"Why isn't the neighborhood two or four of the same category..."

Yun Tian sighed, this was the biggest difficulty for him in finding books in this library.

Although the bookshelves are classified, the arrangement between the bookshelves and the bookshelves is chaotic.

For example, the "Seven Luminaries and Five Elements" in front of him, if Yun Tian wants to start from one of them, he has to find the corresponding bookshelf in some other corner.

"never mind."

Yun Tian shook his head, stretched out his hand to skim over the bookshelf in front of him, and picked a book almost at random.

Anyway, today is only the first day, and Remilia is not here, so he will probably come to disturb her frequently in the future, and there will be opportunities to build a good relationship with this indifferent witch.

I glanced at the title of the book "Qiyao Born from the Five Elements" - by Paqiuli Noreki

Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, casually flipped through two pages to confirm the content, and closed the book after finding that it was helpful to him, intending to find a place to sit down.

However, looking around the library, Yun Tian found that the only place where he could read was the central long table where Patchouli was.

Other than that there is no lighting and no tables and chairs.

Walking towards the center of the library, Yun Tian found that there was an extra chair opposite the long crescent table.

He must have not had the chair when he first walked in, so it was obviously for him.

'Maybe it's not that hard to communicate? '

After taking another look at Paqiuli who was reading with her head down, Yun Tian took a book and sat down on the front left opposite her.

Then, silence was restored in the large library.

The silent reading lasted for a long time. Although Yuntian didn't have much reserve of magic knowledge, he knew the star fairy technique after all, and it wasn't that he didn't know everything about it.

Coupled with his superior strength, vision, and experience, combined with his outstanding comprehension ability, Yuntian did not encounter any difficulties in the process of reading.

He is in a condescending reverse deduction state, and not all the content in this book is useful to him.

In about 30 minutes, he finished reading a fist-thick magic book.

Turning to the last page, Yun Tian thought for a moment.

The detailed description of the five elements in the book inspired him a bit, but on Qiyao's side, except for the inexplicably added two attributes of the sun and the moon, Yuntian didn't see any difference from the five elements.

New thinking brought new questions, and knowledge began to propel him towards evolution.

The short thinking ended soon, Yuntian didn't intend to put the book back, but stood up and decided to get a new one.

This time, if you choose a book that focuses on Qiyao or the attributes of the sun and the moon to reflect each other with the book in hand, it is estimated that you will gain more.

"Can you understand?"

At this moment, a plain voice came from across the table, but compared to the first time, this voice was more curious and surprised.

Yun Tian raised his head and found that Paqiuli was looking at this side with those amethyst-like eyes, or looking at the book in his hand.

"Yes?" Yun Tian also hesitated a little.

He actually couldn't understand the words on it, but he could understand the content inexplicably.

Originally thought it was the effect of the magic book or some kind of magic in this world, but hearing the surprise in Patchouli's tone, it seemed that it was not the case?

Paqiuli got the answer, and also noticed Yun Tian's hesitation, knowing where his doubts lie, she opened her mouth to explain:

"The magic book refers to the books that contain magical power. In essence, it is also a magic tool that can be directly activated. For example, since you can understand the book in your hand, you must have already got the 'key'."


Yun Tian nodded without denying it.

When he was flipping through the book, he discovered the 'key' that Patchouli said.

It was a certain page in the magic book, and the content recorded on it had nothing to do with the context. It was written about the power of this magic book and how to activate it.

The so-called 'key' refers to that page.

As long as the energy is injected and activated according to the method described above, Yuntian can use the magic guide book in his hand to use a series of magic related to the five elements, about five of each of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, all of which have impressive power.

The most important thing is that the magic guide book can be activated in many ways. It can be used without its own magic power. The magic guide book will absorb the magic power in the atmosphere by itself.

"Theoretically, anyone who holds the magic book can use the magic inside, but those who cannot see the 'key' are not qualified to use the magic book."

Paqiuli moved her chair and sat directly opposite Yuntian, and spread out the magic book in his hand, which happened to be the page of 'Key'.

"First you must be able to see the key, and then you can use the magic book, and only those who can see the key can understand the knowledge recorded in the magic book.

"If you want to see the key, what you need is not strength or talent, but knowledge... More precisely, it is an 'understanding' of the contents of the magic book."

1700 The Frail Miss Witch

"To be honest, although I promised Remi, I don't think you can understand the magic books in this library."

Paqiuli looked Yun Tian up and down, and then a subtle expression appeared on her face.

