Not to mention that there is no chance of winning in this state, even if she can win, Kanako must retain her strength now that the conflict with Youkai Mountain is likely to break out.

Making enemies meaninglessly is purely courting death.

"Okay, I've already introduced myself, what exactly are you looking for?

"Now that you know my need for faith, you should also know that my faith on this mountain is bound to be gained. Trying to persuade me to stop is a waste of effort."

Kanako obviously regarded Yuntian as a rescue soldier brought by the Tengu clan, but she didn't expect that the fact was just the opposite.

"How about letting me help you?"

Yun Tian raised his hand, and an invisible force surrounded it.

Exactly, the power of faith!

1727 God, Suwako Hayaya!

Yuntian's need for the power of faith is not as urgent as before.

The reason is precisely the amount of faith gathered in the hands at this moment, the incredible power of faith made Yasaka Kanako's face change suddenly.

"You guy, are you a god?!"

"Strictly speaking, it doesn't count, but I can do most of the things you say God can do."

Yun Tian waved his hand to put away the power of faith, and at the same time signaled Kanako not to be overly nervous.

He knew why Kanako's expression suddenly changed.

After all, Moriya Shrine moved into Gensokyo because of belief issues. If Yuntian is not a god, then no matter what purpose he has, the two sides may not necessarily become enemies.

But once Yuntian is a god, there will be an irreconcilable contradiction between the two sides, a dispute of belief!

And the reason for Yuntian's visit is ready to come out.

"You guy, you came here for your faith!" Kanako's face became more gloomy, and her words were no longer as casual as before.

The divine power gradually diffused, and the fluctuations of divine power also gradually spread.

Kanako already has plans to do something, it's not a question of whether she can win, but just like she said just now, Moriya Shrine is bound to win in terms of faith.

This is the bottom line that cannot be compromised, and it is also the main reason why they will move to Gensokyo.

Yun Tian came to the door at this time, and Kanako already regarded him as having malicious intentions.

Forcibly subdue the opponent with strength, and bring the opponent's country, belief, and even himself under his command.

Kanako Yasaka is not unfamiliar with this kind of method, because she has used exactly the same method herself.

"So don't be too nervous, you really have to do it, the current you... no, it should be said that the current Moriya Shrine cannot be my opponent."

Yun Tian didn't respond to Kanako's coercion, he had already guessed the result before coming.

However, after seeing Kanako with his own eyes, Yun Tian noticed something more interesting.

"It's not you who needs faith, is it?"

As soon as these words came out, Kanako's expression and the aura emanating from her body subconsciously stagnated for a moment.

Yun Tian seemed not to notice, and said to himself with a smile:

"With such an urgent need for faith, it stands to reason that the gods of the Moriya Shrine should be in a dying state due to lack of faith.

"You call yourself the god enshrined in the Moriya Shrine, but you don't look like you're dying at all."

Whether it's Moriya Shrine's move into Gensokyo, or Kanako's attitude, they all point to the same conclusion.

That is the desperate need for faith.

The level even went to the point where Yuntian's real purpose of coming to the door was not clear, and he became seriously hostile because it involved belief.

If it wasn't for dying, how could it be so urgent to such an irrational level.

But look at Kanako Yasaka, who is still able to show her divine power at the moment, and who has the courage to fight against the mountain of monsters and is sure to win.

There is no sign of dying.

Although her strength has declined due to the lack of faith, she still retains at least three or four out of ten.

With half of his strength still remaining, how could he be so anxious that he lost his composure.

Furthermore, if the belief in a series of gods is really lacking to almost zero, how can they retain half of their power?

"Kanako Yasaka, you don't believe in God, how about letting the Lord come out?"

There was no complacent or confident expression on Yuntian's face, but the affirmation in his tone, as if he was stating the result.

'What I'm looking for is not you, but the real person in charge of the Moriya Shrine. '

This is exactly what Yuntian expressed.

Kanako was silent.

