"No wonder Marisa and Reimu can be friends."

Shaking his head, Yun Tian stepped over the wooden sign and pushed the door open.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Marisa lying on the sofa, holding something that looked like a newspaper in both hands, with a strange expression on his face as if he was snickering.

"looking at what?"

Stepping over the mess of debris on the ground, Yun Tian walked over and asked.

"Ah, you are here, Yuntian, hehe, look at this, the latest issue of "Wenwen. News", you are the protagonist Da Ze!"

"News... the main character?" Yun Tian felt bad feeling from the bottom of his heart when he heard Marisa's words.

"By the way, does Gensokyo actually have news releases? This is the first time I've heard of it."

Yun Tian took the newspaper from Marisa, opened it, and saw the eye-catching headline.

[Chun Xue has changed!Big shock!A new force in Gensokyo has appeared, and the mastermind behind the scenes has the power to suppress Hakurei Miko and Yokai Sage at the same time. What is the future of Gensokyo! ? 】

Just reading the title, Yun Tian couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, feeling his blood pressure soaring.

"What's the matter with this villainous boss feeling?"

"Wenwen's news is all in this style, look down and down, now you are famous, hehe."

Marisa's tone was full of schadenfreude, Yuntian glanced at her, and then continued to read the contents of the newspaper.

The above first introduces the characters known as the 'Underworld Group'.

The first to bear the brunt is Yomu, the soul of the court teacher, and a photo of Youmu drawing a sword is attached. It seems that it is probably at the beginning of the battle with Marisa.

After that, Yuyuko, also attached a photo.

It has to be said that the person who took the photo was extremely skillful, and captured the moment when Yuyuko stretched out her hand and raised the folding fan to the sky, and a gorgeous and huge fan unfolded behind her back.

The magnificent artistic conception at that time is vividly displayed through a single photo.

Seeing this, Yun Tian looked forward to what his photo would look like, so he looked down.

Then, the two juxtaposed photos made him froze.

The first one shows him holding one hand towards the sky, with an understated smile on his face.

And the background is the destructive upheaval of the celestial phenomena, and the moment when Reimu and Marisa landed in embarrassment amidst the shock.

In the second picture, Yuntian pulled a utterly insolent smile on the corner of his mouth, piercing Yakumozi's abdomen with the Black Flame Demon Sword in his right hand, amidst Yakumozi's unbelievable expression.

Two photos, with the eye-catching headline in the newspaper.

Needless to say about the content, it is enough for people who read newspapers to make up a thrilling drama.

1719 Bloom viewing?

There are many contents in the newspaper.

Except for the introduction of the Haruyuki incident and the members of the Underworld Group, the main text is all focused on the battle at Baiyulou.

A small part of the remaining content is the banquet afterwards and the photos of Marisa and Reimu who participated in solving the accident.

Looking at the photo of Marisa walking in the magic forest, Yun Tian squinted his eyes.

At that time, it was the Kirisame magic shop where he and Marisa came together, and he would not mistake the location in the photo.

' That is to say. . . '

Yun Tian turned the page of the newspaper, and as expected, he saw another photo.

It happened that Marisa was walking ahead to pick mushrooms, and he followed behind with a pensive expression.

Seeing this photo, Yun Tian was sure that the trace of aura that he noticed at the door of Alice's house that day should be the reporter who wrote this newspaper.

Apparently, the other party didn't just pass by by accident as Yun Tian imagined, but followed them specifically to take secret photos.

[Perhaps, behind the resolved mutation, there is still a huge unknown conspiracy! 】

Under this inducing subtitle, besides the photo of Yuntian and Marisa together, there is also a photo of him walking into the Hakurei Shrine.

"It's getting more and more outrageous." Yun Tian couldn't help rubbing his forehead, feeling a little pain in his head.

The newspapers completely described him as the person behind the scenes who single-handedly manipulated this mutation through various out-of-context and thought-induced inducements.

It even kept hinting that this mutation was not the main purpose at all, and the failure was just expected.

Marisa and Reimu's resolution of the incident was all guided by Yuntian.

There is also a hidden real purpose behind it.

The most annoying thing is that there are really not many mistakes in the content of the news.

It is true that Yuntian deliberately lured Marisa and Reimu to the underworld, and Haruyuki's mutation did have other purposes.

But the most critical "other purpose" was just vaguely mentioned.

