Yun Tian casually grabbed the 'hidden weapon', which was a tin can.

"Hey! Don't use your hands! You said you can only fly!"

Marisa's dissatisfied cry came from below.

Yuntian looked down, and found that Marisa took out several similar-looking tin cans from nowhere, and was arranging them on the ground one by one.

1706 Night walk

call out--!

Another jar flew towards his head.

It's fast, though. . .

Yun Tian just tilted his head casually and avoided it.

"A projectile with this speed can't hit me."

As he said that, Yun Tian turned his body slightly to avoid the pot that turned back from behind, with an expression of 'I knew it' on his face.

However, the next second.


The jar exploded as it flew past Yuntian.

The power was very small, not even an impact, but the smoke and dust blew him across the face.

At the same time, Marisa added from the ground with a voice that was clearly giggling:

"It's a failure."

"If it's a failure to escape, then I'm going to stay here and get smashed by you." Yun Tian angrily threw the pot in his hand back at Marisa on the ground.

He suspected that he had been tricked.

The canister that flew back also missed, and Marisa dodged out of the way, but the canister did not explode.

This made Yun Tian pause for a moment, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

'Speaking of which, the first time I tilted my head to avoid the jar, it didn't explode. '

"Hey, I was discovered, this is the rule Da★Ze!" Marisa picked up another jar and pointed it at Yuntian.

"The first is that you cannot be hit, and the second is that you cannot let the can explode. Triggering any of them is considered a failure.

"There are three conditions for the cans to explode. One is that they are too far away from the body when dodging, um, probably no more than one centimeter. The second is that the cans collide with each other. The third is that the cans fly out of the range of this open space."

After saying that, Marisa squeezed the jar hard.

call out--!

The tin jar flew towards the sky again.

"I will increase the quantity little by little, and use it at the beginning..."

Whoo, whoo—!

Before the words fell, two more jars flew over.

"Three are good!"

Yun Tian looked at the three tin cans, with an expression of interest on his face.

"That's kind of interesting."

The distance cannot be too far to limit his speed. The requirement of one centimeter is to exercise the flexibility and precision in the air.

The cheating method of guiding the cans to collide and the way of keeping the speed and flying in a straight line so that the cans cannot catch up are also prohibited.

"And, if I'm not mistaken."

Wiping to avoid the three pots, Yun Tian looked back, with a 'really so' expression on his face.

The three cans that he avoided turned back in an instant and flew towards them again from different directions: top, left, and bottom.

"Is this the so-called scraping?"

Marisa's training for flying is indeed unique.

. . . . . .

This practice is two hours.

The pots around Yun Tian also changed from the first three to the current eight.

It was okay at the beginning, after all, the reaction and strength were different, the three jars were not particularly difficult for Yuntian, after getting used to it, he almost ignored them.

But as the number increases, the difficulty can be said to increase geometrically.

The first is the orientation. In the air, all directions are attackable directions.

Ordinary people will find it difficult to adapt to the threat under their feet.

However, this is the easiest problem for Yuntian to overcome. He used to be in the dungeon of the wrong world, and his feet were not a safe place.

With the experience of an adventurer, he quickly adapted to the feeling of all-round combat in the air.

But then I encountered a brand new problem, upside down.

On the ground, no matter whether it is safe or not, your up and down positions must be fixed. Up means up, down means down, and vice versa.

But in the air, your top is always relative.

Sometimes when you look around, you will find that the ground is parallel to yourself, but the last second you still think that the top of your head is the "upper".

The sense of dislocation and drop caused by this vision will directly affect the perception, which will lead to the body's judgment error and stiffness.

The inconsistency between consciousness and instinct, and the impact of rational control of vision, is the second difficulty that Yuntian needs to overcome.

After this, there is a third.

That is a special situation that only begins to appear when the number of jars exceeds five, multiple simultaneous attacks.

Yun Tian needs to complete the 'grazing' in the process of dodging, and the jars must not collide with each other.

This led to the fact that once multiple jars hit at the same time, he had to wipe all the jars at the same time.

If two cans are attacked side by side, you can only walk in the middle. If the width is not enough, you must instantly adjust your posture to let your arms or even your palms pass through the middle.

This was a great test for Yuntian's flexibility in the air, and it was also the main reason for his failure.


With an explosion, eight jars fell to the ground at the same time, Yun Tian also shook his head and fell from the sky.

"It still failed."

"It's only been two hours, eight cans are already very strong." Marisa twitched the corners of her lips. It took her three whole days to make five cans when she practiced.

"Just take it step by step. When the jar can no longer threaten you, we will use the real barrage to further improve it, but at that time you will almost have a qualified air combat level."

"I'm not satisfied with just the passing line." Yun Tian rubbed his forehead.

"Then let's work hard, it's already this time, let's have dinner first, and then continue after eating."

Marisa took Yuntian back home, and the dinner was not surprisingly delicious poisonous mushroom soup.

. . . . . .

When Yun Tian said goodbye and left, it was completely dark.

Marisa asked him if he would like to stay overnight, but Yuntian finally refused considering that the girl's house didn't even have a room.

Naturally, the reason was to return to Baiyulou.

But speaking of Baiyulou, Yuntian actually has no plans to go back in a hurry.

One is that he greeted Youmu and Yuyuko before going out today, and the other is that he probably won't see them both when he goes back now.

That's right, Yuyuko and Youmu are not in Baiyulou.

As for where to go. . .There is no other possibility except Gensokyo.

After all, Youyuko was able to go out without worrying about the death energy eroding the living beings. It is impossible for you to let her stay at home.

Early this morning, the three of Yuntian went out at the same time, he went to the Scarlet Devil Mansion to read, while Youyuzi took Youmeng and went to whomever.

Now she has Yuntian's Netherland protection on her body, and she has almost stepped into the world class with one foot, and she is protected by Yakumo Zi, the founder of Gensokyo, so there is no danger of any danger.

On the other hand, Youmeng, Yuntian was a little worried that the poor child would be exhausted because of being dragged around by Yuyuko.

"Speaking of which, I don't seem to have visited Gensokyo much."

Stepping on the dense grass of the magic forest, Yuntian had already walked near the exit, and he could almost see the item shop called Xianglintang a little further.

But following the thought that rose in his heart, Yun Tian stopped in his tracks.

He looked left and right, then randomly changed directions, and started walking like a walk.

The heading should be roughly southwest.

1707 Sun Flower Field

The primeval forest in the middle of the night is quiet and frightening, and the silence combined with the gloomy without light gives people a particularly terrifying and cold feeling.

Unlike the previous route where he could encounter Xianglin Hall, Alice's House, and Marisa's House, Yuntian didn't see any buildings in this direction he randomly chose after walking for a long distance.

If you think about it, the depths of the magic forest, which is considered a restricted area to a certain extent, would be wrong if it was very lively.

What's more, in the middle of the night, even monsters need to sleep.

Another person might have started to feel bored, but Yuntian was different, the feeling of walking in the dense forest made him a little more comfortable.

The crescent moon hangs high above the night sky, and the soft light falls on the forest. The original gloomy and quiet primeval forest has a different kind of kindness in Yuntian's eyes.

"Speaking of which, I still have a 'Natural Affinity' skill."

Yun Tian quickly found the source of this mysterious kindness.

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