Not just anyone is eligible to be persuaded by her Yi Chui Cuixiang to drink, and not everyone is eligible to drink the ghost king wine she poured out of Yi Chui's ladle.

First of all, you have to be a big demon at the beginning, otherwise it will be boring to pour it out after less than a cup.

Looking around, Cuixiang naturally focused on the protagonist of Gensokyo, Hakurei Miko's Reimu.

But just as she was about to get up, Cuixiang stopped.

Although she likes banquets and persuades people to drink, she is not stupid.

Cuixiang, who plans to stay in Gensokyo for a long time to come, would be unwise to offend Reimu, the manager, at the beginning.

However, Cuixiang couldn't bear to find someone to drink with.

While thinking and struggling, she suddenly noticed Yun Tian beside her.

Turning her eyes around, Cuixiang poked him with the corner of her head, and asked tentatively:

"Hey, Yuntian, we... eh?!"

However, before she could finish speaking, she saw Yun Tian clenched the Hei Furnace Demon Sword at his waist, and his unfocused eyes turned around instantly.

At the same time, Cuixiang also felt a sharp breath locking herself.

She stopped her movements, looked up and down Yun Tian who seemed to be drawing a sword and slashing at him in the next second, and nodded after a moment of enlightenment.

Immediately, Cuixiang revealed a secret joy on her face, and said to the drunk Yuntian:

"Hey, look over there, that guy seems pretty strong."

What she was referring to was of course Lingmeng, and as expected, Yuntian turned his gaze away, then stood up, and walked towards Lingmeng with a little flabbergasted footsteps.

As he walked, he whispered softly:

"Very strong...cut it!"

"Wait, wait! Don't chop, drink first...Wow."

Cuixiang found that the situation was different from what she had imagined, and immediately tried to stop it, but the moment she approached, a white sword light cut towards her!

Perhaps because of being drunk, Yuntian's movements were not as crisp and sharp as usual. Although Cuixiang was taken aback, she still avoided it.

"You too... are very strong, cut it off!" Seeing that Yuntian was about to swing the second sword, Cuixiang said hastily:

"I like fighting too, but there are too few banquets this year. It's hard to wait for such a big banquet after the end of winter. Put the fighting first."

However, Yun Tian, ​​who was drunk, could not listen to such persuasion.

call out--!

Another crooked sword strike came over!

Compared with the previous sword, this sword has made obvious progress. Obviously, Yun Tian's instinct to use a sword is still effective even when he is drunk.

About three swords or so, he can return to the stability of ordinary people swinging swords.

But Yuntian was happy here, but Cuixiang was very depressed, feeling like shooting herself in the foot with a stone.

Cuixiang secretly saw the battle between Yuntian suppressing Lingmeng and Yakumozi before.

She knew that if Yun Tian really made a fuss, then this rare banquet could be declared over.

Cuixiang, who was a little anxious, didn't know what to do, so she could only stand there with a bitter face.

But at this time, she was suddenly surprised to find that Yuntian's third sword hadn't come over.

Seeing her standing still, Yun Tian also stopped his movements as if he had lost his target, and just stared at her blankly.

"...Yuntian?" Cuixiang waved at Yuntian hesitantly, but got no response.

After pondering for a while, Cuixiang tried to shake her fist at Yuntian.


call out--!

A white sword light strikes!

"Hey, I understand, this guy will only attack those who resist."

After figuring out Yuntian's action pattern, Cuixiang immediately smiled triumphantly.

She restrained all her hostility and arrogance, walked to Yun Tian's side and patted his arm.

no response.


Cuixiang grabbed Yuntian with one hand, and immediately lifted Yuntian up, holding the wine gourd in the other hand, and Cuixiang started her journey of persuading him to drink.

"Huh? Yun Tian? How did you get carried over here? By the way, you smell so heavy of alcohol..."

"Hey, let's not talk about that, let's have a drink~!"

"Who are you...?!"

Ton ton ton—!

"Haha, come, come, keep drinking!"

"Wait a minute! What weird ability are you using?"

"Oh? Yun Tian! Look, she's about to attack! Cut her down!"


"Very strong...cut it!"

"Yuntian?? Have you drunk too much?"

"Hey, just obediently accompany me to drink."

Ton ton ton—!

"Why did you drink it subconsciously?! Ugh... I'm so dizzy, you, you bastard!"

"Wow! Yun Tian! Look at her!"


"...cut it!"


In short, with Yuntian's 'cooperation', Cuixiang had a very smooth drink.

Although the others don't know this ghost, they know Yuntian, the host of the Baiyulou banquet. You have to show some face when you eat and drink at other people's homes.

If you don't give it to him, you will be chopped off!

As a result, everyone who could be caught by Cuixiang was forced to lie down, and none of them ran away.

Of course, Yun Tian, ​​who drank the piece, didn't know about it.

Youmu, as the manager of the banquet, witnessed the whole process from the side, and smirked and directed the ghosts to take care of or send back the guests who were poured with incense.

It wasn't until Youyouzi suffered disaster that she took her master back to the room to rest.

Come back during the period, cover the rest of the people with quilts, arrange for the ghosts to clean up the venue, and then go back to continue to take care of Yuyuko.

1689 Difficult Awakening

"So, what did I do?"

Yun Tian looked at Youmu who was snickering, with an extremely stiff expression on his face.

He doesn't drink very much himself, and it is even more impossible for him to get drunk as his strength becomes stronger, so he has no idea about his attitude when he is drunk.

Trying to think about it, there is no memory in my mind, but it makes my already drowsy brain even more uncomfortable.

There was no other way, Yuntian had no choice but to look at Yaomeng with dead fish eyes, and then chose to give up entanglement with this matter.

At this moment, there was movement from the two girls lying on the ground.


It was Reimu who woke up.

The girl covered her head, her face wrinkled tightly, and woke up from her sleep in extreme pain.

Immediately after


spit out directly.

Lingmeng didn't eat less at the banquet yesterday, she always eats one meal for the whole day, how can she not fill her stomach at such a banquet where she can eat for free.

Now this vomit really feels like a 'torrent'.

"What happened...uh, ugh!"

Obviously, Lingmeng, who just woke up, was in an unconscious state like Yuntian, and couldn't remember what happened at all.

She just felt that something was wrong with her body after waking up, and the strong dizziness produced by her brain made Lingmeng feel that the world was turning, as if her body was distorted along with it.

Accompanied by uncontrollable nausea and unstoppable vomiting.

At first, he was able to vomit things, but after two or three times, there was only retching, and even then he couldn't stop, which made Reimu very painful.

The dizziness of the brain and mental exhaustion, coupled with the pain in the body, made the girl unable to think normally at all, and could only twitch and retch like a salted fish sideways.

Lingmeng didn't know how long she had been in this state, she really felt like the days were like years.

What liberated her from the pain was a sudden cooling sensation flowing from her forehead to her whole body.

Reimu, who couldn't think, didn't know what it was, but instinctively and subconsciously thought it should be water.

The cold stream of water appeared from her forehead, which greatly relieved her pain. The dizziness was suppressed, the world stopped turning, and the strong nausea was no longer as unbearable as before.

I don't know how long it took, but the girl was finally able to start simple thinking.

Opening his eyes, Reimu saw that a finger was touching his forehead, and it was indeed water flowing from the fingertips to him.

The cool feeling lingered on the forehead for a while, then slowly descended, across the neck, flowed through the abdomen, and finally covered the girl's whole body.

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