That is the horror beyond comprehension.

Therefore, Qi Lunuo didn't dare to appear in front of Yuntian at all.

In her opinion, Yuntian is not a creature at all, but the embodiment of a world-ending disaster.

It is true that goblins will not die, but it is not absolute. If the natural environment in which they were born undergoes subversive changes, then goblins will disappear fundamentally.

The water of the Tianhe River in Yuntian has the power to change the environment of the Wuzhi Lake.

. . . . . .

After going around half a circle, until the red mansion appeared in sight, Yun Tian couldn't find the ice fairy.

I didn't plan to deliberately catch the other party, since I can't meet it, it's fine.

Yun Tian put this matter behind him, decided to get down to business first and walked to the gate of the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Then, he looked delicately at the guard standing upright.

"...I'm sleeping."

He couldn't lie to himself anymore.

Looking at the girl with long red hair, Yun Tian couldn't help but sighed deeply.

This is his third visit to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

The first time I came here was led by Sakuya. At that time, the chic head maid and serious doorman left a very good first impression on Yuntian.

Although when he was leaving, Yun Tian saw the guard lady sleeping, but considering that there was a reason for the incident, Yun Tian didn't take it to heart.

After all, the aftermath of the Tianhe water he blasted on the lake of fog was stopped by the other party, so it is inevitable that he will be exhausted.

However, the second time I came, I was a little hesitant.

Because the guard lady is still sleeping.

Two times in and two out, Yun Tian saw the guard lady four times in total, sleeping three times.

It's just not right.

However, the first impression often occupies a very important position in interpersonal communication.

At that time, the red-haired doorman showed a strong performance of conscientiousness to Yuntian, especially the other party was probably a fellow villager.

Therefore, Yuntian still managed to convince himself with 'things happen for a reason'.

And today is the third visit to the Scarlet Devil House.

Well, she's still sleeping.

Even Remilia, who had evolved from bloodline, woke up, but Yun Tian saw that the guard lady was still asleep.

'How to do? '

Yun Tian fell into deep thought.

The other party was sleeping so sweetly that he couldn't bear to disturb him. In a certain corner of his heart, Yun Tian still felt that the other party's sleeping might be because of 'there was a reason for it'.

but. . .

Yun Tian looked at the guard lady, and then at the closed gate.

No one came out.

Do I just stand there and wait until Sakuya finds out or the guard wakes up?

After waiting for about a minute in silence, Yun Tian walked towards the guard standing at the door and said:

"Wake up, Miss Doorman, I'm here to visit Remilia."

"ZZZzzz... Hey! I, I, I, I am not sleeping, really! I am taking a nap, uh, doze! Yes, doze... eh? Not Sakuya?"

The moment Yun Tian opened his mouth to speak, the red-haired doorman suddenly opened her eyes, stepped back nervously and covered her head with her hands.

After stammering the explanation for a long time, it took a long time to see that the person standing in front of her was not the "Sakuya" in her mouth, but a slightly familiar man.

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"You're sleeping, right?"

"No, no! I definitely didn't sleep!"

"I believe it, and I will tell Sakuya later."

"Huh? Wait! Don't tell Sakuya, please don't tell her... oh, well, I admit that I fell asleep."

The red-haired doorman lowered her head, looking like 'I'm reflecting'.

But then she emphasized:

"But I really haven't let go of my job of guarding the door. As long as there is a slight sound or movement, I can wake up as soon as possible!"

"Sakuya will not accept this statement as a reason to be lazy." Yun Tian shrugged.

However, he had no intention of delving into it.

This is the Scarlet Devil Mansion's own business, and Sakuya and Remilia will handle it, and it's not up to him, an outsider, to talk.

Therefore, Yuntian quickly changed the topic.

"I'm here to visit Remilia, do I need to report or ask for confirmation?"

"Ah no, it's Mr. Yuntian, right? Sakuya told me that if it was you, I can open the door directly. You are always welcome at the Scarlet Devil Mansion."

