Youmu probably left it with Yuyuko so that he could go to the courtyard to take care of Yuntian and the rest of the people.

'In other words, could it be that Youmu was being carried around by Yuyuko before this? ! '

Yun Tian made up the picture, and his expression suddenly became a little subtle.

Pushing the weird thoughts out of his mind, Yun Tian found a chair and sat down, then asked You You Zi who was still hanging on him and refused to let go:

"feelling better?"

"Gululu, a little bit." Yuyuko made a bubbling sound from her mouth, as if she was dubbing herself to recover.

She did, however, quiet down.

Yuyuko is an undead, although there is a body, it is essentially the materialization of soul and spirit.

So she won't be unable to move like Reimu and Marisa, but can roll around, but as a price, mental exhaustion is a physical injury to Yuyuko.

She wasn't kidding when she said 'pain'.

This is also the reason why Yun Tian will come here before resting.

Yuyuko is not tired but injured, so it is simple, just treat it directly.

Slightly urging the false power "Primary Netherland" to provide her with strength, she will soon be able to get rid of this state.

Only, there is another problem to solve.


This time it wasn't the sound of bubbling from Youyouzi's mouth, but her stomach rumbling.

Since being poured down last night, until now near the noon of the next day, Yuyuko has not eaten for half a day!


The eyes of the undead princess wandered around Yuntian, as if looking for a better place to speak.

1691 Mining!

"Give up, even if I let you bite, you can't bite me."

Pushing away Youyouzi who came over and tried to bite, Yuntian thought for a while, and took out a special piece of jerky from his portable pocket.

The reason why it is special is that one is that there is no meat, and the other is that the jerky is surprisingly small.

Because Yuntian is very edible, the snacks he prepares for himself are also full-bodied.

For example, the stocked beef jerky is generally at least two fingers long and two fingers wide.

But the piece of jerky that was taken out right now is less than a finger long and wide, and it looks extraordinarily small compared to other jerky that Yun Tian often feeds Youyouzi.

Even the extremely hungry Yuyuko couldn't help but pause when he saw this mini jerky, and then he heard Yuntian say:

"Try it?"

"..." Youyouzi looked at the jerky, then narrowed his eyes and stared at Yuntian, as if to express 'you look down on me'.

"Well, anyway, let's try first."

Yun Tian shook the jerky, and then Youyouzi took a bite without hesitation.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat, so eat it before you ask for it!

The moment the jerky entered the mouth, Yuyuko suddenly stopped.

For her, the mini jerky didn't need to be chewed at all, she just swallowed it in her mouth, followed by an unexpected feeling.

It's delicious, but that's not the point. What's important is the happiness that temporarily relieves hunger after eating a lot of food in one go.

"What is this?!" Yuyuko asked with an unbelievable tone, her eyes sparkling.

Such a small jerky can replace a large amount of food. If it is a large piece, a dish, or even a table of dishes, wouldn't it be enough to eat!

Thinking of this, an uncontrollable excitement rose in Youyouzi's heart.

But before she was happy for too long, Yun Tian poured a basin of cold water down.

"Unfortunately, you can't let go of this thing, and the amount in my hand is limited for the time being."

As he said that, Yun Tian took out another piece of jerky, shook it and said with a smile:

"This is the last one. As for what kind of meat it is, I think it's better not to mention it in this world."

Needless to say, the jerky that Yuntian brought out was naturally the black dragon meat processed by Edelweiss, and only this grade-A material (ingredient?) in his hands could have this effect.

The establishment of Gensokyo was promoted by Yakumo Zi, but there is a legend handed down when Gensokyo was established.

The Dragon God Appears!

Yuntian doesn't know the details, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that the existence of the "Dragon God" is not a fiction, and there is really this true god.

When he met Yakumo Zi for the first time, Yun Tian heard about the god Dragon God from her mouth.

They are all dragons, although it has nothing to do with each other in essence, but Yun Tian thinks it is not necessary to publicize that it is better to have dragon meat in his hand.

It is not a wise move to offend a god inexplicably, or the kind of true god who needs to be nodded and approved for the establishment of Gensokyo.

"Ahh!" Youyouzi ate the dried dragon meat in one gulp, and at the same time asked unwillingly:

"Is it really gone?"

"No, there are more, and the amount is very large."


