"My parents have been very busy and come home very late every day, so I am responsible for my own and my sister's dinner."

Yuri knew that she would meet Yuntian today, so she made preparations in advance that she would not be able to go home.

After saving the money, there is still a little bread and snacks left at home, anyway, I won't starve my sister.

It's just that Yuri's younger sister, Wanli Guguang, is four years younger than her, and she is only 12 years old this year.

Leaving a little girl in the sixth grade at home by herself is really hard to call peace of mind.

If possible, Yuri still hopes to go home, even if she arranges the staff of the shrine to take care of it, after all, she still doesn't have the confidence to confirm it herself.

Now that she has recognized her exclusive Miko status, Yuri is not worried that she will not have the opportunity to reminisce with Edelweiss, and Yuntian is also more gentle than imagined.

Of course, if Yun Tian refused, she would not insist on going home.

However, Yuli never expected that Yuntian would come up with such a conclusion after pondering for a while.

"In that case, go and bring your sister to the villa."


. . . . . .

Yun Tian returned to the villa alone.

As soon as you walk into the room, the strong aroma of food hits your face.

It's only around five o'clock now, and there is still at least an hour before the meal, but Yun Tian already feels his appetite has been whetted by the smell.

Following the direction of the aroma, Yun Tian walked to the restaurant.

The villa prepared by Jidong for Yuntian is also super luxurious. There is more than one restaurant inside the villa for eating, and Yuntian is the biggest one in front of him.

Pushing open the door, the interior space displayed in the field of vision is no smaller than some high-end restaurants, large and small dining tables are neatly arranged, and all kinds of delicious dishes are placed on them.

These are all done by Edelweiss alone.

At this moment, the white figure was surrounded by many dinner plates and placed them one by one on the last table.

"Well, that should be enough."

After completing the final work, Edelweiss made a seal, and with the brilliance of the star power flashing by, the temperature in the restaurant rose slightly.

That is her original star fairy technique, the technique of keeping food fresh at a constant temperature!

I just don't know how Fan Xinglu will feel if she sees Edelweiss using the star fairy technique she taught like this.

After doing all this, Edelweiss turned his head to look at Yuntian.

"You guys come back... huh? Where's Yuri?" She blinked, but she didn't see the brown-haired girl next to Yuntian, so she asked suspiciously.

"She went to pick up her younger sister, and she was a little worried about leaving her at home."

Yun Tian walked up to Edelweiss, picked up a piece of fried chicken and put it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed it happily, and then picked up another piece.

"Come on, ah~!"

Looking at the fried chicken fed by his lover, Edelweiss did not refuse, opened his mouth and took a bite, and then the other half was sent into his mouth by Yuntian under her angry white eyes.

While poking Yun Tian's chewing face with his finger, Edelweiss asked:

"Yuri has a younger sister?"

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo."

"...Swallow the food and talk!"

"It's not what you asked."

Yun Tian smiled, and then answered Edelweiss' question just now.

"I don't have much impression, but if there is no accident, it should be a shrine maiden whose talent is not weaker than Yuri's or even stronger."

Hearing Yun Tian's words, Edelweiss glanced at him, and then asked with a delicate expression:

"I don't have much impression, how did you know the talent?"

Yun Tian paused for a moment, and gave Edelweiss an expression of "I didn't expect this", shrugged helplessly and replied:

"You'll know later, to be honest, I was surprised myself."

1550 million miles valley light

"Wow! It smells so fragrant!"

"Xiao Guang! Don't run away, this is God's court, be careful..."

"Ah! Kitten! Familiar? Don't run away, let me hug you."

"Little Light!!!"

Yun Tian and Edelweiss heard the voice from the living room outside when they were in the dining room.

One is Yuri who is familiar, and the other one who is a little more immature, but with an extraordinarily energetic voice must be her sister.

Just from the short conversation after entering the door, you can hear the personality gap between the two sisters. It can only be said that the contrast is a bit too sharp.

Both Yuntian and Edelweiss were in the restaurant, so they would naturally not be the ones who opened the door. Yuntian handed over this job to the black cat.

Even Edelweiss is not very willing to deal with this familiar who is sticking to Yuntian, so how could it be possible for a little girl who met for the first time to hug it.

So, when Yuntian and Edelweiss walked back from the kitchen to the living room, what they saw was it moving swiftly through the house.

There were two girls, one big and one small, standing at the door, and the young one was staring at the black cat that wouldn't be hugged.

