As time went by, beads of sweat began to blow off Shemei Maruwen's forehead with the wind, and the fear and shock in his heart became more and more intense.

Even though she is not a big tengu, but in terms of speed alone, Wenwen is confident that she will not lose to anyone except the sage Yakumo Zi who is famous for her gaps.

It might be a little exaggerated to say that Gensokyo is the fastest, but if it is one of the fastest in Gensokyo, then she must have a place in Shemeimaruwen.

But right now, no matter how hard she tried to increase her speed, the piercing sword intent behind her was still lingering, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

It can even be said that if the opponent's flying skills were not obviously rusty, so that Wenwen could barely shake him off for a while through a series of complicated movements, she would have been caught long ago.

But even so, the limit will soon be reached.

Always maintain the speed of the limit or even surpass the level of performance, even Wenwen can hardly hold on.

Her physical strength and demon power dropped sharply, but Yun Tian, ​​who was chasing after her, still had a steady breath, as if this fast pursuit that lasted for a long time was just a warm-up exercise.

"Who is the monster?!"

Wenwen finally couldn't help complaining.

However, it was this breath pause, which was not even a distraction, that allowed Yun Tian to seize the opportunity!

The right hand suddenly stretched out, directly grabbed the wings on the girl's back, and forced her to stop moving amidst her screams of pain.

"Now you won't be able to escape."

Yun Tian pinched Wen Wen's wings with considerable force, preventing her from using tricks to escape.

"It hurts, light, light, the feathers will be pulled off!"

Wenwen pulled the wings on his back symbolically, and found that Yuntian had no intention of letting go, so he had to give up struggling pitifully.

In the air, Yuntian dragged him back to Marisa's side.

Although Miss Yatengu behaved very pitifully, Yun Tian did not hesitate to pinch the opponent's wings, and was even thinking about whether to take advantage of the situation to pluck a handful of feathers.

Who asked the other party to scribble in the newspaper, describing him as a complete villain.

As a villain, it seems that I am sorry for my identity if I don't do something bad.

Our bad-natured Mr. Yuntian, as he himself said, is quite vengeful sometimes.

I just read the newspaper today, but I still haven't forgotten it.

"Anyway, let's talk about what happened on Youkai Mountain first."

"Can you not say it, I will be reprimanded by Ootengu-sama... It hurts! Don't, don't pull my feathers, I said, I will say it!"

Just as Wen Wen was about to refuse, Yun Tian conveniently pulled two pitch-black feathers from her wings, and at the same time smiled maliciously at her.

Stimulated by the sudden pain, Wenwen glanced at the two feathers in Yuntian's hand distressedly, and said with a mournful face:

"Actually, a few days ago, a shrine suddenly appeared on the Youkai Mountain, and the gods inside were not easy to provoke, and their tempers were not small.

"The other party intends to make us Yokai Mountain bow down and offer up our faith, and our Tengu clan is also dissatisfied with this uninvited intruder.

"However, the opponent's strength is a bit stronger than expected. If there is a real war, it is estimated that there will be heavy casualties, so we are temporarily in a tentative confrontation and negotiation.

"Because of this incident, the Youkai Mountain is under full martial law, and all members of our Tengu clan are also required to stay on the mountain and maintain a state of preparation for war."

Having said that, Wenwen glanced at Marisa, and expressed his dissatisfaction with an angry expression.

"That's why I said from the beginning that there is no mutation at all! This is a private matter of our Monster Mountain, so leave as soon as you understand it."

"It's not a mutation..." Marisa visibly fell into a depressed state.

After all, the girl herself wanted to make a big splash in the mutation, and now that she had no chance, she was naturally not very happy.

But contrary to before, this time it was Yun Tian who was in the mood.

"You mean, the shrine?"

Being pulled by Yun Tian's wings, Wen Wen immediately replied:

"That's right, it's a shrine."

"When did it appear, and who built it?"

"I don't know the exact time, but Ootengu-sama speculates that it was a few days ago... Well, it's almost exactly when you held the Baiyulou banquet."

Wenwen thought about it seriously, and then added something.

"It appeared completely out of thin air, and even the environment where the shrine is located has changed, and there is an extra lake."

"Appearing out of thin air, shrines, beliefs, witches... I see, it's interesting."

After listening to Wen Wen's words, Yun Tian pondered over a few key words, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

In Gensokyo, gods are not uncommon.

There are more than one gods who are connected with the human world, and the witches are almost similar.

As long as you offer your faith to a god and get the response and feedback from the other side, you can call yourself the priestess of that god.

This is not a profession worth paying attention to, so when he heard that there was a new witch in the world, Yun Tian didn't take this matter to heart.

It's just a witch, he has more than one in the world of godslayers, and ordinary level witches are not very attractive.

But if it is 'shrine', the meaning is completely different.

In the outside world, the shrine may not be a rare building, but in Gensokyo, or it should be said that the word "shrine" has a vital meaning for the Hakurei Great Barrier!

