"What's the personality of the researcher who is squatting at home? It's not a big problem. I will pay a visit later."

Yun Tian didn't care about this little thing, and

"I had to come to you for my second request."

"Oh? Are you looking for me?" Remilia looked over curiously.

"Well, I hope to gain some experience and skills in manipulating the force of destiny."

This is the main purpose of Yuntian.

Remilia is also a user of fate. Apart from the special world of fallen knights, this is the first time Yuntian has come into contact with a person (ghost?) who can really interfere with fate.

To be honest, Yun Tian's grasp of the power of destiny is really not outstanding, it is far behind Edelweiss.

The last time I came to Gensokyo, the reason why I was able to defeat Remilia in destiny was because of the support of the world.

Remilia looks very young, and her personality is not particularly mature, but she is a vampire over five hundred years old after all.

Her study of the power of destiny, from the perspective of experience and skills alone, is beyond the reach of Yuntian and Edelweiss together.

Because of the skill "greatness recognized by the will of the world", Yuntian actually has a terrifying potential to tap in the power of destiny.

But because the direction of majoring has not been the force of destiny, and there are not many references at all, the progress has not been optimistic.

Even Edelweiss is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and the help he can provide is very limited.

However, if it is Remilia, a fate user who has studied the power of fate for more than a hundred years, she must be able to provide great help to Yuntian and even Edelweiss.

Both of them have experienced the falling star rain, and they are responsible for great achievements recognized by the world. Once this aspect is developed and used, the improvement in actual combat power for the two of them may be enough to describe it as a leap.

"Fate...you can, but I can't guarantee how much you will learn." Remilia showed some hesitation on her face.

It's not that she doesn't want to teach, but that Remilia's interference with fate stems from her talent, and she has never met a second fate user, so she is really not sure about teaching people.

"It doesn't matter, this kind of thing can't be forced. For the power of the power of destiny, any improvement is quite rare. At least it can serve as a reference for my subsequent improvement."

. . . . . .

While Yuntian was talking with Remilia, more and more guests began to take their seats as the ghosts came and went to guide them.

Not long after, Youmu also came out of the kitchen and greeted several guests in person.

Some may have some status in Gensokyo, such as a monster who looks like a teacher, and a blue-haired girl with a big backpack whose race cannot be seen and monsters of the Tengu clan.

There are also some friends who probably have a good personal relationship with Youmu, such as a night sparrow, and a rabbit demon with long purple hair. When facing them, Youmu's attitude is obviously more friendly.

Without exception, Yun Tian didn't know any of these people (demons?), nor did he deliberately want to know them.

However, there is also a familiar face that Yun Tian has seen, an ice fairy.

However, when the other party saw Yuntian, he hid away as if he saw some monster, and Yuntian was chatting with Remilia again, so he had no chance to catch her.

Youmu came out of the kitchen, firstly to welcome the guests, and secondly to signify that the preparation of the dishes was over.

While being seated one after another, a large number of ghosts also flew out with plates on them, and various dishes and drinks were delivered to everyone.

The scale of the banquet held by Baiyulou was quite large, and among the invited guests were even those little monsters who were not worth mentioning.

In order to take care of them, Yuntian specially set up a super-large enchantment that can cover the entire Baiyulou, just to help resist the erosion of death energy.

In fact, it stands to reason that entering and exiting the underworld is not that simple, and not everyone is qualified to cross the nether barrier that isolates the world.

However, because Yuyuko needs a large number of ghosts to enter and leave Gensokyo to collect spring, the strength of the barrier connecting the part of Gensokyo is deliberately weakened.

Only in this way can the residents of Gensokyo reach Baiyulou through the barrier to participate in this banquet.

Yun Tian came up with the idea of ​​holding this huge banquet, and there are three main purposes.

One is pure excitement, which is Yuyuko's hope.

The second is to announce the existence of Baiyulou to the whole Gensokyo, and tell everyone that there is such a force in Gensokyo.

The third is to let Yuyuko show her face, so that when she goes to Gensokyo in the future, no one will know her.

For this lonely undead princess who has been staying in the underworld, it is a very happy thing for someone to know her.

1685 Uninvited guests

Since 'holding a banquet' is an end in itself, there's no need to make anything false.

There is no prologue, and there are no so-called procedures and rules. The ghosts are constantly shuttling around the venue to act as waiters. When the guests come, they just find a place to sit.

And since it's a banquet, naturally it can't just eat and drink. Although there are not many, there are still some performances.

Flower viewing is one part.

Because Yuyuko collected a lot of spring, Gensokyo's cold winter in June was replaced by the cherry blossoms in Baiyoklou.

There are many cherry trees in the atrium. If you are not satisfied, you can also go to the front yard. There is a whole forest of cherry blossoms, which is a beautiful place that cannot be seen in other places.

Under the guidance of the ghost, those who are willing can even go to the backyard to see the world-class huge demon cherry tree.

Xixingyou was dead as a monster, but what Yuntian killed was the spirit after all, and it was preserved intact as a cherry tree.

The sky-reaching giant tree, which looks like a world tree, especially exudes world-class coercion and monster power, the shock is self-evident.

In addition, Yaomeng also found the three famous Sao Ling sisters in Gensokyo, and the band formed by the three of them was also part of the performance.

