"Uh, no kidding, Marisa, do you want to become stronger?"

Yun Tian didn't care about the reaction of the two, and continued to ask with a slightly straight expression.

Marisa paused for a moment, and found that Yuntian really didn't seem to be joking, and he didn't seem to have taken the wrong medicine, so she was silent for a while and then said:

"You must ask me if I want to..."

The blond girl glanced at Reimu unconsciously, then looked away immediately, and her voice became a little softer.

"That, of course I wanted to. I'm not satisfied with my current strength. I can't even solve the mutation before Reimu..."

The more she spoke, the quieter she spoke, let alone the last half of Marisa's words, even Yun Tian who was sitting next to her couldn't hear clearly, almost only her mouth was moving.

But that is not important to Yuntian, he just needs to get the girl's affirmation, and then continue the topic.

"Then, how about I teach you?"

"Huh?" "What?" Reimu and Marisa made surprised voices almost at the same time.

"Although I'm good at using swords, I'm not ignorant of techniques. At least it's enough to guide Marisa."

Yuntian's attainment in star immortality is not low, if he is specifically accused of water, then he can even be called "outstanding".

As long as it doesn't involve a world-class level, it is more than enough for Yun Tian to guide the magicians of the element system.

He doesn't need to know those theoretical knowledge, and can help improve from the more essential level of the elements.

The sun, the moon, the stars, wind, rain, thunder, lightning, fire and water are all what Yuntian is good at, and they happen to have a good compatibility with Marisa.


"Why are you suddenly planning to teach me?"

Being courteous for nothing means rape or stealing, Marisa instinctively raised her vigilance.

Although because of Marisa's cheerful and familiar personality, coupled with Reimu's relationship, she and Yuntian can already be called friends.

After all, the two hadn't known each other for long.

Not to mention sharing weal and woe, the mutation that just ended yesterday is still the enemy.

Marisa couldn't find a reason for Yuntian to help her.


Don't be kidding, who would really think that the pie falling from the sky just hit themselves.

It's true that Marisa wanted to become stronger, but she didn't intend to step into any trap or pay some inexplicable price because of it.

Yuntian and Marisa got along relatively briefly, but he almost understood the girl's character.

Being cautious is a good thing, so Yuntian didn't say much about it, but calmly gave the terms of exchange.

"I'm in charge of guiding you to become stronger. On the contrary, I need you to help me learn to fly."

This is Yuntian's real purpose.

"Fly?" Marisa was stunned for a moment, she never expected that Yuntian would make such a request.

"That's right, it's flying." Yun Tian nodded seriously.

He had two barrage battles with Marisa, and he also witnessed the girl's performance during yesterday's incident.

To be honest, compared with Yuntian, Reimu and others, Marisa's strength is really not enough.

But there was only one thing, the girl's performance was outstanding, even Reimu couldn't compare to her.

That is - flying technology!

She can rely on pure flying to avoid Yuntian's barrage, rely on pure flying to deal with Yuyuko, and rely on flying to intervene in the battle between Reimu, Yuntian and Yuyuko for fire support.

In other words, leaving aside the issue of hard power, Marisa's mobility in air combat can keep up with the speed of Yuntian and others in battle.

This is an incredible thing, and it also proves how excellent her flying skills are from the side.

Yuntian's current flying is a shortcoming, and it just so happens that flying in the world of Gensokyo is not difficult.

Of course, we should take the opportunity to make up for the shortcomings, at least not let it remain in the defects that are easy to be targeted.

Yuntian can be said to know nothing about flying.

The time he stays in this world is limited. In order to master the minimum flying skills that can be used in actual combat as soon as possible, Yuntian needs a good enough flying teacher.

He doesn't have many acquaintances in this world, and his options are limited.

First rule out Yuyuko and Yakumo Zi.

The former floated around purely relying on their racial talent, while the latter almost dodged around. Their flying methods were of no reference value to Yuntian.

Then the only ones who can be considered to have a good relationship are the protagonist group and the Red Devils group.

Remilia's problem is similar to that of Yuyuko and the others, Sakuya is a choice, but Yuntian has never seen her do it.

Thinking theoretically, Time Messenger's movement method is probably the same, and Yuntian can't imitate it.

Therefore, the final choice fell on Reimu and Marisa.

You ask Yomu?

Ok. . .That poor child is not very good at flying, at best he is better than Yuntian, just passing the line.

Perhaps, being good at running on the ground is a common problem of their swordsmen.

