Even the main god space has popped up, and I am really different from ordinary people. Maybe there is something hidden in my world, but I don't know it because I am not good enough.

You know, Yuntian's thoughts were not particularly mature at that time.

"Forget it, don't talk about that."

Yun Tian put aside the past, looked at Hong Meiling with interest, and asked:

"Since you are a monster from the Celestial Dynasty, you also have strong training marks on your body, so you should be able to do it, martial arts!"

"Hey, I know Mr. Yuntian is very strong, but if it's just about martial arts, I'm quite confident."

As she spoke, Hong Meiling separated her feet one after the other, her right hand was clenched into a fist at her waist, and her left hand was a palm in front of her body.

Confidence and excitement appeared on the girl's face, and she decisively responded to Yun Tian:

"Please enlighten me!"

Before she finished speaking, Hong Meiling rushed to make a move without hesitation!

She is very aware of the gap in strength between herself and Yuntian, so she doesn't do those modesty and humility, and directly grabs the advantage of the first attack.

With a strong step on her right foot, the girl approached Yuntian like the wind at a high speed, and her right hand clenched into a fist blasted out in a straight line!



It was like punching a steel plate!

Feeling the mountain-like motionless terrifying force that was fed back from the opposite fist, Hong Meiling's face changed slightly.

Immediately, he changed his fist into a palm and slapped him to the side!


The palm that glowed with iridescent light hit the fist dotted with blue starlight, looking at the fist that slashed across the cheek like a sword, Hong Meiling felt her back soaked in cold sweat instantly.

No time to care about the sore cheeks that were blown by the wind of the fist, the girl got into Yun Tian's arms with a short body, fisted with both hands and blasted upwards fiercely with all her strength!

In an instant, a colorful rainbow light suddenly bloomed!

Sanhua Collapse Mountain Colorful Cannon!

1697 three strokes

With the colorful light blooming, the mighty power of the steel fist exploded!

However, in an instant, Yun Tian suddenly swung a slash using his hand as a sword!

A sword light suddenly appeared, and in the next second it turned into nine sword lights and surrounded Hong Meiling.

No knife flow · Nine-headed dragon flash!

Feeling the terrifying pressure coming from all directions, Hong Meiling knew that her mountain-collapsing cannon could not continue.

Maybe she can hit, but the result is one for nine, and the unlucky one will undoubtedly be herself.

Yun Tian deliberately left the front of his body out, and surrounded other directions with the Nine-headed Dragon Flash, just to exchange injuries with her.

This is the fighting method that Yuntian is best at and can be said to be the most advantageous.

Noticing something was wrong, the girl took a deep breath, and then her clenched fists turned into palms, and her tense body relaxed.

For a moment, even the colorful brilliance blooming in her hands became much softer, and began to flow between her palms and her body.

Immediately afterwards, Hong Meiling folded her hands, drew a circle in front of her with an inexplicable trajectory, and faced Yun Tian's sword skill with her hands sideways!

Turn offense to defense.

change tricks.

Caihua·Rainbow Tai Chi!

The soft iridescent light spread like waves, intercepting and dissolving the nine sword strikes in all directions one by one, and finally melted into nothingness.

Yun Tian's expression moved slightly.

Seeing Hong Meiling's tough and soft response, he read the artistic conception of Baji and Taiji from it, as well as the girl's excellent physical skills.

Hong Meiling is proud enough to be able to make two or three moves against the current Yuntian in melee combat with pure skill.

You know, if Yuntian doesn't have any special abilities, Yuntian can even achieve the same level of suppression with pure melee combat, and what he relies on is precisely his skills.

However, that's the end of it.

Tai Chi is strong but strong, but it is also a very demanding physical skill.

Many people think that Tai Chi is soft boxing, or a type of soft boxing.

But in fact, the real Tai Chi is a body art that combines rigidity and softness. The premise of the profound meaning of "four two strokes of a thousand catties" is its own "four two".

In order to deal with Yuntian's nine-headed dragon flash, Hong Meiling forced the circle she drew to expand, and the dispersion of power is a risky method at any time.

This is especially true in Tai Chi, a body art that pays great attention to balance and harmony.

You use your own 'four liang' as four 'one liang', but there is no way to restrain the 'thousand catty'.

