With bright red long hair and double ponytails, coupled with a figure that is not inferior to Edelweiss, the first thing Yun Tian thought of was Stella, the princess of the fallen world.

However, although the person in front of him has all three attributes, he has a completely different style from Stella.

The ponytail is relatively short, and the rest of the hair is scattered behind her, and it is not as long as Stella's waist, but almost just covers her shoulders.

The biggest difference is in hair color.

They all have bright red long hair, Stella is red like a flame, but this woman gives people a feeling of bright red like blood.

She was wearing a blue dress with a white skirt and a yellow belt around her waist.

With thick-soled clogs under his feet in white socks, he made a rattling sound as he walked towards the sky.

"you know me?"

Yun Tian looked at the red-haired woman who suddenly sat next to him, and while asking questions, he waved to Mystia, signaling her to order like this.

"Of course I do. Not only do I know you, but I'm also very interested in you. I came to Gensokyo this time to find you."

The red-haired woman was just as she said, she didn't hide her gaze of looking and observing Yuntian at all.

After explaining a sentence, he seemed very satisfied and nodded himself, and praised:

"Good man, his appearance, temperament, and strength are all top choices. My lord really has vision."

As she spoke, she took the beer from Mystia and pushed it to Yuntian, then raised her glass to touch it, and said loudly:

"Okay! Let's toast to a happy and beautiful future!"

Then he drank half of his glass of beer, greeted Mystia and said, "Miss Boss, have another glass!"

Expressed helplessness to this particularly familiar red-haired lady, but Yuntian did not refuse, and asked after a symbolic sip of beer:

"It was Lord Yan Mo who asked you to come to me?"

Yun Tian doesn't know her, but it's not difficult to guess the origin.

The strong breath of death on the opponent's body is impossible to be a person in the real world. Monsters are also a kind of living beings, and they also have vitality.

Yuntian himself lives in the underworld, and he also asked Youyouzi, the residents of the underworld are all ghosts and undead.

Looking at the opponent's state, it is not difficult for Yun Tian to distinguish whether it is a spirit body or not.

It is neither a ghost nor an undead, but it has a lot of dead energy entangled in it. What's more, the other party not only knows him, but also said that he came here specifically to find him.

Except for Lord Yan Mo who met once, Yun Tian couldn't find a suitable partner.

Of course, there is the most important point.

Yun Tian glanced slightly over the corner where the opponent moved over, and paused for a moment on the huge weapon.

The uniquely shaped sickle does not have a crescent-like arc like a normal sickle, but has some twists and turns in the middle.

This is the first time Yuntian has seen such a strange sickle, but no matter what its shape is, the sickle is still a sickle.

With the power of death and the huge sickle, the identity of the opponent is almost revealed.

"Onozuka Komachi, the god of death under Ying Ji-sama, this time came to Ming specifically at the request of Ying Ji-sama... Cough cough, I came to Gensokyo specifically to find you."

Hearing Komachi's words, Yun Tian had an expression of "as expected" on his face, but at the same time he felt a little surprised.

Some time ago, with the sudden change in Chunxue, Yuntian and Youyouzi made a lot of noise in the underworld.

In order to collect spring, Yuyuko even weakened the strength of the ghost barrier between the underworld and Gensokyo, which allowed a large number of ghosts to frequently enter and exit Gensokyo.

It has not been repaired until now, and ghosts can often be seen floating around in Gensokyo.

Even Yuyuko herself had the idea of ​​not wanting to repair the barrier in order to be able to go in and out of Gensokyo frequently, otherwise, with her current strength, she would have repaired it a few days ago.

The Netherworld enchantment is an important part of the existence of the underworld, and it is impossible not to attract the attention of Siji Yingji.

Not to mention that after the mutation ended, Yuntian borrowed the place of Baiyulou to hold a big banquet.

The living cannot step into the underworld, this is the rule.

When I came to Gensokyo last time, it was partly because of this reason that Siji Yingji came to talk to Yuntian.

"I thought that Lord Yan Mo would come to find me in person, but I didn't expect to send someone over." Yun Tian sighed a little, after all, he also had something to talk to the other party.

"Tsk tsk, Master Yan Mo? Why are you so unique? Shouldn't you be called Yingji, or you should be called Yingji sauce if you are more intimate."

Yun Tian was still feeling emotional, but the next second the topic was suddenly turned in a strange direction by Komachi.

Dazed for a moment, Yun Tian, ​​who couldn't keep up with the other party's train of thought, asked in surprise:

"Why should I call her intimately?"

Yun Tian doesn't know what the status of the 'Yan Mo' in this world is, but according to what Siji Yingji said, she is also the figure in charge of the reincarnation of life and death in Fantasy Township and even more places in the present world.

Calling her a powerful person doesn't seem like enough.

