"I don't want you to pity me!"

"Sure enough, because Lingmeng didn't follow, are you a little disappointed?"

"I didn't say that..."


"Long-winded! You are so annoying!"

. . . . . .

In this way, the two came to the foot of the monster mountain.

If you take Human Sato as the center, Hakurei Shrine is to the east, and Lake of the Mist is to the northwest.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion is located on the north bank of the Lake of the Mist, and from here on all the way to the west, you will reach the Youkai Mountain, the most famous mountain in Gensokyo.

And almost the entire mountain range is the territory of Gensokyo's biggest force called 'Yokai no Yama'.


"Stop comers!"

As soon as Yuntian and Marisa reached the foot of the mountain, they were stopped before they could climb up.

A girl with short white hair appeared in front of the two of them and stopped them from climbing the mountain.

The girl is obviously not human, with a pair of obvious animal ears standing on her head, and a small red hexagonal hat in the middle.

She was wearing a pure white top, and her skirt was mainly black, with the hem of the skirt gradually turning dark red and dotted with maple leaf patterns.

There is a tall wooden boot that does not seem to be conducive to movement under the feet, and there is a tail extending from the back.

To put it simply, the 'big white dog' is Yun Tian's first impression of the girl who suddenly appeared.

"The Youkai Mountain prohibits outsiders... Are you, Marisa Kirisame?"

The white-haired dog girl who just appeared held a long sword in her right hand and a shield in her left hand, threatening Yun Tian with grinning teeth.

But when she saw Marisa next to Yuntian, her threatening expression softened a little, and she asked in a slower tone:

"What are you here for?"


Yuntian cast a questioning look at Marisa, and the girl returned him with a confident expression of "put it on me".

Then he took two steps forward and greeted him in a familiar tone:

"Ah, long time no see, Da★Ze, 椛!"

"We don't know each other that well, don't go any further, you should know that outsiders are forbidden to enter the Monster Mountain, go back quickly!"

It's a pity that the white-haired dog girl who was called by Marisa didn't give her face. She raised her sword and pointed at Marisa immediately, and her tone became unfriendly again.

Marisa was taken aback by the vigilant reaction of the other party, and she also took back the steps she had taken, with a hint of doubt on her expression, and she wanted to ask something.

But immediately, Marisa seemed to realize something, a smug smile appeared on his face, and he said confidently:

"Something happened to Youkai Mountain, right?"

"How did you know that!" Before the words finished, the whole person fell. . .The whole dog blew up.

A pair of animal ears stood up in an instant, and the body was slightly bent to make a fighting posture.

But Marisa acted as if she didn't see the other party's performance, and the smile on her face didn't fade in the slightest.

"Of course I know that outsiders are prohibited from entering the Monster Mountain, but it's not the first time I've come to find Wenwen. Although we are not familiar with each other, we have met each other.

"Usually even if you want to stop me, you won't be here at the foot of the mountain, not to mention that you are going to drive me away without even asking if I came to Wenwen.


Marisa raised her head confidently, and for a moment she really seemed to be reasoning.

"If I tell you now that I'm here to find Wenwen, what will you do?"

Kai's face became a little ugly, but he answered Marisa's words in a blunt tone.

"Shemingmaruwen has something to do and I don't have time to see you. You leave first, and I will convey it to you."


Now, not only Marisa, who is familiar with Youkai Mountain, but even Yuntian, who has just arrived, can see that this is just an excuse to send them away first.

Otherwise, it is entirely possible to let the two of them wait at the foot of the mountain.

Obviously, something really happened to Monster Mountain, and it was not a small matter.

It is so serious that even acquaintances visiting friends must be banned!

"Changes! That's right, Da★Ze!" Marisa said affirmatively.

At this moment, the girl's excitement could not be suppressed at all. As soon as she grabbed the broom, she was about to rush in.

At the same time, I didn't forget to call Shang Yuntian together.

"Yuntian, let's go! The Tengu clan must be preparing to do bad things, so they have increased their precautions! This is the mutation Da★Ze!

"This time, Reimu will definitely be left speechless!"

Seeing that Marisa took off and was about to break in, Kei stood there and his face changed again and again, and finally he didn't make a move to stop him.

