1683 Interlude Before the Banquet

"Is your sister okay?"

Yun Tian casually pulled out the chair and sat down opposite Remilia.

"Barely." Remilia nodded.

"My judgment is correct. Your blood has indeed transformed me. Thanks to this, I can now suppress Fran's blood to a certain extent."

Remilia looked at Yuntian, and to be honest, she also wanted to say thank you to Yuntian.

But there were other people around, and this haughty vampire lady was a little embarrassed.

After opening her mouth, Remilia changed her words and said:

"There is a certain range limitation. If Fulan is too far away from me, the suppression of this bloodline will fail, so for the time being, she can only go out with me."

"Anyway, it's a good thing to be able to go out, and we won't lock her into the basement again."

Yun Tian naturally noticed Remilia's small movements, and after a little thought, he understood her thoughts.

But Yun Tian didn't care, after all, he didn't help Remilia just to say "thank you".

Essentially, it was just a deal.

Now Yuntian also has something to ask for Remilia.

. . .

At this moment, several ghosts floated over with the dinner plate on their heads.

There are tea drinks, wine, and some snacks such as snacks and biscuits on it.

The banquet was still a while away, mainly because Youmu needed to prepare a lot of food, so it took a little longer.

But since there are already guests coming to the door, it is impossible for people to sit still.

Drinks can be said to be a must-have item for a banquet, and drinks are prepared for non-drinking guests. As for tea, it is Yuntian's personal preference.

Sakuya took the initiative to take the plate from the ghost's head and put it neatly on the table.

Her movements were too natural. By the time Yuntian realized that the other person was a guest, Sakuya had already put everything away, and was ready to pour tea for Remilia and Yuntian with the teapot.

Seeing the neat and tidy movements of the head maid, Yun Tian had the illusion that she should not be disturbed, as if taking the teapot from her was hindering others from working.

However, Yun Tian still stopped Sakuya from pouring tea.

"and many more."

Under Sakuya's suspicious eyes, he put the pot of tea back on a ghost's head, and then took out a special teapot from his carrying pocket.

"Try this."

Saying that, Yun Tian looked at Remilia and gave her a slightly provocative look.

When he came to Gensokyo last time, Yuntian visited the Scarlet Devil Mansion by chance, and had a simple conflict with Remilia.

Although Remilia's main purpose at that time was to confirm Yuntian's ability, the excuse she used was that Yuntian commented that the black tea made by Sakuya was only "not bad".

That is of course an excuse, but since it will be used by Remilia, it means that she is at least dissatisfied with Yuntian's evaluation.

The black tea made by Sakuya is the best, this is Remilia's point of view.

This is obviously what Yuntian was targeting.

I, Yun Tian, ​​hold grudges especially!

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Sakuya didn't know Yuntian's plan, because she happened to be absent when evaluating the black tea.

But looking at Yun Tian's expression of beating up his mouth, and his young lady's eyes that suddenly became sharp, Sakuya felt that he had guessed the truth pretty well.

Sighing with a headache, Sakuya still took the high-end teapot from Yuntian and poured a cup for Yuntian and Remilia respectively.

Then, under Yun Tian's gesture, she also poured herself a cup.

The moment the tea fell into the cup, the rich tea fragrance spread instantly, even attracting the attention of Lingmeng and others who were chatting on the other side.

Feeling the flying knife projected over him, Yun Tian poured another three cups of tea with a broken smile.

In the next second, a gap appeared near the teacups, and a hand reached out from it and touched the three cups away.

There are only six cups of tea, but it creates an aroma comparable to that of a tea garden, even overshadowing the aroma of cherry blossoms in full bloom in the atrium.

"This is..." Sakuya looked at the teacup in his hand movedly, the shocked expression on his face was very obvious.

She is good at making tea, and it is precisely because she is good at making tea that she can see the difference.

The expression of Remilia next to Sakuya is not much different, and the three of them including Reimu at the next table are all the same.

"I seldom take out this pot of tea. You guys have caught up today."

Yun Tian was holding the teacup with a contented expression on his face.

Because of the expansion of the space, Yuntian packed a lot of messy things in the portable pocket, most of which were food and water.

Usually he often takes out tea from it, most of which are made by himself.

But even if the teas are all brewed by Yuntian, they can be classified into different grades according to the degree of care.

