Of course, the more advanced he also has a bottle, but that's another matter.

Sipping the fragrant and mellow wine, the drowsy brain began to revive, the tired spirit became active, and even the thinking seemed to be much more flexible.

The clear and transparent feeling made Yuntian feel very comfortable. At the same time, some placement problems began to advance.

For example, the ghost king wine in Ibuki Suika's hand.

"Props that can improve physical strength are rare for me now. It would be great if I could get the formula."

If you can brew it yourself, it is equivalent to an additional method to improve your strength, just like eating black dragon meat can improve your physical fitness now.

"Even if you can't brew it yourself, the bar in the Lord God's Space also supports the submission of recipes. This type of special recipe should be able to get a lot of feedback."

Yun Tian looked at the bottomless Soma wine in the cup, and thought for a while.

"I don't know if Cuixiang will agree to exchange Somo wine... Well, let's find a chance to ask. It's hard to say if the finished product is exchanged for the recipe."

After drinking the last sip of Soma wine, Yun Tian thought about it for a while, then he was stunned, and looked at the cup in his hand delicately.

"Why do I feel like I'm a little used to drinking?"

Yun Tian fell into deep thought.

Obviously a day ago he was a good young man who didn't smoke or drink, uh. . .Considering his age, he should probably be called an uncle?

Yuntian's appearance has not changed, and his mentality is also very young, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, the 'people' he often dealt with couldn't be counted as old if they started with a hundred years.

But if you think about it carefully, he is also over 30 years old. . .

"No no, I'm 18 this year, um, that's right, I just came of age!"

After self-hypnosis, Yun Tian shook his head with a broken smile, and he also said that he didn't really care much about age in his heart.

For Yuntian and Edelweiss, who are already immortal species, it is really unnecessary to calculate age.

Putting down the empty cup, Yun Tian lay back on the bed again, closed his eyes and let himself enter a relaxed state.

. . . . . .

Boom, boom——!

"Master Yuntian, are you awake?"

After an unknown amount of time, a sudden knock on the door made Yun Tian open his eyes.

The aftereffects of the hangover had completely disappeared, replaced by the usual mental state.

"I'm awake, come in." Sitting up from the bed, Yun Tian said to the door.

Immediately, Youmu opened the door and walked in.

There was also a long dining car pushed in by the girl, with all kinds of dishes densely arranged on it.

It is worth noting that although there are many types and large portions, almost all dishes are light.

Obviously, Youmu specially prepared Yuntian's drunken state.

"Thank you."

"No, that's what I should do."

Yaomu shook his head in response to Yuntian's thanks, then looked at his face, and asked slightly surprised:

"You look better?"

"Well, it's basically fine, how are Reimu and Marisa doing?"

"I'm getting better, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do normal activities until the afternoon. I have a good appetite, and I've already eaten lunch."

Yomu put the food on the table and said:

"I've been to Yuyuko-sama's place too, I'm quite energetic, my appetite is even better than usual...huh?"

While arranging it, Youmu saw the cup that was placed on the table.

Walking over to pick it up, a strong smell of wine suddenly entered the girl's nose.

Youmu looked at the cup, then cast his gaze to Yuntian, and said with a particularly serious expression:

"Master Yuntian! You just drank so much wine yesterday, how can you continue to drink when your body is still uncomfortable!"

"Ah, uh, that doesn't count..." Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, a little embarrassed.

He didn't know how to explain it, said it wasn't wine?But soma is wine, and very strong wine.

Perhaps it should be said that this glass of wine can relieve mental fatigue?

Well, obviously it's impossible to believe it, it will definitely be considered an excuse.

Therefore, Yun Tian paused, and honestly admitted his mistake.

"Feel sorry."

"Really, Mr. Yuntian, you should cherish your body more. Being strong can't be used as an excuse to ignore your health."

Youmu took away the empty wine glasses, then filled the table, and finally put a bowl of soup by the table.

"I made some hangover soup, drink it before eating, if you don't have much appetite, you can simply eat some porridge."

"Well, I see." Yun Tian walked to the table and sat down, then glanced at Yaomeng and said:

"You haven't eaten yet, so sit down and eat together."

She took care of Yuyuko, Reimu, and Marisa successively, and delivered meals to all of them respectively.

Yun Tian, ​​who knew Youmu's character, knew clearly that if she was allowed to leave now, the girl would definitely clean up the atrium first, then go to see how the two of them were doing, and then visit other guests.

Finally, I greet Yuyuko and myself, take away all the tableware after eating, and return to the kitchen to start preparing my own lunch.

Youmu would not be able to eat until after two o'clock in the afternoon at the earliest. This was not the first time.

Therefore, Yuntian planned to let her stay and eat together.

"Eh? But, I still have a lot of things to do, wait..."

"Eat before you do it. It's not a good habit to work on an empty stomach."

"But, but..."

"No buts."

In the end, at Yuntian's request, Youmu had lunch with him first, and then packed up the tableware and went to the atrium to tidy up the banquet venue.

And Yuntian took some ghosts to see the other guests one by one, and after asking the ghosts to send them back to Gensokyo who were already awake, Yuntian came to the guest room where Reimu and Marisa were.

"How does it feel?"

Yuntian, who knocked on the door and entered the room, looked at Reimu and Marisa who were lying on the two beds with big eyes and small eyes, and asked.

"At least the world doesn't spin anymore." Lingmeng cast a glance at Yuntian.

She had already remembered that Yun Tian, ​​the accomplice, had an unshirkable responsibility for the reason why she was raped by that ghost.

Not only her, but Marisa also remembered this.

Unlike Lingmeng, she complained immediately after seeing Yuntian:

"It's not a good thing you did. How could you draw your sword and cut someone down if you disagreed? It was at a banquet! A banquet!"

1694 Mutual guidance (three shifts)

Hearing Marisa's complaint, Yuntian was silent for a while.

After that, a question mark was slowly issued.

"How can you slander people so innocently out of thin air!"

"Wow, you actually don't admit it!"

Marisa looked at Yuntian with disdain, grabbed the witch hat on the bed and threw it over.

"Look for yourself! The evidence is here, don't try to deny it!"

Grasping the hat casually in his hand, Yun Tian looked at Marisa full of doubts, and then observed the witch hat she called 'evidence'.

It's the one Marisa wears, nothing special except a bit tattered. . .Um, wait?

Yun Tian looked at the openings on the top of the witch's hat, gestured with his hand, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

As the old partner who has been with him since the beginning, Yuntian is very familiar with Heifu Demon Sword and cannot be more familiar with it.

It was just an incision, and he could easily tell whether it was made by the Black Furnace Demon Sword without looking at him.

Not only that, a cut can reveal more things.

For example, techniques, skills, genres, habits and angles of swordsmanship, and so on.

Therefore, Yuntian can be sure that the incision on the witch hat was made by himself without accident, but. . .

'I don't have the slightest impression. '

Feeling the sight of the two girls shooting over, Yun Tian felt a little stressed.

It seems that the two of them are lying here and suffering, as if it is their fault?

"Uh...well, well, I should be drunk, sorry, I don't have any impression."

Scratching his head, Yun Tian was a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, neither Marisa nor Reimu really blamed him, and they covered the matter after a few words.

After the topic ended, the room returned to silence.

At this time, Yun Tian moved a chair and sat beside Marisa's bed, and asked tentatively:

"Girl, do you desire to become stronger?"

"...Are you still drunk?"

Marisa looked at Yuntian beside the bed with weird eyes, moved her body slightly in the opposite direction, and tightened the quilt covering her body by the way.

Even Reimu on the other side looked over with subtle eyes, as if observing some dangerous creature.

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