Full of doubts, Yuntian and Paqiuli went back to the long crescent table and sat down together.

"Huh... Mmm..."

As soon as she sat on the chair, Paqiuli collapsed. Obviously, she was so tired that she didn't even have the energy to maintain her image in front of Yun Tian.

Yun Tian sat across from him with a dazed expression, not knowing what to say, so he was so embarrassed.

To be honest, he really felt that the other party's performance was too exaggerated, which is not the case in comedy movies.

But his eyesight is not difficult to distinguish, and there is no intention of pretending in Paqiuli's performance.

That is. . .Is this the upper limit of the opponent's physical strength? !

"...It's better to exercise properly." Shi Shi couldn't help it, Yun Tian persuaded him.

In the next second, Paqiuli refused very skillfully:

"do not want!"

"Sudden death."

"If I could, I'd be dead already."

Faced with Paqiuli's confident answer, Yuntian opened his mouth speechlessly, not knowing what to do.

It makes so much sense that I don't know how to respond.

"Ahem, you don't have to pay too much attention to my physical problems. I have a special reason, and exercise is useless."

Paqiuli sat up again, and explained the incident casually.

Yun Tian didn't say much about it, he was good at hydrotherapy and knew about medical skills, so he could see Paqiuli's physical problems.

That is not a simple problem, and there is no way to solve it casually.

Therefore, as an outsider who just met him for the first day, Yun Tian didn't continue to talk too much.

At this time, Paqiuli also put the four newly brought magic books in front of him, pointed from left to right, and said:

"Flip through them in order."

1701 Knowledge increased!

Yun Tian looked at the titles of the four magic books, and as expected, they were all related to nature.

Then, according to what Patchouli said, he opened them one by one from left to right and looked at them.

While he was turning the pages of the book, Patchouli's explanation sounded in his ears.

"These are four magic books with increasing needs in order. I can understand your current situation based on which one you can read.

"The ideal state is more than the third book, but... Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

Before Paqiuli could finish speaking, she saw Yuntian skipping over the second and third books, and opened the fourth book at the end and started reading without any hindrance.

After reading a few words, Yun Tian looked at Paqiuli and spread his hands.

The expression is very innocent, but it seems to say that she is unnecessary.

My family knows my own affairs, and Yuntian's understanding of wind, rain, thunder, and even the sun, moon and stars has reached a very deep level.

After all, based on power, what he needs is not 'acquisition', but further 'improvement'.

Judging from the magic book mechanism that Paqiuli just described, it is estimated that there is no type that he cannot understand in terms of the concepts he needs.

If there is, it must be a world-class horror item, and it is impossible for Patchouli, a witch, to understand it.

"You can read these four books first. If you have any questions, just ask me. The rest... well, the 8th bookshelf in the east, the 3rd, 16th, 17th, 50th in the southwest, and the 66th bookshelf in the north. , These should be helpful to you, go find it yourself."

"I've wanted to ask since just now, why are the books in this library so messy?"

While putting away the four magic books in front of him, Yun Tian asked curiously while fetching the first one.


However, Paqiuli looked at him suspiciously.

"Uh, just like the bookshelf numbers you just mentioned, they are all of the same category, but they are placed in different positions. Isn't it more convenient to gather them together?"

Yun Tian looked at the other person's eyes and felt that he might have asked a stupid question, but he really didn't understand it very well.

"Classification...I see. Is this the human perspective?"

Paqiuli glanced at Yun Tian, ​​and then scanned the library, with a dazed and interesting expression on her face.

Later, she explained to Yun Tian:

"The arrangement of bookshelves in this library is regular, but it has undergone several changes.

"In the beginning, I increased it little by little according to the order of my learning, and before I knew it, it became so large that the number of magic books would interfere with each other.

"Such a large number of magic books are put together, and the dissipated magic power alone can cause a lot of movement. For the safety of the library itself, and for the protection of magic books and other ordinary books from being damaged, I found some Books on Feng Shui and formations to learn.

Speaking of this, it seemed that because she said a lot of words in one breath, Paqiuli paused for a while, and took a few breaths.

"Afterwards, whenever the library's collection reached a limit, I would re-arrange the layout.

