Edelweiss spread her hands, she was indeed a little interested in Gensokyo that Yuntian was talking about, but she couldn't go with her.

"Let's look back and see if there are related props."

Yun Tian also expressed his helplessness, and this topic can only be shelved for the time being.

In addition to flying skills and the power of destiny, Yuntian has gained a lot in Gensokyo this time.

The understanding of the concept of death has improved, but to a limited extent, because his subsequent focus has been on other aspects.

I didn't live in the underworld for too long, but moved into the sun flower field.

On the contrary, thanks to Yuka Kazami and Kanako Yasaka, Yuntian has a better understanding of the concepts of nature, life, the sky, and the sun.

Combined with reading and discussing with Paqiuli in the big library, I understood concepts such as Qiyao, Five Elements, and Elements.

This made Yuntian's strength begin to advance to the next stage at a high speed.

The three main swordsmanship of Yuntian, star swordsmanship, life two swordsmanship, and celestial phenomenon swordsmanship, are also changing bit by bit.

Of course, there is another very important point that cannot be forgotten.

That is how to use the power of faith learned from Suwako.

The content is beyond Yuntian's imagination, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the biggest gain of this trip to Gensokyo.

The most important point is that Suwako taught Yuntian the true usage of the power of faith.

As I said before, all the methods used by Yuntian to use the power of faith are all figured out by himself.

In essence, it is the combination of 'divine' skills and the power of destiny that can make full use of this omnipotent power to a certain extent.

Take his most commonly used method as an example.

The most common use of Yuntian is to use the power of faith as fuel, and use it as a booster when comprehending concepts. Simply put, it is a kind of accelerator usage.

Inspiration comes from the grace of God, but it can only be realized with the help of fate, which is a completely different thing in essence.

In the world of godslayers, Yuntian reached a deal with Athena.

At that time, Yuntian explained to Athena the flaws in the way of using the power of faith.

Like the mighty roar of the sky, as Yuntian understands the power of the sky, the power will become more and more powerful.

The power of faith can be used to speed up this process.

Acceleration of thinking, deepening of perception, changes in the environment, clear concepts, in-depth simulation and even realization, as long as you can think of methods, most of them can be realized with the power of faith.

The difference is more or less burning power of faith.

And there is an upper limit to such an increase.

The reason lies in the power of fate.

Yuntian relies on the power of fate to be able to use the power of faith, so what he can do with the power of faith is the theoretical limit of what he can do with the power of fate at this stage.

What he said to Athena at that time was "theoretically how much the world can allow him to interfere with fate", and it is the same now.

This is the upper limit that the power of faith can assist in improving.

But now it's different.

Yuntian learned from Suwako the way to simply use the power of faith.

Now, he can use the omnipotent power of 'faith' most directly without relying on divine skills or the power of fate!

Originated from the crystallization of faith and will, there is no upper limit to the power of faith.

Now Yuntian can burn the power of faith wantonly to improve himself, no longer need to worry about touching the limit.

Even if he is not afraid of side effects and has a large enough power of faith as the basis, he can directly place his own strength on the faith in exchange for an instant strength leap.

Right now, relying on half of the faith of the original Athena, Yuntian can transform himself into a god of faith at any time, and possess A+ level combat power.

That is the pinnacle of world class, which is the current level of his master Fan Xinglu.

Don't look at the fact that A to A+ is only one level, the leap in it is like a sky.

Although doing so is tantamount to leaving a huge hidden danger for yourself, if you lose the power of faith, your strength will plummet.

But having this possibility in his hands means that Yun Tian can use it to save his life at any time, and it is equivalent to a hole card for the reversal of the Jedi.

Not only that, Yuntian learned too much from Suwako about the various ways of using the power of faith.

This is just one of them.

There is also how to burn the power of faith correctly, so that Yuntian only spends one-third of the usual share when consuming the power of faith.

It is almost equivalent to triple the power of faith held by Yuntian now.

This harvest was so great that Yuntian felt that he owed Suwako a favor.

This is the first time since he got the power of faith, Yun Tian felt that he could use this omnipotent power squanderingly!

Because of this, the technique of increasing the power of tricks when the power of faith is consumed explosively has also been put on the agenda of research.

As for the method, it was also taught to Yun Tian by Suwako.

