As I said before, the depths of the sun flower field is the territory of a big monster, not to mention the character of this big monster, he always sleeps at night.

Now that Yun Tian went over, there was no doubt that he was disturbing the other party.

And there is a rumor in the world that "if you disturb the other party, you will be turned into a flower fertilizer and stay here forever".

The goblins were obviously worried that he would turn into manure.

but also shows

"The front is the depth of the sun flower field."


Unexpectedly, there was an answer in my ear.

Yun Tian was originally asking the goblins, but he didn't expect someone to answer, after all the goblins can't speak yet.

There was a hint of surprise on his face, Yun Tian followed the sound and saw a figure in his eyes.

It was a tall woman with green shoulder-length curly hair, and a pair of red pupils was looking at Yun Tian.

Women wear red and dark red checkered vests, and similar Scottish skirts of the same style, with white shirts inside.

Holding a parasol that looked like a flower blooming in his hand, he walked towards this side gracefully and slowly.

Seeing this woman appear, all the goblins around Yuntian immediately dispersed, and their reaction told Yuntian the identity of the comer.

"Are you the owner of this sunflower field?"


Yun Tian thought he would get an affirmative answer, but the other party shook his head.

"Flowers are the most beautiful only when they bloom freely. No one can be their master. I just live in this flower field like them."

"I see." Yun Tian nodded, his reaction was very calm.

But to be honest, he was quite surprised.

The other party's attitude was completely different from what he had imagined, and it was also very different from the rumors in the world.

The owner of the sun flower field, the owner of the flowers of the four seasons, is without exception a brutal, cruel and terrifying image in the rumors in the world.

Yun Tian didn't expect that the other party would communicate with him so peacefully.

However, thinking of the rumors about Hakurei Miko in the world, Yun Tian is not surprised.

The reason why rumors are rumors is because they are not reliable.

Perhaps the Lord of Flowers is also the same, his personality is completely different from the rumors.

There is only one thing that really surprised Yuntian, that is, he didn't notice the other party's appearance.

Including now is the same.

Even though he was standing right in front of him, Yun Tian didn't notice any evil spirit.

It just felt like that. . .By the way, it's as if she herself is a part of this flower field.

"The wind sees the fragrance."


"my name."

"Ah, hello, my name is Yuntian."

Yun Tian didn't react to the sudden announcement of the other party's name, but out of politeness, he also responded with the same self-introduction.

"Yuntian...I wrote it down." Fengjian Youxiang looked at him, nodded slightly, and then asked without warning:

"Do you want to stay?"

"Eh?" Yun Tian really couldn't understand what she meant, and was taken aback for a moment.

Seeing this, Kazami Yuka paused for a moment and added:

"Do you want to stay in the Sunflower Field? Stay here, your power will be good for them."

The "they" in the words refer to the sunflowers around them, Yuntian finally understood what the other party meant this time, but suddenly he still shook his head and refused:

"Sorry, I have no plans to settle here for the time being."

"Is it."

Fengjian Youxiang just stared straight at him, locked on by those red pupils, Yun Tian rubbed his forehead and didn't know what to say.

Just before he was about to open his mouth to break the stiff atmosphere, Yuka Kazami asked again:

"So, do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

1709 You can do it yourself

Yun Tian did not refuse Kazami Youxiang's invitation.

Anyway, he still has a side mission to explore the sun flower field, so he has to go in and wander around.

Now that the owner of the flower field is leading the way, it saves a lot of trouble.

Following Fengjianyouxiang all the way into the depths of the sun flower field, neither of them spoke, but the atmosphere was surprisingly not awkward.

Fengjian Youxiang twirled the parasol in her hand while walking, Yun Tian looked at her from behind, always felt that the other party seemed to be in an inexplicably good mood.

It's just that it can't be seen from the face, and Yuntian can't be sure.

However, he felt that [-]% had a direct relationship with him.

after all. . .


Facing Kazami Yuka who suddenly turned back and stared at him with those red eyes while walking, Yun Tian could only return the same gaze helplessly.

This is not the first time.

On their way to the depths of the sun flower field, the other party would look back at them in less than half a minute.

At first Yun Tian thought she was checking whether he had followed, so he nodded or smiled back.

But after two or three times, he couldn't hold back anymore.

Kazami Yuka didn't speak, she turned her head and stared at him silently, and after a few seconds, she continued to lead the way as if satisfied.

The two of them walked at a slow pace, similar to a walk, and after 10 minutes passed, Yun Tian was almost used to the other's behavior of turning his head from time to time.

At this moment, a wooden house appeared in Yuntian's sight.

No, it's a bit inaccurate to say that it is a wooden house. Although it is indeed a wooden structure, the "wood" that makes up the house is not "wood", but "trees".

The difference is that the former is dead and the latter has life.

Therefore, it is more appropriate to call it a 'tree house' or a 'flower house'.

There will be the last inexplicable name, mainly because the house is full of flowers, of course, it is still sunflowers.

Embellished with golden flowers and green leaves, the simple tree house has a natural beauty on the outside.

I am used to seeing buildings like western mansions, but looking back at such a room full of natural atmosphere, it makes people's eyes shine.

"Sit down first and wait for me."

Kazami Youxiang didn't bring Yuntian into the room, but pointed to the side and walked in by herself.

Yun Tian looked in the direction and found a small table and a chair on the side of the tree house.

Walked over and sat down with a very wide view.

It's night now, without the sunlight, it's less tasteful, but the dimness can't stop Yuntian's sight.

He could imagine that Kazami Yuka was sitting here during the day, drinking tea and quietly admiring the scenery of the flower field.

A life of comfort and leisure.

. . . . . .

Without making Yuntian wait for too long, Kazami Youxiang came out with a chair and a tray.

It is basically the same as what Yuntian imagined, except for one thing that is different.

"..." Looking at Kazami Yuka who was sitting directly opposite him and completely blocked her sight, Yun Tian was silent for a while.

Immediately, he stood up, took the opportunity to take the teapot on the tray to pour water for the two, and moved the chair to try to make the flower field reappear in sight.

However, when he sat down again, when he looked up, he still saw the green-haired woman directly opposite.

Yun Tian froze for a moment.

This time he didn't look away, looked directly at the other person, and moved the chair with his butt.

At the same time, Kazami Yuka, who was sitting directly opposite him, also moved the chair together.

"..." Yun Tian was completely silent.

He looked at the piles of sunflowers around him, then at Kazami Yuka, recalling what the other party had said before, and thought strangely in his heart:

'Is she a sunflower who has become a spirit, and she is waiting to face the sun? ! '

To be honest, Yuntian doesn't know whether it is the power of the sun or the skill of natural affinity that attracts her.

Perhaps a combination of the two?

In any case, even Yun Tian was not used to being stared at like this.

"That, Miss Kazami?" So, he tried to find a topic that could distract him.

"Just call it Youxiang."

"Do not..."

"It's called Youxiang."

"Uh... well, Yuka, so why are you staring at me?"

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