
Listening to You Xiang's slightly doubtful answer, Yun Tian fell into silence again.

He had to admit that he was a little confused about what this lady was thinking.

"Have you been hurt?"

Yun Tian fell silent, this time it was You Xiang's turn to speak.

However, what she said made Yun Tian puzzled.

After thinking about it seriously, Yun Tian still asked in confusion: "Why do you ask that?"

"Your breath, there is a problem."

Seeing the puzzled expression on Yun Tian's face, You Xiang explained a little.

But Yuntian still didn't have a clue about this, Youxiang frowned slightly after seeing this, and added:

"The aura on your body is obviously incomplete. You must have suffered a fairly serious trauma and have not recovered so far. However, why didn't you heal yourself?"

When it comes to trauma, Yuntian really doesn't have the slightest impression, but if it is incomplete, combined with the current situation, then Yuntian has a guess.

Natural affinity and disability!

That's right, Yuntian's natural affinity skills are incomplete.

He still remembered that before learning this skill, there was such a note on the props in the skill book of natural affinity.

'This skill is a failed product of the agent's forcible deprivation from the target, the effect has dropped sharply, and the skill has deteriorated seriously'

It seems right to understand it as having suffered severe trauma?

'That is to say, she has been staring at me, is she observing the aura of this skill? '

The speculation was fleeting, Yun Tian didn't think about it, because he quickly noticed the extremely important point hidden in You Xiang's words.

"You can make it back... I mean, you help me heal this flaw?"

Yun Tian really couldn't hold back, and almost blurted out the question.

It can't be blamed that he is not calm enough, it is because the news is too important.

The level of the natural affinity skill is S-, what does it mean if it can be restored?

Intact S-level skills!

Once he can do it, Yuntian will get his first skill rated as S!

As long as this skill can be used by him in battle, then Yuntian's level will usher in an explosive leap, and at least he will have S- combat power.

Faced with such a possibility, Yun Tian couldn't help but feel moved.

However, the development of things will not be so smooth after all.

In fact, as long as you think about it calmly, you will know that after all, it is a defect that will affect the evaluation of the S-level skill drop, and how can it be easily repaired.

If the method is simple, this skill will not be listed on the exchange for a long time and no one cares about it.

Of course, facing Yun Tian's questioning, You Xiang shook her head.

"I can not."

However, before Yun Tian had time to be disappointed, he heard her continue to say:

"But you can do it yourself."

1710 Temporary stay

"I can...well."

Yun Tian sighed, somewhat disappointed in his heart.

He knew what Youxiang meant, if Yuntian was the original owner of this power, then he should be able to repair himself.

Just like what Youxiang said just now, if you are injured, you can just treat it.

But the crux of the problem is that it was not Yuntian himself who was injured, but the incompleteness of this power, so he was unable to carry out the so-called 'treatment'.

"The power of nature is more tenacious than you think. Even a seed can eventually grow into a towering tree."

When Yun Tian sighed, You Xiang's voice unexpectedly sounded in his ear.

"Even if it's broken, damaged, defective, as long as the seed is there, it can regenerate and grow back to what it used to be.

"Life, vitality, the principle of natural reincarnation is like this."

Youxiang still stared at Yuntian with those red eyes, but this time, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"The flowers are like this, the grass is like this, and I am like this. Similarly, your power is also like this."

"You mean, take this power as a seed and let it grow back into the towering tree it used to be...but how?"

Yun Tian thought about it, but he couldn't find a way.

At this time, Kazami Yuka said softly:

"Stay here, I'll teach you."

"..." Yun Tian looked at her, a little speechless.

Good guy, you came back after going around for a long time, right? Waiting for me here.

It's just, what should I do if I feel a little moved?

If living in the Sunflower Field can repair this S-level skill, it would be a bit too much money.

The most important thing is that there is actually no room for Yuntian to negotiate conditions.

Unlike Remilia, Patchouli, and Marisa, those are essentially transactions, which are mutually beneficial.

Both parties have given and received.

But facing Kazami Yuka right now, it is the other party's unilateral help.

People are naturally willing to help you when they are happy, and they can't say anything if they are not happy.

It's nothing to Yuntian to live in the sun flower field, anyway, even if he goes back to Baiyulou recently, he won't see Yuyuko and Youmu.

But even if no one is there, the environment of the underworld itself is also helpful for Yuntian to understand the concept of death.

You don't need to think about it, you know that the restoration of the natural affinity skill will not be accomplished overnight, and the understanding of death is improving Yuntian's strength almost every minute.

One is the present and the other is the future. It is not a simple choice.

Yun Tian fell into deep thought on one side, while on the other side, a smile appeared on You Xiang's face, and she said in a calm tone as if she was talking to herself:

"The growth of plants requires several essential conditions, and the conditions required by different plants, but they can be summed up in nothing more than sun, water, and nutrients."

Her words immediately caught Yuntian's attention.

"If you compare that natural force to seeds, the sun and water, you should be familiar with it, right?"

Hearing Youxiang's words, Yun Tianxia nodded consciously.

The power of the sun, as well as the rain contained in the power of the sky, can provide the conceptual sunshine and water.

But the crux of the problem is how to use them, the combination of pure power?

Not only that, even if the sun and water are available, the last item is still missing.

"As for nutrition..."

You Xiang's voice suddenly stopped, and Yun Tian, ​​who was listening attentively, couldn't help casting a questioning look at her.

However, Youxiang just smiled slightly, and said:

"Who knows~"



The corners of Yun Tian's eyes twitched, and he wanted to say something, but he swallowed it back.

There are two kinds of people that I hate the most in my life, one is people who only speak half of their words,

Yun Tian reached out and rubbed his forehead, sighed helplessly and said:

"I can't live here all the time, at most it's just for a while, there are many other things to do."

"It's enough." You Xiang didn't seem to force her, she nodded when she saw him agree.

Although there was still that faint smile on the corner of her mouth, Yun Tian always felt that her mood had improved inexplicably.

Picking up the cup, Yun Tian decided to take a sip of tea to relieve his emotions.

However, as soon as the water in the cup entered his mouth, Yun Tian froze.

Not tea? !

Maybe it's because Yun Tian likes to drink tea himself, when he saw the teapot and tea cups, he subconsciously felt that what You Xiang brought was tea.

As a result, after drinking it, I realized that it was white water.

Yun Tian put down the cup, stared at the liquid in the cup, and took another sip.

Surprisingly good.

It is just ordinary water, but if there is something special about it, it is extraordinarily clean and cool.

He raised his head and glanced at Youxiang, although he couldn't be sure of the other party's race, he probably couldn't be human.

As for whether it is a monster or not, to be honest, Yun Tian is a bit unsure.

However, the only thing that is certain is that Kazami Yuka is inseparable from nature or plant flowers.

Perhaps, what she drinks is not tea but white water, which is a manifestation of habit.

. . . . . .

Yun Tian didn't stay in the Sun Flower Field for too long, and after that, he had a brief chat with You Xiang, and he got up to leave.

Although he promised the other party to live in the Sun Flower Field, but not today, at least until tomorrow.

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