Compared with the humble Hakurei Shrine, the Moriya Shrine is much more majestic and magnificent.

It's not as luxurious as the Qixiong Shrine that Yuntian once owned in the World of Godslayers, but it can still be called a formal large-scale shrine.

Just looking at the appearance and scale of the main hall, it is not difficult for Yuntian to judge that the Moriya Shrine was at least a national-level shrine in its heyday.

There is no need for a small country-level population to enshrine beliefs, and it is usually unnecessary to build such a large shrine.

. . . . . .

Just as Yun Tian was standing at the entrance of the courtyard to observe the Moriya Shrine, a girl with long green hair came out from the main hall of the shrine.

The Miko costume that was almost the same as Reimu's style showed her identity.

However, unlike Reimu's traditional red and white priestess color scheme, the priestess costume on this priestess is blue and white.

only. . .

"Why is it also a miko costume with armpits exposed?"

Yun Tian looked at the green long-haired girl approaching, and couldn't help but complain.


And his words obviously made the girl a little bit at a loss, her delicate and pretty face was full of panic and nervousness, and at the same time, a touch of blush appeared on her cheeks.

Subconsciously covering her shoulders with both hands, the girl stammered and asked:

"Is, really, something is wrong? I thought it was weird at first, it always feels a bit shameful to wear such a miko costume.

"But I heard that this is the regular style of the shrine maiden in Gensokyo, so, that's why... Sure enough, I was deceived?"

Listening to the girl's explanation, and seeing her shy reaction under his gaze, Yun Tian felt emotion in his heart for a moment.

'The reaction of a normal person is really rare. '

Accustomed to Lingmeng's indifference towards armpits, Yuntian unconsciously felt that this was the case with witches' attire.

Now I feel shy when I see someone, but I feel a little uncomfortable.

But when it comes to style issues.

"The shrine maidens in Gensokyo are indeed dressed like this. It is not wrong to say that it is the fixed style of Gensokyo."

After pondering for a while, Yuntian gave an answer, and at the same time concluded that Moriya Shrine must have been moved into Gensokyo by Yakumo Murasaki.

Otherwise, who would make the witches wear armpits in such a wicked way.

In other words, is Yakumo Zi exposing xp?

Yun Tian was thinking wildly in his mind, while the girl standing opposite him was slightly relieved after hearing his answer, and let go of her hands covering her shoulders.

It's just that the blush on her face hasn't subsided, and she obviously still cares about what she just said about being a bit shameful about dressing.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I was the one who was rude just now."

The girl pretended to cough, calmed herself down, adjusted her expression, and then introduced herself briefly to Yuntian.

"My name is Dongfengya Sanae, and I am the Fuzhao of this Moriya Shrine. Are you here to pay homage?"

The girl's voice is very gentle, combined with her polite and serious bowing appearance, it is not difficult to see that her personality should also be a gentle and serious type.

A head of long green hair hangs behind her back and flutters in the wind, the length just reaching her waist.

On the left side of the cheek, there is a strand of hair tied separately by a snake-shaped headband, and a frog-shaped hairpin is pinned on the head.

If you look closely, you can find that although the maiden costume looks similar to Reimu at first glance because of the exposed armpits, the actual style is different.

The biggest difference is that the blue skirt is much shorter, not only the calves, but even the thighs are slightly exposed.

Compared to Reimu's conservative shrine maiden costume except for her armpits, this shrine maiden named Dongfengya Sanae wore a short skirt, which was more austere.

1726 God, Yasaka Kanako!

wind wishes.

Yun Tian caught the words in the girl's self-introduction, and Yun Tian, ​​who had been in the world of Godslayer, had a simple understanding of this.

Zhu is a kind of witch, which can be simply understood as a high-level witch, and the accurate description is "the spokesperson or representative of God in this world".

That is to say, only the priestesses who can directly receive and convey the will of the gods are qualified to call themselves 'Zhu'.

Compared with ordinary witches, one is to serve the gods, and the other is to represent the gods to the outside world, and their meanings can be said to be very different.

Sanae calls herself Fengzhu, which shows that the gods enshrined in Moriya Shrine are related to "wind" in terms of power or performance, and also explains the trust relationship between Sanae and the gods in the shrine.

On Yuntian's side in the world of godslayers, perhaps only Erica could barely call herself 'Zhu'.

If Edelweiss considers herself a witch of Yuntian, then she meets the standard perfectly.

The term "agent" cannot be summed up in a simple sentence of "believe".

"Unfortunately, I am not a guest who came to pay homage."

Yun Tian shook his head, denying Sanae's inquiry.

"I heard that Gensokyo has suddenly added a shrine. Let's call it a visit out of curiosity. However, it may not be a good thing for you."