However, Komachi who heard what Yuntian said, instead sighed deeply, and said to himself in a helpless tone:

"I knew that Lady Yingji must not be active enough. She should show her cuteness more."

"No, no, no, your words are starting to develop in a strange direction. The more I listen to it, the more strange it becomes."

At such a close distance, Yuntian naturally heard Komachi talking to himself.

Feeling that the topic started to advance in a weird direction, he immediately interrupted the other party's random thoughts.

"Siji Yingji is your boss, right? The boss who arranges behind the scenes is not afraid of getting troubled."

"Hmph, I said that in front of Master Yingji!" Komachi raised her head triumphantly, causing a burst of 'earth shaking'.

Yun Tian looked at her and sighed speechlessly.

Not intending to dwell on this inexplicable topic for too long, Yun Tian tried to draw the other party's attention back to the serious matter.

"You're not Yan Mo... well, Ying Ji, it's okay now." Komachi's gaze was a bit piercing, and Yun Tian had to change his words, hoping to finish the business quickly.

"Yingji asked you to come to me, didn't you, you should have something to tell me."

"Well, there is, about what you guys did a few days ago, but are you sure you want to hear it?"

Komachi turned the full beer mug in his hand with a smirk on his face, and said in a meaningful tone:

"That will take a long time. When I speak slowly, I will definitely repeat every word Master Yingji said verbatim."

A bad feeling suddenly rose in Yuntian's heart, so he asked one more question just to be on the safe side.

"How long will it take?"

"Not long..."

"That is not bad."

"It only takes two days to finish it."

Yuntian:? ! !

Recalling the last mental torture in his mind, Yun Tian's face became stiff.

Komachi was not at all surprised by this, and reconfirmed with a smirk:

"Do you really want to hear it?"

"No, there's no need, please tell the conclusion directly, thank you very much."

Yuntian expressed defeat.

Seeing this, Komachi first smiled triumphantly, but immediately, as if recalling some painful memory, he sighed deeply with a bitter face.

"I listened to the sermons for you for two whole days!"

Yun Tian looked at Komachi's pale face with empathy, and said from the bottom of his heart:

"It's been hard work, really."

1713 Trying to make trouble

While Yuntian was chatting with Komachi, the proprietress Yeque also finished the skewers he ordered one after another.

While eating, Yuntian listened to Komachi's summary of Siji Yingji's words.

"All in all, for the sake of not having an impact on the present world and the eventual calm of the situation, the matter that caused the disturbance in the underworld will not be pursued for the time being."

Komachi took a skewer of mutton from Yuntian's plate, and after taking a bite, his eyes lit up, so he took two more skewers.

Then went on to say:

"The merits and demerits cannot be offset. It is considered a merit to cause the disturbance in the underworld, but it is considered a merit to solve the Xixingyao. Therefore, considering the current situation of Yuyuko Saigyouji, it is agreed that she will occasionally leave the underworld to go to Gensokyo, but the Youming Barrier must be repaired as soon as possible. .”

Having said that, Komachi paused, finished the shish kebabs in two or three mouthfuls, took a big gulp of beer and thought about it.

"Well, that's about it. The rest is just preaching. You probably don't want to hear it."

"Didn't you mention the banquet?" Yun Tian also asked after eating the skewers.

"Well, it is Lord Yingji's idea that you should be punished if you have done something wrong, and rewarded if you have meritorious deeds. This time, there was no major problem in the 'mistake'. I guess the punishment is to find an opportunity to teach you once."

Komachi refilled another glass of beer, and after drinking it all in one gulp, he tried to take the meat skewers from Yuntian's plate, and at the same time continued:

"As for 'gong', Yuyuko Saigyouji was allowed to freely enter and leave Gensokyo, and as a living person, appearing in the underworld itself is a violation of the rules.

"With this experience, your entry and exit from the underworld is considered 'legal' in a certain sense, including holding a banquet at the Baiyu Tower, it is counted as your reward for solving the Westbound Demon Queen.

"Otherwise, leading creatures to the underworld without authorization is a felony that disrupts the order of the two worlds."

Komachi paused for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face.

She picked up the refilled wine glass and raised it towards Yun Tian, ​​and made a gesture of cheers. After seeing Yun Tian reluctantly picked up the wine glass, she continued:

"Although Lady Yingji keeps saying things like guilt, she seldom really punishes others, maybe she didn't realize it herself, and in the end it just becomes preaching.

"This is the cuteness of her. She has a serious expression, but she is always thinking about how to alleviate other people's guilt."

Komachi's tone was particularly emotional.

"However, if you really die one day and enter the Hall of Right and Wrong to be judged, you will see another side of Lady Yingji.

"Facing Master Yingji in that state, even I dare not make a joke. That is the real embodiment of 'right and wrong'."

"Right and wrong." Yun Tian shook his head, not intending to comment too much on this matter.

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