"As expected, it was you, Wenwen." Marisa was not surprised by her appearance, but greeted her warmly.

This also confirmed Yun Tian's thoughts, their relationship was indeed not bad.

However, Marisa did not give up the purpose of her trip because of the appearance of acquaintances.

"I'm here to solve the mutation! If you don't want to be dismissed by me, just obediently let him go and tell Tengu what Da★Ze is going to do!"

"Retire...don't learn to speak like Reimu. Besides, there is no change in Youkai Mountain. You are looking in the wrong place."

The Yatengu girl whom Marisa called Fumi spread her hands, making an expression of 'I really can't handle you'.

Then, she stretched as if she had finished her work, waved to Marisa, turned around and was about to leave.

"Okay, the misunderstanding is resolved, I have something to do and I will leave first, Marisa, you should go back quickly, bye~"

"You wait for me! You want to let us go back, but there is no such good thing!"

Marisa didn't like her, and directly touched the gossip stove.

Seeing that Marisa was so stubborn, the Yatengu girl couldn't help but lose her expression, and then her eyes moved to Yuntian who was standing next to Marisa watching the show, and asked tentatively:

"This...brother? You must understand, right? Take Marisa back, and I'll go play with you in two days?"

Yun Tian raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile that was not a smile, as if he felt amused, he said:

"Are you trying to pretend you don't know me, Ms. Shemei Marufumi? I've read the 'Bunwen. News' today, and it's really good, right?"

Before the words fell, Yuntian turned around and asked:

"Why do you think I came here with Marisa?"

"Ken, definitely not here to seek revenge, right! A person like you naturally has a broad mind..."

"No, I'm sorry, I'm small-minded, and I'm here to seek revenge."

"terribly sorry!"

Hearing Yun Tian's words, Sheming Maruwen bowed in the air without any hesitation, and immediately expressed his apology.

That day, following Yuntian and Marisa's Wenwen, it can be said that he witnessed the whole process of Yuntian suppressing Reimu and Yakumozi successively.

Especially the sword that mercilessly pierced through Yakumo Zi's abdomen made Wenwen understand clearly that the person in front of him was by no means a soft-hearted character.

Although Wen Wen is a bit confident in his own strength, the strong man who has stumbled even the Hakurei Miko and the Yokai Sage, he also knows how big the gap between Yuntian and himself is.

Afraid (Limited Edition of Wenwen Shivering).jpg

1723 The Speedy Pursuit!

Seeing Shemei Maruwen expressed fear, but before Yuntian said anything, Marisa proudly raised her head.

"Hmph! Knowing that you are afraid, you should quickly get out of the way, and what kind of changes will be caused by honestly recruiting the Tengu clan!"

"So I've said it all, there is no mutation at all." Wenwen returned from kneeling to standing, patted the non-existent dust on his legs, with a look of helplessness on his face.

At this moment, Yun Tiancai interjected and asked:

"Even if it wasn't a mutation, there must be something wrong with Youkai Mountain, right?"

"Regarding this matter, Ootengu-sama issued a seal order. I am in the position of not being able to say anything. Please understand my difficulties?"

Wenwen tried to persuade Marisa and Yuntian to leave, but to be honest, she knew the other party's answer in her heart.

It’s been a while since I’ve known Marisa. Wenwen understands her character, and knows that Marisa is not the kind of person who will be obedient.

And sure enough, Marisa's answer was not what she expected.

"Since the words don't make sense, the only way to decide the outcome is through spell cards, Da★Ze!"

However, what Wenwen didn't expect was that Marisa waved his hand, pointed at her and declared:

"Let's go! Yuntian!"

"Eh?! Wait, wait a minute!" Wenwen panicked instantly.

She glanced at Yuntian, who did not refute, and then at Marisa, sweating coldly, and asked with a stiff expression:

"Shouldn't we two little soldiers fight first? The main general has to wait until the end to make a move..."

But who knows, Marisa replied with a 'should be so' expression:

"That's right, so of course I have to wait until the end to make a move!"

Marisa: I am the general!

Shemingwan Wen:? !

Yun Tian: Eat melons.

"So, do you want to get out of the way?" Yun Tian saw that Marisa and Shemei Maruwen had almost 'discussed', so he took up the topic.

He really needed an opponent to test the results of the first stage of air combat training, so he did not object to Marisa's proposal.

On the contrary, there is still a bit of eagerness to try.

Seeing his expression, Wenwen's face turned bitter.

She really didn't want to fight against the monster Yuntian, even if it was a spell card battle, what if she was stabbed right through.

