As long as similar topics are discussed, it is impossible to come up with a perfect answer. After all, human beings have their own subjective emotions that prevail, and it is impossible to be absolutely objective.

True objectivity is unreasonable in the eyes of many people.

"Forget it..." Yun Tian picked up the cup and took a sip, then changed the subject and asked:

"By the way, if this is the case, the follow-up treatment of Haruyuki's incident will come to an end, so I won't be able to see Ying Ji for the time being?"

"Master Yingji has been very busy recently, and I can't spare time, otherwise I wouldn't have asked me to come to you this time. If you want to see her, you probably have to go directly to the Hall of Right and Wrong."

Komachi first answered Yun Tian's question, then looked at him jokingly and said:

"Why, Master Yingji didn't come here in person, are you disappointed?"

"If you want to say disappointment, there is indeed a little bit."

Yun Tian nodded, ignoring Komachi's sparkling eyes that found gossip, rubbed his forehead and added:

"I have something to ask her. I thought I could meet her this time... If I go directly to Yingji, can you guide me?"

"Oh, although I really want to know what kind of expression Master Yingji will show when he sees you in the Hall of Right and Wrong, but unfortunately, I can't do this."

Komachi curled her lips, the way she sighed deeply made Yun Tian feel that it was regret from the bottom of her heart.

"I am the God of Death, and my job is to take the ferry, but it is a rule that the living cannot reach the other side by ferry. If I take you there, then I will really be unlucky, and Lord Yingji will not speak for me."

Komachi spread out his hands and made a look of helplessness, but then he changed the subject and said to Yuntian as if fanning the flames:

"Although I can't take the initiative to take you across the Santu River, but if you forcefully ask, then things will be different.

"Let's pretend we did a game, and then on the grounds of your victory, I can take you across the river."

After hearing Komachi's bad idea, Yun Tian glanced at her angrily as he looked at the expectant and watching expression on her face.

"Then I will add another class to the crime, and perfectly complete the identity change from visitor to intruder, right?"

"Hey, it's not that serious."

Komachi didn't intend to tell Yuntian, but in fact, Siji Yingji didn't come over in person, partly because she felt embarrassed to face Yuntian after being teased by her.

It was precisely because of this that she, the culprit, was sent out to convey the matter after a lecture.

It is very rare to be able to gain the upper hand in words when facing Sijiyingji, Komachi is particularly curious about what happened between Yuntian and Sijiyingji.

But she knew Ying Ji so well, she knew it wasn't anything special with a random guess, and once she started talking, it would definitely end in the most boring way.

As the Shinigami of the Santu River Ferry, Komachi has seen countless people with different personalities, and has a full grasp of people.

After a brief chat with Yuntian, she was 100% sure that there was no relationship between Yuntian and Siji Yingji.

Just because there isn't one now doesn't mean there won't be one in the future.

Maybe it's because of that huge achievement, maybe it's because Yun Tian is a living person but can live in the underworld unaffected, maybe it's because of that powerful strength that cannot be ignored.

In short, no matter what the reason is, Komachi knows that Ying Ji does have an extra concern for Yun Tian.

This kind of special treatment was the first time since she and Yingji got acquainted, it was too rare.

If you don't seize this kind of opportunity, you won't know when it will come next time.

Master Yingji, who is busy with work, should have more life of her own!

'It's definitely not thinking that as long as Yingji is in a relationship, she won't have time to catch herself being lazy! '

While hypnotizing himself in his heart, Komachi introduced himself and said:

"If you don't mind, how about telling me what you want to say to Lady Yingji? I promise to convey it to her completely for you."

Komachi patted his chest with an expression of 'You can trust me anyway'.

However, Yun Tian's instinct told him that this guy would never repeat what he said honestly.

There is no evidence, but as a user of fate, Yuntian's similar sixth sense is actually extremely accurate.

Staring at Komachi suspiciously, Yun Tian pondered for a moment.

After his brain was running fast, he suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, why did I meet you here?"

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"D-Of course it was a coincidence!"

Hearing Yun Tian's question, the expression on Komachi's face froze.

She pulled the corners of her stiff mouth, barely maintaining a smile, but her back was soaked in cold sweat.

"This shows...that, it shows that we are very destined, doesn't it? How do you say that sentence, love at first sight, ah, no, hit it off at first sight! Yes! It's like old friends at first sight!"

Komachi tried to explain in a panic, but apparently began to speak incoherently.