If Reimu and Marisa had to choose one, the better one would definitely be chosen.

Coupled with Reimu's character of being afraid of trouble, to be honest, Yuntian didn't know how to impress her. In comparison, Marisa's side was much easier.

After hearing Yun Tian's explanation that it was not 'one-sided guidance' but 'two-way mutual assistance', the girl visibly wavered.

At the same time, Yuntian's demonic whispers also reached Marisa's ears.

"You think, I can suppress Reimu in battle, right? If you learn some skills from me, even if it's thinking, doesn't it mean that you are on the way to surpass Reimu?"

"Hmm!" Marisa imagined following Yuntian's words, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

On the other hand, Reimu rolled his eyes and said angrily:

"I heard it, the person involved is here!"

1695 Visit to the Scarlet Devil's Mansion

Marisa finally agreed to Yuntian Huzhu's suggestion, after all, she couldn't find a reason to refuse.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Yun Tian left without disturbing their rest too much.

With the help of Yuntian's hydrotherapy, Reimu and Marisa returned to the state of being able to act normally in the afternoon, and they also left Baigyokudou immediately to return to Gensokyo.

The two girls were the last guests, and with their departure, the Spring Snow Incident and the banquet at Baiyulou officially came to an end.

Right now, Yuntian has three more things to do.

Find Remilia to learn the power of destiny, visit the Qiyao Magician in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and the mutual guidance agreed with Marisa.

Other than that, I just waited for the head referee of the Paradise to come to the door.

Compared with the last time I came to Gensokyo purely to understand the concept of death, this time there are many more things to do.

Without leaving immediately, Yuntian stayed in Baiyulou for one more day, and then crossed the Netherworld Barrier again and came to Fantasy Township.

. . . . . .

The mutation is over, the ghosts no longer collect springs, and Gensokyo returns to its normal cycle of seasons.

It's May, which is the time of late spring.

In addition, due to the demise of the West Goblin, the spring power originally absorbed by it dissipated and was sent back to Gensokyo by the ghosts.

This caused Yuntian to come to Gensokyo again after two days, but it felt like a world away.

Everywhere is a natural scene full of spring flowers blooming and greenery, which is completely opposite to the cold weather of the previous two days.

Walking on the road, Yun Tian couldn't help admiring.

This place really deserves the title of "Fantasy Land". The clean and pure natural scenery is unimaginably beautiful.

Instead of taking the way of monsters and beasts to go to the human world, Yun Tian deliberately spared some way, and went around from the magic forest to the lake of fog.

Today, Yuntian's main purpose is to visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Before starting mutual guidance with Marisa, he felt that it was necessary to meet the Qiyao magician from the previous side.

Walking around the bank of the foggy lake, Yun Tian looked around while walking, trying to find the ice goblin.

The last time he came to Gensokyo, Yuntian hadn't acquired the skills of power and divinity.

Now that he has the sword technique of 'Roar of the Sky' and Celestial Sword, his demand for the concepts of elements, nature, and celestial phenomena has begun to increase.

Ice is also a part of nature, and rain can generate snow, ice and other powers just by changing its application a little bit.

Fairies are born in nature and are the embodiment of the power of nature.

An elemental elf like Qi Lunuo with good strength is extremely rare in the elf group.

Yun Tian is also more curious about the power of the goblin, and whether it is different from ordinary elements. If there is, maybe the 'ice' and 'snow' celestial swords can be born based on this.


"Sure enough not." Yun Tian shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

He could feel the icy breath remaining in the air, but he couldn't see the figure of the ice goblin.

Combined with the previous performance at the banquet, the other party seemed to be avoiding himself.

"Is it because of the shadow left by the 'Water of the Milky Way' last time?"

The spell card battle with Cirno was Yuntian's first battle since he came to Gensokyo, and it was also the first time he used spell cards. Because Youmeng said that fairies can't die, Yuntian built it based on the idea of ​​trying to limit his strength under the Great Barrier. I got the [Immortal Law·Water of Tianhe] spell card.

There is no doubt that the explosion of world-class power, even with the suppression of a large enchantment, is tantamount to a catastrophe in the eyes of Cirno.

It's not a metaphor, but for Cirno, Yuntian happened to use 'water' from the same origin as ice to show its power, in the eyes of an ice fairy born from nature.

That trick of Tianhe water is the real world collapse!

In the eyes of the goblins who regard the lake of mist as their home and the world they live in, it means the water of the Tianhe River pouring down after the sky is torn apart by the collapse of the mythical pillar of heaven.

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