The doorman lady shook her head, indicating that Yuntian didn't need to wait at the door.

However, she did not open the door directly, but continued:

"But unfortunately, the eldest lady is not in the museum for the time being."

"Not here?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, then looked up at the sky.

In the morning, the sun is not so bright, but it can be called sunny.

Vampires who like night go out at this time?

"Well, I didn't have the habit of going out after dinner early in the morning, but recently the eldest miss often takes the second miss out, and I have to thank you for this matter, Mr. Yuntian."

After hearing the explanation, Yun Tian understood what was going on.

After finally coming out of the basement where she had been locked up for hundreds of years, Flandre, the second lady of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, would definitely not choose to stay and play in the mansion.

Whether it is day or night, as long as you can go out, it is already a happy thing.

Of course, in order to limit Fran's ability, Remilia will inevitably go out together, that is to say, Sakuya will probably go with her.

"Did you say when you'll be back?" Yun Tian rubbed his forehead and asked.

"No, judging from these days, the time of coming back is not fixed every time, probably when the second lady will come back when she has had enough fun."

Miss doorman made a 'no way' expression to Yun Tian, ​​spread her hands and asked:

"Maybe I will come back for lunch, or I may not come back until late at night. Do you want to go in and wait?"

"That's it."

Yun Tian pondered for a moment.

It was unfortunate, but there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't say hello in advance when he came to visit today, and he took it for granted that it was a mistake for the vampire not to go out during the day.

It is a plan to ask the guard to convey the visit and come back tomorrow.

Ok. . .

"So, is the witch in the Scarlet Devil's Mansion there? I asked Remilia to pass on my request to visit her."

"Miss Paqiuli? She should be in the large underground library, let me take you there?"

This time the guard lady nodded and gave the answer Yun Tian wanted to hear.

"Then I will trouble you to lead the way, uh..."

Yun Tian originally wanted to say the other party's name, but in the middle of speaking, he suddenly remembered that he did not know this lady guard.

After all, the other party is sleeping every time I come here, so I don't have a chance to introduce myself.

The guard lady also noticed the pause between Yun Tian's words, and immediately said:

"My name is Hong Meiling, and I'm also a monster. I'm currently working as the guard of the Scarlet Devil Mansion...although I often don't get paid."

The last half sentence was whispered by Hong Meiling, the guard lady.

After Yun Tian heard it, he complained helplessly: "It's definitely because you were lazy and was caught by Sakuya."

"Ha, hahaha, that is force majeure!"

Hong Meiling scratched her head in embarrassment, then hesitated, and asked with some hesitation:

"Well, Mr. Yuntian, is it convenient to ask where you are from?"

"People from the Celestial Dynasty, this is what you want to ask, right?" Yun Tian smiled, he also wanted to ask when he saw Hong Meiling in the Scarlet Devil Mansion for the first time.

"Sure enough! I didn't expect to meet fellow villagers in Gensokyo!"

Hearing Yun Tian's confession, Hong Meiling immediately became excited, and the gaze she looked at Yun Tian became much more cordial.

However, before she could be happy for too long, Yun Tian interrupted her excitement and explained:

"I am indeed from the Celestial Dynasty, but I am afraid it is not the same as the Celestial Dynasty you mentioned. From the perspective of this world, I should be regarded as a person from another world. My hometown is also from the Celestial Dynasty of another world. Strictly speaking, we cannot be regarded as fellow villagers. "

"Another world... Eh?!" Hong Meiling was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yuntian with a shocked expression.

"Is it necessary to be so surprised?"

Yun Tian paused, the monster was shocked when he saw people from another world, he always felt a little delicate.

"That's a person from another world! This is the first time I've seen a legendary person from another world."

"In my world, monsters are also considered legendary things... Well, I can't say for sure."

Yun Tian suddenly remembered that he had entered the Lord God's Dimension when he was in his teens, so he really didn't know much about the world in his hometown.

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