The moment Hong Meiling dispelled the Nine-Headed Dragon Flash, a beam of sword light came out preemptively, directly crushing the rainbow-colored Tai Chi Diagram in her hand!

Suddenly, the girl's movements stopped.

Hong Meiling raised her head slightly, felt the fingertips on her throat, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Your use of rigid fist is very good, obviously better than that of soft."

Yun Tian withdrew his hand, and at the same time said to Hong Meiling whose body was still a little stiff:

"That's why you have used the rigid fist twice in a surprise attack, and you can change your moves at the moment you sense something is wrong, in order to find a way to break it, but relatively, the fact that the rigid fist overwhelms the soft also makes you have flaws in Tai Chi.

"Compared to the truly great Tai Chi, you are more than a little slower in the power retraction in the end, otherwise we might be able to do two more moves."

It was said that it was a martial arts competition, so neither Yuntian nor Hong Meiling used their excess abilities too much, and the comparison between the two was more about skills.

The result was three moves, which ended with Yuntian's overwhelming victory.

"I will remember your advice, I am very grateful." Hong Meiling took a deep breath after Yun Tian's hand was removed from the front of her neck, and then responded with cupped fists.

Only after experiencing it herself did she truly understand the power of Yuntian.

It's just three tricks, if she was doing it normally, she would do it at will, and she wouldn't be tired all morning.

But after the brief confrontation with Yuntian, Hong Meiling seemed to have just been fished out of the water, her clothes were completely soaked in sweat.

The competition is not only about skills, but also the collision of beliefs and wills between the two sides.

Especially after entering the fighting state, just looking directly into Yuntian's eyes will feel great pressure, and those who are not mentally determined can't even punch.

Hong Meiling had just personally felt the feeling of being trapped in the quagmire, as if her whole body was bound by chains.

There is also technical suppression.

With every move and every move, Hong Meiling exerted all her strength to drive her body, bursting out [-]% of her former strength to barely defuse Yun Tian's tricks.

And that appropriate confrontation gave the girl the illusion that Yun Tian was deliberately stimulating and guiding her to unleash her potential.

It wasn't until she reached the true limit that she didn't even know and exposed her fatal flaws that Yun Tian casually ended the battle.

'No, maybe not an illusion. '

Hong Meiling stretched out her hand to touch the sweat on the back of her neck, and then looked at Yuntian, who was not panting for a moment, and she was tongue-tied in her heart.

In just three moves, she felt that it was more effective than her one-week or even one-month exercise.

In fact, Hong Meiling felt right.

Yun Tian had indeed caused her to explode during the battle, but he didn't pay much attention to it himself, it was purely subconscious.

If the source of this habit is to be traced back, it must be his master Fan Xinglu's fault.

Deliberately guiding, stimulating, and even helping opponents become stronger in battle is Fan Xing's famous fighting method.

Affected by her, including Yun Tian, ​​Wu Xiaohui, Zhao Hufeng and others had more or less similar situations.

The sky is relatively obvious.

As long as it is not a battle that must be won or a life-and-death fight, he will not end the battle directly, but chooses a relatively "ink mark" method.

"Okay, I'll trouble you to take me to find that witch next time... Well, do you want to wait for you?"

Yun Tian suddenly changed his words halfway through.

Because he also found that Hong Meiling's clothes were almost soaked, so he wanted to ask her if she needed a change of clothes.

"Oh, no, just wait for me a moment."

Hong Meiling shook her head in embarrassment, then ran to the side, and stretched out her hand to throw a stream of water on herself.

The girl who was completely drowned shook her body left and right like a cat, and with her long bright red hair flying, a large number of water droplets splashed out.

After a few seconds, the clean Hong Meiling trotted back, took out a key and opened the door.

"Let's go, Mr. Yuntian, I'll take you to the big library underground."

"...Ah, oh."

Yun Tian observed the whole process of the other party 'drying' him, and followed her into the Scarlet Devil's Mansion with a slightly delicate mood.


'This trick is so convenient, I want to learn it. . .I wonder if she will teach me? '

Yun Tian fell into deep thought.

1698 Patchouli Norej

"Do you know how to control water?"

Walking into the Scarlet Devil Mansion together with Hong Meiling, Yun Tian asked casually.

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