"I'm good at water control and have a natural affinity. Now that I even have the power of the sun, should I find an opportunity to learn the ability of an earth element and call myself a gardener of nature?"

Counting his own abilities, he found that his affinity with nature was not so high, Yun Tian couldn't help laughing and teased himself.

"Look for an opportunity to try to see if you can further use the ability of 'Natural Affinity'. Maybe you can develop moves such as Birth of the Tree World to pretend to be aggressive."

Yun Tian was thinking like this, while taking a walk to comprehend the nature.

It wasn't until his eyes suddenly went blank and the scenery suddenly changed that he came back to his senses.

Seeing the disappearing tall trees, Yun Tian was slightly stunned.

Did he walk out of the magic forest?

It didn't take long, the forest was smaller than expected?

Surprised, he turned around, and after looking at the forest behind him to estimate his position, Yun Tiancai understood what was going on.

It's not that the forest is small, but that he's heading in the wrong direction.

Assuming that the forest is a square, Yuntian walks all the way to the southwest from the east near the south end, which is equivalent to cutting a corner.

That's why I walked out of the magic forest so quickly.

"Forget it, anyway, it's just a casual walk, so it's not bad so far...Huh?"

Yun Tian sighed with emotion, and then planned to go back the same way.

At this moment, the strange scenery under the night not far away attracted his attention.

"That's it, Hanada?"

If it was an ordinary flower field, Yuntian might not stop there.

After all, it is a secret place like Gensokyo, and it is close to the edge of the magic forest. It is not surprising that the flowers and plants are lush.

However, the flower field in front of him was very special, so special that Yun Tian couldn't help but stop and turn around curiously, and walked over.

This is a prairie, or it should be said that it was originally a prairie.

However, now this vast grassland is filled with golden flowers.

That's right, it is this particularity that attracts Yuntian, a huge flower field with only sunflowers, that is, sunflowers!

Looking around, the endless grassland is full of sun flowers, and there are only sun flowers.

A veritable sunflower field!

"Is this an ordinary sunflower?"

Yun Tian walked to the edge of the flower field, stretched out his hand and touched the giant sunflower that was nearly a person's height, then looked into the flower field and couldn't help complaining.

The sunflower in front of me is really nothing special except for its size.

But the whole flower field is full of this kind of large sunflowers, it is a bit hard to believe that there is nothing special here.

"The flower field of sunflowers seems to have been heard in the world."

Yun Tian pondered for a while, and pulled out one or two sentences from his memory that he heard casually from passers-by.

"There seem to be a lot of fairies living here, and there is a safe route to this place in the human world, except for being tricked by fairies, it is a rare place in Gensokyo where humans can come and go at will.

"However, you can't go to the depths of the flower field, there is a ferocious big monster's territory, if you disturb the other party, you will be turned into a flower fertilizer and stay here forever.

"Should it be dangerous or safe..." Yun Tian rubbed his forehead.

He also only heard two rumors in the human world by accident. If he hadn't come here today, he probably wouldn't have remembered such a place.

"Since it's a place of monsters who don't like to be disturbed by others, it's fine...well."

Just when Yun Tian was thinking about whether to go in for a walk, an unexpected voice sounded.


Side tasks:

Explore the depths of the Sunflower Fields.

A notification sound from the main god's space, and a brief mission message.

"Is this the so-called side mission?" Looking at the panel that popped up suddenly, Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

The new mechanism I just learned at the end of the last mission, I encountered it so soon.

"According to what Roberts said, side missions are mainly divided into two types, one is helpful for exploring the world, and the other is helpful for the agents themselves.

"At the moment, this is probably the former."

Yun Tian looked at the task and then at the flower field, and speculated.

One second he was about to leave, and the next second a side mission came. Not surprisingly, the main god space was guiding him to improve the exploration progress of the world of Gensokyo.

Side missions are not mandatory to complete, and there are no rewards, but increasing the progress of world exploration itself is a way to obtain redemption points.

"That is to say, you want me to go in and look around, right?"

In short, completing the task would not be a bad thing, this is also the first side task Yun Tian encountered, there is no reason to ignore it like this.

So, he walked into the sun flower field and moved towards the depths.

. . . . . .

A little time passed, and Yun Tian, ​​who was originally in the mood of exploring, felt a little subtle at this time.

The reason is simple, because this flower field is surprisingly ordinary.