She stopped looking at Yun Tian, ​​and turned her gaze back to the wine glass in her hand, swirling the wine without saying a word.

The soundless silence lasted a long time this time.


"Oh, Kanako has always been in charge of the external affairs of my family, and I'm only in charge of internal issues, so I can't talk about the person in charge."

Accompanied by a slightly immature voice, a petite figure slowly emerged beside the low table, sitting on the other side of Yun Tian and Kanako who were looking at each other.

It was a loli-like figure with blond shoulder-length hair, and the hair hanging on both sides of the cheeks was bound by a red rope.

She was wearing a loose Japanese-style white dress, and a purple skirt similar to a dress was put on it.

The most conspicuous thing is the yellow frog-shaped hat she wears on top of her head.

As soon as he sat down, he reached out and snatched the wine glass away from Kanako, and took a sip himself.

But during this process, the pair of big decorative eyes on the hat are always staring at Yuntian, giving people a strange feeling, as if the hat is really a living thing.

After snatching Kanako's wine glass and taking a sip, the loli who suddenly appeared turned to Yuntian, looked him up and down, and then said:

"Seiya Suwako, I am the person in charge of the Moriya Shrine you mentioned, and I am the one who needs faith."

In fact, it goes without saying that Yuntian can also see it.

After all, the body of this deity named Shiya Suwako gives people an illusory feeling, flickering on and off, which means that it may dissipate at any time.

The power fluctuations emanating from his body are also so weak that it is almost impossible to detect.

There is no doubt that she is the reason Moriya Shrine is in such desperate need of faith.

Looking at this state that seems to dissipate at any time, Yun Tian estimated that even if Shiya Suwako didn't use any of her strength, it would not last half a year before it would come to an end.

She doesn't even have the extra strength to cover up the faith that surrounds her, so Yuntian can easily judge that now Suwako is able to acquire believers whose faith barely survives.

Except for Fuzun Sanae in the shrine, there are only two or three general believers who will disappear at any time.

Once these only sources of belief disappear, Suwako may not be able to last even half a year.

And now that the shrine has moved to Gensokyo, it is only a matter of time before those two or three pan-believers disappear.

However, from Suwako's face, there was no expression on the verge of extinction. On the contrary, it was extraordinarily casual and calm.

Like the disappearing god is not her.

In fact, Suwako really didn't care about it.

"It's all Kanako and Sanae's worries. For a god like me who was born of faith, dying from lack of faith is just a natural reason, and there is nothing to care about."

Seiya Suwako looked at Yuntian and smiled softly.

"If you really came here for your faith, you're probably going to be disappointed. As you can see, the remaining faith in this body is barely enough to support it, and it's no longer something worth plundering."

Suwako doesn't have a will to die, but she has long since looked away from the matter of life and death.

Whether she can live or not, it doesn't make much difference to her.


"Others don't think so." Yun Tian shrugged his shoulders, and glanced across to Kanako, causing her to curl her lips in a 'tsk'.

. . .

. . .

. . .


The update has been unstable in the past two days, mainly because I feel a little uncomfortable

I don't know what to eat and I ate something bad, my stomach hurts all the time, but today I feel much better, nothing serious

1728 faith points

When Dongfengya Sanae came back with tea, what he saw was the silent Kanako and Suwako, and Yuntian with a slight smile on his mouth.

Sanae, who didn't know what they said, paused for a moment, and then looked around unconsciously.

Finally, he paused on Suwako's illusory body for a few more seconds, with a look of worry in his eyes.

But she didn't say anything, she just walked to Yun Tian and knelt down silently, put down the teapot and refreshments, and poured him a cup of tea.

"Please use it slowly."

Then he stood up, bowed slightly, and left the room.

"Aren't you going to let her stay and listen? Since it's Fengzhu, the relationship between you must not be that strong."

Yun Tian picked up the teacup and took a sip of the tea, looking away from the direction Sanae left.

"Stop thinking about Sanae!" Kanako on the opposite side warned with a sullen face when she heard Sanae mentioned in his words.

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