is, 'simply dressed'.

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