"Two yuan for B+, two yuan for grade B, and 12 yuan for grade C."

Yun Tian counted the crystal ore in the box, and nodded in satisfaction.

Such a harvest can be achieved in only half a month. It is indeed a world that has never been developed.

What Yuntian wants is a high-quality energy core whose purity meets the purity of Rubik's Cube. In the normal world, one of thousands of energy ores may not be produced.

"I want all of them. If there are more in the future, it's the same. I want as many as I have."

Yun Tian buckled the box and put it in his portable pocket, then he took out all the C-level empty gems in his hand, made them into Netherland gems and handed them to Youyouzi.

"The specific rewards for the ghosts are determined by you, the manager of the underworld. If it is not enough, I can also consume the energy in the ore on the spot to increase the amount of rewards."

For Yuntian, the materials for making Netherland gems are just the empty shells left over from the pure Rubik's Cube. As long as there are crystallized ores in the account, the rewards provided to the ghosts will not be small.

"As for the purified meat, I will give it to Youmu later."

Yuntian didn't intend to let Youyouzi suffer, anyway, the black dragon meat can be regenerated, as long as Youyouzi continues to provide spar, then this part of the purified black dragon meat Yuntian will share equally with her.

With the underworld as a stable energy source channel, Yuntian no longer needs to spend exchange points to buy gems in the Lord God Space for the daily use of the Pure Rubik's Cube.

However, speaking of exchange points.

"What do you plan to do with other crystalline ores that are not pure enough?" Yun Tian asked You Youzi.

"As part of the reward, it was distributed to the ghosts. Although it is not as good as the special gemstone you made, it is still helpful to the ghosts."

After all, the number of Netherland gemstones provided by Yuntian is limited, and there are more than enough ghosts to submit qualified ores, but there are only a few pure ores, and there are more ghosts who participated in the mining but failed to find pure ores.

They have also paid labor. If there is no harvest, they will lose enthusiasm after a long time.

Yuyuko could have forced the ghost to do it in the form of an order, but she didn't want that.

Yuntian is not a vicious capitalist either, after hearing about Youyouzi's decision, he agreed with it.

The resources of the underworld can be effectively used, which is also a good thing to promote the development of the underworld.

After all, hell said it didn't matter, but if you really want to absorb too much unilaterally, there is no guarantee that you won't intervene in the end.

"Okay, let's find Youmeng and make a big meal."

Yuntian, who had a good harvest, was very happy, and decided to take out some black dragon meat to celebrate with Yaomeng.

. . . . . .

Because half a month is approaching, Yun Tian opened the two privilege treasure chests after thinking about it.

I successfully issued a resident card and stayed in Gensokyo for another half a month.

And in this new half month, Yuntian's life is the same as before, immersed in busyness.

Until the time of return!

. . .

With the flashing white light, Yuntian appeared in the familiar pure white room.

The settlement panel was displayed in front of him.

World: Oriental Fantasy Township

Mission Mode: Single Player

Main quest: none


Side quest detected.

Side tasks:

Explore the depths of the Sunflower Fields. (completed)

Explore Yokai Mountain. (undone)

Basic settlement is completed.

Begin to analyze the world of this experience. . .

Keyword detected. . .Recorded, quest world analysis progress increased.

After the keyword detection is completed, the next step of detection begins.

Analyze important figures in the mission world.

Detect core figures, detect important figures, and detect secondary important figures. . .

Person detection is complete.

Analyze the impact of agents on the mission world. . .


After the analysis is completed, the settlement begins.

World: Oriental Fantasy Township

Final resolution level: 8%—33%

Settlement reward: 12500 redemption points.

Compared with the poor 8% last time, this 25% increase is already impressive.

Last time, Yuntian didn't go anywhere, but this time he went around a lot in Gensokyo and got to know more people.

It's just that, obviously, I got to know the two main characters, Reimu and Marisa, and they both have a very good relationship. The 33% analysis level is really not much.

And the side mission is also the same, and the follow-up exploration of the mountain of monsters has not been completed.

"It should be because I didn't go to the residence of the Tengu Clan, and the Kappa Clan, I heard that they are also important members of the Yokai Mountain forces."

There are too many things to do, and Yuntian has no chance to explore more later.

Most of the 25% was increased in the first few days. In the following time, Yun Tian was immersed in his practice and hardly slept at all.

Even with his current astonishing physique, after nearly a month of non-stop sleeplessness, his body and spirit were a bit too much for him after all.

The long-lost feeling of fatigue made Yuntian feel extra heavy. Now he can still concentrate on thinking, but he can already clearly feel the laxity of consciousness and spirit.

Once that tense state is relaxed, it is impossible to stay awake.

Fortunately, this settlement ends here.

The usual mechanical sound rang in my ear.

"Welcome back to the space of the main god, Yuntian, the authority."

After a moment of trance, Yun Tian returned to the room in the main god's space.

All he saw for a moment was Edelweiss sitting in the living room eating an apple pie.

She also saw Yun Tian come back, paused for a while, then shook the half-bitten apple pie in her hand, and asked:

"Welcome back, would you like something to eat?"

"No, not for now." Yun Tian shook his head, heaved a sigh of relief, the exhaustion on his face was hard to hide.

He went straight to the bedroom, and at the same time said to Edelweiss:

"I'm going to sleep for a while, I'm a little tired."

This sleep is a whole day.

. . . . . .

When Yuntian was slightly hazy, he opened his eyes again.

He found himself lying on the bed with all his clothes changed.

At this time, a familiar voice came from my ear.

"wake up?"

As soon as he turned his head, Edelweiss was lying on his side, staring at him with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Hmm... how long have I been asleep?"

Yun Tian could feel that he had fallen into a deep sleep, but to be honest, his mental state after waking up is not particularly good.

"It's been more than a day. I have something to eat. Do you want to get up and eat? Or lie down for a while?"

"I won't lie down anymore." Yun Tian propped himself up with one hand, and pressed his other hand on his temple.

With the feeling of coolness passing away, under the effect of hydrotherapy, Yuntian's spirit began to revive.

1733 Exaggerated Harvest

"Huh, I'm full."

Yun Tian put down his chopsticks, patted his stomach and leaned back on the chair contentedly.

"It's rare to see you so tired."

Edelweiss smiled lightly, and with a wave of his hand, the plates and cutlery on the table flew to the kitchen automatically.

Then she picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea for Yun Tian and herself, and asked at the same time:

"Did something happen this time?"

"No, nothing happened, it's just that the harvest is much bigger than I imagined."

Yun Tian picked up the teacup and took a sip, heaving a sigh of relief.

Full of tea and food, the previous fatigue was swept away, and Yuntian told Edelweiss what he had gained from this trip to Gensokyo.

The flying skills learned from Marisa and the operation method of the power of destiny taught by Remilia will also be handed over to Edelweiss.

The former is very important, while the latter, with Yuntian's current level, it's hard to say how much help it can provide Edelweiss.

"If there is a chance, I think Xiao Ai, you should go to Gensokyo with me. Remilia's research on the power of destiny should also be of great help to you."

Yuntian put forward such a suggestion, but there was a problem to be solved in its implementation.

"I need related props for you and me to accompany you. After all, the world you went to called Gensokyo is through props rather than missions."

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