Yuntian doesn't care whether the god in front of him is called Yasaka Kanako or Amaterasu Omikami, the only thing he needs to be sure of is one thing.

"what do you want to say in the end."

Putting down her wine glass, Kanako who said this was tantamount to admitting that she had a relationship with the famous Amaterasu.

"It's very simple, I just want to know how much you have mastered the power of the sun, Ms. Kanako?"

After all, Yun Tian canceled the roar of the sky, and then, a bright ball of light emerged in his hand.

"The first additional condition is about the use of the 'sun'. Of course, the premise is that Miss Kanako must have that qualification."

Yun Tian looked at Kanako, waiting for her answer.

If she refuses, or her grasp of the sun cannot meet Yuntian's standard, then the requirement of [-]% belief needs to be changed.

1731 Crystallized Ore

Yuntian proposed a total of two additional conditions.

One is about the use of solar power, in order to make rational use of the new solar power that some don't know how to use.

There is no better place for counseling than a sun-related deity.

And the second additional condition, of course, is the way of using the power of faith.

Yun Tian's current use of the power of faith is completely figured out by himself, and there are only a few methods that can be used roughly.

Serve as the fuel for comprehension and growth during training, directly use it to roughly increase strength, and ignite it to temporarily increase the power of moves in the form of massive consumption.

Amplification fuel is what Yuntian has been using, so there is no need to go into details.

Rough promotion has been rejected from the very beginning, and Suwako and Kanako in front of them are victims of this method to varying degrees.

As for temporarily enhancing the power of moves, Yuntian still stays in theory and has not been able to develop it successfully.

The main reason is that his power of faith was limited and he was not willing to squander it like this.

Later, I got the huge faith of Athena, and for the time being, I have not encountered a strong enemy that must consume precious one-time resources to defeat.

But as a universal wishing machine, the power of faith should not only be used in two and a half ways.

For example, referring to the Star Temple that was born in the Hakurei Great Barrier, if it can be mixed with the power of faith and used, maybe it can be pushed to a new level?

Or, the power of faith is also the crystallization of faith, can it be more directly blessed to Yuntian's sword intent and sword domain, so that it can be transformed into a more substantial power?

No matter how bad it is, even if it is just a good thing to improve the strength temporarily, with the correct method, the consumption of burning the power of faith must be reduced.

And when it comes to reducing consumption, if it can take effect on the use of booster fuel, then it will be a huge profit.

Yun Tian, ​​a layman with the power of faith alone, can think of so many ways, and Suwako, as a born god of faith, can only know more things.

These two additional conditions plus [-]% of future beliefs are the price Yuntian is prepared to pay to help Kanako and Suwako recover the power of faith.

A peer-to-peer transaction can only be established in this way!

. . . . . .

Moriya Shrine naturally agreed to the deal proposed by Yuntian.

They have no reason to refuse, and they have no capital to refuse. Looking at it from another perspective, exchanging their own experience and technology for the power of faith can't be said to be a loss or a gain.

At least judging from the results, both Yuntian and Suwako felt that they had made a profit, but Kanako was dissatisfied with it.

The fact that Yuntian took away [-]% of Moriya Shrine's future beliefs made her feel that Moriya Shrine was forced to accept domination.

But it's useless to be dissatisfied. Considering Suwako's situation, Kanako can only accept the fact.

With the conclusion of the transaction, with the support of the power of faith provided by Yuntian, the Moriya Shrine can be regarded as officially established in Gensokyo and Youkai Mountain.

. . . . . .

After reaching a deal with the Moriya Shrine, Yuntian's life returned to the previous stable state.

The difference is that this time it's busier.

With the addition of a daily trip to Moriya Shrine to learn from Suwako and Kanako, other arrangements had to be compressed accordingly.

In this busy and fulfilling process, time flies by.

Soon, the finish line was reached in half a month, and Yuntian took the time to go back to Baiyu Tower.

"There are two Aces and two privileges left in the treasure chest in hand."

While walking towards Youyouzi's room, Yun Tian pondered in his heart.

He is considering whether to open two treasure chests in exchange for more staying time like last time.

