Xiaoguang held the mirror and thought about it seriously, then replied:

"In the beginning, I got the same power as my sister who can emerge beautiful stars through prayer, but after about half a year, I felt another power from praying to God."

Listening to Xiaoguang's explanation, Yun Tian knew that the other power she mentioned should be the magic power from the world of fallen knights.

After obtaining the magic power, it took more than two years to run in and cultivate this power. In the third year of praying, Xiaoguang awakened his own inherent spiritual equipment.

"If I can summon it, my 'Evil Evil' ability will be greatly improved. Because I am worried that if my ability increases too quickly, it will cause suspicion and expose my secret prayer, so I have not told my sister."

Xiaoguang glanced at Yuri secretly, and then continued:

"I told my sister about the progress of my practice, but I actually had a little bit of reservations, hehe."

Yuntian and Edelweiss judged immediately that she was not talking about 'one point' but 'billion points'.

In a sense, the slashers in the world of fallen knights can be said to be at the same level as cheats, and the birth of the inherent spiritual outfit will be accompanied by the appearance of a soul-essential ability.

According to Xiaoguang's description, her awakened power is unsurprisingly a 'scourge'.

Obviously, that cannot be the most common natural operation system, and it is guaranteed to be the same conceptual interference system as Yuntian.

It is even very possible to go one step further, it is the same causal interference system as Edelweiss' instrument of the covenant!

At least from the demonstration just now, Yuntian feels that the possibility that Xiaoguang's power involves cause and effect is very high.

If it is the ability of the causal interference system, even if it is not developed, just birth will have quite powerful power.

Even if it's just a conceptual interference system, the reservations in Xiaoguang's mouth are definitely not a star.

"How far can you do it?" Yun Tian suddenly became interested.

Compared with the priestess who provides faith, Yun Tian pays more attention to the seedlings like Xiaoguang who may grow into a 'monster' level.

With the cultivation of Yuntian and Edelweiss in the causal interference department, I am afraid that it will be at least a B+ level powerhouse within five years.

It is still a leapfrog monster with absolute restraint in the mysterious aspect!

"To, to what extent, I don't know."

It seemed that he was a little uncomfortable with Yun Tian's suddenly enthusiastic gaze, a blush appeared on Xiaoguang's face, and his tone was a little nervous.

However, Yun Tian, ​​who was not paying attention to other places, directly ignored her little thoughts, and stretched out his hand in front of Xiao Guang.


Tiny wind tornadoes gathered in Yuntian's hands.

Holding the tiny storm aroused by the roar of the mighty sky, Yuntian asked Xiaoguang tentatively:

"Can it be done?"

1554 Boundless Night!

The power of the storm that Yuntian arouses with power is not strong, but it is still power, even if the quantity is insufficient, the quality is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary abilities.

This is also the first time for Xiaoguang to face this level of power, and he is not sure whether his own "bad evil" ability will work.

but. . .

"let me try."

Holding the mirror in both hands, Xiaoguang aimed the mirror at the tiny tornado in Yuntian's hand.

Along with the fluctuation of magic power, a translucent white light shot out from the mirror and shone on the tornado!

At the moment of being illuminated by the white light, the power of the storm that was originally stable in Yuntian's hands suddenly became restless.

Without deliberately controlling it, and without increasing his efforts, Yuntian just maintained the tornado, watching Xiaoguang's serious expression.

For about five seconds, a tiny sound like a bubble burst rang in everyone's ears.


The wind tornado in Yuntian's hand just disappeared, as if he had never used his power, and even the white paper on the table that was blown away by the wind returned to its original position.

The only thing that didn't recover was Yun Tian's consumption of a little power, which seemed to prove that what happened just now was not an illusion.

The mirror in Xiaoguang's hand had disappeared, her forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and she was panting slightly.

It was also the first time for Xiaoguang to use such high-intensity strength, and it caused a lot of burden on her body when she was not very skilled.

But her 'consumed' appearance caused the three of Yuntian to fall into silence.

After successfully eliminating the power of the power level, I just feel tired. Even if it is just a little storm, it shows the strength of Xiaoguang's power.

There is no doubt that what she awakened must be the ability of the causal interference system, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to cause such an effect with such a small consumption in the initial stage.

