"Speaking of which, I've passed by here several times."

Yuntian now takes a fixed route back and forth every day, so he will definitely pass by this prop shop called Xianglintang.

He was somewhat curious about the items sold in the item shop.

After getting along for this period of time, Yuntian also learned the name of the owner of this Xianglin hall from Marisa, and also knew that the Bagua furnace in the girl's hand was made by the other party.

It is not an exaggeration to call yourself a master by being able to make magic props that start at least B-level.

But curiosity is nothing but curiosity, Yuntian has been living a full life recently, in other words, he is too busy.

He even compressed his sleep time, in order to achieve the goal of improving himself as much as possible during this time.

Pure curiosity, or to put it more utilitarian, a mere B-level magic item cannot stop Yun Tian from being busy at this moment.

Therefore, just took one more look and sighed with emotion, Yun Tian walked across the item shop to the monster beast road, ignoring the eyes in the shop that seemed to be watching him.

. . . . . .

"Mr. Yuntian, welcome~"

Sensing that the curtain was lifted, Miss Yeque raised her head and greeted her.

"Mystia has troubled you for the past few days, and waited for me every time when the stall was about to be closed."

Yun Tian sat down and expressed his thanks first.

It was almost dawn, and it stands to reason that this point is already the time for Mystia to close the stall.

But because she knew that Yuntian would come over for breakfast at this time, the considerate Miss Yeque specifically postponed the closing time by an hour or two.

From a pure night snack barbecue stall to a part-time breakfast stall, although Yuntian is the only one who comes to eat breakfast.

"Is it still the same as yesterday?" Mystia asked.

"Well, let's roast all the ingredients left, I'm not very picky."

Yun Tian nodded, and wrapped up all the remaining ingredients of the other party according to his usual style for the past three days.

This is also one of the reasons why Mystia will wait for him specially.

The leftover ingredients from supper sales will not be very fresh the next day, so they must be disposed of.

Now You Yuntian eats them all in one go, which saves Mistia the trouble.

The leftover amount varies from day to day, but it doesn't make any difference to Yuntian, just use the food in his portable pocket to make up for the extra bites and the missing ones.

Taking the teapot from Mystia, Yun Tian took a cup and poured himself a cup of tea.

He is now a regular customer here, and the tea is specially purchased by Mystia knowing that he doesn't like drinking.

It is an ordinary product sold in the world, but this care makes Yun Tian feel very comfortable, so every time he will not drink the tea he brought, but drink the tea in the shop.

"That's why I always say, what if you don't drink, tea is so boring."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the ear, and at the same time, there was a strong smell of alcohol blowing towards his face.

Yun Tian couldn't help but sighed, and said:

"It's been three days, are you planning to go back?"

"What's the matter? It's rare to have a vacation. Why don't you let me have fun!"

That's right, the only one who can say this is our Miss Shinigami, Onozuka Komachi.

"You have given yourself a six-day vacation. I can see you every day when I come to eat these days... By the way, how much did you drink? It smells so strong."

Yun Tian angrily patted away the hand that was trying to pour wine into his teacup, moved a seat in the opposite direction, and looked at Komachi with disgust.

"Since I opened the stall until now, Komachi hasn't stopped for a minute." Mystia, who was grilling skewers for Yuntian, couldn't help but interjected.

At the same time, he also took a look at Yuntian, as if he hoped that he could talk about Komachi, so drinking it every day would not be a problem.

Until not long ago, Mystia had always thought that Komachi was a hard-working type. Seeing her like this, she always had a heartache feeling seeing her acquaintances fall.

It's a pity that Yuntian can't do anything about it.

after all. . .

"Hey, I won't get drunk anyway with this little wine, so don't underestimate me!"

Komachi poured himself another glass, and smiled triumphantly after drinking it in one gulp.

What she said was right, whether it was beer or sake, it was not a high-grade spirit for her, the God of Death, and drinking it was like drinking a drink.

"If you want to drink, I don't care about you, but let me remind you, if you are so lazy, be careful that Yingji will personally come and arrest you."

Yun Tian rubbed his forehead, pretending he didn't see Komachi trying to clink glasses with him.

Komachi, who was originally very happy, subconsciously paused for a moment after hearing Yuntian's words, and his expression became a little stiff.

