If it was Suwako herself, even if she didn't want to push the other party to a dead end, she would definitely start with more than [-]% of her mouth.

Suwako knows better than anyone how precious the power of faith is.

For the gods they believe in, [-]% of their faith is [-]% of their power, and they have no shortcomings and are almost omnipotent!

Does this mean you don't want it?

In the past, not to mention all successes, every bit of a dispute of faith would cause a big battle among the gods.

What kind of kindness does Yun Tian have to be to give up [-]% to [-]% of this power?Even the premise of the transaction will consume the power of faith.

Thinking of this, Suwako looked at Yuntian with a serious expression and asked:

"[-]% belief, isn't it your original plan?"

"That's right." Yun Tian nodded, not trying to hide it at all.

There is almost a decisive gap in strength between the two sides, there is no need for Yuntian to waste too much effort to cover up his purpose.

Just like what Suwako thought, the grace of saving lives is also taking advantage of the fire, since Yuntian came today, he didn't intend to return empty-handed.

The current Moriya Shrine does not have the capital to reject Yuntian.

"When I heard that there was an additional shrine on the mountain, my original purpose was to take away [-]% of your beliefs from you."

Yuntian's expression was very natural, while Suwako and Kanako didn't react at all.

Because they all know that when it comes to disputes of faith, it is considered kind of Yuntian to only take [-]% of them without killing them all.

In most cases, taking away ninety-nine percent and leaving a chance of life is the result of paying a price.

"No matter what agreement you have reached with Yakumo Zi, as long as it involves the power of faith, then I can replace it. If it has nothing to do with the power of faith, keeping you alive will not delay the matter."

The relationship between Yuntian and Yakumo Zi can't be considered very familiar, but it's not unfamiliar either.

With Youyouzi's relationship, they can at least be regarded as ordinary friends, so Yuntian didn't intend to create trouble for the other party.

This is the reason why he has never touched the idea of ​​belief in Gensokyo.

The construction and operation of the Hakurei Great Enchantment centered on the Hakurei Shrine must be inseparable from the omnipotent power of faith.

Having said that, why is the Great Barrier called 'Hakureo Great Barrier' instead of 'Yakumo Barrier'?

Yuntian didn't know the reason, but he speculated that it was because when the first generation of the barrier was first established, the first-generation Hakurei Miko was in a leading position in building the barrier, while Zi Yakumo was an assistant.

The uncanny workmanship of the Great Barrier of Boli is a miracle that even today's Yuntian cannot touch. Even the inspiration for his move of the Temple of Stars comes from the Great Barrier of Boli.

So, is it because the first generation Hakurei Miko has a powerful strength far surpassing Yuntian?


Because Yun Tian could clearly feel that although the Boli Great Barrier was miraculous, it couldn't stop him from bursting out with all his strength.

If he had an idea, it wouldn't be too difficult for Yun Tian to tear apart the secret barrier that built Gensokyo.

That being the case, there is only one most likely outcome.

The Great Enchantment, or the initial establishment of Gensokyo, was completed based on the huge power of faith.

This can also explain why Hakurei Miko is the leader, and the center of Gensokyo is also Hakurei Shrine.

Otherwise, with Yakumo Zi's character, it is related to her dream, how could such an important key core not be held in her own hands.

Yun Tian didn't know how much of his conjecture was correct.

But as long as it is half right, the power of faith plays an important role in Gensokyo and the Great Barrier.

Therefore, Yuntian did not collect beliefs in Gensokyo.

If there is less of him, he doesn't like it very much, and the benefits of wasting time are not proportional. If it is too much, it will affect Gensokyo itself, which is also a troublesome thing.


The appearance of the Moriya Shrine changed the situation.

1730 God of the Sun!

Moriya Shrine is a new force specially introduced by Yakumo Zi to Gensokyo.

This is nothing strange.

This monster sage will do similar things every few days, and this is how the Scarlet Devil Mansion came in.

But the problem is timing.

You know, a few days ago just happened to catch up with Yuyuko trying to revive the West Goblin.

Yakumo Zi didn't plan to show up for such a matter of Ji You's life and death, but pushed it to Yuntian and Lingmeng to solve it.

Because of trust?That Yakumo purple?

Don't be kidding, don't talk about Yuntian, even Lingmeng wouldn't believe this kind of nonsense.

If it is the usual way to guide the outside world to live in Gensokyo mysteriously, a slight delay of two or three days will not hurt at all.

Suwako's situation was indeed urgent, but it wasn't to the point where she couldn't hold on for two or three days.

Yuntian said before that the only thing Yakumo Zi can give priority to before Yuyuko is Gensokyo.

Looking at it from another perspective, Moriya Shrine's occupancy is tantamount to having a vital connection with Gensokyo.

