"It's a misunderstanding, but... well, yes, there are always outstanding shrine maidens."

Yun Tian didn't have much idea about other people's witches. If he believed in this kind of ideal power, the result of forcible plundering would be greatly reduced.

Even if you succeed in snatching someone else's miko, if you don't want to, the provided Faith will be greatly reduced.

In the world of godslayers, both Yuri and Lili were like this, and it was because Yuntian took a lot of effort to solve it later.

But Kanako's warning reminded him.

With a vicious smile on his face, Yuntian raised his hand, and the entangled huge power of faith wavered in front of Kanako's eyes, and said at the same time:

"If I exchange now with the power of faith that is enough to support you back to your heyday, will you give Sanae to me?"

"You bastard!"

Kanako suddenly raised her eyebrows, and she was about to get angry.

But when she caught sight of Suwako's illusory body from the corner of her eye, her expression froze, she gritted her teeth and turned her head to the other side, ignoring Yun Tian.

Kanako refused to answer the multiple-choice question between a friend who was about to pass away and a priestess who treated her like a relative.

On the other hand, Suwako smiled happily, and said without hesitation:

"What you want to ask is not Kanako but Sanae herself. Maybe that child will really agree after hesitating. She is such a worry-loving character. If you don't let her listen in, you don't want her to think wildly.

"These things shouldn't be something that Sanae should worry about at her age, so I didn't agree with moving to Gensokyo in the first place."

The last half of Suwako's words were addressed to Kanako, with a slight reproach in her tone.

The two gods of Moriya Shrine had a disagreement over the move to Gensokyo.

Because Suwako was about to die, Kanako voted for it without hesitation when Zi Yakumo came to her door.

But what she didn't expect was that Suwako opposed it.

The reason is precisely because of Sanae.

Once Kanako and Suwako enter Gensokyo, with Sanae's character, even if she can stay outside, she will choose to enter Gensokyo together because of worry.

But entering Gensokyo is a good thing for the two gods, but for Sanae it is a major decision that changes the entire life.

She was in her prime, living an ordinary life in the outside world.

She has friends, relatives, and neighbors who know her well. Life is very good, and her academic performance is excellent.

Entering Gensokyo is tantamount to giving up everything in the outside world and going to spend a lifetime in an unknown and not necessarily suitable place for human survival.

Suwako didn't want Sanae to make such a cruel decision at such an age, so she never planned to move Moriya Shrine into Gensokyo from the very beginning.

Unexpectedly, Sanae and Kanako secretly discussed in private, and when Suwako fell into a deep sleep due to the decline of her strength, they moved the shrine in without her consent.

When Suwako woke up, the moving work seemed to have been completed, so she had no choice but to accept the fact.

But in fact, I was quite worried about Sanae's future life.

Can she integrate into Gensokyo, will Gensokyo accept a special human like her, can she make friends? It would be too tragic if she dies alone.

These kinds of worries sometimes come to mind.

After all, the current Sanae is too young to make such a major decision out of impulsiveness. If her future life is not good, she may feel regretful.

With Sanae's gentle character, she will definitely not blame Kanako and Suwako, and the ending will probably be unhappy.

When that time really came, Suwako, who was already very open about life and death, would feel guilty instead.

Perhaps because of the impending demise, Suwako has always been so sentimental recently.

She also noticed it herself, but she didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Smiling and shaking his head, Suwako regained his distracted attention, looked at the power of faith entwined in Yuntian's hand, and said with a flash of surprise in his eyes:

"It's hard to imagine that under today's world rules, such a terrifying stock of beliefs can still be seen."

Kanako does not believe in God. Although the strength of the whole body has also been improved by relying on faith, the essence is not the same in the final analysis.

Moreover, the relationship between the two gods of the Moriya Shrine is very complicated. Don't look at them getting along very well now, and they were once life-and-death enemies.

The belief of the Moriya Shrine has always been controlled by Suwako Shiya, and Kanako Yasaka actually gets it from Suwako when she needs it.

At first glance, it seems a little godlike and divine, but in fact the relationship between the two really needs to be traced back, and Kanako is on the contrary.

It is precisely because Suwako holds the belief of Moriya Shrine that she can more clearly realize how terrifying the power of belief held by Yuntian is.

She Xiya Suwako is now an unnamed god who is about to disappear, but she used to have the title of "Apex of Indigenous God".

In the far east of this world, Suwako is the pinnacle of the belief in a line of gods, the great god who once ruled the country.

The power of faith she held in her heyday was as vast as the sea, and in terms of knowledge, there really were not many gods who could surpass her.

However, the power of faith displayed by Yuntian was so huge that even she couldn't help being shocked.

