The sudden cold stimulation made Reimu subconsciously tighten her body, and her whole body tensed for a moment, almost screaming.

But it was only a short moment, and the water soon left the girl's body, taking away the vomit on her body, as well as the sweat from the pain and the dust lying on the ground yesterday.

He felt comfortable all of a sudden, and his head didn't hurt so much. After his fingers left his forehead, Reimu subconsciously wanted to sit up.


Then, the severe dizziness struck again, causing Reimu, who had just started to raise his head, to cover his head and collapse back to the ground.

This time, however, instead of resting on the hard wooden floor, she touched something soft.

After clutching her head for a few seconds, Reimu managed to open one eye and looked at the side, only to find that it was a pillow.

Then the gaze moved up, and the face of an acquaintance came into view.

"Thank you... woo."

Seeing Yuntian, Lingmeng thanked him with difficulty.

Although she is dizzy and difficult to think at the moment, the girl still understands that the cool water flow and the pillow under her head came from the sky.

"Don't move for now, at least for half a day, the nausea can't completely subside."

Yun Tian reached out and tapped Lingmeng's head again, using healing techniques to help her relieve her pain.

Unlike Yun Tian, ​​who has a monster-like physique, Lingmeng's physique is not too bad, but it is still in the category of mortals after all.

Cuixiang's ghost king wine is for the ghost clan, to be precise, it is for the ghost king.

The physique of the ghost clan is naturally different from that of ordinary people, and the ghost king is the best among them, with a huge difference from ordinary people.

To Yuntian, it was just a drowsy discomfort, but to Lingmeng, it was a painful sequelae.

But in the same way, drinking the ghost king wine also improved Lingmeng's physique, and the current pain can be regarded as the price of growth.

The situation on Reimu's side had just calmed down, and when Yuntian was helping her relieve her pain, Marisa also woke up beside her.

The two of them hugged each other, and the movement of Reimu's waking up was not small, so Marisa was awakened.

Therefore, her reaction should have been stronger than Reimu's.

However, what surprised Yuntian, Youmu and even Reimu was that Marisa's first reaction after waking up was not to vomit half dead like Reimu.

Instead, he desperately curled himself up, protecting all the vital parts as much as possible, and grabbed the wide witch hat with both hands and pulled it down.

Looking at the blond girl who had completed the precautionary measures without saying a word and was gritting her teeth desperately, Yun Tian was a little silent.

Of course he could see that it was not a 'correct response', nor was it a 'tough will'.

It is an instinctive response, a response engraved on the body.

That is - experience!

The girl's body spontaneously remembered this method that can effectively increase the survival rate in the face of emergencies, because similar things have happened more than once.

You can't make a sound, because you will be discovered, and there is only one ending when you can't drive your body normally.

Because he couldn't fight back, he could only do his best to protect his vitals, and curled up his body as much as possible to reduce the area being attacked.

When the brain couldn't think at all, it was done by instinct for the first time.

"She what environment did she grow up?"

Youmu looked at Marisa, who was shivering constantly due to the pain, but still clenched her teeth and curled up without saying a word, feeling extremely complicated in her heart.

This instant reaction clearly showed them the difficult growth path of the human magician named 'Kirisame Marisa'.

With a hint of emotion, Yun Tian said in a soft voice, trying not to cause extra burden to the girl:

"Relax, I'm... Reimu is here, safe.

"Don't worry, this is a shrine, not a forest, relax, relax."

Maybe it was because she heard Reimu's name, or maybe it was the shrine that gave her a sense of security. With Yuntian's comfort, Marisa, who was tense all over her body, slowly relaxed, and her hands that were tightly gripping the hat loosened a little bit.

Yun Tian kept his gentle movements, took off the witch hat from the girl's head and put it aside, then reached out and touched her head to activate the hydrotherapy.

1690 spins!

"Shrine... liar."

Marisa's feeble voice resounded faintly, and the dizziness and pain were suppressed by Yuntian's hydrotherapy, and she was finally able to speak barely like Reimu.

"But the effect is very good, isn't it?" Yuntian smiled, and put his hands on the heads of Marisa and Reimu to maintain the hydrotherapy.

How to quickly and effectively appease the patient's emotions, this is what I learned from the pharmacist Wuzi in the Lost World.

According to her, this is an essential skill for an excellent doctor.

"Someone immediately relaxes when they hear Reimu's name, oh, why?"

"Long-winded, I want you to take care of it..."

