That expression seemed to say, "Look, you're dead."

"I'm not referring to this," Zi Yakumo was silent for a while, not knowing how to explain it.

The death aura she was talking about was not the power of death that Yuyuko possessed, but a kind of breath that naturally emanated from the undead.

It can be regarded as the characteristic of the undead, a power that will gradually wither everything and life into death as long as it exists.

Yuyuko, as the princess of the dead, this trait is particularly obvious. Once Youmeng was surprised that Yuntian was able to directly contact Yuyuko, and this was the reason.

Yakumo Zi doesn't come to the underworld often, one is the problem of the underworld itself, and the other is caused by Yuyuko's power.

Even she, a yokai sage, can't stay in touch with Yuyuko for a long time, that is tantamount to embracing death, which literally means 'court death'.

In the past, Yakumo Zi used her demon power or ability to isolate Yuyuko's power to get in touch with her, but just now, Yakumo Zi neither invoked her demon power nor used her ability.

She just reached out and touched Yuyuko, but she was not affected in any way.


"Because strictly speaking, the current Youyouzi is no longer an undead." It was Yun Tian who spoke.

He knew what Yakumo Zi really wanted to ask, after all, that was also the main reason why Yuntian did this.

"As I said just now, Youyouzi resisted the technique of returning souls as a member of the Netherland. You don't think that this identity is only used to resist the technique of returning souls, do you?"

The blessing effect from Erebos Yuntian has tried before.

Especially in the battle between Godslayer World and Athena, the pseudo power effect developed by combining divine skills can even increase the subordinates summoned by the power of Athena's Hades.

The original Netherland had no right to dominate, nor did it have the power to directly kill, and it couldn't even summon the relatives of death.

But precisely because of this, the status of this authority is very high, and it can cause the existence of the Netherland system to undergo an essential transformation.

As for the undead, they naturally belonged to the branch of Netherland.

Today's Youyouzi not only has a breakthrough in strength, but the biggest change is in essence or identity.

The family members of the underworld, the gods of the underworld, in a sense, Youyouzi can now be regarded as a divine beast. . .Well, this title is a bit tricky.

It is not impossible to call it an "angel".

However, Yuntian's power effect does not include domination, so there is no will attached to Yuyuko's body. It is not accurate to use the term "divine envoy".

Of course, that's not the point.

The most critical point, and what Yakumo Zi wants to ask is

"Different from the undead who simply spread death, Netherland is part of the cycle of life and death, a place where life and death are intertwined, and a single death cannot represent all of its nature.

"Youyuko under this identity will naturally not emit an uncontrollable aura that disrupts the balance of life and death."

It will not cause everything to wither and destroy the balance between life and death.

In other words, the current Yuyuko itself will not cause harm to human monsters.

In other words

"She can enter and leave Gensokyo freely."

1682 Flandre Scarlet

"It seems that we came early?"

Just as the conversation between Yuntian and the others came to an end, a voice came from near the entrance of the atrium.

Looking for the sound, I saw three figures, one big and two small, walking towards this side under the guidance of the ghost.

Seeing this, Yun Tian stood up and greeted him.

"Long time no see, Remilia."

"It's not too long for me, it's just a nap at best."

Remilia looked at Yuntian, her eyes seemed to flicker, but after noticing that there were other people present, she finally said nothing and kept a calm attitude.

"Mr. Yuntian, the Scarlet Devil House has been invited to the banquet." It was Sakuya who took over the topic.

This dashing head maid is still dressed in a maid outfit, the only difference is that she is holding a huge parasol in her hand.

Judging by the size, it is estimated that it is enough to block four people, and it is probably prepared for Remilia and another vampire.

"You are welcome, please sit down first."

The invitation to the Scarlet Devil House was given by Yuntian, so he was naturally the one to entertain.

There were only two invitation letters sent from Yuntian, one for Sakuya and one for Marisa's neighbor Alice.

Of course, this does not mean that these people were invited to the banquet. In fact, more residents of Gensokyo also received invitations.

It is not Yuntian's job to distribute the invitation letter. His main purpose is to bring Reimu, the Hakurei Miko, to "pass through the level".

Yuntian solves the problem of not being able to leave the underworld for Youyouzi, but after all, it is impossible to go to the present world, so the place where Youyouzi can go is Gensokyo.

And if you want to go to Gensokyo often, it is necessary to say hello to Reimu, the city manager. For this banquet, Reimu must also be present.

