Yun Tian felt the reaction of his body, and then he also relaxed.

He has the 'abnormal resistance' skill on God's Grace, and it is difficult for ordinary poisons or even special poisons to take effect on him.

When encountering severe poison, this developmental skill will respond, and according to the intensity of the reaction, Yuntian can relatively vaguely determine the strength of the poison.

The toxicity of this pot of poisonous mushroom soup is not small, but it is not deadly. Even if Yuntian doesn't care about it, Marisa can get up by herself in a short time by virtue of her own poison resistance and magic power cycle.

"Really, she doesn't eat these at home every day, does she?"

I feel that the two protagonists of Gensokyo are more pitiful than the other.

Yun Tian sighed in his heart, reached out and touched the girl's forehead, and then, the water flow gradually spread, joining the circulation in Marisa's own body.

After a few laps, it was discharged with toxins and was thrown out of the house by Yun Tian.

"Um, what happened...?"

Almost at the moment when the detoxification was completed, Marisa got up, clutching her head, staring at Yuntian's face in a daze, as if she had just woken up in a daze.


In the next second, her face was covered by the ice-cold water polo, and Marisa couldn't help screaming out of the sudden stimulation.

"Wow, what, what?! Attack!"

"If it was an attack, you'd be dead before you woke up."

Yun Tian's angry voice came, which made the girl's jumping movement come to a standstill.

Marisa followed the sound and found it was Yuntian. After looking around, she smiled and muttered in a low voice:

"I sprinkled synthetic powder near the house, which has a disturbing effect on the demon power. Before the effect disappears, no ordinary monsters will approach."

"Then you're going to stay at home and poison yourself to death?"

"I can't die from poison, I know Da★Ze about mushrooms!"

Seeing the girl's smug expression, Yun Tian rubbed his forehead speechlessly.

However, the conclusion that people can't be killed by poison is still accurate, and Yun Tian wanted to complain for a while, but he didn't know where to start.

At this moment, Marisa, who had completely recovered, ran towards the cauldron as if remembering something.

Yun Tian looked at the girl in bewilderment.

It was found that she first checked the pot of poisonous mushroom soup nervously, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

He picked up the spoon that fell on the ground and went to the water pipe to clean it, then took a bowl, filled it with a bowl full of delicious thick soup, walked back like a treasure, and said to Yuntian:

"Try and see Da Ze!"


Yun Tian looked down at the bowl in the girl's hand, then looked up at the bright smile and expectant gaze on the girl's face, then looked down at the bowl of 'Delicious Poisonous Mushroom Soup' again.

The expression became extremely complicated, and Yun Tian asked in a subtle tone that even he could not describe:

"Marisa, did I offend you in any way? Let's talk about it, I think I can explain."

"Huh? What offended me? What are you talking about...Don't talk about that, try this bowl of mushroom soup I carefully prepared! Hehe, there is a surprise Da★Ze!"

"...Do you really want to poison me that much?!" Yun Tian sighed melancholy.

"That's why I said it! I can't die!! I drank it too."

"But it's poisonous."

"Well, that's true, but mushrooms like the magic forest are like this. If you can't die, you're fine! Don't worry about it, you should try it first."


"Hey, why are you so smudged?"

"No... Forget it."

Yun Tian couldn't understand why Marisa insisted on letting himself drink this bowl of poisonous mushroom soup, but it was true that poison could not kill people, and Marisa's behavior didn't seem to be malicious.

Mainly, this bit of toxicity is really useless to him.

So, under the expectant gaze of the girl, Yun Tian took the poisonous mushroom soup and drank it all in one gulp.

"How is it?" Marisa stared at Yuntian, as if she was more nervous than herself drinking poison, her eyes were full of inquiries and expectations.

Yun Tian hesitated for a while, not knowing how to react, and finally said tentatively:

"Very, very good?"

"Who asked you that!" Who knows, Marisa frowned when she heard his praise.

With an expression of 'don't talk nonsense', the girl added:

"Body! It's a change in magic power! Don't you feel it!"

Hearing what she said, Yun Tian was stunned for a moment, and carefully sensed the flow of magic power in his body.

'The magic power seems to have improved a bit? '

The improvement was quite weak, so weak that Yun Tian didn't notice it at the first time, and only noticed the change after calming down to perceive it.