But she didn't go after him, and she didn't know whether she knew she couldn't catch up, or she didn't want to cause trouble by running around in other people's houses, maybe it was both.

Seeing Yuntian, the black cat rushed over with a 'swoosh', and skillfully climbed along the trouser legs all the way to the shoulders, turning into a pendant and not moving.

Stretching out his hand and rubbing the cat's head, Yuntian's eyes shifted to Wanliya Yuri who came with his sister.

"Master Yuntian, this is my sister Wanli Guguang."

Yuri bowed to Yuntian and at the same time tugged Xiaoguang beside him with his hand.

"I have seen Lord God."

Wan Li Gu Guang also followed his sister and saluted Yun Tian earnestly.

Just looking at this scene, one might feel "Sure enough, they are sisters", but Yun Tian, ​​who heard the conversation when he entered the door, knew clearly that the loli in front of him had a lively personality different from Yuri's.

Sure enough, in the next second, she revealed her true colors.

Wanli Guguang, who practiced courtesy, raised his head, blinked playfully, and said:

"I've always wanted to meet God-sama~"

Hikaru has similar brown hair to Yuri, but it seems to be slightly darker.

Unlike her sister's long, straight hairstyle, her hair only reaches her shoulders, and a headband is tied on her head so that two strands of hair hang down from the front. At first glance, she looks quite unique.

The yellow top and dark skirt give people the feeling of a simple, lively and innocent little sister next door.

Yuntian read out the hidden meaning in Wanli Guguang's words, but he didn't point it out, but asked rhetorically:

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

It is impossible for anyone in the magic world not to know the name of the Disobedient God.

Yuri is the Priestess Priestess from the Far East, and as a high-ranking Priestess, she is also the exclusive Priestess of the god Yuntian.

As Yuri's younger sister, Xiaoguang, who also has the qualifications of a priestess, must have come into contact with the magic world since she was a child.

After all, Yuri four years ago was the same age as Xiaoguang now, so he already had the qualifications to participate in the séance ceremony that year.

Growing up beside Yuri, the elder sister who has seen Godslayer and God of Disobedience with her own eyes, Wanli Guguang should be more aware of the power and terror of gods than ordinary people.

But Yuntian didn't see the slightest fear from her, Xiaoguang looked at Yuntian with curiosity and kindness.

"Of course I'm not afraid, because Lord God won't hurt me."

Xiaoguang's answer is very straightforward, and people can't help but want to complain about whether she knows what the "God of Disobedience" is.

But if the object is Yun Tian, ​​there seems to be nothing wrong.

"I thought that Yuri would repeatedly warn you of the danger and horror of the God of Disobedience, reminding you to stay away from existences like us." Yuntian raised his eyebrows, glanced at the embarrassed Yuri, and said to Xiaoguang.

Xiaoguang nodded with a serious expression, not at all trying to cover up for his sister, and said very obediently:

"Sister really said so, the God of disobedience is a natural disaster, and the godslayer is the devil king, but everyone says so, not just my sister."

"Xiaoguang! What are you talking about!"

Before Yuntian could speak, Yuri was taken aback by his sister's nonsense.

But before she could stop Xiaoguang, he was dragged away by Edelweiss.

Pulling Yuri, Edelweiss gave Yuntian a look, then left the living room and went to other rooms.

Seeing Mariya Yuri being dragged away by the big sister, Xiaoguang secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Seeing her expression, Yun Tian smiled, walked to the sofa and sat down, then waved to Xiao Guang.

"Stop standing, come sit down."

After speaking, Yun Tian casually took out the teapot and two teacups from his portable pocket, and poured a cup of tea for himself and Xiaoguang respectively.

"Drink tea? Or replace it with a drink?"

"Tea is fine, thank you, my lord~" Xiao Guang sat down next to Yun Tian, ​​took the teacup and thanked him, and couldn't help smiling at the same time.

"What are you laughing at?" Yun Tian glanced at this little girl who wasn't shy at all, and took a sip from his teacup.

"Hey, because, Lord Shenming is as gentle as I imagined." Xiaoguang's feet dangled back and forth, showing the master's happy mood.

"Gentle, if your sister hears it, she probably won't agree."

"Sister is just too brainy. Even though she has changed her mind, she still insists on scaring me."

Xiaoguang bluntly complained about his sister to Yuntian, as if Yuntian was one of his own.

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