Among them, only this special teapot is different.

Because this pot of tea is usually not for him to drink, but for Master Fan Xinglu.

I once said in Xuezhan World that Fan Xinglu usually drinks tea made by Wu Xiaohui himself, and he is affirmed by him as 'the best in the world for a thousand years'.

Yuntian learned the skill of making tea from his elder brother, and even his habit of drinking tea was formed because of drinking the tea made by his elder brother.

It is the same as Edelweiss's desserts, it is a unique realm.

But Wu Xiaohui is not always by Fan Xinglu's side, sometimes the big brother is not around, and the one responsible for making tea for Fan Xinglu is Yuntian who learned the craft from Wu Xiaohui.

Being used to drinking Wu Xiaohui's tea, Fan Xinglu's requirements for tea water are beyond the word 'harsh'.

Yun Tian had to perform supernormally and concentrate on completing every process in order to get a 'good' evaluation from the master.

Therefore, there is the habit of preparing in advance.

This special teapot was specially prepared by Yuntian for Fan Xinglu.

After leaving Xuezhan World, this teapot is rarely used, but the habit has been preserved.

Occasionally, when he is in the mood, Yuntian will concentrate on making such a pot of tea and save it, and take out a cup with Edelweiss as a surprise in his spare time.

The standard of this pot of tea is a level that Edelweiss has not been able to surpass for the time being!

It's not so much tea, it's better to say it's the water of this person named 'Yun Tian', the gathering of energy and spirit.

"Is this the tea you made?!" Remilia asked in disbelief.

Yun Tian took a sip of tea, then nodded slightly with a sigh, and said:

"It's me, but it's a pity, after all, it's not as good as the senior brother's tea. The difference is at least three points."

As soon as the words fell, Remilia, Sakuya, Reimu, Yakumo Zi, and Yuyuko stopped their movements at the same time, and looked at him with indescribable eyes.

They don't know what to say.

Especially after tasting the tea, when recalling the shocking feeling, I learned that there is still someone who can win by three points.

For a while, I was speechless.

. . .

. . .

. . .


It's a holiday, it's a holiday, and there will be no update in the underworld tomorrow. . .perhaps.

1684 Lively Banquet

After showing off his skills and satisfying his vanity, Yun Tian, ​​who was rarely shy, brought the topic back to the serious business.

"According to what was agreed in advance, I will provide you with blood to eat, and the Scarlet Devil House needs to pay the corresponding rewards, no problem?"

"Of course, in the name of Scarlet, I guarantee that the Scarlet Devil Mansion will satisfy your request as much as possible, and I will never break my promise."

Remilia put down her teacup with an extremely solemn expression.

Not to mention Yuntian's great favor in helping her evolve her bloodline and allowing Fran to go out, the operation of the two of them based on the power of fate before the blood sucking was enough for Remilia to trust him without reservation.

At that time, Yuntian had the opportunity to completely bring Remilia under the control of fate, but he didn't do that, and he proved that he was a trustworthy person with his actions.

For today's Remilia, Yuntian can undoubtedly be counted as one of her own.

"It doesn't need to be so formal, and I don't intend to make any harsh demands."

Yun Tian waved his hand, signaling Remilia not to be nervous, and then asked:

"I want two rewards, but before I do that, I need to ask, last time you said that you have a demon girlfriend, right?"

"That's right, Paqi, she... Cough, her name is Paqiuli Noreki, she is a witch who has mastered all the magic of the Seven Luminaries attributes and can create the Philosopher's Stone."

"Paqiuli Noreki." Yun Tian read the name, and at the same time recalled the magic books he saw at Marisa's house.

Then he nodded and said:

"I need knowledge about elements, but not magic, but more essential elemental theories and concepts."

Listening to Yun Tian's first request, Remilia responded without hesitation:

"It's simple. I'll go back and talk to Paqi. However, it's okay to provide books. If you want to communicate with her directly, you may have to come to the Scarlet Devil Mansion."

Having said that, Remilia's expression also seemed a little helpless.

"I often persuade her to go out for a walk, but Paqi just likes to hide in the big library underground. I also wanted to bring her to this banquet today, but you saw it."

Scarlett and Sakuya were the only ones present at the Scarlet Devil House. Obviously, the witch rejected Remilia's invitation to go out.

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