"I've heard about you. Remi also said that you are very strong, but whether you are strong or not is not completely related to the accumulation of knowledge."

Speaking of which, Paqiuli reached out to touch the mountain of books piled up beside her, and took out a magic book with a blood-red cover from it and handed it to Yuntian.

"This is a magic guide book that is more than one level lower than the one in your hand, read it."

Yun Tian took the magic guide book from Paqiuli, opened it according to her instructions, and read the contents a little bit.

"...I don't understand it at all."

"I think so too."

Seeing Yuntian put down the book, Paqiuli went on to say:

"This is the basic application of blood magic in this book. You probably don't know much about it, so you don't understand it."

As Paqiuli said, she pointed to the Black Furnace Sword hanging on his waist.

"I originally planned to wait for you to find out that you can't understand anything before explaining. If you can retreat in spite of difficulties, I will save trouble here... However, I didn't expect this to be the result."

From the very beginning, Paqiuli did not expect Yun Tian to understand the magic books in this library, after all knowledge and strength are completely different concepts.

Stronger than Yakumo Zi or Reimu, they will get nothing in this library, but Marisa can understand some magic books.

"As a swordsman, you have this level of magical knowledge and understanding. Are you really human?"

"If it's fake, it's just not as young as it looks." Yun Tian shrugged.

"Age is meaningless in this Gensokyo, and it is impossible to surpass that Yokai Sage anyway."

Paqiuli put the blood magic guide book back into the stack, and then said with emotion:

"A century of human beings is not worth mentioning, whether it is in front of the vast sea of ​​knowledge or on the endless road of becoming stronger.

"Let's not talk about that, since you can understand the magic book, then there is a possibility for us to communicate. What is the purpose of your coming here?"

Paqiuli's emotion only lasted for a moment, and the next second she regained her composure and asked Yuntian.

"Elements... No, it should be said that it is the knowledge related to nature and celestial phenomena, not the application of magic, but the theory of concepts at a deep level." Yun Tian said without hesitation.

"Concept." Paqiuli paused.

She took a deep look at Yun Tian, ​​then stood up from the chair for the first time, and said:

"wait a second."

After finishing speaking, the witch lady was about to walk in a certain direction of the big library.

But at this moment, she suddenly tripped over the corner of the table, and she lost her balance and fell forward fiercely to the ground.

"Mum Q?!"

At the same time, there was a strange exclamation.

Yun Tian sat on the chair and watched this scene silently, trying his best to keep his expression calm, but the twitching of his eyebrows from time to time still betrayed his restless mood.

Until just now, Paqiuli, who had always had a cold and profound image, can be said to be in line with Yuntian's imagination of a witch. She is calm, wise, and has a huge collection of books, which makes Yuntian feel like meeting another sage.

But with the fall in front of him, combined with the exclaim that seemed to be malicious and flirtatious, all the fantasies about the witch in Yuntian's mind were completely shattered.

"That... are you alright?" After a moment of silence, Yun Tian tentatively asked in a friendly manner.

Then, he saw Patchouli quickly get up from the ground, her expression as calm as before.

"Ahem, no, nothing, wait for me a moment."

After finishing speaking, before Yun Tian could speak again, Miss Witch trotted away and disappeared behind the bookshelf.

"So, is this a contrasting witch who looks cold but is actually cute?"

Yun Tian looked at the direction where the other party disappeared, and shook his head with a bit of a smile.

The moment Paqiuli stood up, he did see the embarrassment blushing on her face, which was surprisingly interesting compared to her indifference at the beginning.


'It's fine if you're not a difficult character. '

. . . . . .

Yun Tian didn't make Yun Tian wait too long, and after a while, Paqiuli came back with four magic books in her arms.


"Hoo...Hoo...Uh, cough, cough."

Seeing her looking like she was going to be exhausted, Yun Tian stood up from the chair speechlessly, walked over and took the magic book.

"give it to me."

"Thank you, thank you...cough cough."

After receiving the magic guide book, Yun Tianxia's consciousness turned upside down, and a question mark appeared in his heart.

'Not sinking? '

Immediately, his eyes shifted to Miss Witch, who was walking very vainly, seeing her pale face as if her body was drained after running wildly for a day and night, Yun Tian fell into confusion.

For Yuntian, who can approach the world-class level only by his body, he really can't understand why someone would walk five or so large bookshelves with four books in his arms and almost die of exhaustion.

Not to mention now, before Yuntian just entered the main god's space and had not obtained the star power, your physique would not be so bad.

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