This visit to Gensokyo has gained a lot, half a month is not enough.

The power of destiny, the knowledge of the Seven Luminaries and Five Elements and the elements, flight, the power of faith, the sun, nature, there are too many things to master, even if Yuntian distinguishes the priorities, he is still a little nervous for half a month.

"If there is another half a month, the flight can reach the expected level first, and the rest can be practiced by yourself after leaving.

"The magic guide book has been discussed with Paqiuli, and I can borrow a batch when I leave, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being.

"The power of fate can't be forced. I haven't reached super-awakening, and my interference with fate is limited after all. It's the same with Youxiang, and the power of nature can only be realized bit by bit.

"But Suwako and Kanako need more time, especially the concept and application of the sun. Other worlds may not have such a good opportunity."

Thinking of this, Yun Tian made a decision in his heart.

The two A-level treasure chests are not very willing, but the two privilege treasure chests can be used to try.

But before that, there is still one important thing to do, which is also the main reason why he took the time to return to Baiyulou today.

. . . . . .

"Long time no see~"

As soon as he walked into the room, a back spirit was hung on Yun Tian's back.

Youyouzi smiled lightly and put her head close to his ear, and a sakura-like fragrance surrounded Yuntian's nose.

"It's true that we haven't seen each other for a while." Yun Tian nodded.

The last time we met was the day of viewing cherry blossoms at the Hakurei Shrine, and Yuntian has been very busy since then. He has not even slept in the past half a month, and he has never returned to Baiyulou.

Youmu came to him once during the period, it was Yuyuko's instruction, but maybe because he knew that Yuntian was busy, so Yuyuko didn't come to trouble him after Youmeng left.

Although this undead princess has a dark belly and is occasionally self-willed, she never creates obstacles for Yun Tian when it comes to business.

And the interruption of his practice today was also because there was a situation that he had to confirm personally.

"Qiang Qiang~Look at this." Knowing that Yun Tian is very busy recently, You Youzi thoughtfully did not waste time.

While dubbing his actions with a proud voice, he took out a crystal and displayed it in front of Yuntian like a treasure.

'Dead Air Crystalline Ore'

Grade: B+

Explanation: The crystalline ore, which was born from the accumulation of a large amount of dead energy and baptized over a long period of time, is the best of the same type of ore. It contains a large amount of death energy, and its purity is extremely high, which is rare to see.

"How is it? Is this stone up to standard?"

Youyouzi called Yuntian back today, just to let him confirm whether this ore meets his requirements.

In return for Yuntian's self-made 'Gem of Netherland' and black dragon meat, the purpose of letting Youyouzi send ghosts to mine everywhere in the underworld is to find an energy source to fill the 'Pure Rubik's Cube'.

The pure Rubik's Cube has extremely high requirements on the purity of the energy source, and those that do not meet the standard will only be regarded as objects that need to be purified.

Therefore, gems and crystals that can be used as energy sources are not easy to find even in the main god's space.

Yuntian had no choice but to pin his hopes on the underworld of Gensokyo, a treasure land that has gone through countless years but never been developed.

And the result didn't disappoint him.

Yun Tian took the crystal ore and carefully felt the purity of the energy contained in it.

A moment later, a smile appeared on his face.

. . .

. . .

. . .


Let’s start with an update today. Counting the last few days, almost three days have been updated.

The physical discomfort has indeed affected the state. In addition, the new year has just passed, and I have been a little busy recently.

apologies here

. . .

The second volume of Gensokyo is almost here, and the next chapter will return

Everyone should have noticed that, no accident, I want to write the third volume, and I will read it after the next volume is finished.

Volume 0 re[-], thank you very much for your support all the time, I am very grateful!

Inter-chapter Eight Lords of God Space

1732 Harvest and return

"How many such standard ores are there?"

"It's not that much, there are three pieces of the same level, and there are more than a dozen pieces with lower energy content."

Yuyuko answered Yuntian's question.

Then got off his back, floated to the corner of the room and brought back a big box and put it on the table.

After opening it, it was filled with dead energy crystalline ores.

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