It's not that she doesn't want to, but she knows that she is not Marisa's opponent.

So, gritted his teeth, turned around and ran up the mountain at a very fast speed!

1722 Yun Tian: I came to seek revenge!

"That's how you perfectly turned us into invaders?"

Yun Tian followed Marisa up the mountain, making complaints at the same time.

"What's the matter? Anyway, we are here to solve the mutation. How can we start if we don't go in."

Marisa responded to Yuntian indifferently, walking ahead and leading the way.

The Mountain of Monsters is a mountainous area covering a large area, not a specific mountain, but there is also the main and highest mountain in the mountain range.

The term 'Mountain of Yokai' has multiple meanings in Gensokyo. It can refer to the faction headed by the Tengu clan, and this mountain range. It can also be regarded as the highest mountain that Yuntian is currently climbing.

Because he didn't know the way and needed Marisa to lead the way, Yuntian just sighed, looked at the new side mission of 'Explore the Mountain of Monsters' on the panel, and didn't say anything more.

Marisa's familiarity with the Youkai Mountain is obviously not as high as that of the Magic Forest. She stops and goes, and needs to identify the direction from time to time.

During the period, I also encountered some monsters, but they were all unreasonable, let alone Yuntian, and even Marisa could be easily dealt with.

After solving these monsters, you can also ask for the next way.

As a result, Marisa and Yuntian arrived at the target location relatively smoothly.


The torrent of water fell from the sky, covering the steep mountain wall like a curtain.

The falling water hits the river, making a bang and splashing, which is a magnificent sight.

"Nine Heavens Waterfall, this is it."

Marisa looked up at the large waterfall with no end in sight, and said to Yuntian beside him:

"From here all the way up, reaching the top of the mountain is the residence of the Tengu Clan, and it is from here that it can be regarded as the sphere of influence of the Tengu Clan in the true sense.

"The white wolf tengu that we met before, Inuzoukai, it is reasonable to say that this place should be used as a basis for patrolling on weekdays."

"So that's how it is. The patrol route has moved farther than usual, that's why you concluded that something happened." Yun Tian also looked up at the top, and then asked:

"Are we going to fly up like this?"

"There is no other way. After all, the Tengu clan is good at controlling the wind. You can't expect them to build climbing steps or ropeways."

Saying that, Marisa smiled complacently, and added:

"If there is no accident, there will be a real tengu blocking us from above. It will undoubtedly be an air battle. It is suitable for the assessment of your first stage of flight training. How? I didn't waste your time indiscriminately. "

"I think you just want me to act as a thug to help you solve your troubles." Yun Tian was not confused, and directly saw through the girl's little thoughts.

And Marisa was not embarrassed, on the contrary, she put her hands on her hips confidently, and said bluntly:

"This is Da★Ze, which kills two birds with one stone!"

After finishing speaking, without giving Yun Tian a chance to refute, the girl stepped on the broom and flew up along the waterfall.

Seeing this, Yun Tian had no choice but to rub his forehead, stepped hard on his feet, and chased after him in the air.

. . . . . .

Things didn't go beyond Marisa's expectation.

Not long after the two flew up, a helpless voice came over, making them stop.

"I said, Marisa, can you not give me extra work when I am particularly busy?"

Appearing out of nowhere above Yuntian and Marisa was a girl with short black hair.

From her tone and the helplessness revealed in her eyes, it is not difficult to judge that she and Marisa are pretty good friends.

On his head is a red hexagonal hat that he has seen before. A rope extends from both sides of the hat, and there are three white pompoms on the left and right.

On the contrary, the clothes are very unique. A white shirt is paired with a black miniskirt, and a pair of slender legs are exposed. It is a modern girly dress.

This was the first time that Yuntian saw this kind of clothes full of the taste of modern society after coming to Fantasy Township.

However, the high-footed clogs on the girl's feet still show that her dress is different from modern society.

Moreover, some pointy ears and a pair of black wings behind her also indicated her identity as a non-human race.

Even if Yuntian didn't know much about monsters, after seeing the pair of wings, combined with her identity as a tengu, he could probably guess her race.

Yatengu, a kind of monster that is still somewhat famous outside of Gensokyo.

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