It's just here for the readers to make up their own minds, so how could they think that Yuntian is to solve the Saigoyou and make Yuyuko appear in Gensokyo as a matter of course.

And, the original cause of the mutation was Youyouzi's whim, and Yuntian was just pushing the boat along the way.

It would be an exaggeration to say that he was behind the scenes.

"Wenwen's news style has always been like this, everyone is used to it, no one will take it seriously."

Marisa stood up from the sofa, walked to Yuntian and patted him on the shoulder, with a comforting expression of 'you don't worry'.

Immediately afterwards, Marisa took back the newspaper, found a corner, pointed with her finger, and said with a very excited expression:

"Forget about those useless news, Yun Tian, ​​look here!"

Regarding the girl calling the information about herself 'useless', Yun Tian felt a little complicated, but he still looked in the direction she was pointing, and softly read what was written in the newspaper.

"Because of some unexpected events in Youkai Mountain recently, the release of the next issue of 'Wenwen.News' may be postponed. Readers, please understand."

After reading it, Yuntian didn't catch Marisa's excitement, so he raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Of course not! Super wrong Da★Ze!"

Marisa knew that Yuntian didn't know much about Gensokyo, so she explained:

"The youkai on Youkai Mountain are different from the youkai in other places. Generally speaking, the youkai in Gensokyo are not related. The powerful ones occupy one side and divide it into their own territory, while the weaker ones just find some place to call it their home.

"The monsters fight on their own, and the ones who get together at most are relatives and friends.

"But the monsters on the monster mountain are self-contained. It is not just an organization or group, but has further formed its own society."

Marisa grew up in Gensokyo, and knows many things in Gensokyo very well.

Especially after becoming stronger, she has also come into contact with many monsters, and even became friends with Reimu.

These things may be considered secrets to ordinary humans, but to Marisa and the others they are just common sense.

"The biggest force in Gensokyo refers to the youkai group on the Youkai Mountain headed by the Tengu clan.

"How could such a huge force suddenly have an accident, how could it be a trivial matter Da★Ze!"

Seeing Marisa's excited expression, Yun Tian almost guessed what she was going to say next.

"A mutation! It's definitely a mutation! I smell a mutation, Da★Ze!"

"...So, what about learning magic?"

Yun Tian sighed helplessly, with an expression of 'it really is so' on his face.

"It's okay to delay for a day or two. Learning should pay attention to the combination of work and rest. Also, actual combat is equally important, isn't it?"

The girl who is eager to try is no longer able to be persuaded by just persuasion.

In fact, Yuntian can also understand Marisa's thoughts. She has made great progress in the past few days, and Yuntian has seen the results of that kind of hard work with his own eyes.

Although it was only a few days, Marisa really did nothing but study and practice.

The level of hard work is comparable to that of Yuntian in the past, and the only rest except sleeping is to help Yuntian practice flying.

Both Yuntian and Marisa knew about this promotion in exchange, but the girl wanted more people to know about it.

Marisa's motivation to become stronger is to prove herself, so whenever she improves, she can't wait to find someone to show.

And the mutation, especially a large-scale force like Youkai Mountain, can no longer meet Marisa's expectations.

It is related to the motive force of the opponent's desire to become stronger, Yuntian has no reason to stop her.


"It's not certain if it's a mutation."

Yun Tian felt that Marisa was happy a little early.

But obviously, the excited girl will not give up just like that.

"It's not necessarily possible, right! Anyway, let's go find Reimu first!"

After finishing speaking, Marisa didn't give Yuntian a chance to refute at all, and dragged him towards the door.

"Wait, at least eat first..."

"Go and eat with Reimu!"

. . . . . .

It takes only a while to go from the magic forest to the Hakurei Shrine by flying.

Although Yuntian's flying can't be used in actual combat yet, it can barely do it if he is on the road.

After all, what he lacks is not speed, but flexibility and skill in the air.

So it didn't take long before Yuntian came to Hakurei Shrine with Marisa, and then met an unexpected acquaintance here.

"Ah, Yuntian, are you also here to enjoy the flowers? The cherry blossoms here at Hakurei Shrine are also unique."

The pink-haired undead princess was sitting under the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard of the shrine, her eyes lit up when she saw Yun Tian, ​​and she waved to him.

Beside her, Lingmeng was also sitting on the cloth cushion holding a teacup, ready to enjoy the flowers.

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