You can build Taoist temples, you can build temples, you can open churches, it doesn't matter, as many as you want.

But there is only one shrine, since the establishment of Gensokyo, there has only been one, and there can only be one!

Hakurei Shrine, that is the foundation of Hakurei Great Barrier, is the core of the secret land of Gensokyo, literally 'the center of everything'.

New shrine?

What does this mean?

Looking at it from another perspective, Yakumo Zi is actually indifferent to such an event that may shake the foundation of Gensokyo?

After all, let a shrine appear out of thin air on Youkai Mountain together with the surrounding environment, and the biggest force in Gensokyo cannot detect any clues before it is completed.

Besides the monster sage who has the power of the realm, who else can do this?

"The matter that is crucial to Yuyuko's life and death, he was forced to show up at the last moment. The reason is that he is dealing with this matter."

An interested look flashed in Yuntian's eyes.

"Use Haruyuki's mutation to lure Reimu out of Gensokyo, so as to prevent Hakurei Miko from discovering the changes in the Great Barrier, and even me using it..."

After pondering for a while, Yuntian asked Wenwen:

"Where is that shrine, take me there."

At first, Yuntian didn't think too much about the beliefs in Gensokyo. First, he considered that his relationship with Reimu was not bad, and second, his current power of belief was large enough and not in short supply.

It might affect the operation of the Great Barrier of Gensokyo, Yuntian didn't have any thoughts.

But if there is an opportunity to pick up a portion of the power of faith for nothing, then Yuntian will not miss this opportunity.

Who would want too much fuel that can be used to assist in accelerating cultivation?

1725 Moriya Shrine and Dongfeng Valley Sanae

Go up the Jiutian Waterfall, all the way to the top of Youkai Mountain, and you will see the residence of the Tengu Clan.

But Wen Wen led the way, and the group of three people did not go up to such a high position, but left the waterfall on the way and turned into the mountainside from a small road.

Not long after walking, a lake came into view.

"The Lake of the Wind God, that's what the new gods call it." Wen Wen explained to Yun Tian, ​​while pointing to the other side of the lake not far away.

"That's the Moriya Shrine."

The area of ​​the Fengshen Lake is not large, not comparable to the Lake of Fog at the foot of the mountain, but the lake water is clear and bright, and has an aesthetic feeling that seems to be able to purify the mood.

On the other side, there are a lot of tall and sturdy imperial pillars standing beside the lake of Fengshen Lake, which at first glance looks like a stone forest, adding a solemn atmosphere.

Approaching across the lake, you can even feel the chilling air surrounding it, just like an ancient battlefield.

"Is it enough to get here? Can I go?"

Wenwen looked back at Yuntian cautiously, expressing that his work of leading the way was over, please let him go.

She didn't want to go in with Yun Tian.

Since the Moriya Shrine appeared on Youkai Mountain, it has been thinking about letting Tengu, Kappa, and other monsters on Youkai Mountain offer their faith.

Before the two sides reached an agreement, it is not an exaggeration to describe the atmosphere as tense. No one knows whether a head-on conflict will break out in the next second.

As the middle-level manager of the Tengu Clan, Wenwen must go to the Moriya Shrine at this time. If he fails, he will have to be interrogated as a traitor when he goes back to his place of residence.

Fortunately, Yuntian didn't make things difficult for her this time, and nodded to indicate that Wenwen could leave.

So, Yatengu-san rushed out for a long time at the first time, and dragged Marisa away along the way.

"Wait, wait! Why are you dragging me?" Marisa obviously didn't intend to leave like this, and kept struggling.

However, Wen Wen was determined to take her away, even though the other party struggled, the strength in his hands did not relax.

"You idiot, we can't get involved in the rest of the matter, Lord Otengu asked me to come out to stop you, the result of my failure must have been sent back by this time.

"I don't know what Ootengu-sama will do, but if a war starts and gets involved in a battlefield of that level, you and I will have nothing to eat.

"Don't move, hurry up and leave with me!"

In this way, in Marisa's relentless struggle, Wenwen finally dragged her away from here.

And Yuntian didn't stop Wenwen from taking away Marisa, after all, it's a serious business, and it's somewhat inconvenient to have Marisa by his side.

Just like Wenwen said, if you really want to do it, Marisa will only become a burden.

The Moriya Shrine somehow made the Tengu clan feel jealous, and the gods sitting in it must not be simple.

If it's an ordinary person, it's not worth Yakumo Zi's trouble to pull him into Gensokyo by himself.

He stood there and waited for a while, and when Wenwen and Marisa were far away, Yun Tian stepped inside.

The entrance of the pilgrimage path is a torii gate similar to the entrance of the Hakurei Shrine. The road is not too long, perhaps because it is on the mountain, and the pilgrimage path is a climbing path from bottom to top.

Stepping on the neat square stone bricks, passing through the imperial pillars erected on both sides of the approach, the main building of the Moriya Shrine, the main hall of the shrine, appears in front of you.

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