Marisa's body visibly stiffened when she heard Yuntian's teasing, and she took a peek at Reimu from the corner of her eye.

And Reimu subconsciously looked away, pretending not to hear.

Seeing the small movements made by the two girls who were a little embarrassed at first, Yun Tian seemed to say with emotion:

"That's great, friendship."

"Shut up!" x2

This time, Reimu and Marisa glared at the same time, and then together they wrinkled their small faces because of the excessive range of motion, and made uncomfortable noises in their mouths.

"Master Yuntian, I brought a wet towel and honey water." At this time, Youmeng who had just left also came back with a plate.

But she didn't put down the plate, but suggested like this:

"Seeing that they have recovered a little bit, let's move into the room, the ghost has packed out a suitable double room.

Hearing this, Yun Tian nodded and left their foreheads with both hands.

Youmu also asked the ghost who came with him to carry Reimu and Marisa on his back, and then led the way to the guest room.

Yun Tian stood up from a half-squatting position, and his body swayed subconsciously. The dizziness from his brain reminded him that it's best not to use hydrotherapy for the time being.

In terms of mental exhaustion, Yuntian is not much different from the current Reimu and Marisa.

But Yun Tian didn't fall because of this, but his feet were unsteady for a moment, and he immediately adjusted himself.

. . . . . .

Because he was a step late, when Yuntian came to the guest room, Yaomu had already put the two girls on the bed.

He was helping Reimu to sit up first, and asked her to drink a sip of honey water before lying down.

After putting the wet towel on Reimu's head, Youmu went to the other side and helped Marisa sit up.

After doing this, she turned her head to look at Yun Tian who appeared at the door, and persuaded with a caring tone:

"Let me take care of the two of them, Mr. Yuntian, your condition is not very good, and your complexion is very bad, it is better to go back to the room to rest first.

"I will also take off their clothes later. It is not appropriate for you to be there. It will be noon soon. I will send lunch to the room."

Seeing the concerned expression on Yaomeng's face, Yuntian didn't force it, and the other party even thought of an excuse for him.

After observing Reimu and Marisa, Yun Tian nodded and left the guest room after finding that the two had indeed improved.

However, the direction Yun Tian went to was not his own room.

He really needs to rest, but the situation is actually not as serious as Yao dreamed.

Moreover, it was not the first time that Yun Tian experienced similar mental exhaustion. He had a special treatment method in his hand, so he was not in a hurry.

Passing through the guest room area, Yun Tian took a look at the other guests who were sent to the room by the ghost.

Because he didn't know anyone, he just confirmed that there was no important problem and didn't stop.

Walking all the way into Baiyulou, he stopped at the door of a room.

Boom, boom——!

After knocking on the door, Yun Tian said:

"Yuyuko, are you alright?"

He knew that the other party was not sleeping. First, the undead did not need to sleep. Second, he was standing at the door, and he could hear the movement inside clearly.

Sure enough, within a second, Yuyuko's voice came from the room.

"come in."

Pushing the door and entering, it was reflected in Yuntian's eyes. . .

It is His Royal Highness the undead princess rolling all over the room.

Well, literally 'rolling around the room'.

Yuyuko rolled from the bed and climbed up the wall, rolled along the wall all the way to the ceiling, halfway through the roll, fell lightly, hit the table and continued to roll.

All the way 'crossing mountains and ridges', Her Royal Highness Undead Princess came to the door in a rolling way, raised her head to look at Yuntian, and said pitifully:

"Head, head hurts QAQ!"

"What are you playing?" Yun Tian couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead, feeling his head start to hurt.

"My head hurts! It hurts! I'm going to die!"

Youyouzi didn't answer Yuntian, she rolled left and right on the ground and turned back and forth, just like a child acting coquettishly.

"You undead said you were going to die."

Yun Tian sighed helplessly, stretched out his hand and grabbed the mischievous princess from the ground, and hung it on his back.

Youyouzi stopped making trouble immediately, and stopped on Yuntian's back to act as an honest ghost. At the same time, a large ghost also ran away from Youyouzi's arms as if relieved, shivering and retreating into the corner.

"I said why didn't I see it, it turned out to be here."

Yun Tian looked at this large ghost, it was the current head maid of Baiyulou who was fed by him.

Because it is a natural spirit, there is no gender distinction, so it can be called a housekeeper.

It was held in his arms as a pillow when Youyouzi was rolling around just now, judging by the shivering appearance, it must have been with Youyouzi a lot of times.

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