It is true that there is no one in Baiyulou, but Yuntian still plans to go back and leave a letter, just in case Youyouzi has had enough fun one day and goes back thinking that he left without saying goodbye.

If you want to find him, just come to Sun Flower Field.

Of course, it's only at night. During the day, he still has to go to the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Marisa, so he can't delay his business.

As for sleeping.

For the current Yuntian, staying up for ten days and half a month is not a big deal.

Walking into the magic forest again, it was almost two o'clock in the morning.

On the return trip, because he had a goal, Yun Tian didn't take a walk anymore, but walked straight towards the Li of the World.

Go out of the forest, go back to the village, and then walk along the monster path to the back mountain of the Hakuli Shrine, and return to the Baiyulou through the dark barrier there.

This is the road that Yuntian is most familiar with.

However, he only walked by during the day, and it was the first time such a late night.

When passing by Renjianzhili, you can find that the village is still very lively at night, and more than one izakaya is open.

It may not be brightly lit, but it is not silent and dark either.

The excitement disappeared after stepping on the monster beast road. There are no street lights on the wild roads of Gensokyo. In the middle of the night, being out of sight is no longer a metaphor.

This was within Yuntian's expectations. If it wasn't for this sense of danger, it would not be difficult for Hakurei Shrine to have visitors.

However, just when Yun Tian thought so, suddenly there was a ray of light from a lamp not far away.

1711 Late Night BBQ Stand

"Barbecue stand?"

Yun Tian walked along the direction of the light, and soon a mobile barbecue stand with red lanterns appeared in sight.


Yun Tian raised his head to look at the late night sky, looked around at the silent monsters and beasts, and then cast a subtle look at the barbecue stand.

At such a time and such a location, it is strange to think of a barbecue stand inexplicably appearing on the side of the road.

However, the smell of barbecue wafted faintly, which made Yun Tian feel a little moved.

'Poisoning late at night is a good way. '

Rubbing his belly, Yun Tian walked towards the barbecue booth, and through the curtain, a small and exquisite booth appeared in front of him.

The owner stood inside, with a long grill in front of it, and a long bar-like table around the outside.

Yun Tian took the opportunity to sit down, intending to look at the menu first, but unexpectedly found that the owner of this barbecue stall looked familiar.

"Welcome~ Huh?! You, are you Mr. Yuntian?"

The surprised expression of the other party after looking this way also proved this point.

After searching in memory, Yun Tian looked at the bird monster, and responded slightly unexpectedly:

"Your name is Mystia, right, this is your shop?"

"Yes, yes, almost every night I will set up a stall here, and occasionally Youmu will come over."

The petite proprietress of the barbecue stall seemed a little afraid of Yun Tian, ​​she shrank her head and spoke cautiously.

This is a night sparrow monster. The reason why Yuntian knew her was because he saw her at the banquet in Baiyulou last time.

Mystia was personally invited by Youmu, and she seems to have a good personal relationship, so she probably met through this small barbecue stall late at night.

That's right, it was the night sparrow that was chased by Yuyuko and almost cried after the banquet started.

'Speaking of which, Yuyuko gave her a weird evaluation with a lot of broken bones afterwards? '

Yun Tian looked at the grill, and then sized up the other party with a vague gaze.

Although it was rude, he did have the thought of 'how delicious' for a moment.

With short pink and reddish hair, Mystia wore a long dark red dress when she came to the banquet last time.

But now it may be because I have to go out of the stall, and I have changed into a suit of clothes. I can't see clearly because of the apron, and it looks like a kimono vaguely.

There are two very distinctive places on her body, the ears and a pair of wings on the back.

Probably because it is a night sparrow, Mystia's ears are pointed and covered with feathers.The wings are those of birds, both of which are dominated by dark red.

Not knowing what Yuntian was thinking was the impolite question of 'Where did Youyouzi come from?', Miss Yeque watched him for a while, and was relieved when she found that he didn't try to bite like the undead last time.

