Didn't stay at Kusanagi's house for too long.

Everything that needs to be done is done.

So, under the unanimous persuasion of the two brothers and sisters, Yuntian rejected the dinner invitation and left Kusanagi's house with Yuri.

1548 Mariya Yuri

On the way back to the villa, Yun Tian looked at the girl beside him who was hesitant to speak several times, and said amusedly:

"If you have any questions, just ask."

Yuri's body paused for a moment, and then he asked with a slightly hesitant voice:

"Well, Master Yuntian, are you very optimistic about Kusanagi?"

After this short day of getting along with each other, Yuri's attitude towards Yuntian has changed a lot.

From being respectful at the beginning to being cautious later, and now, she barely dared to have a normal conversation with Yun Tian.

"Is it good... It's not good either."

Yun Tian thought for a while, and gave an ambiguous answer.

Expressing kindness towards Kusanagi Godou was Yuntian's temporary intention, and as the Son of Destiny, Kusanagi Godou really deserved Yuntian's more thought.

But after all, it is a temporary idea, Yuntian has no excessive pursuit of whether he can really succeed, left and right are just trying.

Anyway, after confirming that Kusanagi Godou is still an ordinary person, Yuntian's main goal today has been achieved.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to this matter, if Kusanagi Godou goes to the Shichio Shrine to pay homage, just let me know, and don't worry about him if he doesn't."

"I understand." Yuri nodded slightly.

Since Yun Tian said so, she no longer put too much thought on this matter.

In all fairness, Yuri's sense of Kusanagi Godou is not very good now, the preconceived introduction in the information had an impact on her judgment of her classmate.

Yuri, who was extremely conservative in terms of men and women, had a hard time making a good first impression of someone like Kusanagi Godou who had "wide communication skills".

Looking at Yuri who became quiet again after asking the question, Yuntian raised his eyebrows, feeling a little unexpected in his heart.

After waiting for a few seconds, Yun Tian couldn't help but speak when he saw that the girl was obediently following him with an expression of "I'm fine now".

"I thought you would ask a few more questions about the Gorgon Stone."

This is what Yuri in the original book did when facing Kusanagi Godou.

Because fundamentally speaking, bringing the Gorgon Stone from Italy to the Far East is an act of bringing disaster.

In the original book, even though Kusanagi Godou met Athena, he knew that he would attract the God of Disobedience but still brought the Gorgon Stone back to his hometown.

From the perspective of behavior alone, his performance is no different from those willful and reckless demon kings like Vorbandoni, but he himself keeps saying things like 'pacifism'.

No wonder some people don't like him.

Lack of self-knowledge is a manifestation of his immaturity, and it is also what a mortal must go through after suddenly mastering powerful power.

"If it were four years ago... No, if it wasn't for the spirit vision, I might really be like what you said."

Yuri was silent for a while, and finally did not evade the question.

One of the responsibilities of Yuan Miko is to protect and protect the people. In the face of actions that bring disaster, even if the other party is a demon king who surpasses the world, she will definitely speak out when she knows that she may die.

In the original book, it was the same for Kusanagi Godou, and it was the same for the Marquis of Vauban.

If it wasn't because Vauban's powerful servant of death made death meaningless in front of him, I'm afraid Yuri would choose to kill himself to avoid the start of the battle of gods.

Woban threatened her with the two powers of the evil eye and the servant of death to make her accept her fate. Now Yuntian has also brought disasters, so it stands to reason that she will not be indifferent to this.

"But now, I know that you are not the kind of god who blindly brings disasters to people, on the contrary..."

Yuri didn't finish her sentence because it was difficult for her to describe the emotion in her heart at this moment.

During these four years, along with her prayers, the girl had triggered her spiritual vision more than once.

Not counting those blushing body shows, some of Yuntian's experiences became clear in her mind.

Some have seen it before, fighting against the giant scorpion driven by the goddess of the moon; some have never seen it, fighting against the black dragon symbolized by the goddess of the earth.

But more, it was the scene where Yuntian was welcomed, loved and respected.

Countless humans cheered for him, and the location of each battle seemed to be different, but the result was always the same.

When he was victorious, he was greeted with joy, not fear or worry.

Humans respect him, the gods recognize him, and even the world recognizes his exploits.

During a spirit vision, Yuri saw a scene by chance.

It's not a fragment, nor is it a sentiment, but Yuntian is standing there, with a beam of light behind him piercing the sky and the earth.

Yuri didn't know what it was, but the enlightenment of her spirit vision made her instinctively understand the essence of that beam of light.