Although Yuntian has never seen it, he has heard that Yakumo Zi has a powerful demon fox shikigami.

However, at the last moment of Haruyuki's change, Yakumo Zi was forced to show up to fight Yuntian, where was this shikigami?

At the juncture of Yuyuko's life and death crisis, Yakumo Zi chose to hide her strength?

No need to think about it, the shikigami named Yakumo Lan is probably busy guiding Moriya Shrine into Gensokyo.

So, why is Moriya Shrine valued by Yakumo Zi?

The ability of these two gods?Or is it the means they have to obtain the power of faith?

The former has nothing to do with Yuntian, but if it is the latter, Yuntian has the confidence to replace it.

When he came to Gensokyo last time, Yuntian hadn't learned the ability to collect beliefs.

But today is different from the past, what Yuntian can do now is not much different from that of gods in the general sense.

Compared with strange gods from the outside world, it is obviously easier to guarantee trust between Yuntian and Yakumozi who have a relationship like Yuyuko.

If you really want to choose a partner, as long as you know that Yuntian can also control the power of faith, Yakumo Zi has no reason to choose someone else.

No matter what reason she needs the power of faith, Yuntian can satisfy her more than Moriya Shrine.

Therefore, Yuntian can defeat, plunder, benevolent, save, no matter which method is used, and take away the power of faith from Moriya Shrine.

Yuntian's current power of faith is huge, but the part originating from Athena is a one-time resource, and it will be gone when it is used up.

On the other hand, in the world of godslayers, Yuntian has witches and shrines who can gain faith on a regular basis.

It's just that the time is too short, and it's not worth mentioning compared to Athena's belief, but when disposable resources are always exhausted, renewable resources are equally important.

Moriya Shrine is also a good source of Faith for Yuntian.

However, after seeing the two gods of Moriya Shrine successively, this idea changed twice in a row.

Let Yuntian take [-]% from the beginning, to [-]%, and finally to [-]%.


That is of course because other needs have been found.

"Thirty percent of future beliefs, in exchange for helping Ms. Suwako to maintain a stable existence and Ms. Kanako to recover, in essence, I will lose money until I get back my capital."

The population of Gensokyo is not dense, no matter how you collect beliefs, the number is limited after all.

The quality of the power of faith may be improved due to strength and other reasons, but it is still impossible to compare with the big countries outside, let alone the continent or even the planet.

The power of faith consumed by Yuntian in helping Suwako and Kanako relies on [-]% of Moriya Shrine's faith, and it will take a long time to recover.

Although it will be earned back sooner or later, after all, the length of time is meaningless to God, but from an investment point of view, this is indeed not an excellent investment.

The payback period is too long. With these efforts, the same power of faith will be spent on other benefits.

"So, I have two other additional conditions."

Hearing what Yuntian said, Suwako was not surprised, but instead had an expression of 'it really is' on her face.

However, Yun Tian didn't say the conditions immediately, because he had to confirm one thing first.

"I have a witch who was born in the Far East, so I have a little understanding of the myths of the Far East."

As Yun Tian said, his eyes turned to Kanako, and he paused for a moment on Shimenawa and the mirror on her chest respectively.

Immediately, with an inexplicable look, he said pointedly:

"As far as I know, looking at the mythology of the Far East, there is a Shimenawawa on his back... No, there is only one god related to Shimenawa, shouldn't that be true?"

Before the words were finished, Kanako knew what Yuntian wanted to ask, and Suwako who was on the side also heard it, and immediately closed her mouth and looked at Kanako with a gloating expression.

The reactions of the two gods almost proved that Yuntian's guess was correct, but Kanako remained silent, and Yuntian needed her own acknowledgment.

"The mirror you hang on your chest, shouldn't it be a mortal thing?" Yun Tian asked with raised eyebrows.

And Kanako took a sip of the wine and was silent for a moment before saying:

"This mirror is the treasure of Moriya Shrine, the 'Mirror of Masumi', and it is a symbol of my visit to Moriya Shrine."

"You want to tell me that this mirror is not the 'Yataka Mirror', right?" Yun Tian smiled.

At this point in the matter, he has already affirmed that the identity of the other party is inseparable from the god in his impression.

"There is only one god in the far eastern mythology who carries a shimenawa and is symbolized by a mirror—the sun god Amaterasu.

"Speaking of which, when Sanae introduced herself, she called herself 'Feng Zhu', and the wind is part of the corresponding Miss Kanako's power."

Yuntian stretched out his hand, and the roar of Quannengtian was activated, a little breeze rolled up in the room, and disappeared invisible the moment it touched Kanako.

"The authority of the king of gods, the power of the 'sky', I should not be wrong, Miss Kanako?"

Ontology?Or doppelganger?Or related offspring?

That is not important to Yuntian.

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