Then he hesitated a little, and added:

"Can I borrow these books temporarily? I will come back tomorrow and promise to return them in good condition."

He was referring to the three magic books at hand, one he had just read halfway through, and the other two books he hadn't read yet.

"Take it, it's okay. Honestly, it doesn't matter if you don't return it."

Compared to Yuntian's cautiousness, Paqiuli was quite casual, and she didn't take the three precious magic books to heart when she spoke.

You know, these are all powerful props that can instantly turn a mortal into an extraordinary level powerhouse as long as they can be used.

It is also an expensive B-level prop in the main god space.

"Does it really matter?"

Paqiuli's attitude was so casual that Yun Tian couldn't help reconfirming.

This time Paqiuli didn't answer directly, but closed the book, and Chao Yuntian pointed to a row of small characters on the cover.

— by Patchouli Norej

"A large part of the magic books in this library is written by myself. If you take it away and don't return it, it's nothing more than writing another one for me. It can also consolidate knowledge by the way.

"So, as long as it is a magic book written by me, or those magic books that I have thoroughly understood and memorized the contents verbatim, you can borrow them at will.

"As for the ones that can't be borrowed, you won't find them on the shelves either."

Listening to Paqiuli's words, Yun Tian couldn't help falling into silence.

He thought of the black-robed sage who was in the wrong world in the past. The attitude of the other party was very similar to that of Patchouli, and he didn't take the precious magic book in his heart.

Think about it too, it’s just something that can be written at hand, what’s worth caring about.

If it were Yuntian, he wouldn't be so precious about his own sword skills, and he taught Yihui and Stella unreservedly back then in the defeated world.

(although the latter did not learn)

Things that can be mass-produced are naturally not rare, even if their own value is high in the eyes of others.

After figuring this out, Yun Tian stopped being polite, and conveniently put the three magic books into his portable pocket.

"Speaking of which, Marisa's magic books were given to her for a similar reason."

" you know that black and white mouse?"

Hearing an unexpected name from Yuntian's mouth, Miss Witch, who just lowered her head to continue reading, immediately looked over again.

"Mouse...that's really a delicate description." Yun Tian smiled.

"I often come to the library to steal books. It's not a mouse." Paqiuli sighed helplessly.

"She herself claims to have 'borrowed' it."

"Forget it, it's pretty much the same anyway. Knowledge has to be passed on to usher in progress. Besides, people who are not qualified can't understand the above content."

Paqiuli is not the kind of stingy character. On the contrary, the farther she goes on the journey of knowledge, the more she understands the importance of knowledge inheritance and diffusion.

Therefore, every time Marisa was able to take the magic book from her smoothly.

Otherwise, even if Paqiuli herself is not good at fighting due to physical problems, Marisa will not be able to get out of this big library with gossip as its formation.

. . . . . .

Yun Tian left the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

When passing by the gate, he greeted Hong Meiling, and Yun Tian walked towards the magic forest.

While walking, I ate lunch by the way.

Of course, it is black dragon jerky.

This is the only food in Yun Tian's hands that can quickly fill his stomach, and eating can improve his physical fitness, so he often takes it out and bites one when he has nothing to do.

Because Marisa took her to her house only once, Yuntian, who doesn't know the way too well, can only walk there according to the same route as last time.

Go back to the world through the lake of mist, and then take the southwest exit. Soon, the vast magic forest can be seen in the distance of sight.

At the same time, the roadside prop shop named Xianglintang also attracted Yuntian's attention again.

The last time they were taken by Marisa, the two passed by here.

Now seeing this store again, at least it shows that he did not go the wrong way.

"But the owner of this store was not there last time. This time, he should be inside."

Yuntian could sense that an aura mixed with humans and monsters appeared in the store, and it was the first time Yuntian felt such a strange aura in the world of Gensokyo twice.

"Half demon?"

It is not difficult for Yun Tian, ​​who has seen monsters, to deduce this answer, but he has no intention of going up and knocking on the door.

One is that although people are there, the door is closed.

