
Yun Tian was at a loss for words for a moment, and then stared at Komachi with dead fish eyes, with an attitude of 'I'll do it if you dare to fool me'.

"I just want to liven up the atmosphere, hey, don't, don't be angry."

Komachi sneered, and then assured her:

"Just tell me, no matter what the content is, I will convey it to Lord Yingji verbatim, and I promise not to add embellishments!"

Yun Tian stared at her, always feeling that this guarantee was extremely unreliable.

But at last he sighed and said:

"Ask Yingji for me, I want to use Youyouzi to develop and utilize the resources of the underworld, how can I get permission."

After speaking, Yun Tian looked at Komachi.

Komachi also looked at Yuntian seriously.

The atmosphere fell into an inexplicable embarrassment.

It wasn't until several seconds passed that Komachi blinked and asked:



"That's it?!"


Komachi was very surprised, while Yun Tian was puzzled and didn't know why she reacted like this.

The two looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, and then Komachi asked again as if confirming:

"That's it?"

"What do you want to say..."

"Ah, no, it's just that if it's about this matter, you don't need Mrs. Yingji's permission, as long as you have the ability to develop it."

Komachi scratched his head, with helplessness and a trace of regret in his tone that made the corners of Yuntian's eyes twitch.

It's just that business is important, what the other party said made Yuntian care more, so he asked:

"Is there no limit to interference with the underworld?"

1715 Full Days

"Of course it is not allowed to interfere with the underworld. Even if you apply, it is impossible for Master Yingji to grant permission."

Seeing Yuntian's puzzled expression, Komachi continued to explain without waiting for him to ask:

"The existence of the underworld, the basic rules of operation, these are unshakable matters, because there is a need for the existence of a world where ghosts are placed.

"But other than that, no one will restrict the internal development of the underworld."

Komachi thought for a while, and then used Yuntian's recent experience as an example.

"If someone has to deal with everything in the Underworld, Lord Yingji will show up as soon as Xixing Yao recovers, after all, she cares more about responsibility than anyone else.

"The underworld is a place where ghosts live, not a cage that restricts their freedom.

"Just as humans walk in the present world, ghosts can also wander in the underworld at will. What humans can do to the present world, ghosts can also do to the underworld. The underworld itself is also created by imitating the present world."

After Komachi finished speaking, Yun Tian pondered for a moment, then nodded suddenly.

"That is to say, the things that Ying Ji will take care of at most are crises that affect the survival of the underworld, and other big and small things... I see, that's why there is Baiyulou."

If left unattended and free to develop, after a long period of time, there may be a situation that will cause damage to the underworld itself.

But with Bai Yulou pressing on it, all signs of danger will be cut off before they happen, and there is no need to stare too much at the underworld on the other side of hell.

"So, you only need to seek the consent of Yuyuko Saigyouji for this matter. As the manager of the underworld, she has enough decision-making power over the internal affairs of the underworld."

Speaking of this, Komachi also shrugged, and sighed with some emotion:

"Although the undead princess has never cared about the meaning of this power, it is precisely this kind of character that makes Master Yingji entrust the power of the underworld to her."

If he were really a greedy person, even if he had the same ability as Yuyuko, he probably wouldn't be able to take this position.

In terms of distinguishing people's hearts, Siji Yingji, who has the ability to judge right from wrong, can't make mistakes.

Anyway, Komachi brought good news to Yuntian.

Since Yingji, or hell will not intervene, his mining plan for the underworld can be implemented.

After finishing the business, and it was all good news, Yun Tian couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

He picked up the skewers on the plate and took a bite.

"Huh?" Yun Tian looked at the grilled hagfish in his hand in surprise.

"It's delicious."

"Right! Mystia's grilled hagfish is a must, so I come here every night..."

"be lazy?"

"Yes, being lazy... No, no, just take a break!"

"Well, even if you're taking a break." Yun Tian smiled, and didn't intend to hold on to the laziness of the other party too much.

. . . . . .

After talking about the business, it's time for eating, drinking and chatting.

Mystia's workmanship is good, and with Komachi as a new friend who is active enough, Yuntian's first supper time in Gensokyo is a happy end.