If the heyday of her belief in a country in the past was as vast as the sea, then the power of faith displayed by Yuntian at this moment is as boundless as the starry sky.

There is simply no comparison between the two.

Therefore, Suwako knew that the other party's statement of "providing you with the power of faith to restore your heyday" was not a joke.

Even for Yun Tian, ​​consuming this level of faith cannot be regarded as a traumatic injury.

Even if it is only half of the original Athena's belief that originated from the godslayer world, the base of belief is undoubtedly at the level of the continent or even the planet.

Compared with the national level, the gap is indeed too obvious.

And this is exactly why Yun Tian came to him this time.

"Make a deal."

Putting down the teacup, Yuntian didn't care about Suwako's exclamation.

"I can provide the power of faith that guarantees your existence, and I can also provide the power of faith that restores Miss Kanako to her prime.

"As a price, I will share [-]% of all the beliefs of the Moriya Shrine in the future."

1729 Controversy of Faith?

A silent, dignified, and stiff atmosphere enveloped the room.

Kanako sipped her wine glass without saying a word. Ever since Suwako came out, the right to speak at the Moriya Shrine had been handed over to Suwako, and Kanako hardly spoke anymore.

Facing the 'deal' proposed by Yuntian, Suwako was in deep thought, speechless for a long time.

Yun Tian was not in a hurry, while drinking tea casually, he observed the two gods, Kanako and Suwako.

As soon as they heard their names, they knew that they came from the mythology of the Far East. Although Yun Tian didn't know much about the mythology of the Far East, he lived in the Far East of the Godslayer World for some days.

With Yuli, a maiden born and bred in the Far East, by her side, Yuntian had also heard some of the myths of the Far East from her mouth.

Therefore, after careful observation, he affirmed the abnormality he found when he first saw Kanako.

Perhaps because she noticed that Yuntian's gaze was always on her, Kanako paused while drinking, and then glared back at him with a very rude attitude.

There's no way, Yuntian came to Moriya Shrine to propose a 'deal' at this point in time, it was full of meaning to take advantage of others' danger.

From Kanako's point of view, surrendering [-]% of all beliefs in the future is an excuse for Yuntian to occupy Moriya Shrine in disguise.

Besides Kanako and Suwako, who have a complex relationship with historical origins, what kind of god would surrender their beliefs to others?

Be of God!

'This guy is definitely planning to make me and Suwako his gods. He was thinking about Sanae just now, so he has no good intentions!snort! '

In short, in Kanako's eyes, Yuntian's visit this time is full of plots and schemes.

In fact, I can't blame her. The reason why I have this kind of thinking is that the problem lies in the fact that I haven't met before.

That's right, it was the Wenwen that she had read that was released today.news'.

Residents of Gensokyo know that the news about Shemeimaru is unbelievable. It is full of exaggerations, hints, and a series of descriptive techniques just to win attention.

It’s okay to watch music in your spare time, but if you really take it as intelligence, that would be a huge misunderstanding.

However, Kanako has only come to Gensokyo for a few days, so she doesn't know Wenwen at all.News' exactly what style.

It is located in the mountain of monsters, and no one can explain it to her.

It's not enough to believe in it all, Kanako is not that stupid, she is picky and picky about [-]% of the letter.

Based on the media style of the outside world, Kanako felt that [-]% to [-]% of a newsletter would be about the same.

Considering that Gensokyo might be simpler, she only believed [-]% more, otherwise she would only believe [-]% of it.

But she never expected that Wenwen's news was well-known in Gensokyo.

All letters are superfluous!

As a result, she didn't have a good impression of Yun Tian.

On the contrary, Suwako was just the opposite. Without prior understanding, she would not be misled and found the key to the problem after contemplation.

Why is it [-]%?

In other words, why is it necessary to obtain the [-]% belief through the Moriya Shrine?

Suwako didn't know Yuntian's strength, but she knew how strong she had to be to master such a huge power of faith.

Not to mention anything else, as long as Yuntian is willing, he can use this exaggerated power of faith to transform himself into a god of faith at any time.

At that time, he will instantly gain strength far surpassing Suwako's heyday.

There is no need to consider any other conditions. In this point alone, Yuntian's strength is crushing in Gensokyo.

Such a powerful god can completely cultivate his own witches and spread his own beliefs.

Why waste the power of faith, which is considered a scarce resource in the current world, to restore the two foreign gods, Suwako and Kanako.

Wouldn't it be better to deal with them directly and occupy the Moriya Shrine to gain [-]% of the faith?

Thirty percent belief as a reward is too much in the eyes of Kanako, but in the eyes of Suwako, it is too little.

The grace of saving one's life from the dying, or taking advantage of the fire at a critical moment, no matter what it is, as long as [-]% of the faith is too little as a reward.

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