The flower field composed of huge sunflowers nearly one person tall is full of fantasy at first glance, but after the initial freshness passes, there is nothing special in my heart.

In addition to the huge flowers, this is a flower field.

It's just a flower field in the literal sense, so there's nothing special about it.

If I have to say it, there are indeed quite a few goblins here. Along the way, Yuntian saw several palm-sized little guys hiding behind the sunflower and watching him quietly.

Until now, there are still more than one following him, as if they hope to come over but are too afraid.

The goblins in this world like to play tricks on people, so Yun Tian didn't know if they were following him looking for an opportunity to attack, or if they were attracted by his natural aura and refused to leave.

The only thing that was certain was that they didn't dare to come over because they were afraid, as if they had sensed Yun Tian's strength.

This made Yun Tian a little curious.

Although he is not a master at restraining breath, firstly, he has the experience of an adventurer, secondly, he can use the assassination sword with restraining breath, and thirdly, he has the cover of natural breath.

To say that he is not good at restraining his breath is just a polite way of saying, no matter what, he can be regarded as an excellent level at the same level.

It stands to reason that these ordinary goblins are unlikely to see through his strength.

"Is it an instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages? Or is it an empirical judgment?"

1708 Kazami Yuka

Yun Tian stopped and looked back at the little guys following behind.

After thinking for a while, Yun Tian waved to them, wanting to see if any of them would come.

In about five seconds, two bold goblins flew out from behind Sunflower and approached him cautiously.

Unlike the ice goblin Qi Lunuo Yun Tian had seen before, these two were little guys no bigger than a palm, and compared to Qi Lu Nuo, their strength was extremely weak.

One of them was more courageous, and when it found that it was not in danger, it landed directly on Yuntian's head, huddled in his hair like a crouching nest.

The other circled around Yuntian two or three times, and finally sat on his outstretched hand, flapping its small wings on its back curiously and staring at Yuntian, showing a smiling face.

The behavior of the two of them made Yun Tian sure that the group of little guys were not following him to play a prank, but were attracted by his natural aura.

Fairies are born from nature and are the embodiment of the power of nature.

Holding an S-level affinity for nature, Yuntian's attraction to this kind of natural spirit can be said to be full.

Seeing his innocence, all the goblins who followed immediately flew out, ten of them, and began to 'occupy' all parts of Yuntian's body in a swarm.

One ran over his head to compete with the first one, and six more sat on his shoulders in groups of three, and two flew to Yuntian's raised arms.

The last remaining one couldn't find its place, and kept circling around Yuntian, pouting angrily.

As for Yun Tian, ​​the person concerned, he froze in place silently.

Being crawled around by a group of Thumbelinas, Yun Tian's mood is very delicate.

With his free hand, he grabbed the two little guys on the head who had already started fighting, and pulled out the last little guy who couldn't find a place to get into his clothes. After that, Yun Tian sighed helplessly.

He didn't intend to stand here and act as a cat climbing frame for these little guys.

Calling them over, Yuntian wanted to add a little more fun to his journey of exploring the sun flower field. After all, this flower field really doesn't seem to be anything special now.

When Yun Tian took another step towards the depths of the flower field, he was startled by his sudden movement, and the fairies instantly flew into the air.

After observing for a while, I found that he was just moving, so they all flew back and lingered beside him.

With these little guys, it is indeed no longer boring.

Because they will always find you something to do.

Occasionally, they would fly to his head quietly and try to tie a knot in his hair, or grab his clothes in a string, trying to stop him with that little force.

There was also a wicked little guy who picked up a few petals from nowhere, and put together a small flower hair ornament on Yun Tian's head, which made him speechless for a while.

The most important thing is that the number of these little guys has gradually increased as they move forward.

They got into the sunflower bushes around Yuntian, hugged the stems of the sunflowers and turned them around, creating a weird atmosphere that no matter where Yuntian went, he would be surrounded by all the sunflowers.

. . . . . .

As the little ones battled his wits and courage, Yun Tian also slowly approached the depths of the flower field.

Until a certain moment, suddenly all the goblins stopped moving and no longer followed Yun Tian.

Several even flew in front of him to 'intercept' or 'shake their heads'.

These goblins can't speak, they can only babble, but their actions clearly express their thoughts.

"Don't go to the front."

Yun Tian also understood why this happened.

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