Although being dragged by Komachi did not reduce his drinking, a little beer obviously couldn't affect Yuntian.

When he checked out and got up to say goodbye, his expression was the same as when he first arrived.

In this way, Yuntian returned to Baiyulou.

As expected, Yuyuko and Youmu were not there, and he was greeted by the large ghost who temporarily took over the work left behind.

This natural spirit has gone from leading the way at the beginning to being promoted to the head maid, and now it has finally taken a step further.

When the family members of Baiyulou were not around, he also served as the temporary manager of Baiyulou.

Although its specific job is to contact Youyuko in case of emergencies, but no matter what, the name has changed a lot.

Yun Tian skillfully grabbed the large ghost into his arms as a pillow, and returned to his room while kneading it.

In the God Slayer World, Yun Tian had a black cat by his side, maybe it wasn't too long, but he was already used to the feeling of petting a cat.

Now I haven't brought it out, and I have nothing to rub, and occasionally there is an inexplicable emptiness and loneliness.

Coincidentally, Phantom's touch is also good, which relieved his withdrawal symptoms of having no cats to masturbate.

Yuntian began to seriously consider whether to pick a ghost born of natural energy to take back with him when he left.

When a pet comes to raise, it saves on eating, drinking, and lazing. It doesn't even need to take a bath and can't sleep. It is obedient and not noisy at any time, which is perfect.

The only disadvantage is that ghosts will affect the spirit of ordinary people, and bringing them with them may interfere with future tasks.

After thinking about it for a while, Yuntian sighed and gave up this tempting idea.

Sitting at the desk in his room, he began to write a letter.

The letter is for Youmu or Yuyuko, they will only be out playing wildly for two days at most, and they will definitely come back to Baiyulou.

After all, Yuyuko's physical body is still here, which has a natural attraction for her who is still a spirit body.

In the future, if the period is one week, there is a high probability that they will stay in Baiyulou for three days and go to Gensokyo for four days to play.

Of course, the premise is that there is enough food, otherwise you have to come back every meal time to let Youmeng cook.

Finally freed from the shackles of a thousand years, neither Yuntian nor Youmu had the intention of stopping Yuyuko.

Let her play during this time. Isn't it the same for Remilia to accompany her sister to go out in broad daylight every day? The reason is the same.

Yuntian wrote in the letter all the information he got from Komachi, including the matter of mining.

Then I marked that I will stay in Gensokyo during this period, and the route will be a fixed Scarlet Devil Mansion - Wuyu Magic Shop - Sun Flower Field, morning, noon and evening.

After finishing writing, Yuntian left the letter on the desk, got up and left Baiyulou.

When he returned to Gensokyo again, it was almost dawn.

Although he hadn't slept all night, Yuntian's spirit was exceptionally good, because he knew that he would live a fulfilling life in the next few days.

. . . . . .

Arrived at the Scarlet Devil's Mansion before dawn, and learned physical skills with Hong Meiling, and then asked Remilia about how to use the power of destiny, and played with Fran for a while.

From then until noon, Yun Tian would stay in the big library and read books with Paqiuli.

At noon, he would decline Sakuya's persuasion, go to the world to buy some ingredients, and bring them to Kirisame Magic Shop to have lunch with Marisa.

Because if Yuntian doesn't come by noon, then this poor blond child will only drink poisonous mushroom soup, which is really miserable.

After lunch, he will enter Yuntian's teaching session, which lasts until Marisa is tired and then starts his flight training.

The flight training is mixed with dinner, and at night, Yuntian will go to the Sun Flower Field to fulfill his promise with Youxiang.

Then before dawn, set off for the Scarlet Devil Mansion, pass by Yeque's barbecue stand, and eat a grilled hagfish when the other party closes the stall. I don't know whether it is supper or breakfast.

In this way, the fixed day lasted for three days.

1716 The Lazy Duo

The fourth day, before dawn.

Yun Tian, ​​who had just left the Sun Flower Field, took off the goblins on his head and waved goodbye to these pestering little guys.

Walk through the magic forest along the already familiar route, and walk towards the Yaque barbecue stall in the monster beast road.

When passing by Xianglin Hall, Yun Tian couldn't help taking another look.

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