Yuntian didn't have that time to dig mines, but it's not like the underworld didn't have residents.

There are so many ghosts here that the underworld once couldn't hold them, ready-made labor.

As for how to drive them, Yuyuko, the manager of the underworld, has this power as a matter of course.

1692 Man-made rewards

"Of course, I will offer a payment."

Saying that, Yun Tian took out another gemstone.

But it is completely different from the previous two gemstones. Although this gemstone is also crystal clear, it does not have the feeling of glowing at all.

If you compare them in detail, you will soon find that there is no energy fluctuation in this newly taken gemstone.

That's right, this is the C-level empty gemstone left after the energy inside was eaten up by the pure Rubik's Cube.

This type of low-level gem does not have the characteristics of self-recovery, and it will just become an empty shell that cannot be used after being used up.

But being unusable doesn't mean it's worthless.

Essentially, its material and properties as a power gem remain unchanged.

Therefore, Yuntian can do such a thing.


With the empty gem in his hand as the center, the death energy of the underworld began to gather, little by little, the originally crystal clear empty gem was slowly stained with a gray mist.

Afterwards, Yuntian activated the power of Netherland, endowing the entire gemstone together with the gray mist with brand new properties.

'Gem of Netherland'

Grade: C-

Explanation: Although artificial gemstones manufactured forcibly through subtle techniques and rough methods contain a higher level of Netherland power, their defects are also extremely obvious.

Effect: After activating the gemstone, the dead air containing the power of the underworld bursts out within the range, which can temporarily change the environment to a certain extent.

Note 1: Due to major defects in the production method, the gemstone will be broken directly after use.

Note 2: Because the production method is too rough, the gem itself is damaged, and it will slowly lose its strength when stored in a non-underworld-related environment.

"This is a good treasure for a ghost."

Yun Tian looked at the introduction given by the Lord God Space, and then relayed it to Youyouzi.

Secondary processing with the help of empty gems is also a technique that Yuntian has just learned. As the introduction said, he just poured dead energy into it purely violently.

In the past, when the skill level of precision operation did not reach level A, Yuntian could not do such an operation no matter what.

Now relying on the subtle control, it can be regarded as barely successful. Although the flaws are great, the rewards for acting as ghosts are enough.

For Yuntian, it is regarded as waste utilization, and the empty gem itself is not worth much, and it is simple and rough to make without trouble, but the power of the underworld contained in it is a treasure for ghosts.

"You don't need to worry about preservation when you put it in the underworld, but you need to be careful when using it.

"A C-grade... Well, that's how a standard Netherland gem can be used by more than one ghost. After activation, the power will dissipate instantly, and a ghost may not have time to absorb it."

Ordinary ghosts are D-level. Considering the special nature of the spirit body, it may be able to reach D+ level. Yun Tian has more than one C-level empty gemstone in his hand, so it is not afraid that it will not be enough as a reward.

What's more, he can also use the pure magic cube to purify the dragon meat at any time to make new empty gems.

It's a pity that the artificial gemstones produced in this way are not pure enough, otherwise Yuntian could even produce and sell them on its own.

However, as long as there is energy crystallization in the underworld of this world as he thought, it can also be regenerated, and there is no need to worry about not being able to pay.

Youyouzi took the Netherland Gem, felt the power in it, and then nodded.

"From my point of view, it doesn't matter if I help you within the scope of my authority, and you will be paid, so the ghosts will probably have no objections."

Youyouzi, who has experienced it personally, is very clear about how attractive the power of the underworld held by Yuntian is to the undead creatures.

Even she, who is already very familiar with this power, can't help being touched when she sees this gem.

Resisting the touch in her heart, Yuyuko will not mess around in business.


"Even if neither I nor the ghost have any objections, you still need to seek the opinion of 'her'. Other things are easy to talk about, but once it involves 'interference in the underworld itself', you should know what will happen."

"Siji that Yan Mo?" Of course Yuntian knew what Youyouzi meant.

Last time, it was because he let go of the blessing of the underworld and caused the underworld to vibrate that he was approached by the other party.

Now, if he wants to directly develop and utilize the resources of the underworld, the supreme referee of the paradise can't get around anyway.

"I see, I'll talk to Siji Yingji." Yun Tian answered after thinking for a while.

