"Well, I'm a monster after all, so I still have some natural abilities. I only have 'water' that I can handle."

Hong Meiling opened her mouth to explain, just entering the gate was the courtyard, she casually summoned some water and sprinkled it on the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard.

"I also take care of the courtyard on weekdays, and I have to guard the gate, 24 hours a day all year round! It's hard work!"

After finishing speaking, Hong Meiling turned her head to look at Yun Tian, ​​and waved her fist as if filled with righteous indignation.

Yun Tian sighed helplessly, understood what she was implying, and said:

"I won't tell Sakuya that you were lazy just now, okay?"


After getting the guarantee she wanted, the doorman immediately laughed happily, and even her steps were much lighter.

Yun Tian shook his head with a broken smile. He didn't intend to make a small report at first, so he simply stopped mentioning this matter and changed the subject to ask:

"In terms of monsters, is that rainbow light of seven colors you just had demon power?"

"not quite."

Hong Meiling raised her hand, and a stream of iridescent light flowed around.

"This is the product of the combination of my demon power and qi. Well, if you want to ask why it is a rainbow color, then I don't know too well."

The girl dispersed her strength to show off, and then spread her hands towards Yuntian.

Not everyone wants to find out all the details of the nature of the power they have, obviously, Hong Meiling is in this category.

For her, instead of studying the nature of strength, it is better to exercise her body and study some martial arts.

After all, unlike Yuntian, she still has a lot of room to improve in these aspects by simply relying on exercise.

Before reaching the world class, Yuntian actually had the same idea.

"Qi... Is there Bajiquan and Taijiquan, that is to say, is there also a mysterious power outside this Gensokyo?"

"Well, yes, the Scarlet Devil Mansion also just moved into Gensokyo some time ago, there should be some similar existences."

Hong Meiling nodded to confirm Yun Tian's statement, then shook her head and said:

"However, the outside world is getting worse and worse.

"The energy in the atmosphere is dissipating, and it becomes more and more difficult for me to feel Qi when I am exercising. According to Mrs. Paqiuli, the same is true for other types of energy such as magic power and spiritual power.

"When the monster sage came to us, he said that it was because the rules of the world were changing, and there would be no more mysterious shelters in the real world except for secret places like Gensokyo."

"The rules of the world." Listening to Hong Meiling's words, Yun Tian couldn't help but look back at the sky before entering the Western-style building.

He knows that the so-called 'world consciousness' is real, but going further, he also knows nothing.

What kind of existence is the world?


Or is it an elemental creation?

Why won't you move?Maybe just don't want to move?

But since it has consciousness, what are all the creatures that live on it, including humans, demihumans, animals, monsters, gods, monsters, etc.?

Parasite?Or. . .people?

And why does the world divide power and make living beings gods?

Yun Tian shook his head, shaking the troubled thoughts out of his mind.

It's meaningless to worry about such things alone. With his current strength, it's a little early to think about these things.

. . . . . .

"It's here, it's here."

After entering the mansion, Hong Meiling led Yun Tian down a staircase, and then stood in front of the huge door.

It is about four or five people tall, and it is printed with various patterns that Yuntian can't understand but can perceive power.

Hong Meiling stepped forward and pushed the door open, and then said to Yun Tian:

"The witch you are looking for, Master Paqiuli is inside, then I will go back to the gate first, if you need anything, just come to me, or tell the elf maids in the mansion.

"Miss Remilia told everyone that as long as you state your name, they will treat you as a distinguished guest of the Scarlet Devil Mansion."

After speaking, Hong Meiling left.

Yun Tian looked at the opened door and walked in.

As soon as he walked into the big library, Rao Yuntian couldn't help but stop in shock.

What caught my eye was a super library that could not be described as 'huge'. The space was so vast that it was impossible to imagine that it was located underground in the Scarlet Devil's Mansion.

The walls could not be seen, because they were all blocked by the towering huge bookshelves, and the bookshelves were full of densely packed books.

However, what surprised Yuntian was not the size of the space and the number of books.