Not only the magic power, but even the star power has also increased by a tiny bit.

1704 Firepower is everything!

After realizing the change, Yun Tian's expression changed immediately.

Marisa, who had been staring at him, of course noticed the change in expression. A smug smile appeared on the girl's face, and she said:

"What! I also have good things!"

"Is this a mushroom in the magic forest?" Yun Tian looked at the bowl in his hand, and then looked at the triumphant Marisa.

Yun Tian now understands the reason why the other party was able to improve his strength to be comparable to that of a big monster at the age of a girl.

Leaving aside knowledge and talent, there is often a very important part of personal strength.

That is 'energy'.

In fact, physical strength, the so-called 'qi and blood' can also be regarded as a kind of energy.

Energy is the power source that supports moves and skills to bloom beyond the specification. Without energy, outstanding abilities will become useless decorations.

When it comes to magic, this theory is even more important.

If Marisa wants to compete with the big demon, the first thing he needs to do is to have a qualified level of magic power reserves.

The way to improve magic power varies from world to world, but here in Gensokyo, it is undoubtedly the way of cultivation.

Normally speaking, more than ten years of practice accumulation cannot be compared with monsters of a century or a thousand years.

You can say it's because of talent, but who can get to the level of a big monster without talent.

Marisa is not the unreasonably talented type like Edelweiss.

Therefore, her high-speed improvement must have other factors in it.

That's right, just like the bowl of poisonous mushroom soup in front of you.

"No wonder, even if you know it's poisonous, you still drink it."

Yuntian can understand Marisa's choice, and he might be the same too.

It's not about giving your life, it's just suffering, it's really nothing as a price for improving your strength.

"Hmph, this is the way for the magician in the magic forest to become stronger!" Marisa said proudly with her hands on her hips.

It's no big secret that there are poisonous mushrooms in the enchanted forest that boost magic.

Anyone in Gensokyo who knows a little about the magic forest knows this, but it is not clear which kind of mushroom can increase the magic power.

There are many types of mushrooms in the magic forest, and due to the influence of miasma and demon power, the toxicity of almost every type is completely different.

Killing, maiming, hallucinating, corrupting, mentally wrecking, they can lead to all sorts of consequences.

Marisa has been able to get to where she is today. To be honest, luck really plays an important role.

Otherwise, it is very likely that when you eat a new mushroom, you will die suddenly due to the poison.

Now that she is stronger, it’s better to be suppressed by magic power, and she can barely save her life at the last time. If it weren’t for the luck in the magic forest when she first came to the magic forest, she wouldn’t be able to survive at all. .

"Okay, let's eat! I'm starving to death, let's start after eating."

The girl dragged Yun Tian to the side of the pot, went to get a bowl for herself, and then brought two chairs over, urging Yun Tian to eat quickly.

Seeing Marisa's action of directly eating poisonous mushroom soup, Yuntian sighed and reached out to stop her.

The toxicity of this pot of soup is indeed not fatal, but judging from Marisa's performance before, I'm afraid it won't feel good after drinking it.

"Let me work on it."

Yun Tian stretched out his hand to touch the cauldron that looked like a vat, ignored the heat and began to activate the water control technique.

His water control technique can not only control the water flow, but it is usually just the water flow, and it doesn't show much in other aspects.

Things such as mist and hot springs can be controlled if you want, and the soup is naturally the same.

The mushroom Yuntian inside can't be controlled, but it is used to stew the soup, and all its essence has been stewed out. As long as the toxins are removed, the remaining weak toxins can be ignored.

Don't underestimate Marisa, she can be said to have grown up eating poisonous mushrooms every day, and her resistance to toxins has long been beyond the scope of normal people.

After Yun Tian took out a ball of strangely colored water from the soup, the two had a normal meal of delicious mushroom soup.

. . . . . .


Ah, by the way, the tea and rice are provided by Yuntian.

The mushroom soup prepared by Marisa, although it was made in a crock to take care of Yuntian, it couldn't change the fact that there was only mushroom soup.

The poor child told Yuntian what she usually ate with the most honest reaction, otherwise she wouldn't have entertained guests with only mushroom soup.

"Take a break, let's start with your magic learning."

Chasing away Marisa who was trying to pile up the unwashed cauldron and bowls and chopsticks, Yuntian quickly washed the things with water.

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