1720 Of course eating is more important


Yuntian walked over with Marisa, and the two sat down very naturally, making Reimu beside him twitch his eyes and glanced at them.

"Why are you here?"

Yuntian didn't notice the look of 'you've learned bad' in Lingmeng's eyes, and asked Youyuzi.

"Appreciate the flowers~" Yuyuko had a smile on her face, it was obvious that playing freely in Gensokyo these few days made her feel particularly happy.

Sitting on the cloth cushion at this time, the body is also shaking from side to side with the head, and the happy mood is not concealed.

As I said before, although the main building of Hakurei Shrine is small, the courtyard is surprisingly large.

There are many cherry blossom trees planted in the yard.

Now that the spring snow event is over, and spring returns to Gensokyo, the power of spring that has lasted for more than two months erupts in one breath, causing the flowers, plants and trees in the entire territory of Gensokyo to grow luxuriantly.

The cherry trees in the courtyard of the shrine are no exception. They are all in full bloom, and there is no trace of withering in the past few days.

Hakurei Shrine may not be as exaggerated as Baiyulou, but it is also a famous flower viewing place in Gensokyo.

As Yuyuko said, it has a different flavor.

"It's really beautiful." Yun Tian praised.

At this time, Lingmeng suddenly sighed, and said in a sad tone:

"Admiring flowers is very good, but it's been like this for a few days. Whether it's viewing flowers or appreciating ghosts, I'm a little tired."

The current Gensokyo is just the opposite of what it was before, the cherry blossoms are blooming abnormally, and it seems that it will not end for a while.

[-]% will not return to normal until June officially enters the summer.

Viewing flowers almost every day will lose its freshness and become a routine, and even special activities will start to feel boring.

Especially not long ago, a grand banquet was held in Baiyulou, and it was even more so after seeing the cherry garden in the underworld and the westbound demon cherry blossoms.

As for talking about ghosts.

Yun Tian looked around the shrine and found that there were indeed many ghosts floating around, so he looked at You Yuzi and asked:

"Haven't you been back to Baiyulou recently?"

"Go back, I also saw the letter you left behind, that matter has been arranged, don't worry~"

Yuyuko smiled, the "that matter" in the words undoubtedly refers to the mining of the underworld.

However, what Yuntian is asking now is not this.

"Has the nether barrier not been repaired yet?"

The problem of ghosts coming to Gensokyo from the underworld will be resolved once the nether barrier is repaired.

"For enchantment, don't worry anyway, wait a little longer?"

Yuyuko tilted her head, then looked at the ghosts floating in the shrine, and blinked at Reimu.

"Everyone is still indulging in the rare sightseeing, and the shrine has become much more lively because of it, hasn't it?"

"I don't want this kind of excitement! The ghost won't give me money, you guys are not as good as a cloud."

As he said that, Lingmeng deliberately glanced at Yuntian, as if hinting at something.

Seeing this, Yuntian shook his head with a grin, took out a gold coin from his pocket, called out a small hand made of star fairy art, held the gold coin and flew over to throw it into the money box.

Reimu kept her ears up all the time, and nodded in satisfaction until she heard the sound of gold coins falling into the Saiqin box, and changed her words:

"Thinking about it now, it would be nice to be more lively."

"Money fan!" Marisa who was listening on the side whispered, and immediately greeted Reimu's death stare.

Marisa didn't care, instead she grinned back to Reimu, then took out the previous newspaper and asked:

"Hey Lingmeng, have you read this issue of Wenwen News?"

"I saw the headline and threw it aside. Anyway, it's all nonsense. By the way, I haven't subscribed to a newspaper. Why do I send a copy to the shrine every time?"

Unlike Marisa who was very interested in newspapers, Reimu had an impatient expression on her face when she heard the newspapers being mentioned.

Yun Tian guessed that it was probably something about Lingmeng himself that was reported in a previous news issue.

It's always fun to watch other people's gossip, but it's not so fun when it falls on yourself.

Reimu, as Hakurei Miko, can be said to be the center of Gensokyo, and the news about her is the hottest.

Yun Tian doesn't think that a reporter who can write such a news content that is infinitely close to making up random news will miss such a good subject as Lingmeng.

However, Marisa didn't come here today to gossip with Reimu.

"It's a mutation! Reimu, look here, Da Ze, the great mutation of Youkai Mountain! Let's go!"