In terms of size, Youyouzi's private library in Baiyu Building is not much inferior, but the crux of the problem is

In this library, as far as the eye can see, there are books with fluctuations in magic power—magic books!

That's right, a large number of magic books!

Hundreds?Thousands?Tens of thousands?

No, far more than that!

Just by casually looking around, Yuntian can be sure that the collection of books in this library is at least hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions.

If it's an ordinary book, it's okay to say. In modern society, many urban libraries have a level of more than one million. If it is a national library, it will be calculated in tens of millions.

But, what about a magic book?

Not to mention tens of thousands, even thousands of magic books are a spectacular scene.

In front of Yun Tian, ​​more than [-]% of the books lined up on the shelves in this library are magic books!

Hundreds of thousands of magic books!

It was simply an unbelievable scene.

"A face I've never seen before, being brought in by the guard, I thought it was Remi who came back."

At this moment, a cold and calm voice came, pulling Yun Tian's eyes back from the vast sea of ​​magic books.

Across a large number of bookshelves, there is a square-like open space in the center of the large library, where a long crescent-shaped desk is placed.

A light-transmitting skylight was opened above the high ceiling, and a hollow chandelier swung down.

Just behind the desk, sits the owner of this Vvaru magic library - Patchouli Noreki!


If color is used to describe the first impression of this witch, it is undoubtedly this.

Wearing a pajama-like robe, divided into two layers, the main colors are pink and lavender.

A head of long straight purple hair hangs behind her back, and the ends are tied into a bunch with ribbons, and the temples on both sides are also decorated with ribbons.

On top of the head is a loose round hat with a prominent crescent decoration.

A pair of purple jewel-like pupils were looking at Yuntian standing at the door.

"Hi, my name is Yun Tian, ​​let's say Remilia's... friend?"

"Yuntian? So that's it, you are the human being who evolved Remi's bloodline." Upon hearing the name, Paqiuli's face flashed with surprise.

Remilia told her about this matter, including the purpose of Yun Tian's trip.

"Remi greeted me yesterday, just come in, don't stand at the door."

She said something similar to 'Welcome', but Paqiuli didn't stand up at all.

Not only that, she even looked away, looking back at the magic book in her hand.

A performance of 'I have nothing to do, you can do whatever you want'.

Yun Tian paused for a moment, instead of disturbing Miss Witch who was a bit indifferent, he walked into the library and looked around.

1699 Magic Book and Key

There are all kinds of books in the huge library.

Yun Tian also found some ordinary books without magic power fluctuations, but as expected, the main ones were magic books.

Perhaps because it is located underground, the ventilation is a bit poor, and Yuntian smelled a musty smell.

The location of the Crescent Desk in the center of the large library is fairly bright, but there are obviously no lighting measures in other places. The library gets darker as you go out, which is quite in line with the overall style of the vampire mansion.

There are many places on the bookshelf engraved with ghostly symbols in Yuntian's eyes, which are the same words as those on the magic guide book he read at Marisa's house.

It is a magical text with special power, so the translation of the main god's space will not take effect, but Yun Tian just can't understand it and can understand the meaning.

Walking along the outermost periphery at a slow speed, the contents engraved on the bookshelves are the classification of books kept here.

To be honest, this helped Yuntian a lot. If there were no such classification descriptions, he would not know how long he would have to search in this library before he could find the book he wanted to read.

At that time, I will have to bother that lady witch who doesn't seem very easy to get along with.

The other party didn't seem to have the heart to talk to him, so Yun Tian had no idea to run into trouble for the time being.

It is best to have someone to communicate with. If not, such a huge magic library is enough for Yuntian to digest and absorb.

The difference is only the length of time.

"However, even if there are classification instructions, it is not easy to find which book you want to find."

Yun Tian scratched his head, and stopped in front of a bookshelf marked 'Qiyao and the Three of the Five Elements'.

He looked at the bookshelf on the left, it was 'Classification of Elf Magic', and looked at the bookshelf on the right, it said 'Summoning Circle II'.

Then he looked back at the bookshelf behind his eyes, 'attribute magic · wood'.

All in all it's irrelevant.

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