The effect was quite obvious, the cool feeling flashed by, and the terrible feeling of hangover was relieved a lot, but to Yun Tian's surprise, even with the help of hydrotherapy, the drowsy feeling could not be completely dispelled.

"It's not purely drunk, it's more like that special alcohol has some kind of mental disturbance sequelae. Think about it, too. Pure alcohol can no longer affect me too much."

Yun Tian covered his head and sighed deeply.

"Sure enough, I'd rather drink less in the future."

Because Cuixiang's wine was really good, Yun Tian couldn't help but drink more with her, and even had some thoughts that it's good to drink occasionally.

In the early years, his hobby of drinking tea was formed in this way.

But unlike tea, wine will affect the spirit and state, which is the main reason why he doesn't drink it often.

However, Cuixiang's wine was a bit different, and Yuntian quickly noticed the subtle change.

"Huh? Body... No, the strength has become a little stronger?"

It feels too weak. If you really want to compare it, it seems that the ability value of God's Grace has increased by less than 0.1 points.

Yun Tian's head is now in a daze, and it feels like his own illusion, or if it was him some time ago, this inconspicuous change would even be ignored.

But now Yuntian has A-level precision operation skills, and his perception and mastery of himself are extremely detailed.

After repeated confirmation, Yuntian confirmed that it was not his illusion.

"That is to say, the effect of that kind of wine? Strength growth at the cost of mental exhaustion, this is really..."

Yun Tian didn't know how to evaluate it.

For him, the current state of mental exhaustion is actually quite dangerous. After all, he can't exert his full strength. Once he encounters an enemy, he may be in bad luck.

However, the increase in strength has actually become stronger. Although the range is extremely weak, drinking a few more times may not necessarily result in a significant improvement.

It's just that Yuntian and Cuixiang have spent so much wine together to achieve this growth, if the price is more than a day of mental exhaustion, it seems that it is not that profitable?

But is it not unacceptable?

Yun Tian shook his head and forcibly interrupted his thinking.

Because of being drunk, his mind is not very sharp now, and he can't come up with an answer no matter how much he thinks, so he simply throws it to the back of his mind for the time being.

Lifting off the quilt that someone helped to cover, Yun Tian stood up stiffly with his right hand propped on the ground.


Before he took a step, he bumped into something next to his feet.

Looking down, it was the oversized red wine plate that Fragmentation used when he and Cuixiang were fighting wine.

It wasn't empty, on the contrary, it was filled with wine, and the rich aroma of wine filled Yun Tian's aftertaste.Obviously, it is the special product that Cuixiang pours from the Ibuki ladle.

There was a piece of paper beside the wine dish, Yun Tian picked it up and looked at it.

[Drinking a glass of 'returning wine' after getting drunk can help you get rid of headaches, which is the same as returning to sleep]

At the end of this text, a small gourd was drawn, telling Yun Tian who the person who left the note was.

"This guy, he just wants me to drink more." Yun Tian picked up the wine saucer with a delicate expression, and put it in his portable pocket.

Leaving aside whether the saying of "returning wine" is true or not, Yun Tian's headache and dizziness have already been relieved by hydrotherapy, even if it is true, there is no need for it.

Stepping out of the corridor, Yun Tian came to the atrium, and first looked up at the sky.

The underworld is also divided into day and night. It has been said that it is a simulated reality.

As long as he didn't sleep for more than a whole day, it should be the morning of the next day, not too far from noon.

Afterwards, Yun Tian moved his eyes and looked around the banquet venue.

"It looks like it went through without incident to the end."

The venue looked like it was after the show ended. Most of the tables and chairs had been taken away by the ghosts, and the guests had almost left.

The ones who didn't leave just drank like Yun Tian and fell down and slept directly on the ground.

Not too many, less than ten people in total, all covered with the same quilt as Yun Tian just now.

There were those who knew and those who didn't, Yun Tian looked over the others and looked at the two girls who hugged each other and got under the table.

Reimu and Marisa.

The smell of alcohol coming from them was particularly strong, so strong that even Yun Tian was familiar with it.

Obviously, after successfully putting Yuntian down, Yibuki Cuixiang focused on the two protagonists again, and the results of the two of them naturally couldn't be better than Yuntian.

After looking around and finding that there were no other victims who were poured down by Cuixiang with the ghost king wine, Yuntian walked to the vicinity of Reimu and Marisa.

Turning around the table, Yun Tian pouted suddenly.

"Sure enough, that ghost just wants me to get up and have another drink. I believe she will be fooled."

After confirming that there were no wine saucers or other utensils for wine beside the two girls, Yun Tian moved the table aside and carried them to the corridor where he just woke up.

It's better to use his quilt than to lie on the ground.