Yun Tian was not misled by her, he squinted his eyes and stared straight at the pair of dodging red eyes, the corners of his mouth curved slightly.

"Accidentally is probably the truth."

"Yes, right! It's just a coincidence..."

"But the question is why I ran into you in Gensokyo today."

"This... that... yes, there is a deep reason."

Komachi didn't dare to look at Yuntian at this time, but Yuntian slowed down his speech and asked slowly:

"Then let's talk about it. The so-called deep reason is definitely not an excuse about 'lazy', right?"

"Hey?! Dang, Dangdang, of course it can't be lazy, lazy or something, how could I, ahaha..."

Just as Komachi's brain was running fast trying to find a way to break the situation, a cautious voice suddenly sounded from the opposite side.

"Speaking of which, Komachi came here yesterday and the day before yesterday, and today too. I came here for a drink not long after I left the stall."

It was Mystia who was talking, because Yuntian didn't lack anything, so until just now she was seriously grilling skewers.

But she still overheard some of the conversation between Yuntian and Komachi.

Yun Tian is actually a little curious about this question now.

This is not the first time Komachi has come here, he is a frequent visitor here, and has a good relationship with Mystia.

But every time Komachi comes over, there will be a period of time, and he often complains that he is very busy and has no chance to come out to play.

It is the only first time to drink like this for three consecutive days from opening to closing the stall, not to mention rare.

"After getting drunk yesterday, I said something like 'traveling with public funds', 'reimbursement for eating and drinking', 'taking the opportunity to take a vacation', etc. Are you not busy recently? Is it okay to work?"

In this kind of small stall, it is common for shopkeepers to chat with customers and chat about family affairs, especially Komachi is still a regular customer, and Mystia is also out of concern.

After all, a friend who has always said that he is very busy is suddenly not busy one day, and he always cares if something happened.

However, Mystia's casual question became a fatal blow at this moment!

Yun Tian stared blankly at Komachi, who was covered in cold sweat, and said in a drawn out voice:

"Three days~"

"No, no! You listen to my explanation..."

"Heh! If you didn't meet today, you plan to drink here for a few days before going to Baiyulou!"

"Woo, I was wrong, I'm sorry... Mystia! You betrayed me!"

"Eh?! Is it my fault?!" Miss Yeque concentrated on grilling, and only heard a little of the conversation between the two, completely out of the situation.

. . . . . .

Under Yuntian's sharp and cold gaze like a sword, Miss Death made a sincere apology with a mournful face, and begged not to tell Siji Yingji about her laziness.

In this regard, Yuntian expressed temporary reservations.

As early as the end of the banquet, or even the beginning of the banquet, Yun Tian and You Youzi were actually waiting for Siji Yingji's letter.

Only when the chief referee of the paradise in charge of the underworld and Gensokyo speaks, will this matter be truly and completely over.

As a result, the wait lasted for three days.

Yun Tian thought at first that Siji Yingji was busy and had no time to pay attention to them, so after the banquet, he rested for a day and waited for another day, then came out to do his own business first.

Who knows, Ying Ji actually arranged for Komachi to go to the underworld as early as the day of the banquet, and was going to convey her conclusion on the turmoil in the underworld.

However, Komachi took this opportunity to go to Gensokyo, eating, drinking and having fun for three days, feeling very uncomfortable.


Komachi grimaced, trying to defend himself.

"It turns out that there is nothing to pursue, and it's not an urgent matter. I just thought that it wouldn't delay any serious business anyway."

"Then just ignore us waiting and come here to be lazy?"

"Yes, yes... I'm very sorry QAQ, please don't tell Master Yingji."

Looking at the pitiful Komachi, Yun Tian couldn't help sighing, and exchanged glances with Mystia.

Yuntian doesn't understand the work of the god of death in this world, but from Mystia's description, Komachi seems to often say that he is very busy.

If you have been working hard and being lazy once in a while without delaying your business, then it is not an unforgivable thing.

But just like what Yun Tian said, if it wasn't for this encounter today, then it's unknown when she would send the news.

Yuntian is still waiting for something to find Yingji.

However, right now.

"I can promise you not to say anything about this laziness, but if I want to relay to Yingji, you can't add extra content."

"Why do you know what I'm thinking?!" Komachi was shocked for a moment.

She opened her eyes wide and looked at Yun Tian in astonishment.

"Mind reading!"

"Read your head."

"You really read my head!"

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