"After returning from my sister four years ago, it was fine for the first half a year, but gradually she became confused."

"Say something like God is a natural disaster, but the fear and fear on the expression have disappeared little by little. Just like that, you still want to scare me. You are not a child!"

Yun Tian was amused by her waving her small fist while talking, and said:

"But you're not just a child."

"No! I will be promoted to junior high school soon, and I am no longer a child!"

Not wanting to be treated as a child, this may be the idea of ​​many teenage girls, but when they really get older, how many people will wish to be younger.

Seeing Xiaoguang's protest, Yun Tian reached out and touched her head, physically interrupting her protest.

"However, when I came home to pick me up, my sister seemed a little different."

Seemingly knowing that the protest was futile, Xiao Guang tactfully changed the topic.

"When I went out in the morning, I still had a preoccupied expression. When I came back just now, I seemed to have figured it out. Did Lord Shenming say something to my sister?"

"St-or is it that you have already captured my sister?! That's why...! It hurts so much, woo..."

Yun Tian stretched out his hand and flicked Xiao Guang's forehead, and said angrily:

"What's taken, you're a big kid, don't learn some messy things."

"Woo... But, but everyone said so." Xiaoguang rubbed his forehead with his hands, his expression a little aggrieved.

"Master Shenming is super lecherous, my sister will definitely not be able to escape as a maiden who serves you, and she will definitely be eaten today or something."

Listening to Xiao Guang's words, Yun Tian couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and pressed his hand on his forehead.

brain pain.jpg

1551 Xiaoguang who tried to be cute

Yun Tian was somewhat aware of his image in this world, but he really didn't expect it to be so serious.

"Has sister not been eaten by you yet? Or is it going to be at night?... Huh? Then I will be in the way if I follow, ah! Difficult, is it that the gods are planning to...?!"

Xiaoguang's brain was spinning quickly, and at the moment Yuntian was silent, she had advanced along the topic to a very dangerous point.

Yun Tian sighed, did not answer her words, but changed the subject and asked an inexplicable question.

"How are you doing now?"

Xiao Guang paused for a moment, then understood what Yun Tian was asking, proudly raised his head and replied:

"Although it's not as good as my sister, it's not too bad."

Seeing Xiaoguang's smug expression, Yuntian sized her up a little bit unexpectedly, and then asked again:

"When did you start?"

"Hey, just a few days after my sister came back four years ago." Xiaoguang smiled a little embarrassedly.

She took a sip of tea, then her eyes lit up, she took another sip, and then continued to say to Yun Tian:

"The elder sister who came back was devastated. I was a little worried, so I secretly observed her for a few days."

"After I found out that my sister locked herself in the room and prayed silently, I went to ask other witch sisters I knew at the shrine about the situation."

"Perhaps it's because everyone also cares about my sister, so they told me about Lord Shenming and asked me to go back and comfort my sister."

"Then, when I was trying to comfort my sister, she saw through me." Speaking of this, Xiao Guang stuck out his tongue mischievously.

"Afterwards, I learned from my sister that you, my lord, have captured Edelweiss's sister, and that my sister is going to seriously offer you prayers in exchange for the safety of Edelweiss's sister."

"Of course, my sister didn't let me pray together, and she also said a lot of things like how scary the gods are."

Hearing this, Yun Tian roughly understood what happened.

He sighed, rubbed Xiaoguang's head a little harder, and said:

"Because Yuri didn't agree, you just secretly prayed in private, right, and the prayer words you used were copied from your sister."

"Hey~" Xiaoguang sold out his cuteness, trying to pass the test by being cute.

But she didn't mean to refute it, which also showed that it was indeed the case.

Xiaoguang kept it from Yuri, at first with the idea of ​​sharing her sister's worries, she learned her prayers and offered her faith to Yuntian.

Yuri has a very strong talent for descending spirits, and has a very high affinity with the gods. Otherwise, Athena would not have been able to throw her consciousness over to talk to Yuntian so easily.

As Yuri's younger sister, Xiaoguang's talent is not inferior to her elder sister's at all. Even in terms of affinity with the gods, Xiaoguang's talent is even higher than Yuri's.

She dedicated her faith seriously, and establishing a connection with the gods was almost a matter of course without any hindrance.

Theoretically, Xiaoguang should become an ordinary believer of Yuntian after arriving here, just like the worshipers of Qixiong Shrine today.

However, Xiaoguang didn't pray by herself, she used the prayer that Yuri specially prepared to offer her faith to Yuntian.

At that time, more than 30 witches who participated in the séance ceremony did not know that they were sacrifices to the descending god.