After putting Reimu and Marisa away, Yuntian planned to use healing techniques to help them recover a little bit, otherwise, they would probably feel very uncomfortable when they woke up after being poured the ghost king wine in Ibuki's ladle.

The others are ordinary hangovers, so don't worry for now.

Yuntian also recruited ghosts by the way, and asked them to help send the others to the guest room in Baiyulou.

Just as he was about to use hydrotherapy, footsteps came from the end of the corridor, followed by a familiar voice.

"Master Yuntian, are you awake?" It was Yaomeng who came.

When she saw Yun Tian wake up, she quickly trotted over and asked with concern:

"Are you okay? Shall I help you go back to your room to rest first."

While speaking, the girl planned to come over and help Yun Tian, ​​as if he would fall down in a second.

"I'm fine, don't be nervous...Speaking of which, where's Yuyuko?"

A little puzzled, he refused Yaomeng's help, but Yuntian didn't rush to ask, but first asked Youyuko's whereabouts.

He didn't see the other party in the atrium, and as an undead, he couldn't possibly be lying dead because of a drunk hangover.

However, Youmu gave an unexpected answer.

"Master Yuyuko, she was drunk and lay down in the room. I just came out to take you back to the room because I took care of Mrs. Yuyuko."

"Youyouzi? Drunk??" Yun Tian was stunned for a moment.

Youmu also knew that he would react like this, and explained with a sigh:

"After you were drunk by that ghost...after drinking, she happily found a lot of people to accompany her to continue drinking until morning.

"Hakurei Miko and this human magician, as well as the vampires in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, etc., she has found anyone who has a little bit of strength, and so does Yuyuko-sama."

Hearing this, Yun Tian understood.

Of course, it is impossible for ordinary wine to make the undead drunk, but if it is Cuixiang's ghost king wine, it is really different.

"Most of them were poured after two or three cups. This human magician only drank one cup, but the Hakurei priestess drank five cups.

"Master Yuyuko relied on her racial advantage to use the same large wine saucer as you, and finally couldn't hold on to the eighth cup.

"The should know better than me."

Youmu looked at Reimu and Marisa on the ground, and then at Yunten who was standing unknowingly shaking and stiff.

After thinking about it, he ran to the banquet venue to find the white water left behind, took a glass and returned to pass it to Yun Tian.

After doing all this, Youmeng glanced at Yuntian cautiously, and asked very hesitantly:

"Well, Lord Yuntian, do you still have any memory of what happened after drinking last night?"

Yun Tian took the cup and was just about to thank him, but he froze when he heard these words.

He looked at Youmu, and asked in a stiff tone, "Did I do anything?"

"Ah, it's not a serious matter, it's's's the first time I saw Mr. Yuntian with such a personality, hehe, I'm a little surprised."

Yaomeng seemed to have no memory of Yuntian, so she secretly smiled.

And Yun Tian put out a question mark with a confused face.

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How do people react when they are drunk?

Everyone has their own opinion.

Some say they tell the truth after drinking, some say they are messy after drinking, some people vent their anger and are irritable after drinking, and some people speak freely after drinking.

In the final analysis, it is the result of paralysis of thinking.

There is no rationality, no concentration, and no way to think seriously. The result is that words and actions do not go through the brain, and all act on instinct.

All of the things mentioned above happened.

People who are uncomfortable will confide in their hearts, people who are depressed will seek to vent, people who are in pain will burst out, and people who hope to communicate with others will talk more.

So, what about Yuntian?

What would it be like if he lost his mind, didn't think about the consequences and costs, and drove himself by instinct?

The first to notice the change was naturally Suika Ibuki who was in a wine competition with him.

"Hello? Are you drunk now? Drink some more with me. It's hard to meet a guy who can drink like this."

Cuixiang put down the wine dish, stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Yuntian, and found that his sight had lost focus, and immediately sighed regretfully.

But there is no way, after all, Yuntian rarely drinks alcohol, and his body has no habit or resistance to alcohol, and he has survived all thanks to his exaggerated physical fitness.

Even Cuixiang couldn't remember how much the two drank, but it must have been more than a few dozen.

A guy who can drink with her like this can only be done by the Four Heavenly Kings like her in the ghost clan.

It's a pity that Yun Tian seldom drank alcohol, and it was also the first time he drank Cuixiang's Ghost King wine.

If he comes a few more times, the situation may be different after he gets used to it. Now he still can't compare with Cuixiang, the king of ghosts who drinks non-stop 24 hours a day.

Seeing that Yuntian seemed to be drunk, Yibuki Cuixiang pursed her lips in disinterest, then turned her eyes to the banquet venue in the atrium, and began to look for the next victim.

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