That was simply not the same concept as what she had eaten before.

Especially the dessert after a meal, at the moment of entrance, it seems that the whole person melts, and the heart is completely immersed in happiness.

Not to mention Xiaoguang, even Yuri, the two sisters were completely conquered by this dinner.

Yun Tian looked at the intoxicated Wanligu sisters, and at the blushing happiness of the two, he looked suspiciously at Edelweiss.

His eyes seemed to be asking, 'Have you been drugged? '.

The result is naturally that he successfully harvested a supercilious look from his lover.

Edelweiss stretched out his hand to him, and showed the white jade bracelet on his wrist, and Yun Tian understood what was going on.

Edelweiss' cooking level is indeed outstanding, but in the final analysis, it is the world's top level.

If you haven't experienced a world where cooking is beyond the realm of mortals, it won't become too outrageous after all.

The reason why the dishes made by Edelweiss are more delicious is because of his strong strength.

Possessing unmatched strength by ordinary people, her mastery of heat, knife skills, and even all steps in cooking is unimaginably precise for ordinary chefs.

Therefore, at the same level, the cooking made by Edelweiss will be a higher level, not to mention that Edelweiss has also worked hard on desserts, and his technical level is even much higher.

But if that's all there is to it, Edelweiss' cooking will get a 'more delicious' evaluation, and it will definitely not be the current 'unbeatable'.

After all, in the case of using ordinary materials, after the level reaches a certain level, the room for improvement is very limited.

If it is replaced with special ingredients brought from the wrong world, then Edelweiss' cooking limit will rise sharply.

However, for today's dinner, Edelweiss did not use any special ingredients, all the common ingredients in this world.

And the biggest contributor to making these ordinary dishes surpass the ordinary category to a certain extent is the white jade bracelet on Edelweiss' wrist.

The 'Energy Kitchen Kit' is a gift that Yuntian bought for Edelweiss before this mission, a kitchen equipment with a grade of B-.

The kitchen utensils built through it can not only handle special ingredients, but also can make some changes in ordinary ingredients.

Of course, it is impossible to compare with real special ingredients, but it is also much better than ordinary ingredients.

"You are used to cooking with special ingredients, so you won't feel too surprised by such in-between dishes."

Edelweiss looked at Yuntian, and then at the Wanligu sisters who hadn't 'awakened' yet.

"But for those who have never eaten special cuisine, this pseudo-special cuisine is obviously enough to make them intoxicated."

Yun Tian recalled his reaction when he tasted the dishes made by Miya's mother and the honey juice from Yanfeng Pavilion for the first time in the past, and nodded in agreement.

"For the first time, it was really amazing."

. . . . . .

Edelweiss' "drug" cooking has only been researched not long ago, and its power is limited.

The 'intoxicated' state of Sister Wanligu didn't last long after eating the dessert, and was broken by Yuntian's cup of calming tea.

The four of them also returned to the living room, sitting on the sofa and chatting.

"So, Xiaoguang is also a Priestess?" Edelweiss asked curiously.

"Yes, but it's only a trainee at the moment."

Xiaoguang is also very curious about Edelweiss, the white-haired elder sister who has been thinking about her sister for four years. After knowing that she cooked the meal just now, her curiosity instantly turned into kindness.

One bite at a time, Edelweiss sister called, but he called Edelweiss who liked children very happily.

"A trainee, but is she also a maiden?" Yun Tian asked after listening to Xiao Guang's answer.

Priestess is the respectful title for high-ranking maidens in the Far East. The analogy to Idaly is the relationship between a knight and a great knight, a magician and a great magician.

It's a bit strange to call him a great trainee knight.

"Xiaoguang has some special talents. As long as she grows up, she will definitely have the position of Yuan Miko."

Yuri opened his mouth to explain, and then explained to Yuntian the difference between Jidong and Yidali.

"Furthermore, the titles of Priestesses are not simply divided by strength. Some Priestesses may not have any fighting power because of their special abilities."

In the original book, this is how Yuri got the title of Priestess, and there is only one person in the world who can surpass her in her outstanding spiritual vision talent.

"Xiaoguang's situation is even more special than mine, which is also the reason why she was able to obtain the title of Priestess Priestess during her apprenticeship."

"After all, Xiaoguang's ability has not been born in the Far East for more than a hundred years."

"Hundred years?" Edelweiss looked at Xiao Guang in surprise, and Yun Tian couldn't help but look away.

Noticing that he had become the focus of sight, Xiaoguang immediately raised his head, with an expression of 'I'm excellent, please praise me', which made the three of Yuntian dumbfounded.

"Compared to talking about it, it's better to show it in practice."