But Yuri is different, she is a real witch, or a high-ranking maiden who has practiced special practice since she was a child, and her spiritual vision talent has been developed.

In just a few days, she realized the relationship between herself and Yuntian.

In order to pray for the safety of Edelweiss, the prayers she prepared were based on the premise that she had already belonged to Yuntian, and she dedicated all her prayers wholeheartedly.

Xiaoguang copied these contents in the past, plus she wanted to help her sister from the bottom of her heart at that time, hoping to do the same thing as her sister.

So, in a muddle-headed manner, he imitated Yuli and dedicated everything to Yuntian.

At that time, Yun Tian had just obtained divine skills, and his understanding of the ability of faith, which was born from the combination of divinity and the power of destiny, was almost zero.

He didn't advertise his existence, and the only people who could dedicate everything to him at that time were more than 30 witches who participated in the séance ceremony.

He once said that Yun Tian was not interested in spying on the girls' minds, so he didn't rely on this fateful connection to find out what was going on on the other side.

He also didn't notice that when he was slowly exploring and researching the abilities of the belief system, he unknowingly added an exclusive witch.

Before meeting Erica, only three of the more than 30 priestesses could be called sincere in their power of faith.

One is Liliana, and the other is Mariya Yuri.

The third one, Yun Tian originally thought it was a character who had never appeared in the original novel.

After all, the priestesses who could be summoned by Vauban to perform the séance ceremony are not bad in talent, and their qualifications are not much worse than Liliana and Yuri.

If there are any accidents, or because the character is easier to accept the reality, then it is not surprising to offer your sincere faith to Yuntian.

One out of more than 30 people, the probability is not zero.

And the third one is actually Wanli Guguang.

Even because she doesn't have an intuitive negative impression of Yuntian like Liliana and Yuri, her prayer is still the most serious and sincere one.

It is also because he has not seen Yuntian with his own eyes, and has no clear understanding of the gods he is praying to, so the effect of Xiaoguang's prayers has not been improved.

With one addition and one subtraction, it was maintained at the same level as Yuri.

The phrase she said when she met Yun Tian, ​​"I have always wanted to meet God", was an idea born of these four years of earnest prayer.

Now that I have actually seen him, I find that Yun Tian is not much different from the god she imagined, and he is also more talkative and handsome.

Faith naturally began to swell naturally, surpassing her older sister Yuri for a while, reaching the same level as Erica.

There is even a faint trend of continuing to surpass.

After all, Erica has only established a religious connection with Yuntian, and in this regard, it is not as good as Xiaoguang's four years of earnest prayer.

And in terms of compatibility with the gods, Xiaoguang has a unique talent, which makes her become the witch who currently provides the most power of faith under Yuntian's command.

"Aren't you going to tell your sister?"

Yun Tian glanced at a certain door in the living room without a trace, and then asked Xiao Guang.

"I dare not tell my sister, an angry sister is terrible, and Xiaoguang will be beaten up. My lord must be reluctant to cry for the cute Xiaoguang~"

Xiao Guang put down his teacup, reached out and grabbed Yun Tian's clothes, and looked up at him pitifully.

Obviously, she hoped that Yuntian would not tell her sister about this.

Unfortunately. . .

"You are late."

Yun Tian spread his hands, then pointed to the inside of the living room, motioning for Xiao Guang to look over.

Realizing that something was wrong, Xiaoguang didn't even look at it, and immediately planned to jump off the sofa and slip away.


"Little light!"

The familiar voice entered her ears, and Xiaoguang froze in place immediately.

Yuri came over, first bowed to Yuntian, and said, "I'm very sorry, Master Yuntian, please allow me to leave for a few minutes."

"Ah, it's okay."

Yuntian 'didn't see' Xiaoguang's looking for help, and nodded in agreement with Yuri's request to leave temporarily.

So, the poor sister was dragged into a room behind the living room by the terrible sister.

1552 Apocalypse

In the end, Xiaoguang was not beaten, and Yuri was not willing to do it, but a training was indispensable.

However, after being trained, Xiaoguang with a bitter face was redeemed by a delicious dinner.

Luxurious restaurants, rich dishes that have been seen or never seen, and the most important ultimate delicacy.

The Wanliya family is an old aristocratic family, and now Yuri, a special priestess of the gods, sits at the Shichio Shrine.

So Xiaoguang's life has been very good since he was a child, maybe not luxurious, but definitely rich.

I have been to high-end restaurants, luxury hotels, and family members during the holidays. I must have eaten the so-called delicacies and top-notch dishes.

But she couldn't imagine that there would be such delicious food in the world.

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