She looked at Yun Tian, ​​and asked with a recovered tone:

"Would you like something to eat?"

"Well, is there a menu?" Yun Tian glanced around the stalls, but he didn't find anything similar, so he asked.

"Ah, I don't have a menu here. The only fixed dishes are grilled hagfish and wine, and the other things are ordered by the guests. As long as they are common ingredients, I have stock, and I can cook almost anything."

Saying that, Mystia added with a confident expression:

"In terms of craftsmanship, I am confident that it will not be inferior to Youmu."

Yun Tian didn't question the other party's intentions, anyway, after eating the good or the bad, he would make an evaluation, but it was the first time he heard about the 'halgfish' in the other party's mouth, so he was a little curious.

"A hagfish is an eel? A specialty of Gensokyo?"

When he came to Gensokyo this time, whether it was Cuixiang's wine or Marisa's mushrooms, he was pleasantly surprised.

Maybe you can find a brand new specialty in this late night?

Because of this thought, Yuntian unconsciously had a glimmer of expectation.

Unfortunately, the reality is not the same as he thought.

"The hagfish is actually the lamprey, only the name is different, not a unique ingredient."

Mystia could see what Yun Tian was thinking, maybe it was because more than one person had similar thoughts, she explained a little bit.

Seeing Yuntian's disappointed expression, worried that he might misunderstand, Mystia hastily added another sentence.

"But, but it's delicious! Try it?"

"Then let's start with 20 strings." Yun Tian nodded.

When you go to this kind of small restaurant to eat, usually the owner recommends special dishes and confident dishes, and generally they are not bad.

However, for Yuntian, 20 strings is obviously not enough.

"Add another 20 skewers of mutton. Do you have tendons? If you have them, you can also order 20 skewers. There are also 20 skewers of beef. If you want a larger skewer, the same [-] skewers."

When it comes to barbecue or skewers, the first impressions of Tianchao and Far East are different.

Yuntian chose beef and mutton without any hesitation, then paused for a moment, thought for a while and added:

"Chicken skewers come for 20, and chicken hearts cost 10 skewers."

In short, more than 100 strings will be used to pad the stomach first, and then it will be drunk.

Just when Yun Tian was thinking this way, a trembling voice came over.

"That, that, chicken... bird meat is not for sale!"

Hearing Mystia's words, Yun Tianxia consciously cast a questioning look.

Unexpectedly, seeing him looking over, Mystia took half a step back as if frightened, and squatted down behind the grill.

"Don't eat me QAQ! Me, me, me, I don't eat!"

Looking at the other party's tearful expression and the pair of trembling wings, Yun Tian suddenly realized something.

The proprietress is a night sparrow.

Speaking of which, chickens are also birds.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that, the chicken is gone."

Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Switch it to pork for me, roast pork neck."

This kind of thing can't be explained too much, the more I talk about it, the more I panic.

So Yun Tian directly changed the topic and asked:

"Is there anything to drink besides wine? Tea or drinks."

"Master, it's mainly wine. There is no tea today, but there are juices and milk for drinks... The rest is just water. No, I'm very sorry."

Seeing Miss Yeque trembling and apologizing, Yun Tian rubbed his forehead and sighed inwardly.

"Then white water..."

"Oh, why don't you have some wine for a barbecue late at night. Serve this little brother with beer. I'll pay for the wine."

Yun Tian, ​​who drank a glass of white water at the Sun Flower Field before and felt unexpectedly good, was also going to ask for white water this time, but was preempted by a voice from the side.

Yun Tian turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and then couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

'so big! '

Ever since he left the world of fallen knights, Yun Tian rarely saw a body size that could compete with Edelweiss.

But the woman in front of her has the 'strength' enough to compete with Edelweiss!

Shaking her long bright red hair, the woman who spoke to him carried her own plate and wine glass, crossed the seat between the two of them, and sat down next to Yun Tian.

He stared at Yun Tian with those bright red eyes that were as bright as his hair, and his eyes were full of interest.

1712 Hard work, really

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