'Space props? '

Yun Tian thought so.

But it was this extra glance that caught Ibuki Suika's attention.

Immediately, her eyes lit up, and she filled the wine dish in her hand again, then pushed it to Yun Tian and said:

"Haha, come, come, don't hesitate to drink, to the host of the banquet!"

Yun Tian wanted to politely refuse to push the wine dish back, but who knows, when he raised his hand, he took the wine dish very naturally.

Then, drink it up!

1686 Suika Ibuki

Yun Tian looked at the empty wine dish that he drank cleanly in one gulp, and fell into a confused thought.

He obviously wanted to refuse, so why did he just drink it?

But, in all fairness, the wine is really good wine.

Although Yun Tian seldom drinks alcohol, it's not like he doesn't know how to drink. He has also been to bars, and he has probably tasted all kinds of alcohol.

Especially in the Earth Wrong World, he was often taken by Bert to sit with him at the Flame Bee Pavilion, which caused Yun Tian to drink some wine with special ingredients.

The spirits prepared for adventurers are not for ordinary people to drink, otherwise there is a high probability that they will directly die of drunkenness.

The body of an adventurer is different from that of ordinary people, and it is impossible to get drunk with ordinary wine, so like cooking, wine is also a special product.

Yun Tian is now Lv7, if he wants to get drunk, even if he doesn't have ten cups of Yanfengting's signature spirits, it doesn't count as a start.

But the wine that Yibuki Cuixiang poured from the wine gourd was completely different. Yun Tian obviously began to react after drinking a glass, feeling warm and comfortable.

The mellow wine is not only delicious, but also has a comfortable feeling that passes through the body, making people nostalgic.

What surprised Yun Tian the most was that he could clearly feel that his body and even the star power and magic power had entered an active state as if they had been activated.

In the past, the situation that only appeared when entering the combat state, but now it reappeared because of a glass of wine.

Feeling the high feeling that his body gave back, Yun Tian could only say that it was really good.

A novel and comfortable unexpected experience.

"Good wine."

Yun Tian couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Sitting next to him, Yibuki Suika shook her head triumphantly after hearing this sentence, swinging her dangling legs back and forth, obviously very happy.

She took back the wine dish in Yun Tian's hand, filled it with a wine gourd, and pushed it over again.

"Hahaha, come again!"

"Uh, one cup is about the same, I actually have very few...?"

Yun Tian also tried to decline politely, while talking, subconsciously took the wine plate and drank it down in one gulp.

After drinking another glass with a dazed expression, Yun Tian looked at the empty wine plate in his hand and began to doubt his life.

Why fat four? ?

At this moment, Cuixiang also took out a new huge wine dish and put it in her hand, filled it up for herself and Yuntian respectively, and said with great interest:

"Let's toast! Toast!"

"Do not..."

Ton ton ton—!

"To the host of the banquet!"


Ton ton ton—!

"I just kept watching. You guys are obviously the host of the banquet but you didn't drink a glass of wine. How can you do it!"


Ton ton ton—!

"Such a lively banquet, of course we must drink to our heart's content!"


Ton ton ton—!

"What, aren't you a super drinker? Hahahaha, come on, let's continue. If you don't get drunk today, you won't return!"

Ton ton ton—!

"Respect... Well, anyway, drink!"

Ton ton ton—!

After drinking eight cups in a row, Yibui Cuixiang didn't give Yuntian a chance to speak at all, and led him to drink vigorously on her own.

You know, the wine saucers in the hands of the two of them are huge, and one glass is as much as the other people's bottles.

Even Yun Tian couldn't bear it if he poured it continuously like this. This is not an ordinary wine, but a special product that even ghosts can get drunk.

"Hey, don't stop, don't stop, come again!"

Cuixiang's spirited voice sounded in his ears, Yun Tianxia consciously picked up the wine dish and put it to his mouth, then forcibly stopped.

"You wait first." Slowly put down the wine dish, Yun Tian rubbed his bewildered forehead, then looked at Yibuki Cuixiang and said:

"Is this your ability?"