Today, Yuntian finally has the ability to explode in battle.

With such a harvest, even Edelweiss couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when he heard it.

In just one month, although the level has not changed, Yuntian's real combat power has leapfrogged to the next level.

Moreover, this is not all that Gensokyo has gained from this trip.

"And then this." Yun Tian took out two large boxes from his pocket while talking.

He put the box on the table and motioned Edweiss to open it.

Edelweiss noticed the smile on the corner of Yuntian's mouth, and opened the two boxes with some curiosity.

Immediately, more than twenty crystalline ores came into view, and our lady Valkyrie was also shocked.

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"Five pieces of B+ grade, four pieces of B grade, 28 pieces of C grade in total, nearly 40 pieces of high-purity dead gas crystal ore."

Yun Tian pointed to the two big boxes respectively, and said half-jokingly:

"It's a pity that there is no A-grade ore. If there is an A+-grade crystalline ore, the problem of black dragon corpse pollution can be solved once and for all."

"A grade is not so easy to get." After being shocked, Edelweiss shook his head helplessly when he heard Yun Tian's words.

The span of each level is worlds apart, let alone an A+, even a piece of A- crystal ore is priceless.

"There is no need to pay extra to have this kind of quantity, so be content."

Knowing that the price Yuntian paid was black dragon meat and empty gems, Edelweiss was very moved.

Both of these are renewable resources for them. Needless to say, the former can be bought in the trading area of ​​the main god space, and it is very cheap.

No matter how excellent the energy gem is, as long as it does not have the function of automatic recovery, it will become an empty gem after the internal energy is exhausted.

Empty gems are also classified into grades, which can be regarded as a kind of material, but the grade is usually the bottom of the same grade.

Regardless of whether it is an A or A+ power gem, it will be reduced to A- when it becomes an empty gem. Depending on how it is used, it may even be reduced to B-.

The pure Rubik's Cube draws power softly and will not damage the gem itself, so empty gems will not fall in a big stage.

But even A-level empty gems are extremely cheap because few people can take advantage of them.

The market demand is small, but the output is not small. A considerable number of legal professions will regularly produce these empty gems.

If the supply exceeds demand, the price will naturally be impossible to increase.

"In any case, there is no need to worry about the energy of the Pure Rubik's Cube in a short time."

With so many crystallized ores in the account, plus the existing stocks of Yuntian and Edelweiss, they can be used relatively luxuriously without worrying about consumption.

Strength and resources, the gains from this trip to Fantasy Township really exceeded Yuntian's expectations.

Thinking back now, Yuntian's main purpose of going to Gensokyo this time is still for the newly upgraded skill 'Precision Operation'.

Of course, I didn't forget about it, and I finished it while flying training with Marisa.

Apart from that, there are many other messy achievements that Yun Tian didn't mention.

The branch of the Westbound Demon, a large plate of ghost king wine, two feathers of Yatengu, and many magic books borrowed from the big library before leaving.

These are all precious treasures, and they are enough to sell for a lot of money in the space of the Lord God.

Although there is no need for other things except the magic guide book that Yun Tian wants to read for the time being, the value will not be reduced because of this.

Especially the branches and leaves of Xixing Yaozakura are rated as A-level materials.

If it wasn't because he couldn't eat, Yun Tian would have wanted to take some more and bring them back.

On the other hand, Yao Ying's cherry blossom petals Yuntian collected a lot, he thought about trying to make some cherry blossom tea with it.

And speaking of ingredients

"Ah, here's another one for you."

As if thinking of something, Yun Tian took out a sack from his portable pocket.

Edelweiss took it with some doubts, looked at the sack nearly one person tall, untied it and looked inside.

Then, she took out a colorful dried mushroom from inside with a delicate expression, and asked in a strange tone:

"What do you collect this thing and bring back?"


Yun Tian's upright expression made Edelweiss's breath stagnate.

She looked at the dried mushrooms of various colors in her hand, and confirmed that there were all kinds of dried mushrooms in the sack, and then looked at Yuntian again, her eyes became strange.

"Are you going to eat this?"

"It's delicious. After I tasted it, I took the time to find it in the forest every day."

It took Yuntian a full month to collect this bag in the magic forest under the leadership of Marisa.

There should have been two bags, but the other bag was given to Marisa.

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