Facing Yuntian, Sanae didn't have any special reaction.

She came out to greet Yun Tian only after being reminded by her own gods, so she knew that the other party was not an ordinary person, and it was impossible for her to simply pay homage.

The previous question was just a polite remark.

"Anyone who comes is a guest. Whether it is a good thing or not is up to Mrs. Kanako to judge. Please come with me."

Sanae bowed slightly to Yuntian, then turned to lead the way, leading Yuntian to the back of Moriya Shrine.

The two did not enter the main hall because it was used for worship.

Bypassing the main building, there is a Japanese-style annex behind the main hall. This is where Sanae lives on weekdays, and the gods enshrined by Moriya Shrine are also here.

Walk through the long corridor and walk into the living room. The room is in a standard Japanese style, with tatami mats on the floor, a low table in the middle, and a cushion on each side of the low table.

A woman was sitting cross-legged in front of a low table, facing Yun Tian, ​​who had just started, shaking a wine glass in her hand, and looked at him with interest with a pair of red pupils that were close to brown.

"Sit down, do you want a drink?"

Her strong tone reveals her character at the same time.

The short blue-purple hair is shoulder-length, but a part of it is extended from both sides, giving people a feeling of 'expansion'.

Among all the hairstyles that Yuntian has seen, the Yujie in front of her is also unique.

On the head is a straw rope-like headband, which is decorated with leaves of red maple and ginkgo.

Behind it, there is a larger straw rope loop with many paper pendants hanging on it. From the perspective of the sky, it is temporarily impossible to see whether it is floating on the back or tied around the waist.

The red top is paired with a dark long skirt, and a pair of straw sandals are on bare feet.

There are two special features that attracted Yuntian's attention. One is the straw rope rings worn not only on the head and back, but also on the cuffs, waist, and ankles.

The second is the super-standard chest, which looks like a mirror embedded in the clothes.

There are strong energy fluctuations exuding from the mirror, and it is not surprising that it is a powerful divine tool.

Yun Tian sat down directly opposite the other party, also cross-legged.

This kind of low table of Hefeng is usually supposed to sit on knees, but Yuntian is not used to that kind of sitting posture, and it seems that the sister Yu who is opposite is also not used to it.

"Forget about wine, do you have tea?"

"Yes, please wait later, I will make you tea."

Hearing that Yuntian rejected the wine invitation, Sanae immediately answered the conversation, then turned and left the room.

I don't know if it was Yun Tian's illusion, but Sanae seemed relieved when he heard that he was not drinking.

On the contrary, the sister Yu on the opposite side curled her lips and drank the wine in her glass with an unhappy expression.

"So, what's the matter with the guys from the underworld coming to your door? Don't tell me that you have any alliance with the monsters on this mountain. I won't give up if I believe in it."

The other party knew him, and Yun Tian was not surprised by this matter.

As an emerging force that just came to Gensokyo, intelligence gathering must be the first thing to do, and Yuntian can be sure that the other party has read the newspaper that has information about him.

Who is the publisher is on this mountain.

Although the newspaper described Yun Tian as a complete villain, a lot of information and speculation about his strength are still of great reference value.

It was precisely because he knew that Yuntian was very strong that Moriya Shrine would entertain him as a guest to the back.

Otherwise, the gods enshrined in a shrine would not be so good to see, Fengzhu Sanae has enough power and status to deal with ordinary visitors.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself first?"

Yun Tian didn't answer the other party's question immediately, but spread his hands and diverted the topic to other places.

"Ha, it's interesting. Didn't you even do a preliminary investigation when you came to visit? Are you so confident in your own strength?"

Hearing Sister Yu's sneer, Yun Tian smiled back disapprovingly, but said mercilessly:

"Whether you have confidence is another matter, but if the opponent is a dying god whose faith is so weak that he can't even maintain his full combat power, then I really have nothing to worry about."

As soon as the voice fell, the room suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

The stiff silence lasted for an unknown amount of time before a voice finally rang out.

"Kanako Yasaka, the god enshrined in this Moriya Shrine."

Kanako took the lead to take a step back, because what Yuntian said was the truth.

The reason why Moriya Shrine was moved to Gensokyo is because of belief issues.

There is no room for gods, ghosts and monsters to live in the outside world. With the rapid development of science and technology, human beings' belief in gods is getting lower and lower.

And Kanako, who relies partly on her beliefs, finds it difficult to display her heyday combat power in such an environment where beliefs are scarce.

It's not bad if you can keep three or four out of ten of your strength.

Just as Yun Tian guessed, she had read the issue of 'Wen Wen' that was released today.News', so he knows Yuntian and has an estimate of his strength.

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