Yuri took out a blank piece of paper and folded it into a paper crane while talking.

Then, with a slight wave of mana power, the paper crane flew up from Yuri's hand, floating among the four of them like this.

Next second


There was a tearing sound, and the paper crane in the air split into two, but it did not fall on the table, but turned into two paper cranes still floating in the air.

A moment later, under the effect of Yuri's spell, one paper crane turned into twelve, neatly arranged in the air.

Then, Xiaoguang reached out and grabbed one of the paper cranes.

In an instant, all twelve paper cranes disappeared without exception, and what was left in her hand was a white piece of paper with creases.

"This is my ability—the evil spirit."

Xiaoguang put the creased piece of paper on the table, and Yuri added:

"To put it simply, it is a power that eliminates the influence of spells and mantras, and can take effect on almost all supernatural powers."

1553 Unexpected Power

Yuri looked at Xiaoguang, and explained to Yuntian and Edelweiss:

"Because she is still practicing, it will only take effect if she encounters it."

"Will it be possible to eliminate the power without direct contact in the future?" Edweiss looked at the restored piece of paper, the surprise on his face was not concealed.

If there is no limit to this kind of power, it can be said to be a mysterious nemesis after it grows up.

It doesn't have destructive and lethal power, but it can be called a strategic level ability in the magic world. At least, all pure magicians will become no different from ordinary people in front of this kind of power.

"It's been a hundred years since the birth of the last Priestess who possessed the power of 'Sorrow'. I don't know exactly how far she can do it, but there are records that say that the ancestors can directly eliminate the power without contact."

Having said that, Yuri also glanced at Hikari, but Hikari just shook his head.

Without guidance, this power can only be explored by Xiaoguang herself. She has no idea how to make it effective without contact.

"Then, what about strength?" Yun Tian always cared about this kind of direction, and the first thing that came to his mind was the practical application of strength in combat.

"Can it take effect on the power of gods and godslayers?"

"That, that level is impossible..." When it came to the topic of being an enemy of God, Yuri, who was already able to communicate with Yuntian, felt nervous again.

She hastily explained to Yuntian and Edelweiss: "If it's power-level power, you'll be exhausted if you only eliminate a tiny part of it, and you won't be able to affect gods and kings at all."

"Even so, the conclusion of 'influence' alone is enough to prove the strength of this power." Edelweiss responded to Yuri's words with a touch of emotion.

But at this moment, Yun Tian noticed Xiao Guang's hesitant expression, so he asked:

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

"Ah, no..." Xiaoguang hesitated a little.

She glanced at her elder sister, and then her eyes wandered between Yuntian and Edelweiss.

Finally, as if he had made a decision, he stood up from the sofa, walked from Yuri's side to Yuntian's side, and sat down again.

Seeing her sudden change of seat and the movement of reaching out to hug Yuntian's arm after sitting down, Edelweiss and Yuri cast strange glances at Yuntian almost at the same time.

For a while, the atmosphere became subtle.

However, Yun Tian, ​​as the party involved, was also at a loss.

Looking at Xiaoguang who was shrinking beside him in surprise, he asked with doubts in his heart:

"What are you doing?"

Xiao Guang didn't answer right away, she just looked up at Yun Tian, ​​blinked her eyes a few times, and then glanced at her sister.

Yun Tian was amused by her expression of "I want to say it, but I don't dare, ask for protection". Obviously, the little girl remembered that Yun Tian "did not see" her eyes for help before dinner.

After understanding her meaning, Yuntian smiled helplessly, reached out and touched Xiaoguang's head and promised her:

"Okay, I promise I won't let your sister talk about you this time, just say what you want to say."

"Hey~" Obtaining Yuntian's promise, Xiaoguang immediately showed a sorry expression to Yuri, then stuck out his tongue playfully and said:

"Actually, I lied to my sister."

For a 12-year-old girl, lying to her family is still a very serious problem, so Xiaoguang is very worried that her sister will scold her, especially since she was scolded just now.

While speaking, Xiao Guang put his hands on his chest and closed his eyes.

After maintaining this movement for a few seconds, a wave of energy suddenly emerged from her body.

Immediately after


Dots of white light gathered in her hands, and finally appeared as a mirror.

"This is!"

Feeling the familiar energy fluctuations and seeing this mirror manifest again, Yuntian and Edelweiss looked at each other, and saw the same surprise in each other's eyes.

"Inherent spiritual outfit?!"

It was impossible for Edelweiss to admit that she was wrong, because this power came from her home world.

"Xiaoguang, since when have you been able to call out your inherent spiritual outfit?"

"Well, I can't remember the exact time, but it should be the third year I started praying, almost a year ago."

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