Cuixiang drank the wine first, and then filled it up for herself, then turned her head to look at Yuntian, and replied with a little surprise in her eyes:

"It's not about ability, it's my talent as a ghost clan. However, it's the first time I've seen someone who can resist my persuasion to drink. Even Zi will only be forced to lie down by me."

"Are you an acquaintance of Yakumo Zi?" Extracting the information from the other party's words, Yun Tian couldn't help but glance at her more.

Then he looked into the banquet, but did not find the figure of the monster sage.

She was sitting with Youyuko before, but now she doesn't know where to go.

But Youyouzi was still there, Yun Tian couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw her chasing a night sparrow monster and running around, scaring him to the point of crying.

Fortunately, Youmeng chased after you and stopped Youyuzi, otherwise Yuntian suspected that the rumors about Baiyulou would become more subtle after the banquet.

"Zi left a long time ago, she seems to have other things to do, well, it's probably related to Gensokyo or the Great Barrier, apart from these things, she is hardly seen.

"I've known her for a long time, old friend?"

Cuixiang drank the wine in one gulp, then looked at the wine plate put down by Yuntian, quite dissatisfied, poked his shoulder with the horn of her head and said:

"Don't stop, don't stop, the banquet isn't over yet, go have a drink with me."

After finishing speaking, she filled another glass for herself and drank it down in one gulp, then looked at Yun Tian, ​​the expression on her face was no longer happy as before, but expressed her unhappiness openly.

Seeing this, Yun Tian sighed helplessly, then picked up the wine plate and drank it down in one gulp.

Only then did Yibuki Cuixiang feel happy again, and filled him up with the wine again with a smile.

"Speaking of which, it's thanks to you that you can still stay sober up to now. You can't even get drunk after drinking nine cups of Ibuki, which is rare among us ghost clan."

Cuixiang picked up the wine saucer and clinked glasses with Yuntian, then watched him drink the tenth cup and laughed.

"Hahahaha, happy! I, Ibuki Cuixiang, have made up your friend. I will introduce you to other ghosts later, and they will definitely like you.

"Especially Yongyi, the wine in her Xingxiong cup is no worse than my Ibukigo, you must try it if you have the chance.

"Although Yongyi doesn't agree with others so easily, but with your ability to suppress Zi and Hakurei Miko, there must be no problem."

Looking at Ibuki Cuika who suddenly became excited, Yuntian felt deeply helpless.

But to be honest, Cuixiang's wine is extraordinarily mellow and easy to drink. Although it is extremely strong and has a huge aftertaste after drinking, that kind of comfortable feeling is very rare.

Even if Yun Tian doesn't like drinking very much, this kind of wine is still good to drink.

What is often needed to like something is just an opportunity.

Just like Yuntian didn't like drinking tea before, but because of Wu Xiaohui's tea, he fell in love with this drink. After drinking Cuixiang's wine, Yuntian faintly had the same feeling as before.

'If it doesn't affect the spirit, it would be nice to have a drink. '

Thoughts were born from the bottom of my heart, and Yuntian, who had changed slightly, no longer resisted Cuixiang's toast.

So, one person and one ghost just drank one cup after another.


The sky is broken.

. . . . . .

"Hmm... what happened?"

I don't know how long it took, Yun Tian slowly woke up, covering his head, looking at the sky blankly.

who am I? where am I?

After lying down for a full 10 minutes, he managed to gather his consciousness and found himself lying on the wooden floor of the corridor with a quilt covering his body.


He felt dizzy as he tried to get up, and he couldn't sit up from the floor for a while.

Pressing his temples with his hand, he waited for a few seconds before Yuntian sat up and looked towards the atrium, muttering in a daze.

"This is me, am I drunk?"

1687 Hangover

"Drunken hangover... It's a rare experience, as bad as I remember."

Yun Tian rubbed his temples, slowly driving the hydrotherapy technique in an attempt to relieve the headache and dizziness.

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