She understood that Yun Tian was not joking.

If it really came to the time when Siji Yingji personally came to arrest her and take her back, it would not be a matter of preaching.

"I, I will go back today."

Wiping off his cold sweat, Komachi drank the last bit of wine, grabbed the sickle that was set aside, left the money and left the barbecue stand.

. . . . . .

Yun Tian didn't waste any time, he started eating breakfast very quickly.

After eating, he bid farewell to Mystia, and walked through the world and the lake of fog to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

Then, I saw the guard lady standing guard at the door.

"Flying knife, don't you want to take it off?" Yun Tian walked over, pointed to his forehead and said to Hong Meiling.

"Ah, Mr. Yuntian, good morning."

Hong Meiling greeted him first, and then scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

"If you take it down, Sakuya should be angry again."

What the two were talking about was a silver throwing knife that happened to be inserted into Hong Meiling's hat. This shiny throwing knife was exactly Sakuya's weapon.

"Speaking of which, I wanted to ask before, are you the only guard at the Scarlet Devil Mansion?"

Yun Tian has been curious about this matter for several days.

After all, if there is only one guard, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to have someone standing guard 24 hours a day.

Unless Hong Meiling was really standing here by herself for 24 hours, then it was understandable for her to sleep occasionally, even a little pathetic.

"It's true that I'm the only one." Hong Meiling nodded.

"So you are the only one standing guard at the door for 24 hours?"

"Of course it's impossible." It was a voice from inside the gate that answered Yun Tian's questioning.

Sakuya came out, bowed slightly to Yuntian and saluted, and said:

"Miss is already waiting for you, please follow me, Mr. Yuntian."

1717 Training of Destiny

Yun Tian followed Sakuya who came out to greet him into the Scarlet Devil Mansion.

On the way, Sakuya answered the question he had just asked at the door.

"Not only the guards, but also the elf maids, have a rotating rest system.

"At noon, dinner time, and from night to morning, there is no need for the guard to be on duty. She can rest normally."

Listening to Sakuya's answer, Yun Tian also had new questions.

However, before he asked the question, Sakuya said in advance as if he had guessed what he wanted to ask:

"I will take care of the situation near the gate during the meal time. As for the night, when the eldest lady is in high spirits, the Scarlet Devil Mansion does not need guards."

Having said that, Sakuya paused, as if he was considering his words.

After a while, she spoke:

"It is not something to be sympathetic to be lazy on duty when the rest time is guaranteed."

Apparently, Sakuya was worried that Yuntian would misunderstand the Scarlet Devil Mansion's oppression of employees, which would affect the majesty and image of her eldest lady.

Yun Tian nodded understandingly, and after Sakuya's explanation, he probably guessed why Hong Meiling was often sleepy.

Sleep is essentially a means of recovery, whether it is physical or mental fatigue, as long as you are 'tired', you will need sleep.

In contrast, if you are not tired, you will not be sleepy, and you will not be able to sleep.

For warriors, it is impossible to simply stand guard and consume a lot of physical strength, and the same is true for the spirit.

So when it was time to rest, Hong Meiling, who didn't feel tired at all, would not choose to rest or sleep, so there was only one thing to do.


A lot of physical exercise consumes physical strength, and it is also accompanied by mental fatigue caused by tempering the mind.

Then, after the rest time was over, he dragged his trained body to stand guard, and the result was naturally the 'lazy' that Yun Tian and Sakuya often saw.

There was also the time of exercising day and night, Yun Tian expressed his understanding for this.

But, in the final analysis, Hong Meiling herself can't arrange her time reasonably, so being scolded by Sakuya is also helpless.

"However, what about you, Sakuya?"

Yun Tian thought about it, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

"You have to be responsible for preparing the meals during meal time, you have to watch the gate instead of Hong Meiling, you have to follow Remilia on weekdays, and you have to clean the Scarlet Devil Mansion when you have free time."

She is busy during the day, and she is also busy at night when Remilia is energetic.

"Then when will you rest yourself?" Yun Tian looked curiously at this perfect and handsome head maid.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is true that no matter when he comes to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, he always hears that Sakuya is there or not.

Not once while she was sleeping.

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