Startled by Marisa's words, Reimu's tone rose unconsciously.

Come on, the Haruyuki incident has just ended a few days ago, so a new incident is coming?Or the Mountain of Monsters? !

"Please forgive me... So, where is the mutation?"

Reimu took the newspaper from Marisa with a speechless expression, carefully read the page she was pointing at, and then slowly typed a question mark.

I can't find it, so I'm confused.

"Here, here!" Marisa hurried over when she heard the words, pointing to Reimu for the place she saw.

"Look at what Wenwen wrote, the accident happened in the Monster Mountain, it's not a mutation, it's something!"

After listening to Marisa's words, Reimu first read the contents of the newspaper, and then looked at the excited Marisa.

After a few seconds of silence, she shifted her eyes to Yun Tian, ​​and asked him in a tone of doubting IQ:

"You agree with what she said, so you come here together?"

"No, I have persuaded her, but you should know the result." Yun Tian shrugged, indicating that this matter has nothing to do with him.

At the same time, he picked up the teapot, took out two cups from the carrying pocket, and poured a cup of tea for himself and Marisa.

Just like a performance of 'I am ready to enjoy the flowers with you'.

"Hey! Why are you all reacting like this!"

Facing the attitude of Reimu and Yuntian, Marisa expressed strong dissatisfaction.

She snatched the newspaper back from Reimu's hand, stood up and looked at the people sitting on the cloth mat, grabbed the broom indignantly and said:

"Hmph! It's fine if you don't go, watch me solve the incident by myself, I will definitely be the headline in the next issue!"

As she said that, the girl stepped onto the broom and tried her best to take off into the air.

However, at this moment.


A subtle voice suddenly sounded and spread to everyone's ears.

At the same time, Marisa, who was just about to fly into the air, also froze in place, motionless.

An awkward atmosphere then spread, and a strange silence enveloped the small area under the cherry blossom trees.

After a while, Yun Tian cautiously suggested: "Eat your meal first?"

Marisa didn't reply.

The girl just got off the broom silently, and sat back down without saying a word.

And the face that was slightly lowered and covered with blond hair was already blushing unconsciously.

Embarrassment (Marisa Limited Edition).jpg

1721 The Forbidden Yokai Mountain!

Since Yuyuko was present, it must be Youmu who is in charge of cooking.

The fact that she didn't see the figure was also because she was preparing meals, knowing that her master's appetite was like a bottomless pit, and the amount Youmu prepared for lunch would naturally exceed the standard.

However, when the dishes were served, they found that there were more Yuntian and Marisa. After being surprised, they had no choice but to prepare more dishes.

Marisa is easy to talk about, but Yuntian's appetite is just as exaggerated. According to Yuyuko's standard, it is obviously not enough to eat.

After drinking and eating, the three of Reimu, Yuyuko, and Youmu started the flower viewing leisurely as they said at the beginning.

On Yuntian's side, he left the Hakurei Shrine with Marisa and flew towards the Youkai Mountain.

. . . . . .

"You don't need to come with me, I'm enough alone!"

Marisa was riding a broom, and while flying, she glanced at Yuntian beside her, with a barely concealed unhappiness in her tone.

The girl was still thinking about Yuntian and Reimu's attitude of not believing that this was a change, and she also had a little emotion about Reimu's behavior of not coming together.

It's not a question of whether there is a change or not. The main reason is that my ideas are not recognized by my partners, which makes Marisa very depressed.

Not only that, Reimu and Yuntian reached an agreement tacitly, which made Marisa even more unhappy.

The development she hoped for is actually very simple, everyone happily ran to the Mountain of Monsters together, as to whether it was really a mutation, that was secondary.

Of course, showing off to Lingmeng, or showing the results of his rapid progress in the past few days, such small thoughts also accounted for a large proportion.

After all, it is the youth of the teens, and it is unrealistic to expect Marisa to behave in a very stable manner.

"Let you run to the mountain of monsters alone, I always feel a little pitiful."

Yun Tian could see the girl's thoughts, so he followed her.

There are also other reasons in it, such as the "new witch" I heard about in the world before, and today's newspaper full of irresponsible inducing content, and the new branch task "Exploration" received when Marisa was about to set off. Yokai Mountain'.

It is these reasons that Yuntian will not tell Marisa, otherwise, the girl who expects someone to go to Youkai Mountain with her will probably be even more unhappy.

It's not a sin to want to hang out with friends.

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