It's just a pity that she is a middle-level cadre of the tengu clan after all, she must obey the orders of the big tengu upwards, and set an example for the low-level tengus downwards.

It doesn't matter how you fish and mess around at ordinary times, but now that there are problems in Youkai Mountain, she can't avoid the battle.

Taking a deep breath, Wen Wen's expression returned to calm, and then he looked at Yun Tian with seriousness in his eyes.

"Spell card rules, and it's still a high-altitude battle. As a Yatengu, I may not have a chance of winning!"

As he said that, Wenwen took out a round fan in the shape of a maple leaf and declared loudly:

"[Wind God·Wind God Ye Yin]!"


With the howling wind, a large number of maple leaves swept across the four directions!

In an instant, maple leaves covered everything Yuntian looked at, and at the same time, Sheming Maruwen's figure also slowly disappeared into the air.

The dense maple leaves and invisible wind blades are mixed together, turning into sharp blades and attacking the sky!

This hand style and Ye's spell card are not weak, just from this blow to Yuntian, he can roughly have a preliminary judgment on her strength.

Wenwen is very strong, at least stronger than ordinary big monsters by more than a line.

From a glance, we can see the whole leopard, Wenwen's strength is just middle-level management in the Tengu clan, and there are more than one big Tengu and the leader of the Tengu clan, Tianma.

It can be seen that it is not for nothing that Youkai Mountain is called the most powerful force in Gensokyo.

You must know that although the mountain of monsters is headed by tengu, it is not only a race of tengu, and the power hidden in it is indeed shocking.

It's a pity that Tiangu's innate ability, the ability to control the wind, is really difficult to take effect in front of Yuntian today.

Yuntian, who holds the power of the sky, has absolute suppression and dominance over the abilities that belong to the concept of 'sky'.

Unless it reaches the world level and changes its ability qualitatively, it is just a toy that can be broken with a flick of a finger in front of the power "Roar of the Sky".

If it were a real battle, just facing Yuntian's wrong judgment of choosing Yufeng would be enough to declare the battle over.

But right now, Yuntian pays more attention to the experience of air combat, so instead of crushing at the level of realm, he borrowed Marisa's fighting style from before.

With a strong step in the air, a starlight barrier instantly gathered to serve as a platform for leverage, and Yun Tian disappeared in place.

The pure burst of speed brought Yuntian into a state of extreme speed. If it was on the ground, it would undoubtedly be Yuntian's silent declaration of suppression.

It can be changed to high altitude, and the situation is a little different.

The feeling of weightlessness in the floating state is completely different from the sense of solidity on the ground. Habits, experience, and techniques of moving in the air will all cause a significant decrease in flexibility.

And the more extreme speed exceeds the specification, the more demanding the requirements for flexibility.

Otherwise, the fatal flaw of the old winged sword being unable to turn will reappear.

Yuntian's problem in the air was even more serious. He couldn't even brake for an instant stop after accelerating at full speed.

However, that is all in the past tense!

Yun Tian turned around elegantly, and easily passed through the dense bullet screen formed by the intertwining of maple leaves and wind blades without injury.

The wind and leaves brushed across both sides of the cheeks, as if carefully calculated, happened to fail to hurt Yuntian.


It can be said that Marisa's famous flying skills are enough to allow people to gain an overwhelming advantage in air combat. Yuntian has already started and made some achievements in just a few days.

Used to deal with ordinary high-altitude battles, combined with Yuntian's exaggerated fighting instinct and fighting awareness, it can be called relaxed and comfortable.

"I've caught you." Yun Tian arrived almost instantly, and precisely locked on a certain position in the sky where there was no one there.

"?!" Wenwen, who was invisible, was shocked, and disappeared in the same place the moment the voice sounded from behind, so that Yuntian's protruding hand could not catch him.

"Oh? This speed is interesting."

The astonishment in Yun Tian's eyes flashed away, he looked at Kong Kongye's right hand, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

Then he speeded up again, and caught up with the girl in an instant.

Yun Tian didn't hide his aura, the sword intent made Wen Wen's hair stand on end like a sword approaching him, he immediately gritted his teeth and accelerated desperately again.

For a moment, the two chased after each other, from a spell card battle to a faster and faster chase.

Whenever Yuntian catches up, Wenwen will increase his speed and try to increase the distance, and Yuntian will not be outdone at all and catch up again.

Gradually, Marisa's eyes couldn't keep up with the movements of the two of them at all, and could barely catch the two streamers of light moving through the air.

Often when she sees it, it is already the end when the afterimage is close to dissipating, and Yuntian and Wenwen are long gone!

1724 New Shrine!

Can't get rid of it? !

How can it be!

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