Yuntian chose to take Marisa away when he couldn't persuade Reimu to solve the mutation, just to catch her out.

Facts also proved that Yuntian's strategy was very successful.

Since there was going to be a banquet, the number of people naturally couldn't be too small, so the job of handing out invitations naturally fell on Youmu.

Unimportant people will be sent to ghosts, and some famous existences are Yomeng who personally visits in the name of Baiyulou.

Although Sakuya didn't tell Yun Tian, ​​she actually received two invitation letters, but she didn't plan to attend the Scarlet Devil House invited by Youmu earlier.

One was because they planned to invite Yuntian to be their guest, and the other was because Remilia had just woken up not long ago, and she still had a lot of problems to deal with at home, so she had no plans to travel far.

But after receiving an invitation letter from Yuntian himself, Remilia decided to come over.

. . . . . .

Yun Tian took the three of them to a table and sat down, while taking another look at the only figure among the three that he had never seen before.

When Yun Tian looked over, he found that the other party was also looking at him curiously.

"This is my sister Fran, Flandre Scarlet." Remilia's introduction sounded at the right time.

Unlike her older sister's light blue hair, her younger sister Flandre has light blonde hair with an inconspicuous ponytail on the side.

The height is similar to that of Remilia, and they are both petite loli, but considering her status as a vampire, I am afraid that her age will not be in the category of loli.

The color of the eyes is the same as Remilia's, they are all blood-like crimson, and I don't know if it is the influence of the vampire race.

The clothes are different from my sister's. Instead of wearing a dress, I chose a short-sleeved dress. The main color of the whole body is also dark red, and there is a yellow bow tie on the chest.

Although the hair color is different, it can be seen from the shape of the face and facial features that it is Remilia's younger sister. The two vampire sisters are not particularly different.

There is only one thing, and that is the wings on Flandre's back.

There are many seven-color crystals hanging on the twisted wings with strange shapes. Because the light emitted by these crystals is embellished, it is not ugly as a whole, but has a unique sense of beauty.

It's just that it doesn't match the bat wings that fit the image of a vampire like Remilia Yun Tian once saw, not even the wings that any creature should have.

Yun Tian instinctively felt that there might be some stories or secrets in it, so he didn't read too much, let alone ask more questions.

At this moment, following Remilia's introduction, Flandre's voice also sounded.

But not a greeting or hello, but a thank you.

"Big brother, thank you!"

Yun Tian was stunned for a moment, then immediately realized the reason for Flandre's thanks, with a smile on his face, he reached out and touched her head and responded:

"You're welcome."

Remilia once told Yun Tian that her sister was locked in the basement because she couldn't control her strength.

The last time I went to Yuntian to seek blood, it was to be able to break through my own bottleneck and raise my bloodline to a higher level.

In this way, Remilia can try to interfere with, weaken, or even seal Fran's uncontrollable power with double suppression of blood and strength.

Seeing her being taken out by Remilia now, it must have been a success.

Fran's gratitude was to thank him for his help, allowing him to finally see the outside world.

Behind this "thank you" is the loneliness and loneliness of 495 years.

But what appeared on Fran's face at this moment was a bright smile.

"Yo! Fran!" Suddenly, a head wearing a wide witch hat popped out from behind Yuntian.

"You finally came out of the basement, Da★Ze! Don't just sit here, there is a huge cherry blossom tree in the backyard, I'll take it to see."

It was none other than Marisa who sneaked over.

Judging from her appearance, she obviously knew Fran, and they had a good relationship.

"Marisa! Uh, but..." Seeing Marisa, Fran was also very happy and planned to get off the chair.

But just as she was about to move, she suddenly seemed to remember something, glanced at Yun Tian and then at her sister cautiously, a little hesitant.

"Go ahead, Yun Tian and I have something to talk about, but remember not to leave the area I can influence, and don't cause trouble to others."

Remilia nodded without objecting.

With her sister's permission, Fran suddenly burst into a smile.

"Well! I see."

She jumped down from the chair and grabbed Yun Tian's hand first.

"Big brother, see you later!"

After saying this, he ran to the backyard with Marisa.

Yun Tian watched the two leave, and waved the big ghost over to let it follow and have a look.

The huge cherry blossom tree that Marisa mentioned must be referring to Saigyuyou. That thing is dead and there will be no danger.

But after all, there is still Youyouzi's body under the tree. Although it is protected by the barrier set up by Yuntian, it's better to pay attention.

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