That is an achievement, a greatness recognized by the world!

Such a god, you call him disaster?

At least in the four years of spiritual vision, Yuri didn't see Yuntian causing disaster even once. On the contrary, she always saw some positive images.

Once or twice may be accidental, but it can be a full four years. . .No, in fact, just a year later, Yuri had already shaken the fact that Yuntian was a disaster.

And what really made her turn her wavering into actual thoughts was not the fragments seen by Lingshi, but the real reality.

In four years, the God of Disobedience, who was feared as walking natural disasters, defeated Vauban, and Orion the Disobedience, known as the incarnation of the greatest disaster in hundreds of years, did not cause any disaster!

This unshakable fact made the figure seen by the girl through the spirit vision overlap with the real Yuntian.

Facts are far more credible than so-called intelligence.

Therefore, when Yuri knew that Yuntian had come to the extreme east with the Gorgon Stone, the thought in her heart was not worry.

Because from the very beginning, Yuri didn't think that Yuntian would cause any disaster.

This idea was further confirmed after seeing Amakasu Touma provide her information and learned about the victims in Sardinia and Milan.

"I trust you are ready."

This sentence represents the result of the girl's four years of dual verification of spirit vision and reality!

The moment Yuri finished saying this to Yuntian, Yuntian suddenly felt her faith start to swell.

That's right, it's not lifting, but swelling!

Almost in an instant, Mariya Yuri's faith changed, and his quality was comparable to that of Erica, and even had a tendency to be on par.

Yuntian knew that this meant that from this moment on, Wanliya Yuri accepted the identity of 'Yuntian's Priestess' sincerely, and no longer had any grievances.

Yuntian never thought that a casual chat on the road would be the key to unraveling Yuri's confusion.

It can only be said that the girl has actually figured it out a long time ago, and what she lacks is this finishing touch.

1549 Yuri's younger sister

Kusanagi's house is not too far away from the villa where Yuntian is currently staying, but the journey back is surprisingly long.

The main problem is the atmosphere.

Since Yuri took the initiative to express her trust in Yuntian, she blushed and stopped talking.

Following Yun Tian's step by step, he lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, but seeing her blushing face, Yun Tian probably felt that there was nothing serious about it.

Yun Tian also has a little understanding of his current image in this world.

The mythical Orion itself is inseparable from various goddesses. Yuntian 'looted' Edelweiss four years ago, and subsequently accepted Erica.

From the perspective of an outsider, there is obviously only one reason for Orion not to follow.

Glancing at Yuri who didn't know what he was imagining from the corner of his eye, Yuntian thought for a while and decided it would be better not to speak, because he always felt that this kind of thing would only get darker and darker.

The two walked towards the villa little by little in a subtle atmosphere of silence.

However, before returning to the villa, Yuri suddenly came back from the state of cranky thinking as if remembering something, and broke the silence and said:

"Ah, Lord Yuntian."

"What's the matter?" Yun Tian thought she would remain silent until she returned to the villa, but now that she heard her speak, she was a little curious.

"It's about supper."

Yuri's expression became a little embarrassed, but in fact, she wanted to say it long before she left for Kusanagi's house.

But at that time, Yuri hadn't fully accepted her identity as a witch, and she was somewhat afraid to speak in front of Yuntian.

Now her mentality has changed, and she also knows that Yuntian is not a cruel character, so she remembered what she planned to say before leaving.

"Just, just, for dinner, can you allow me to go home for dinner?"

While talking, Yuri looked at Yuntian cautiously, as if he was afraid that he would misunderstand, and then added something.

"I'll come to you tomorrow morning, or... I'll be back after dinner."

Hearing the girl's words, Yuntian was surprised, but he quickly realized what was going on.

Edelweiss has been preparing dinner since the two of them left, and she must also hope that Yuri can stay for dinner.

Today, because Yuri's mentality was a bit wrong, Edweiss didn't have a chance to chat with this younger sister whom he recognized four years ago.

Like Edelweiss, Yuri also had a lot to say to her. For four years, especially after Edelweiss transformed into a godslayer, the girl had accumulated too many questions and thoughts.

Of course Yuntian knew about this, so he acquiesced that Yuri would stay for dinner along the way, so he didn't mention it.

And Yuli's initiative to mention it made Yun Tian think of something.

"Your sister is home alone?"

"Eh?! Yes, yes, so I want to go back and cook for her..."

The girl obviously didn't expect Yun Tian to know that she had a younger sister, and she replied after being surprised.

"Where are your parents?" Yun Tian glanced at her.

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