Yun Tian is not sure whether the other party is open or not.

What's more, it's different from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It was an appointment between him and the other party to come to Marisa in the afternoon.

Considering that learning to fly is more important, Yuntian didn't intend to waste too much time.

After taking another look at the item shop, Yun Tian walked into the magic forest.

There was no pause along the way, and when passing by Alice's house, it was the same as the item store.

With Yuntian's footsteps, he walked through the forest at an extremely fast speed, and saw the signboard of the Wuyu magic shop.

Then, Yun Tian finally stopped his movements.

But it wasn't because he went to the place, but because he saw the wooden sign he complained about last time.

Seeing a very obvious red circle drawn on the word 'Rong' for descendants prosperity, Yun Tian almost laughed out loud.

"Since you care so much, then you should change the position of love and children and grandchildren, and don't put them together."

Passing by the wooden sign with a smile, Yun Tian walked to the door of the house and knocked on the door.

Boom, boom——!


After waiting for a while, unexpectedly there was no response.

Boom, boom——!

"Marisa, it's me, Yuntian."

After knocking twice more, Yun Tian opened his mouth and said inside.

However, what came back was still silence without any sound at all.

This time, Yun Tian fell silent.

Because it was the same as when passing by the item store called Xianglintang, Yuntian could feel that there was someone in the house, and it was indeed Marisa.

The girl can't perfectly restrain the fluctuation of her own magic power. For Yuntian, it is very easy to recognize the unique magic nature of light and heat, which is obviously good at water attributes.

After pondering for a moment, Yun Tian tentatively opened the door.


The door was opened.

What caught his eyes was the motionless figure of the girl lying on the ground.

1703 Delicious Mushroom Soup

Looking at the 'corpse' lying on the ground, Yun Tian stood at the door and fell into deep thought.

Chamber murder!

Ah no, the door is open, so it's not a secret room.

Looking around, he didn't find any third person besides himself and the 'corpse'. Yun Tian casually took out a stick, took two steps forward and poked the 'corpse' with the stick.

Yun Tian deliberately poked at his waist, which is a sensitive part of the human body.

The girl's body trembled unconsciously.

"Well, it doesn't look like it's an act."

Mr. Yuntian, who judges others by himself and has a bad personality, immediately suspected that Marisa was planning to mess with him when he saw the scene in front of him.

Obviously, he was thinking too much.

Putting the wooden stick back into the portable pocket casually, Yun Tian walked over to the side of the lying girl and turned her body over.


I saw Marisa rolling her eyes blankly, foaming at the mouth, and mysterious words with unknown tones coming out of her mouth.

Opening his eyelids and looking at the mouth, Yun Tian began to scan the room, and soon found the boiling cauldron not far away.

The Eight Diagrams Stove acts as a hearth below, and what is placed on it is more like a vat than a pot.

After seeing the big soup spoon that fell on the ground, Yun Tian almost recovered the truth of the matter.

"This guy actually prepares poisonous mushroom soup at home."

Yun Tian stretched out his hands to pinch the mushroom floating on the surface from a large pot full of thick soup, looking at its colorful spots, he was completely speechless.

"The last time I came here, I was full of confidence and showed off my knowledge of mushrooms, but this time I overturned... Demonstrating the dangers of poisonous mushrooms to me, I am so touched."

While complaining, Yun Tian threw the poisonous mushroom back into the pot, then looked at the soup on his hand, thought for a while, and then licked it.

"Huh? It's quite delicious."

Reflecting on the feeling of the entrance, Yun Tian raised his eyebrows quite unexpectedly.

His mouth is quite tricky now, although his experience as an adventurer allows Yuntian to eat any kind of food without changing his face, but in terms of evaluation of taste, Yuntian is not familiar with the dishes made by Edelweiss. Rarely give good reviews.

This pot of soup doesn't look poisonous, but it tastes really good, even Yun Tian can nod his head in admiration.

However, it is poisonous, and this must be emphasized.

"It can't be seen from the outside, but Marisa actually has such a unique skill in cooking."

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