"Besides, I don't need to come to find her, that Lord Yan Mo will come to me in a few days."

Yuntian's commotion in the underworld this time is not small, and Siji Yingji definitely noticed it.

The reason why she didn't show up was because there was no accident. When she finished her work, she would definitely come to Yun Tian to give her a good lecture.

"Okay, I've finished what I want to say, are you okay, I'll go back to my room to rest for a while."

Yun Tian turned off the power of Nether Earth and stood up from the chair.

"Eh?" Youyouzi changed his face instantly, looking at him pitifully.

"Don't worry, I'm indeed a little tired. Mental fatigue has a great impact on my ability to use. Try not to disturb me before lunch."

When Youyouzi heard Yuntian say this, he really saw that he was not in good spirits, so he didn't continue to pester him and took the initiative to get off him.

Afterwards, Yun Tian left Youyouzi's room, and returned to his own room without going anywhere this time.

. . . . . .


Back in the room, Yun Tian lay down on the bed, stretched out his hand and pressed his forehead while letting out a long sigh of relief.

"When was the last time you felt this fatigue?"

After muttering softly to himself, Yun Tian lay down for a while, then turned over and walked to the side table to sit down.


With the spread of star power, an enchantment enveloped his room.

Then Yun Tian took out a glass bottle from his portable pocket and put it on the table.

The transparent glass bottle contained a clear liquid. There was no extra decoration on the whole bottle, just a label with some words that ordinary people could not understand.

Yun Tian knew what it was, and could understand the contents above.

The sacred text, and the content is - Soma!

That's right, the bottle of wine that Yun Tian took out was made by the God of Dionysus Sumo in the Earth Wrong World.

The Wine of the Gods Somo!

Of course, it is the kind of failure that can be bought on the market.

Once in the wrong world, Yuntian had a state of severe mental exhaustion caused by the magic book, which is very similar to the current situation.

At that time, it was the soma wine that Riveria bought, and the reason was that it could help him recover from mental fatigue.

Afterwards, knowing that there were such things, how could Yuntian not reserve some, especially after everything was over, Yuntian searched all over the market and even visited God Sumo himself.

The amount obtained is very small, but it is still there after all.

The mental exhaustion caused by the magic book that time was much worse than now, even with the addition of soma wine, he couldn't recover immediately.

But this time, I guess one cup is enough.

. . .

. . .

. . .


I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve and Chinese New Year!

Today will be the third watch, but the next two watches will be a little bit darker

1693 Trading Ideas

Taking out a cup, Yun Tian poured a small cup of soma wine, then resealed the bottle and put it back into the portable pocket.

Picking up the wine glass, Yun Tian shook it lightly, watching the clear liquid swirl slightly, smelling the refreshing aroma, he let out a sigh of relief.

Soma wine is actually divided into three types, the most precious of course is the wine of the gods, Soma, but unfortunately there was no such finished product in the true sense in Orari at that time.

It is a real divine wine that can only be completed with the help of divine power and divine authority. It is a dangerous product that can even make a god drunk, and it has incredible special power.

God Sumo has always pursued this realm, but he did not rely on divine power, but achieved this great cause with human hands.

The second type of Soma wine that follows is the finished product that the uninformed people say, and it is also a rare product that can only be exchanged for by members of the Soma family through contributions.

This type of Somo wine should actually be called a semi-finished product, and it is the product of the Soma God's pursuit of divine wine.

As a semi-finished product, this kind of Soma wine already has a part of the terrifying power of the divine wine. Those who are not strong enough in will and belief will be captured by the wine and become crazy people who are desperate to take another sip.

The former God Sumo used this kind of semi-finished products as rewards to stimulate the distorted desire to make money in the members of the Sumo family.

As for the third type, it is the one in Yun Tian's hands.

This is the only soma wine that can be bought in the market in the labyrinth city of Orari, and the quality of almost every bottle is different, some are good and some are bad.

Still, even the worst Soma beats great wines made with exotic ingredients.

This category is the failed product in the process of God Sumo's attempt to make the wine of the gods. It does not have the power of the wine like the semi-finished product, but it has also obtained some special abilities.

For example, Yuntian is currently using it to restore mental fatigue.

Yun Tian only had three bottles of this type of Soma wine in his hands, and he got it after searching the entire market with the help of Luo Ji's family connections.

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