"The purpose is to let the magic power and fluctuations dissipated between them cancel each other out, neutralize, and even be used by me.

"So the arrangement of books in the library is regular, but it's not divided by type like you said."

After listening to Paqiuli's explanation, Yun Tian looked around the library again if he felt something.

When he was at the door and looking for books just now, he was in the middle of the formation, so he couldn't tell. Now he is in the very center. After observing with purpose, he discovered the regularity of the bookshelves.

"This is gossip?"

"Oh? Can you see it?" Paqiuli looked over unexpectedly, then nodded in approval.

"The five elements are one of my majors, and studying the five elements, gossip is an inescapable link. The deeper the magic inherited from that ancient country, the more profound it will be."

Listening to others praising his hometown, Yuntian's mood is quite delicate.

The main reason is that he doesn't know much about things in his hometown such as the five elements, gossip, and Tai Chi, but now he hears others mention it, and he feels a strange sense of dislocation for a while.

But there is no way, Yuntian was too young when he entered the main god's space, and how many people in his teens can deeply understand the human wisdom that has been passed down for thousands of years.

At least with Yuntian's current vision, he can understand much more than ordinary people.

"If you are interested, I have a book here, you can take it and read it."

Paqiuli saw Yun Tian's thoughts, and suggested.

Yun Tian was silent for a while, and didn't refuse, just nodded in response.

. . . . . .

The time after that was complete silence.

Both Yuntian and Paqiuli read the book quietly, and time passed by little by little.

The only thing that echoed in the library was the sound of paper turning over the pages of the book, and Yun Tian's occasional slight movements of getting up to find the next book.

Although Paqiuli said that if Yuntian had any questions, he could ask her directly, but Yuntian never asked her once.

One is that his comprehension ability is very strong, and his experience and vision are there, so he won't really look like a student who doesn't understand everything.

Second, even if there is a problem, it is not good to bother Paqiuli every time.

Others are also reading, and asking questions is equivalent to interrupting the other party. Especially in the process of reading, a coherent sense of immersion is very important. Sometimes it will be impossible to find the feeling of the last second after being interrupted for a while.

Therefore, Yuntian decided to ask questions after the accumulation of questions to a certain extent.

And in many cases, the answer to the question that appeared in the last second will be found in the book in the next second, so that there is no need to bother others.

Still, there is always an end to quiet reading time.

Following the feedback from his body, Yuntian unconsciously broke away from the ocean of knowledge, and reached out to touch his stomach.

He is hungry.

After a little calculation, it was almost 11 o'clock.

Yuntian left Baiyulou early in the morning, that is to say, before he knew it, he had already read the whole morning's book with Paqiuli here.

Yun Tian raised his head and found that Paqiuli was still quietly reading the magic book in his hand. After thinking about it, he still asked:

"Are you always alone here?"

"Huh? Ah...not really." Pulled back to reality by Yuntian from the book, Paqiuli froze for a few seconds before realizing that it was he who was speaking.

"I have a familiar, and I'm usually in the library, but Sakuya is not here today. She hasn't come back for so long and she should be preparing meals... Oops."

In the middle of speaking, Paqiuli froze for a moment, and then looked at Yuntian with an apologetic expression.

"I forgot to send her a message for your share, sorry."

Yun Tian came to visit suddenly, usually Sakuya would make arrangements for such things, and Paqiuli herself often forgot to eat because of reading, so she really didn't think about it.

If Yun Tian hadn't called her, she wouldn't have realized that it was already noon.

1702 motionless

"No, it's okay, I came here unexpectedly today without saying hello."

There is a lot of food in Yuntian's portable pocket, so he can't go hungry.

However, Remilia hadn't come back until noon, so it looked like she wouldn't be able to see her today.

Yun Tian also plans to go to Marisa in the afternoon, after all, learning to fly is also an important part.

If it is to be sorted, at this stage, flight should be greater than library than power of destiny.

Making up for combat deficiencies is the top priority, followed by further improvements to the current system.

On the other hand, although the power of destiny is very strong, Yuntian has never relied too much on this power. It belongs to the level that can be improved best, and it can't be improved, and it doesn't force it.


"Today I will take my leave temporarily." Yun Tian stood up and said to Paqiuli.

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