"Unfortunately, the rest are inedible."

Seeing the expectant gaze cast by Youyouzi, Yuntian spread his hands ruthlessly.

"Why can't you eat it?" Yuyuko said she couldn't understand.

"Pollution, the literal meaning is easy to understand. The edible jerky is purified by me, so the quantity is limited."

Yun Tian explained to Youyouzi, he thought she would understand, but who knows. . .

"Just eat it with pollution! As long as you can put it in your mouth, there is nothing you can't eat!"

Listening to Youyouzi's serious and unreasonable declaration, Yuntian fell into silence.

After a while, he decided to use actions to teach the undead princess a lesson.

In the next second, the power of Netherland was turned off, and Youyuko's exclamation sounded immediately.

" hurts, my head hurts!"

"So, some things are not edible." Yun Tian glanced at You Youzi who was hanging on his body and yelled, knowing that she was acting.

The power of the underworld has been activated for a while, and the treatment of Yuyuko has been continuing. Although she has not fully recovered, she will definitely not be rolling all over the ground in pain like at first.

At most, it is a little obvious tingling pain, which belongs to the level of bearing it and passing it.

However, Yun Tian sighed and reactivated the power of Netherland, and You Youzi also rubbed his head and calmed down.

After a while, she suddenly asked:

"what do you want?"

Youyouzi is not stupid, even though she has become familiar with Yuntian, she will act coquettishly to show off her cuteness occasionally, but she is still the thousand-year-old undead princess.

Yun Tian took out this kind of meat and said that there is a purification method, so it is unlikely that he was bored and told her to play secretly.

The relationship between Yuntian and Youyouzi can be regarded as close now, but after all, they still remain as close friends.

A further step up may be taken, but at least not now.

There is no relationship between them that can selflessly share all the secrets and thoughts in their hearts, that is to say, Yuntian, who took the initiative to bring up this matter, needs it.

Yun Tian didn't deny it either, but took out two gems from his portable pocket.

A B-level high-energy magic gem and a C-level fused energy crystal were both bought by Yuntian in the Lord God Space, and they were used as gemstones for S-level props and pure Rubik's Cube batteries.

The high-energy magic gem was the only B-grade gem he bought that met the standard. There were some C-grade gemstones, but they couldn't be considered rich.

Moreover, C-grade gemstones can only be used to purify a small piece of dragon meat, and the energy will be exhausted after one or two uses.

The jerky dragon meat in Yuntian's hands would be this size, one of the reasons is that C-grade gems are not forbidden.

"It doesn't matter what kind of energy it contains, but the purity of the energy must meet the standard. The two gemstones in my hand are the minimum standard."

Yun Tian handed over the two gems, and You Youzi sized them up curiously, but Yun Tian snatched them back when he tried to put them into his mouth.

"This thing can't be eaten... Forget it, in short, with gems or 'energy crystals', I can purify the kind of meat you ate before."

Yuyuko looked at Gemstone regretfully, smacked her lips, and asked:

"Any type of energy is fine, that is, dead air, soul, spirit, etc."

"That's why I'm looking for you."

Of course, there is a purpose for Yuntian to show the dragon meat to Youyouzi.

Black dragon meat was a luxury item before solving the energy supply problem of the pure Rubik's Cube, Yuntian and Edelweiss couldn't even eat enough for themselves.

C-level gemstones are not expensive, so they can't be banned, and the accumulation of the accumulated cost is not small.

When it comes to B-level gemstones, the price starts to rise, not to mention that the pure Rubik's Cube requires extra purity of gemstones, which makes the price higher than ordinary energy gemstones.

If this expense goes on for a long time, it will not be a problem, so Yuntian must find other ways to solve the energy supply.

Right now, the underworld is the first choice.

Although the underworld is a man-made world, it has indeed formed a complete world, and the imitation of the real world is also extremely complete.

At least Yuntian's Temple of Stars is much worse than that of the underworld.

There are complete rules in this world, as well as the circulation and balance of energy and matter, and ghosts and undead live here.

The Baiyu Tower is just the center of the underworld. Outside, the underworld is a vast and boundless big world.

In this case, it is worth digging!

Special environments will produce special materials. In a world like the Underworld, there may be unique minerals appearing underground or on mountains, or even in unknown corners.

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