Yun Tian and Edelweiss looked at each other, and the two made plans to train Xiao Guang almost at the same time.

After all, it would be a pity if this power was left to its own devices.

. . . . . .

Nothing worth mentioning happened after that.

Edelweiss chatted with Yuri, and the girl was very concerned about her sister's experience in the past four years.

And Xiaoguang was full of curiosity about Yuntian, a god, sitting beside him and asking questions, and also tried to get Yuntian to tell her some stories.

It wasn't until about nine o'clock in the evening that Yuri got up to leave with Xiaoguang, saying that she had no plan to stay at Yuntian's place when she came over tomorrow morning.

Xiaoguang reluctantly wanted to stay in the villa for the night, but was ruthlessly suppressed by his sister.

The trump card of "you can eat breakfast made by Edelweiss' sister" failed, but Yuri promised to come over early tomorrow for a meal.

Xiaoguang is still in school, she has a lot to learn at this age, Yuri doesn't want her sister to be too distracted in other places.

However, Yuri also asked for a leave of absence from the school on the grounds of working at the shrine, and her convincing power in this matter is really limited.

Fortunately, Xiaoguang was very obedient and didn't get too entangled.

After getting the promise to come to play with Yuntian and Edelweiss every morning and after school, he followed his sister home contentedly.

For the next three days, Yuntian lived a fairly normal life.

Take a walk around Tokyo, take a stroll to Nanachio Shrine, and ponder powers and some new ideas, plus a regular exercise routine and a new activity of feeding and teasing cats.

In the evening, he and Edelweiss will teach Xiaoguang a little about the knife cutter, and by the way, he will also give pointers on the application of Yuri's star fairy technique.

When it was late at night, Sister Wanligu said goodbye and went home, which was a happy thing.

This life lasted for three days.

On the night of the third day, a strange atmosphere enveloped the city.

. . . . . .


The sky was covered with a dark curtain, dotted with moon and stars, which was Athena's favorite time.

Modern nights are too bright, though.

Artificial light is everywhere, even at night, the light drives away the night that Athena loved.

Looking into the sky, I can only see a faint starlight that cannot reach the ground at all.

Humans hate and fear the dark, this is not something unique to modern times.

On the street full of artificial lights, the young goddess walked leisurely.

She was wearing a thin sweater and mini skirt, and black knee-high socks on her feet. Her silver hair shone like brilliance, echoing the moonlight shining in the dark night.

However, the blue braided hat on top of that silver hair made her feel a little less sacred, which was surprisingly cute.

Following the breath of the 'snake' that made her miss, Athena walked towards her destination step by step.

Feeling the aura of the undisguised Gorgon Stone, Athena knew that it was the other party's invitation.

There was no one on the street, only the flickering street lamps remained. Obviously, the preparations for the battlefield had already been made.

Before she knew it, a smile appeared on Athena's face.

That is the desire to restore the ancient body, and it is also the expectation of the upcoming battle.

As the goddess of war and victory in her priesthood moved forward, her own interest became more and more high.

Announcing the return of the ancient Athena, the queen under the night sky, it is very appropriate to use a big battle as the opening announcement.

As a result, the excited Athena no longer hid her essence, and completely liberated her divine power.

The modern night was really unpleasant to her, filled with disgusting lights, and the ground was not the earth, but man-made synthetic materials.


"In the name of Athena, come, night."

Every time the young goddess takes a step, with her as the center, the 'light' disappears.

Street lights, neon lights, traffic lights, light from electrical appliances, mechanical indicator lights, fire lights, all artificial light sources disappeared at this moment.

When the fake 'sun' falls, only boundless darkness fills the earth.

This is the original appearance of the ancient land and the ancient night, the abyss of darkness that swallows everything!

When darkness falls, people can only tremble, relying only on the primitive moon and starlight.

This is what night should be like.

"Dispel the grace of the sun, extinguish the fire of Prometheus, and reveal the ancient night sky."

Athena nodded in satisfaction, but this was not enough. Ancient Athena was the queen in charge of the earth and darkness.

Today's boundless night even lacks the power of life that symbolizes abundance, the power of the earth - the 'Snake' Gorgon Stone.

Standing at the bottom of the steps, Athena looked up, and saw the figure waiting here through the occlusion.

. . .

. . .

. . .

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