Marisa's neighbor, Alice the doll, was also invited to the party.

After greeting Yun Tian, ​​her puppet show completed the last corner of the banquet performance.

. . . . . .

As time passed, many people drank, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

After talking about the business, Yuntian and Youyouzi came to a fight for the big stomach king. At first, many people confidently booed and participated, but after a while, it turned into a solo battle between the two of them.

In the end, under the eyes of everyone's shock and admiration, Youyuzi defeated Yuntian with an overwhelming advantage and won the title of "Bottomless Pit".

"In general, the banquet was a success."

After eating and drinking, Yuntian walked to the corridor connecting the atrium and Baiyu Building and sat down alone, looking at the lively banquet venue with emotion.

Maybe it was because of drinking, or maybe it was affected by the atmosphere, people like Reimu and Marisa started to fight and get entangled together.

Looking at this scene, Yun Tian smiled softly and took out a cup of tea and held it in his hand.

Of all the people present, he was probably the only one who didn't drink alcohol, and the others seemed to be used to this kind of thing, even Marisa was no exception.

Yun Tian doesn't like drinking, he likes tea more than wine, the reason why he found this deserted corner to sit down now is that he has a little bit of thought of avoiding being persuaded by them to drink.

"Hmm, you are the organizer of this banquet? Well, the banquet was quite successful!"

At this moment, another voice suddenly came from Yuntian's ear.At the same time, a figure slowly gathered into shape like a phantom.

Turning the head to look, the first thing that catches the eye is a pair of huge and conspicuous horns.

The girl with a pair of horns on her head suddenly appeared beside Yuntian and sat down. When she turned her head to look at Yuntian, one of them almost poked him.

It was a petite girl, or it wouldn't be wrong to call her a loli.

Considering the opponent's ability of "creating something out of nothing" just now, Yun Tian thinks that she probably looks younger like Remilia, and her actual age may be several cycles older than herself.

Long, straight orange hair hangs down the porch from her waist, with hair ties tied at the ends to keep it from falling out.

A huge red bow hangs from the back of the head, which looks like it should be a decoration.

He was wearing a white sleeveless top and a purple skirt with a red bow tied at the neckline.

If it weren't for those gigantic horns, she'd look like the little sister next door.

A pair of huge horns that are extremely disproportionate to the height, with a purple bow tied on the left, and a ribbon spirally wrapped around the right.

The giant horns are brown in color and look a bit like branches at first glance, but if you look closely, you can find that the texture is a hard substance similar to bone.

In addition, there are other conspicuous 'decorations' on her body.

To be honest, Yuntian didn't know whether he should use the word decoration to describe it. After all, the heavy chains didn't look like decorations in the usual sense.

There is a metal belt around the waist, and there are three chains connected from it, extending to the handcuffs on the wrists of both hands and the hair rope at the end of the hair respectively.

Then, an additional length of chain extended from these three positions, and different objects were hung at the end of the chain.

The chain on the left hand is a yellow ball, the right hand is a red triangular cone, and the chain at the end of the hair is connected to a blue cube.

When the chains and geometric objects were dragged, they collided with the ground of the corridor, making a heavy sound, which indicated that they were not appearances, but real metal objects.

Judging by Yuntian's eyesight, these unique 'decorations' probably have an extraordinary weight.

"Huh? Oh, my name is Yibuki Cuixiang, I'm a ghost." Seemingly noticing Yuntian's gaze on her, Yibuki Cuixiang made a simple self-introduction to him.

Ghosts are not 'ghosts' like ghosts, but a separate race, the famous ghost clan!

"Let's say I came here uninvited, you won't drive me away, will you?"

While speaking, Ibuki Suika also took off a purple gourd from her waist, and then fished out an oversized red wine saucer out of nowhere.

She poured the purple gourd onto the wine plate, and immediately, the rich and mellow smell of wine wafted out.

Looking at the liquor flowing out of the purple wine gourd and smelling the strong aroma of the wine, even Yun Tian, ​​who doesn't drink much, can guess that this wine is not ordinary.

After all, he did similar things with tea before the banquet started, and judging by the situation in front of him, the wine poured by Suika Ibuki was even better, probably due to the advantage of special wine-making materials.

The huge wine saucer was filled with wine in a short while, and Cui Xiang drank it all in one gulp. After a long sigh of relief, he continued:

"Huh~~ Have fun! But even if you drive me away, I won't leave. It's a loss if you don't enjoy such a lively banquet until the last moment."

"The visitor today is a guest, and his purpose is to have fun. Naturally, I won't drive you away."

Yun Tian looked at this uninvited guest, although it was a little strange, but there was no malice in his attitude, so he didn't bother to chase him away.

"Hey, okay, the banquet is good, the people who hold the banquet are all good people, and the lively banquet is the best!"

As if Yun Tian's words made her very happy, Yibuki Cuixiang shook her head, filled the wine dish in her hand and drank it down in one gulp.

Yun Tian slightly dodged the protruding corner, with a helpless expression, but also looked a little more curiously at the purple wine gourd in her hand.

The gourd is a regular size, and it is hard to imagine that a wine dish that is two circles larger than your face can be filled twice.

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